Human Resource Management Term Paper On

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Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Term Paper on

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

(A Subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corporation)

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.


5th August, 2014

Mr. Tanvi Newaz

Senior Lecturer,

BRAC Business School, BRAC University

Subject: Submission of term paper on “Paxar Bangladesh Limited”

Dear Sir,

We have prepared our final term paper of MGT301course on “Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.”. Which
we are submitting along with this letter. It was an energizing experience working on management
activity and dealing with corporate personnel. We are confident that, this term paper will help you
to understand the HR activity of Paxar Bangladesh Ltd. We have tried our best to follow your
guidelines in preparing this paper. We have presented what we do believe to be most important
information to make this term paper as specific & coherent as possible.

We expect that this report will fulfill your requirements. Thank you for your kind consideration
and guidance. We hope our effort would satisfy you.

Yours sincerely,

MD. Ruhul Amin.

MD. Istiyak Hossain.

MD. Amirul Islam.

S.M Rakib Rayhan.
Inzamam Azad.
Mahen Mosharraf.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.


At first we would like to express my thanks and gratitude to Almighty Creator who gave me the
opportunity to get admission at BRAC University. Then we would like to express my graduate to our
respective parents and teachers who always inspire me to run with my study well.

In the process of preparing this report, we would like to acknowledge the guidance of Mr. Tanvi Newaz,
Senior Lecturer of BRAC Business School, BRAC University, for his kind and hearty cooperation. It would
not have been possible on our part to prepare the Report with his help.

We would like to thank Tazin Rashid Barna, Officer of Human Resource Management, Paxar Bangladesh
Limited to let us know and collect the information of their organization.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Executive Summary

The study has done for the Paxar Bangladesh Limited. The report gives an overall idea about the
activities of Paxar Bangladesh Limited and specially their export and import activities.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd is a subsidiary of Avery Dennison. It started its journey in Bangladesh in
2002. Since then it has been dominating in its own business sector. The main products of the
company are of five types. These are- Litho, Woven, Flexo, Rotary and Thermal. The company
imports its raw materials from foreign countries and exports its products in abroad. Therefore, the
export team of Paxar Bangladesh Ltd plays an important role in its success.

This report has enriched with the credit control activity of Paxar Bangladesh Limited. When the
order is recorded, is updated to the AR that is sales report. Every day the sales report is updated
and the data is used by the credit control department. According to the AR credit control sets the
contracts as per the maturity of the contract. Then the follow up process starts. Before going to
follow up, the credit manager sets a projection target for individual collector. The accumulated is
the collection target of the specific month for the company. The individual collector starts the
collection by a soft call to the customer on and after immediate maturity of the contract. The
contract may be two types, sales contract and letter of credit. These contracts are 30 days, 45 days,
60 days or 90 days. If the first reminder is successful and the collector is satisfied then the
collectors update the data to the “To Be Credit” file and submit to the credit manager. If it’s not
then the collector goes for the second reminder, third reminder. At last if the customer is not able
to pay the credit then the controller holds the goods by the fourth and final reminder. And the
information is passed to the CC Team, Bank, Credit Control Manager.
Thus the Paxar Bangladesh Limited operating successfully in Bangladesh as a subsidiary of Words
renowned Avery Dennison Corporation.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Table of Contents
OBJECTIVE: ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
SCOPE: ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
METHODOLOGY: .................................................................................................................................................... 6
PRIMARY DATA: .............................................................................................................................................................6
SECONDARY DATA: .........................................................................................................................................................7
LIMITATION: .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
COMPANY OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................... 8
THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS ................................................................................................................................. 9
RECRUITMENT PROCESS OF PAXAR BANGLADESH LIMITED ......................................................................................................9
INTERNAL SOURCES OF CANDIDATES ................................................................................................................................10
EXTERNAL SOURCES OF CANDIDATES ................................................................................................................................10
Outside sources of candidates ............................................................................................................................12
Table: Sources of Recruitment ............................................................................................................................12
SAMPLE APPLICATION FORM OF AVERY DENNISON: ............................................................................................................13
SELECTION PROCESS ............................................................................................................................................ 15
THE SELECTION PROCESS OF PAXAR BANGLADESH LIMITED ..................................................................................................17
SELECTION CRITERIA .....................................................................................................................................................18
EMPLOYEE TESTING METHOD OF PAXAR BANGLADESH LIMITED ............................................................................................19
ROLE OF BACKGROUND CHECK........................................................................................................................................20
ROLE OF INTERVIEW......................................................................................................................................................21
TYPES OF QUESTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................21
TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT............................................................................................................................ 23
ON THE JOB TRAINING: .................................................................................................................................................23
OFF THE JOB TRAINING..................................................................................................................................................24
ORIENTATION PROGRAM FOR NEW JOINERS ......................................................................................................................25
EVALUATION OF TRAINING .............................................................................................................................................25
RECOMMENDATIONS: ......................................................................................................................................... 27
REFERENCES......................................................................................................................................................... 28

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.


