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our Moon Sign describes your instinctive or emotional energies, your innate

reactions, and the things you need to feel comfortable or secure. It can reveal
your emotional, genetic and intuitive makeup. 
Whilst  your Sun Sign describes qualities you are learning to develop and become,  your
Moon in Sagittarius describes who you already are.
Born with the Moon in Sagittarius, you are likely to be innately optimistic, expansive and positive in your
point of view. Sagittarius is a Fire sign, and so accentuates the passionate, idealistic and creative
dimensions of life.
Sagittarius is also Mutable in action, which means you are likely to have an innate need for variety and
change. When passion and variety combine, there is often a deep calling for freedom.
Because the Moon describes your natural response to things, or where you feel at home, you are likely to
feel most comfortable roaming free – exploring your world and expanding horizons wherever possible.
A Need to Roam
This expansion can happen in numerous ways. On the one hand, this lunar position implies a love of
travel, and fascination with foreign places. You may be something of a “gypsy” at heart, with a powerful
longing to explore the world and move around. You may find you travel a lot, or seek work and situations
that allow you contact with foreign places and cultures.
Even if circumstances do not allow, you are likely to wish that they would, and can easily imagine yourself
making your home anywhere in the world. Dreaming of far-off places helps you engage with your need to
be free. Anything that brings you contact with exotic people and situations will warm your heart. You
would rather dine at a distant Mongolian restaurant than spend yet another Friday night at the local bistro.
Feeling free to experience other cultures satisfies deep emotional needs.
Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. Oprah
Winfrey – Moon in Sagittarius
Your Astrology Profile: Find Your Sun, Moon Or Rising Sign
This urge for freedom is very strong, and can make you restless at times. You dislike the feeling of being
stuck in any place for too long, and will need variety with your environment. You may decorate your home
in an eclectic way, or surround yourself with objects that remind you of places you would like to be.
When life becomes too routine, it can easily seem lifeless and dull. Therefore, it is important that you
freshen up your perspective from time to time by getting out to places that you have not been before.
Love of Learning
Another way for you to broaden horizons is through study or learning. This sign relates to the search for
truth, and ultimately pursuit of wisdom. You are likely to find you have a need to feel that you are always
learning or discovering something new. You may be an eternal student, or spend much of your time with
recreational pursuits that have an educational bent as well.
You can feel that your world is expanding through the knowledge that you acquire, and even if this just
means you are a student of life, you are likely to find that knowledge opens your horizons and helps you
feel free.
Sagittarius is also the sign of the teacher, as well as the preacher. The need to seek truth and wisdom
can also translate into a love of sharing that with others. You may have natural gifts for inspiring others to
be the best that they can be. You may be very good at explaining different points of view, and may find
that others are drawn to you for the breadth of experience you can share.
Broaden your understanding. Learn about your Sun Sign and House
Your greatest gift is your ability to give others the same freedom you require to find your own truth. When
you let them explore different ideas and work out what is true for them, you allow them to expand their
awareness. You are likely to make a good teacher, trainer or mentor based on your ability to inspire and
Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. Lewis
Carroll – Moon in Sagittarius

Fantastic but Bombastic
On the flip side, you may also tend to become so consumed with what you believe to be true that you end
of preaching to others in order to convert them to your point of view. You may need to consider whether
you have a need to be right, and a tendency to broadcast your belief systems as if they were the only
possible option for others to choose.
Because this placement implies a strong attachment to the search for truth, there may be a tendency
toward believing that what you have discovered as true for yourself should be the truth for everyone else.
And so, you may have a tendency toward being bombastic that should be kept in check. When pushed by
an emotional undercurrent, you may “share” from a biased point of view, based on trying to prove your
version of “reality” and bring others to agree with your point of view.
Recognizing that there are many paths which can lead to the same centre is useful, and necessary when
agitated by the circumstances that surround you.
Discover How Astrology Can Help You 
That said, you are much more likely to be optimistic, positive and sunny in your disposition, with a
tendency to live and let live. Sagittarius is a sign of broad-mindedness and you are likely to possess a
philosophical approach to life. As a rule, Sagittarian types are more concerned with the big picture than
with attention to detail, and unless other factors are present, you may need to watch out for any tendency
to brush over the fine print, and get yourself into trouble through an over-reliance on faith as opposed to
All in all however, your happy and optimistic disposition should be one of your greatest assets, and help
you to rise time and again from any of life’s setbacks.
The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. Oprah Winfrey – Moon
In Sagittarius

