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CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the purposes Explores the use of Decides on the purpose Develops and adapts the Demonstrates purposeful
and characteristics of different types of pre- for assessment and skills range of appropriate use of a wide range of
formative and summative assessment, formative to be assessed to select assessments to address assessments to support
assessments. and summative appropriately matches questions about students’ differentiated student
assessments. pre-, formative and learning needs and learning needs and reflect
5.1 Applying
summative assessments. progress. 12/13/19 progress. 4/12/20
knowledge of the
Begins to identify specific 7/10/19
characteristics of Selects assessments Integrates a variety of Draws flexibility from a
characteristics, and
assessments that yield based on clear characteristics into repertoire of appropriate
uses of different
different types of understanding of the assessments to allow assessment options and
types of assessments
information about purposes and students with a ranges of characteristics to
student preparedness, characteristics of learning needs to maximize student
progress, and proficiency. assessments to support demonstrate what they demonstration of
student learning. know. 12/13/19 knowledge.
I like to use formative I have several students I have learned to
assessments in language who struggle with incorporate assessments
arts and mathematics to expressing themselves in through these online
group students in areas sentence form (language applications. With the
for growth. I also use the arts and mathematics). I Xtra Math application,
summative assessments give them a chance to students' math facts
to adjust my teaching. draw pictures instead of assessment information is
There have been some focusing on writing. This emailed to me. I set up
units that clearly showed helps them express which skills I want the
that I had failed at themselves and what students to be assessed
teaching grammar topics they know in a different on with the iStation
in a manner that the manner. I also use application and then I can
students would retain it. manipulatives during my log back in and see what
Using this data helped me small group instruction level they scored. Prodigy
realize this and I was able and I use a page for math also gives me the ability
to review and embed it that is “On My Own” as a to assign and assess
again in the following formative assessment. content standards. Lastly,
unit. What I would like to 12/13/19 SeeSaw gives me the
start incorporating are ability to upload any type
pre-assessments. I would of worksheet or
like to see how different assessment I want to
my students’ academic check on students'
needs are for new topics. progress. 4/12/20
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Use data from required Explores collecting Collects a variety of Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments
assessments to assess additional data using formal and informal assessment plan that strategically and
student learning. supplemental assessment data on provides formal and systematically
assessments. 7/10/19 student learning. informal assessment data throughout instruction to
Follows required 12/13/19 on student learning. collect ongoing
5.2 Collecting and
processes for data Make adjustments in 4/12/20 assessment data
analysis and draws planning for single Uses analysis of a variety appropriate for the range
assessment data
conclusions about lessons or sequence of of data to inform Uses data analysis of a of learner needs.
from a variety of
student learning lessons based on analysis planning and broad range of
sources to inform
of assessment data. differentiation of assessments to provide Uses results of ongoing
7/10/19 instruction. 12/13/19 comprehensive data analysis to plan and
information to guide differentiate instruction
planning and for maximum academic
differentiation of success.
I would like to use more I started using the fluency I am in charge of printing
supplemental assessments to inform out the mathematics
assessments to better my small groups for assessments for the grade
inform my planning for language arts. I want to level team. I am given the
future lessons. I currently focus on their ability to opportunity to
use formative quizzes and read at a faster rate and collaborate with
summative unit/chapter fluently so I can start colleagues on questions I
tests. When it comes to concentrating on reading might find challenging for
supplemental comprehension. The the students or questions
assessments, I use my assessment also shows that might not be worded
students’ responses to me which students need in a way that will give the
classroom discussion to focus on sight word students the best possible
questions and my review. For Mathematics, chance for success during
observations of their I use a “Check My our grade level meetings.
interactions with their Progress” and “On My I enjoy having the
peers. 7/10/19 Own” pages as formative responsibility and the
assessments. I also use a ability to share my input
summative assessment to on the mathematics
inform my math small assessments. 4/12/20
groups. 12/13/19
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors a Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative
available assessment data additional assessment variety of data on student broad range of data work and fosters
5.3 Reviewing data,
as required by site and data individually and learning individually and individually and with colleagues ability to
both individually and