The main objective is to prepare such a manner so that we can equip ourselves with the practical
field as well as we will be able to know the different aspect of the multinational company and to
evaluate how a multinational company is performing with maintaining their business law. In
addition, the study seeks to achieve the following objectives:

 Get an overall idea about HR management.

 How Paxar Bangladesh Ltd. run their recruitment process.
 Learn about the Selection Process of Paxar Bangladesh Limited.
 Learn about Training and Development.
 To analyses their process.
 To recommend what they can do.


It requires reasonably a long time to acquire through knowledge about the activities of any
particular business association. An interview program designed for 1 hour is not enough to know
the details of an organization.


To make this report we need to collect different data. Those data and information were collected
from various sources. Such as Primary and Secondary which is showed below:

Primary Data:

 Personal observation

 Face to face conversation of officers, suppliers and clients

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

 Relevant file study provided by the officers concerned

Secondary Data:

To fulfill the objectives of the internship program and the completion of the report I had to collect
the information of foreign exchange rate, change in export-import trend, interest rate of the current


To prepare a report on the achieved practical experience in a short duration is not an easy task.
From the beginning to end, the study has been conducted with the intention of making it as a
complete and truthful one. However, many problems appeared in the way of conducting the study.
During the study, I have faced the following limitations:

I. One of the major limitations that I faced during conducting the study was lack of access
of information considered confidential by employees of Head Office due to strategies.

II. Time was another major factor because it is not enough to know overall functions of a
company within this short period.

III. Large-scale research was not possible due to constraints.

IV. The information regarding the competitors is difficult to get.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Company Overview

Paxar Corporation is a well-known leading global organization which is innovative

merchandising systems for the retail and apparel industry. Besides Bangladesh, it is providing its
services in more than 74 countries around the world and still expanding its business. In
Bangladesh, Paxar Corporation is operating as a subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corporation, which
is incorporated in 1977, engaged in producing pressure-sensitive materials that are used to produce
different tickets, tags and labels.

Paxar basically designs and manufactures tickets, tags, labels and provides technical
support like providing printer, software control system and necessary supplies for product
identification. This company generates new ideas, creates new products, makes sales, purchases
raw materials and components to produce goods and provide better services to its customer. The
customers of Paxar include the world’s major retailers, contract manufacturers and branded
companies. Paxar is focusing more on working with their customers and giving them the maximum
priority by adding value for them in everything Paxar do.

As Paxar Corporation is a global leader, so for its retailers it always comes up with new
and innovative system of merchandising. Moreover, as this sector is full of competitors so Paxar’s
objective is to compete its competitors aggressively but definitely in a fair way. Besides, Paxar
Corporation giving a great working environment and condition, competitive compensation and
benefits to all of its employees to provide better value to its stakeholders.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

The Recruitment Process

The recruitment process is the view of the organization and the candidate. This flow chart
displays the organizational recruitment process of Paxar Bangladesh limited. If vacancy occurs the
recruiter receives authorization to fill it. Next step is a careful examination of the job and a list of
the skills, abilities, and experience needed to perform the job successfully. Job analysis
information can be very helpful in this case.

The organization can choose candidate internally from among its present employees who
desire promotion and transfer. Then, the organization screen the candidate, evaluate some of them
more carefully and offers best the position.

Moreover, Paxar Bangladesh Limited has some recruitment goals too. These recruiting
goals reduce many conflict of recruitment process. Organizations recruiting goals are to attract
large numbers of applicant, to attract highly qualified applicant, to fill vacancies at minimal cost,
to attract applicant willing, to accept offers to fill vacancies quickly, to hire people who perform
well, and to hire people who will stay with the organization.