Finally you may also seek to broaden horizons through testing the limits of life itself. Sagittarius is
associated with a love of challenge. You may have a need to test the limits of what is possible for you in
quite immediate or physical ways. You can instinctively rise to any challenge that is before you, enjoying
the feeling of conquest that comes from doing something you couldn’t do before. Here, you can combine
your natural positivity with an actual task to focus on, so relishing the new insights that come through
learning to go beyond where you’ve been before.
Born with The Moon in Sagittarius
Your nature means you are likely to be very enthusiastic, and can draw upon a natural flow of insight and
intuition in order to solve the problems that present themselves to you. You may enjoy extreme sports,
difficult forms of physical activity or just long sessions at the gym. Finding ways to challenge and push
boundaries is a great source of emotional satisfaction, providing you with the reassurance that anything
just may be possible for you!

Mercury in Leo – General Info

Mercury in Leo provides incredibly strong will, capability not only to determine
goal, but also to find practical, efficient ways to reach them. Communication
skills are accentuated; Leo is known to be an attention seeker and a very
dominate character.
Therefore, if you have Mercury in Leo, it is very likely that you would enjoy
being in center of attention.

Mercury gives you incredible confidence and the power of impressing others
by words. Mercurial Leo loves attention and enjoys being in front of great

People with such an aspect are very self-confident and know how to astound
others; other people often admire them for their excellence with words and
their impeccable performance.

They have strong power of speech and dramatization, which makes them
successful actors, but also politicians, lawyers and so on. Mercury in Leo
secures high self-opinion; people with these astrological aspects are hard to
intimidate and manipulate.

They are intelligent and their aura is just powerful, so one would rarely dare
trying to trick them.

Mercurial Leo is amazing, glorious, often a notable one. People with this
aspect rarely stay out of the spotlight. They could be successful in the public
sphere. A person with Mercury in Leo is capable of organizing their life, of
making good and promising plans that are not distant from reality. However,
they are ambitious and they think big.

Thinking Mercury helps them successfully and thoughtfully overcome

problems and difficulties in life. Leo’s pride, bravery and natural strength help
them keep in track. Overall, this is an astonishing combination.

Mercurial Leo has vivid imagination, but is also characterized with consistent
sense of reality. The expression of personal impressions is very important to
mercurial Leos.

They are enthusiastic about widening their points of view. They like to share
their knowledge with others, but only if their role is that of a tutor, inspirer,
leader. Their manner of talking is theatrical and impressive.
Appreciation and admiration of their intellectual capabilities and their
interesting stories are of essential importance to people with Mercury in Leo.

Combined with inborn self-confidence and strength of will, this need often
leads them to leading positions.

They are honorable and just. They would never speak badly about others,
behind their back. They appear noble, honest and loyal. We say ‘appear’
deliberately. It is interesting to note that these qualities actually come from
their bad side, which is an unbearably big ego.

They often simply neglect other people and do not find them important
enough to talk about them at all. Mercurial Leo loves to talk about themselves

However, their ideas and their actual successes could inspire a great number
of people, even if it is not their actual intention.

Good Traits

Mercurial Leo is characterized by many positive traits. These people are self-
confident, focused, charismatic and strong. Their mind is fixed and
concentrated and they do not hesitate openly say what they think.

Mercury in Leo would not let you get easily deceived and manipulated.

People with Mercury in Leo are brilliant at talking in front of people; they
leave an impression of someone honest, bold and royal-like.

They are endlessly inspirational and they themselves do not lose inspiration
easily. Their mind is creative, but their thoughts are rarely scattered. They are
never indecisive. Mercurial Leo knows what he or she wants and is ready to
open his or hers mind to new ideas, in order to reach their goals.

They are often interested in art, performance, sports, public relations and
they feel at their best at leading positions.
People like Mercurial Leos for being extremely positive. Their energy is
extroverted, fresh, happy and glorious.

Regardless of their ruling sign, people with Mercury in Leo always have that
sparkle of a self-confident enthusiast, who feels comfortable with who he or
she is.

They stand proudly before their ideas and opinions. They have the power to
strengthen others’ spirits with what they say.

Bad Traits

Bad sides of having Mercury in Leo are generally all associated with egoism.
People with Mercury in Leo tend to become arrogant, too proud of themselves
and completely insensitive towards others, they think and talk exclusively
about themselves.

