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1. Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).

a. Last year I (spend) SPENT my holiday in Ireland.

b. It (not be) BEEN great.
c. I (travel) TRAVEL around by car with two friends and we (visit) VISITED lots of interesting places.
d. In the evenings we usually (go) WENT to a pub.
e. One night we even (learn) LEARNED some Irish dances.
f. We (not be) WERE very lucky with the weather.
g. It (not / rain) DID NOT RAIN a lot.
h. But we (see) SAW some beautiful rainbows.
i. Where (spend / you) DID YOU SPEND your last holiday?

2. Complete the table in simple past.

Jane was tired. Jane was not Was jane tires?
Sean worked Sean did not work. Did sean work?
I had a cat I did not have a cat Did I have a cat?
Mary sang Mary did not sing. Did mary sing?
She saw us She did not see us Did she see us?

3. Put the sentences into simple past.

a. We open the door. → _We opened the door

b. You write poems.→ you wrote poems
c. Richard plays in the garden. → Richard played in the garder
d. Kerry does not speak English. → Kerry did not speak English
e. Do you see the bird? → Did you see the bird

4. Write sentences in simple past.

a. you / cards / play: you played cards

b. I / a car / want: I wanted a car
c. we / the game / lose: we lost the game
d. not / I / early / get up: I did not get up early
e. not / Jeff and Linda / home / cycle: Jeff and Linda did not cycle home.

5. Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

a. Billy ate an apple. What did Billy eat?

b. The children played in the garden. Where did the children play?
c. Laura came home at six o'clock. When did Laura come Home?
d. The boy read a book. Who read a book?
e. The girl wrote five letters. How many letters did the girl write?

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