Recruitment Process of Paxar Bangladesh Limited

Vacant or new position occurs

Perform job analysis and plan recruiting effort

Generate applicant pool via internal or external recruitment methods

Evaluate applicants via selection process

Impress applicants

Make offer

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Internal Sources of Candidates

Paxar Bangladesh Limited recruits employees throughout different sources and one of the best
sources of recruiting their employees is the internal sources of candidates. Recruiting may bring
to mind employment agencies and classified ads, but current employers are often the best source
of candidate:

1. Finding Internal Candidates: Paxar Bangladesh uses different methods like job posting,
personnel records to find internal employees. Moreover, Job posting means publicizing the
open job to employees and listing the job’s attributes, like qualifications, supervisor, work
schedule, and pay rate. In addition, many employees in organization move from one
department to another which is known as cross functional department that is also consider
as an internal sources of candidates.
2. Rehiring: Rehiring former employees is also another way of finding internal candidates.
Former employees are known qualities and are already familiar with the organization’s
culture, style and ways of doing things. As a result, Paxar Bangladesh limited often rehires
their former employees.
3. Succession Planning: Paxar Bangladesh Limited follows succession planning to fill up
higher level post like executive, senior manager. So, if one of the higher level employees
leaves the organization then they use succession planning as an internal sources of
recruiting candidates.

External Sources of Candidates

Paxar Bangladesh Limited also uses external sources of candidates for recruiting employees.
Because, organizations cannot always get all the employees they need from their current staff, and
sometimes they just don’t want to. They need to find outside candidates:

I. Advertising: Advertising is one of the most popular ways to recruit employees outside the
organization. The selection of the best medium depends on the positions for which you are
recruiting. So, Paxar Bangladesh Limited posts their job advertisement in various

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

II. Employment Agencies: Paxar Bangladesh often recruits employees from various
employee agencies. An organization can use any of the three types of employment agencies
to recruit employees- a. public agencies operated by federal, state or local governments, b.
agencies associated with non-profit organizations, and c. privately owned agencies.

III. Temp Agencies and Alternative Staffing: Temporary agencies and alternative staffing
are another source of external recruitment for Paxar Bangladesh limited. So, Employers
often supplement their permanent workforce by hiring contingent or temporary workers,
often through temporary help employment agencies. Also known as part-time or just-in-
time workers.

IV. Off Shoring/Outsourcing White-Collar and Other Jobs: Outsourcing jobs are an
increasing important employment options for an organization.

V. Executive Recruiters: Executive recruiters also called headhunters are special

employment agencies retained by employers to seek out top-management .So, in case of
the need Paxar Bangladesh often recruits executive recruiters to train top level managers
and executives. In most cases, these jobs include crucial executive and technical positions.
The employers always pay the fees to executive recruiters.

VI. Campus Recruiting: Most of the organization sends their representatives to campuses to
create an applicant pool from the graduating class as it is an important source of
management trainees, promotable candidates, and professional and technical employees.
So Paxar Bangladesh sends their representatives in different universities and they also join
in different career fair in universities to find the employees. Moreover, in campus
recruitment there are two primary goals. The main one is to determine whether a candidate
is worthy of further consideration. The other aim is to attract good candidates. In addition,
employee referral campaigns are another recruiting option. Current employees can and
usually will provide accurate information about the job applicants they are referring.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

VII. Recruiting via the Internet: Internet becomes one of the popular sources of external
recruitments. As more and more people are going online to look for jobs that are why
employers are moving to use this unconventional method of recruitment. Paxar Bangladesh
limited also follow recruiting through the internet as an external sources of recruitment.
Because it is one of the most cost effective and less time consuming ways of recruitment.


Outside sources of candidates Internal sources of candidates

Advertising Finding internal candidates
Employment agencies Rehiring
Temp agencies and alternative staffing Succession planning
Off shoring/outsourcing white-collar and other jobs Promotion
Executive recruiters Transfer
Campus recruiting
Recruiting via the Internet

Table: Sources of Recruitment

They are using those internal and external sources of recruitment as it is cost efficient and it is easy
to find their desire employee easily. Moreover, they are using these sources to find efficient
employees and they also try to reach different parts of the country through advertisement. So that
people from different areas can get a scope to apply for their organization.