district processes. with colleagues and with colleagues to colleagues to analyze identify and address
with colleagues, to
identifies learning needs identify trends and student thinking and causes for achievement
monitor student
of individual students. patterns among groups of identify underlying patterns and trends.
students. 7/10/19 causes for trends.
Besides analyzing Our grade level has
students’ assessment gotten together to review
results inside the student data from the
classroom, I like to BPST Report. The BPST
analyze their MAP testing Report is administered on
scores. We have a reading an iPad on a one-on-one
specialist that conducts basis. We grouped
this test and I like students according to
working with her to skills they need to
identify trends or areas improve based on
for growth among my the BPST results.
students. It helps me Students visit whichever
identify what type of teacher is teaching the
groups I need to work MTSS skill they need to
with or challenge. It also improve. At the end of the
helps me identify the MTSS cycle, students will
students that need to see be assessed again using
our reading specialist for the BPST Report. This
support. 7/10/19 will allow us to monitor
their growth and see if
the students improved.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses data from Uses data from available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Reflects on data
assessments provided by assessments to establish assessment data to set data to set learning goals continuously to make
site and district to set content-based learning student learning goals for for content and academic ongoing refinements to
learning goals for the goals for class and content and academic language that are learning goals for content
class. individual students in language. integrated across content and academic language
single lessons or standards for individuals for the fill range of
5.4 Using assessment sequences of lessons. and groups. 12/13/19 students.
data to establish Plans instruction using 7/10/19 Plans differentiated
learning goals and to available curriculum lessons and modifications Plans differentiated Uses data systematically
plan, differentiate, guidelines. Plans adjustments in to instruction to meet instruction targeted to to refine planning,
and modify instruction to address students’ diverse learning meet individual and differentiate instruction,
instruction learning needs of needs. group learning needs. and make ongoing
individual students. 12/13/19 adjustments to match the
7/10/19 Modifies lessons during evolving learning needs
instruction based on of individuals and
informal assessments. groups.4/12/20
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I look at student After I input Math and Reading I spend a lot of time
assessments and student Assessment student answers reflecting on my students
onto our school's student data
work to determine progress and learning
and assessment results website
learning goals and it Illuminate Education, I review needs. I have been using
helps me plan student and analyze the results. The data from a variety of
groups for targeted Illuminate Assessment Reports sources and applications
displays a pie chart of students'
instruction. I try to make because it helps me
skill and standard mastery. The
my learning objectives website also shows me which create new learning
appropriate for the class questions were answered groups. My students have
as a whole because of my correctly the least so I can make a positive reaction to
adjustments to my instruction
diverse group of learners. their small learning
and review that content before I
As we dive deeper into a move on. The pie chart also groups and appreciate the
unit, I modify the goals to helps me group individuals who skills they are practicing
make them more might benefit from morning because they can see their
intervention. I have really
challenging if the progress and
focused on differentiating my
formative assessments mathematics centers. improvement. 4/12/20
have shown that the class Depending on the group, I am
has understood the focusing on the skills they are
lacking and need as a strong
content thus far. 7/10/19
foundation. The students are
really enjoying the game,
"Prodigy" and are enjoying
practicing their skills to
challenge other children playing
the game. 12/13/19
Informs students about Begins to encourage Models and scaffolds Implements structures Provides systematic
learning objectives, students to establish student self-assessment for students to self-assess opportunities for student
outcomes, and learning goals through and goal setting and set learning goals self-assessment, goal
summative assessment single lessons or processes for learning related to content, setting, and progress
results. Recognizes the sequence of lessons that content and academic academic language, and monitoring.
5.5 Involving all need for individual include goal setting language development. individual skills.
students in self- learning goals. 7/10/19 exercises. 12/13/19 4/12/20 Develops students’ meta-
assessment, goal- Integrates student self- cognitive skills for
setting, and progress Monitors progress using Provides students with Guides students to assessment, goal setting, analyzing progress and
monitoring available tools for opportunities in single monitor and reflect on and progress monitoring refining goals towards
recording. 7/10/19 lessons or sequence of progress on a regular across the curriculum. high levels of academic
lessons to monitor their basis. achievement.
own progress toward
class or individual goals.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