Their application form is on line based and most of the applicant applies through their website.
There are different short of information that is captured on their applicant form like address,
country, objective, expected salary etc.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Sample Application form of Avery Dennison:

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Selection Process

This is a systematic process of selecting the most appropriate person to a specific job. In
other words, Selection is choosing an individual to hire from all those who have been recruited.
The selection process consists of various steps So, Paxar Bangladesh Limited also follow those
steps to select the employees. The following steps are followed by Paxar Bangladesh to select their
desire employees:
Initial Screening Interview: At first Initial screening is done to eliminate totally
unqualified candidate. It is very important sorting process in which candidates are given essential
information about the nature of the job and the organization. Paxar Bangladesh Limited used this
step to eliminate the unnecessary candidates.

Short Listed: After that the organization creates a short list of candidates who are
applicable for this post and give them application form. The application form gives all the relevant
information for selection.

Selection or Employment Test: Psychological test are being increasingly used in

employee selection. To check an individual’s attitude, behavior and performance employment test
is used. So Paxar Bangladesh Limited also uses those tests to select employees. It also
systematically compares the behavior, performance and attitudes among the persons.

Call for Interview: Finally they call for an interview. An interview is a conversation
between two persons. In Interview, Paxar Bangladesh it involves a personal, observational
appraisal and face to face questions to the candidates for employment. After selecting from the
employment test, candidates are call for interview. The interviewer asks various questions to judge
the candidates.

Short Listed for 2nd Test: Applicants who have passed the interview successfully are
listed for final interview. A few candidates are selected in this stage. Interviewer evaluates all the
candidates’ performance.

Reference Checks: The applicant is asked to write in his application form the names and
addresses of two or three persons who can give certificate that he is good person. It will help the
organization to identify the candidates properly.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Final Approval: The shortlisted candidates are finally approved by the executives of the
department. An appointment letter is offered to the candidate mentioning the post, the grade, the
rank, the date by which the candidate should join in the company.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

The Selection Process of Paxar Bangladesh Limited

Initial Screening Interview Reject some candidate

Short Listed Reject some candidate

Written Test Reject some candidate

Call for Interview Reject some candidate

Short Listed For 2nd Test Reject some candidate

Call for Final Interview Offers reject by some candidate

Final approval

Introducing With Existing Employee

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Selection Criteria

Organization selects some criteria regarding the selection process that it believes to be
important in assessing the potentials of any candidate. The selection criteria explicitly expressed
in the job application form includes the followings-

 Formal education
 Prior training information
 Participating in the training programs as trainee
 Professional qualifications
 Job experience information
 Skills and Achievements
 Additional information
 Criminal records
 References
 Work interest
 Leadership and Interpersonal skills
 Match between the organization and candidate.

Organization wants to find the person who has the right abilities and attitudes to be
successful. Organization specifies as criterion, a specific amount of formal education and types of
education for every job it offers. Organization equates experience with abilities as well as with
attitudes believing that a candidate who has worked on similar job has interest into the job and will
continue doing well given the opportunity.

Also it helps Organization to give seniority rating to its employees for future promotion
offers. Another important selection criterion for Organization is the training information. Based
on the information obtained from the candidates, future training and development programs are

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Employee Testing Method of Paxar Bangladesh Limited

Types of Tests
There are different types of test but Paxar Bangladesh follows some of those testing method to
evaluate the employee. The following tests are followed by Paxar Bangladesh Limited:

Tests of Cognitive Abilities: Cognitive tests include tests of general reasoning ability
(intelligence) and test of specific mental abilities like memory and inductive reasoning. Paxar
Bangladesh conducts this test to find the employees mental abilities.

Intelligence Tests: Intelligence (IQ) tests are tests of general intellectual abilities. They
measure not a single trait but rather a range of abilities, including memory, vocabulary, verbal
fluency, and numerical ability. Paxar Bangladesh Limited conducts this kind of tests for the
customer relationship officer so that they can evaluate the communication skill of that person.

Specific Cognitive Abilities: These are also measures of specific mental abilities, such as
inductive and deductive reasoning, verbal comprehension, memory, and numerical ability.

Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities: We might also want to measure motor abilities,
such as finger dexterity, manual dexterity, and reaction time. These tests measure the speed and
accuracy of simple judgment as well as the speed of finger, hand, and arm movement. Test of
physical abilities may also be required. These include static strength, dynamic strength, body
coordination, and stamina. Paxar Bangladesh Limited conducts this test to recruit the production
department employees. Because the production department employees need proper physical
abilities to produce the product.

Personality Tests: It can help employers do a better job of screening. For example, at a
multinational organization, emotional stability, extroversion, and agreeableness predicted whether
expatriates would leave their assignments early.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Achievement Tests: Achievement tests measure what a person has learned. Paxar
Bangladesh Limited often looks for employees learning through achievement test.

Role of Background Check

Most employers try to check and verify the job applicant’s background information and
references. So, Paxar Bangladesh also looks for applicant’s background information. Commonly
verified data include legal eligibility for employment, dates of prior employment, military service,
education, identification, country criminal records, motor vehicle record, licensing verification,
social security number, and reference checks.

There are two main reasons to conduct pre-employment background investigations and/or
reference checks- to verify factual information previously provided by the applicant, and to
uncover damaging information such as criminal records and suspected drivers’ licenses. The actual
background investigation/reference check can take many forms. Most employers at least try to
verify an applicant’s current position and salary with his or her current and former employer by
phone. Others call the applicant’s current and previous supervisors to try to discover more about
the person’s motivation, technical competence, and ability to work with others. Some employers
get background reports from commercial credit rating companies. These companies can provide
information about credit standing, indebtedness, reputation, character, and lifestyle.

The actual background investigation/reference check can take many forms. Most
employers at least try to verify an applicant’s current position and salary with his or her current
and former employer by phone. Others call the applicant’s current and previous supervisors to try
to discover more about the person’s motivation, technical competence, and ability to work with
others. Some employers get background reports from commercial credit rating companies. These
companies can provide information about credit standing, indebtedness, reputation, character, and

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Role of Interview

Hiring the right people is a crucial management job, and you can’t do that job well if you
don’t know how to interview. Several things can undermine an interview’s usefulness.

First Impressions: Interviewers tend to jump to conclusions and make snap judgments
about candidates during the first few minutes of the interview. Therefore, first impression is useful.

Misunderstanding the job: Interviewers who don’t know precisely what the job entails
and what sort of candidate is best suited for it usually make their decisions based on incorrect
stereotypes of what a good applicant is. They then erroneously match interviewees with their
incorrect stereotypes.

Candidate-Order Error and Pressure to Hire: Candidate-order or contrast error means

that the order in which you see applicants affects how you rate them. Pressure to hire accentuates
problems like this.

Effect of Personal Characteristics- Attractiveness, Gender and Race: Applicants race,

gender, hair style, teeth, and even facial tics can influence the interview process in a discriminatory
way. Interviewers must guard against letting an applicant’s attractiveness and gender distort in
their assignment.

Interviewer Behavior: The interviewer’s behavior also has an effect on the interviewee’s
performance and rating. Positive or negative attitude. Similarity and dissimilarity; liking or

Types of Questions

We can classify interviews based on the content or focus of their questions.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

In situational interview, Paxar Bangladesh Limited often conduct situational interview and
candidates are asked to describe what he or she will do in a given situation.
In behavioral interview, candidates are asked to describe what will be his or her behavior
in a given situation.
In a job-related interview, the interviewer tries to deduce what the applicant’s on-the-job
performance will be based on his or her answers to questions about past experiences.
In a stress interview, the interviewer seeks to make the applicant uncomfortable with
occasionally rude questions. The aim is supposedly to spot sensitive applicants and those with low
or high stress tolerance. Puzzle questions are popular today. Recruiters for technical finance and
occasionally other types of jobs like to see how candidates think under pressure.

Administering the Interview: Interviews can also be administered in various ways: one on one,
or by a panel of interviewers; sequentially or all at once.
In a one on one interview, two people meet alone, and one interviews other by seeking
oral responses to oral inquiries.
Panel interview could be defined as an interview conducted by a team of interviewers
(usually two or three) who interview the candidates simultaneously, and then combine their
rating into a final panel score.
In sequential interview, several persons interview the applicant, in sequence, before a
decision is made.
In all at once or mass interview, a panel interviews several candidates simultaneously. The
panel poses a problem and then sits back and watches to see which candidate takes the lead
in formulating an answer.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Training and Development

Paxar Bangladesh follows different training and management development methods to

increase the productivity of the employees. Because now a day’s training is very essential for the
employees and the organization. Without proper training and management development no
organization cannot able to get effective output from the employees. So, Paxar Bangladesh limited
use the following training and management development methods:

On the Job Training:

 Value & Ethics – For all employees

 IC Series –
Communicating with Impact – Higher level manager
Navigation beyond conflict – Manager
 IR Capability Development Training – Manager
 Training on VAT & Tax – Finance and HR
 Personal grooming & etiquette management training – Officer entry level
 Training on Fire Safety Management – Selective interested employees
 ACBA-Management Development Program – Top level manager, senior manager
 Product Training for Sales Team-Sales manager
 Factory Sales Collaborative Planning-Sales manager
 Connect 2 Engage – Manager
 Training on Bangladesh Labor Law & Its Amendments –For all employees and manager
 Business Communication – Depends on the post.
 Training on BEPZA rules –All employees
 Excel Training – Selective employees.
 Operator training.
 Product training (Avery Dennison / Monarch / 3rd party systems)
 Software application training
 Programming

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

 Customer orientated workshops and seminars

 Training for technicians / workshops

Off the Job Training

Paxar Bangladesh limited mostly use on the job training to train the employee as it
convenient and appropriate for the organization and the employees. They use off the job training
method very often and in most exception case. Moreover they provide off the job training to the
higher level performer of the organization. The employee for off the job training is selected by the
higher level management. As Paxar Limited Bangladesh is a subsidiary of Avery Dennison
Corporation so they have offices in 60 countries in the world. So, recently they send 12 employees
to Sri Lanka from Bangladesh as a part of off the job training. The training is on sales which are
known as “Arbio” sales training.

Company uses these training and development methods for various reasons; the main reason
behind using these methods is to get proper performance from the employees so that the
organization can be successful to attain its goal. The other reasons behind using these methods are-

1. To increase job satisfaction and morale among employees

2. To enhance employee motivation
3. To raise efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain
4. To adopt new technologies and methods
5. Increased innovation in strategies and products
6. Reduced employee turnover
7. Enhanced company image.

There are some differences in training method between a non-manager and manager. Because
the function and work of a manager is not same as the other post of the job .So, the managers need
to train in a different way as because of their different work and responsibilities. So in Paxar
Bangladesh Limited some of the training is specially designed for the managers and higher level
managers. Some training like communicating with Impact, navigation beyond conflict, IR
capability development training, ACBA-management development program are only for the
manager’s, other employees never get the chance of those training.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Orientation Program for New Joiners

Every organization follows some orientation program and process to welcome new
employees. So, orientation program is important for the employees as well as for the organization.
Because through the orientation program a new employees can know details about workplace and
work condition of the organization. So, Paxar Bangladesh Limited also arrange orientation
program for new joiners. At first they introduce the organization culture, rules, department, co-
workers and overall workplace to the new employee. The whole orientation program contains four
days. First two days the new joiners visit city office then the second two days visit factory to know
about their product. Moreover, Paxar Bangladesh limited welcome its new joiners with a gift box
which contain pen, file, diary and company brochure. After the completion of orientation Program
Company take feedback from the new employees about the program.

Evaluation of Training

Training must be effective and successful otherwise all the training methods can be useless.
Training is effective when the organization get proper output from the employees. So, every
organization evaluates their training whether it is effective or not. Paxar Bangladesh limited also
evaluate their training and performance through a software known as ‘GPS’. They evaluate the
training and performance at very beginning, medium and final month of the year. Moreover, they
evaluate the effectiveness of the training program by evaluating both trainer and trainee.

1.0) Analysis:

I. Though Paxar Bangladesh is running in more than 74 countries, they are still planning to
II. They try to follow the maximum number of recruitment methods which helps them to get
best employees out of their candidates.
III. Though the selection process of them is a bit lengthy but as there are a lot of steps to go
through for the candidates, so it helps to get the best candidate to work with out of the
IV. After selections process, they take their employees go through a few training process that
makes their new employees more skillful for working in the organization.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.


a. Rehiring may send the wrong message to current employees about how to get
ahead. Sometimes, it also demotivate the current employee. So, the company have
to think again about the rehiring method.

b. They can use third party organization for their recruitment. It will be less time
consuming for the organization. Also it will reduce nepotism within the

c. Though the overall process of documentation has decreased form 8 hours to 2

hours, the company should be more concern about decreasing the process timing.

d. Software coordination will decrease the documentation timing. So the software’s

should be linked up.

e. Training process sometimes become monotonous. It should be more entertaining

so that they can learn through fun. If they do so, it will increase employee’s skill
much more than they previously earned.

Paxar Bangladesh Ltd.


Tazin Rashid Barna

Officer, Human Resources
Paxar Bangladesh Limited
Contact # 01755597387



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