This is an area that I Students are becoming I found a great activity to
struggle with. I do not aware of their ability to do with the students after
show the students their set goals for themselves. we came back from
individual summative We started out with being winter break. I modeled
assessment scores for responsible for their how I would set a goal for
long periods of time. The behavioral goals. Now, myself and the students
only assessment they see the students are setting found it very empowering
are their weekly spelling reading goals for to set a learning goal for
tests. They recognize a themselves. They are themselves. We named it
need to have an picking books that are at “New Year, New Goals”
individual goal for that their level and then and the students really
assessment. The only establishing a goal to focused on language arts
other area students read them fluently before and mathematics goals
monitor their progress in they challenge that they were holding
is with their writing. I themselves with a harder themselves accountable
have a writing wall that book. 12/13/19 for. 4/12/20
serves like a portfolio of
their work. It helps the
students see what they
can improve and once
they improve, they end
up feeling proud of their
work. 7/10/19

Uses available Explores use of additional Uses technology to design Integrates a variety of Use a wide range of
technologies to record technologies to and implement technologies into the technologies to design,
assessments, determine implement individual assessments, record and development, implement, and analyze
proficiency levels, and assessments, record analyze results, and implementation, analysis assessments and provides
5.6 Using available
make required results, and communicate communicate about of assessments, and for an in depth and
technologies to assist
communications about with administration, student learning with communication of ongoing communication
in assessment,
student learning. colleagues, and families administration, student learning to all regarding student
analysis, and
about student learning. colleagues, families, and audiences. 12/13/19 learning to all audiences.
communication of
students. Ensure that 4/12/20
student learning
communications are
received by those who
lack access to technology.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I use our school’s I like to use Kahoot! and Now that we are doing
program, Illuminate, to Quizlet as an Exit Ticket. distance learning, I found
enter assessment results. We do not have 1-to-1 that I can provide
It also breaks down how devices, but I display the students with formative
much of the content the question on the board assessments. This
students mastered. and have the students program makes it easier
Administration has write down their answers for me to provide timely
access to seeing how well on their whiteboards. feedback and easier
our students are doing. This gives me a quick communication with the
During grade level assessment of how well students’ parents.
meetings, we can discuss the students are 4/12/20
how well our students understanding the topic
are doing or where there taught. 12/13/19
are challenges. I can then
print progress reports
and report cards when it
comes time to our parent-
teacher conferences. I
make sure to print copies
for all the parents.
Another method I use to
communicate with
parents is through the
use of Class Dojo. I can
provide them with
homework examples or
just with areas for
growth. 7/10/19
Provides students with Provides students with Provides students with Integrates the ongoing Facilitates students’
feedback through additional feedback clear and timely sharing of leadership in seeking and
assessed work and based on formative information about comprehensible feedback using ongoing
5.7 Using assessment required summative assessments from single strengths, needs, and to students from formal comprehensible
information to share assessments. 7/10/19 lessons or sequence of strategies for improving and informal assessments communications about
timely and lessons. Seeks to provide academic achievement. in ways that support individual student
comprehensible Notifies families of feedback in ways that increased learning. progress and ways to
feedback with student proficiencies, students understand. Provides opportunities 12/13/19 provide and monitor
students and their challenges, and behavior for comprehensible and support.
families issues through school Communicates with timely two-way Communicates regularly
mandated procedures. families about student communications with with families to share a
progress, strengths, and families to share student range of assessment
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

needs at reporting assessments, progress, information that is
periods. Contacts families raise issues and/or comprehensible and
as needs arise regarding concerns, and guide responsive to individual
struggling students or family support. student and family needs.
behavior issues. 7/10/19 4/12/20
I have to improve the I wish I could provide my I have been increasing
type of feedback I provide students’ families with the amount of
my students. Right now, I student progress more information I share on
provide them with quickly. Right now, I keep our Class Story Dojo page.
feedback on how well having to wait to input For example, I checked
they are doing on our grades into our program for understanding during
computer reading but I feel that I need to a math lesson and found
programs. I also provide find another way to out that it was very
feedback on their weekly record their results so I challenging for the
spelling tests. 7/10/19 can send home the students. Last year,
students’ assessments parents also found the
right away. I do contact homework for this lesson
parents when I notice an challenging. I decided to
area the students are provide parents with
struggling with and I do information to help them
not wait for parent- successfully help their
teacher conference time. I children complete this
make sure to contact homework at home. I also
them as the need arises. created folders
7/10/19 containing the students’
tests that the parents can
review, sign off, and
return. 12/13/19

I have continued to
increase the amount of
information I share on
our Class Story Dojo page.
Now that we have
transitioned from in-
person instruction to
online distance learning, I
have been sharing a lot of
resources and
applications for the
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

parents to use with their
children at home. For
example, I am providing
parents with updates on
our school and with my
presentations that
contain all the
information I am using to
teach that day. Parents
are comfortable
messaging me with any
questions and I have
designated two days a
week as office hours on
the Class Dojo
application. 4/12/20

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