To some point, it could be inspiring and good, but they are at great risk of
crossing the border and focus solely to themselves.

They feed on others attention and could even become aggressive, if they do
not receive the amount of attention they believe they deserve.

They are prone to over estimating their own capabilities. Since they always
think in big terms, they could overlook many important smaller things, simply
because they think they are not important.

Mercurial Leo could be extremely subjective.

They are always confident about what they have to say, but sometimes they
do not carefully choose the words, only to keep in the center of attention.
They are inclined towards making a big drama over things that are indeed
minor, just from fear that they might lose the spotlight.

Mercury in Leo Woman

This lady is all about expression. Leo’s general characteristic is that attention,
dominance and leadership matter a lot. With Mercury in Leo, it is all
translated into words. Mercurial Leo women are expressive and enjoy it.
Mercurial Leo women are the ones who have the most interesting stories in
the company and the loudest laughter. It is very interesting that Mercury in
Leo in woman signs gives them masculine qualities.

It is very likely that she was a real tomboy in childhood, playing with cars and
spending time with boys, rather than dressing dolls and making girly tea

She has a specific way of thinking, identified with masculine. She is not very
emotional and is very active. Mercurial Leo woman is brave, proud, daring.
She is an excellent communicator and very firm about her opinions.

If other aspects in her natal chart favor her Merury in Leo position, she would
make a stable character, without being overly dramatic and theatrical, which
is common with Leo women.

It greatly depends on aspects considering her ruling sign and planet, as well
as many more elements. In the best-case scenario, Mercurial Leo woman is
supportive, brave and loyal friend, partner or relative.

In the worst case, she is a real drama queen. Nevertheless, Mercurial Leo in
women signs generally brings great confidence and makes this lady optimistic,
ready to reach new heights.

She usually feels the most comfortable at positions traditionally perceived as

more masculine than feminine. She could be a seriously astounding leader,
boss or the head of some major institution.


Mercury in Leo is a strong aspect and it makes an interesting astrological

impact over a personal birth chart. Mercury is not generally associated with
firmness and stability, but, in Leo, its energy is pretty stable.

Mercury in Leo makes a combination of impressive communication and

performing skills, which makes Mercurial Leo individuals people others admire,
appreciate and look up to.
Moreover, they usually choose their words well, while their major goal is to
impress others and keep their excellent reputation.

They are at risk of becoming too self-focus and, since Mercury is all about
talk, communication and commerce, they would talk exclusively about

Mercury in Leo has its brilliant sides, as well as it carries some very egoistic

When Venus is in Gemini

When sweet Venus enters fun and flighty Gemini, it’s like someone turned on the
lights. We suddenly have greater openness and clarity in what will make us
happy. It’s about variety, and experiencing not just one, but many paths to
pleasure. Throw a handful of different flavored Pop Rocks into your mouth and
you’ll get a taste for what Venus in Gemini is all about: effervescent, ticklish,

Love takes on a more lighthearted, cerebral tone when Venus moves through
Gemini. Instead of connecting over deep passions or intense physical attractions,
we’re drawn to lovers who thrill our minds. Communicating through long
conversations and playful texts keeps us stimulated and interested in learning
more. For those dating, this is an amazing time to get to know someone new,
and to share stories of your own life. And for those in relationships, Venus in
Gemini can help long-time lovers learn something brand new about each other,
and reignite the excitement.

Gemini needs variety to stay interested, so relationships that lack energy or have
fallen into a rut may not survive this transit. This isn’t a time to commit or profess
our undying love -- it’s about enjoying all the opportunities available to us. Have
fun, flirt, and be playful. When we put aside our self-made rules about what we
like and don’t like, we open ourselves to new experiences and levels of

In terms of money, Venus in Gemini encourages you to spend on things that will
enrich your brain and energize your spirit -- things like books, games, or tickets to
a comedy show. If you’re in the mood for a bigger ticket item, a new phone or
laptop can help you communicate better and connect you with the rest of the

The key to Venus in Gemini is this: It’s not about testing, it’s about tasting. It’s
about experiencing a variety of flavors, exploring fresh ideas, and realizing that
life and love are as exciting as you make them.

If you were born with Venus in Gemini

People born with Venus in Gemini are social butterflies. Flitting from one exciting
situation to the next, your openness to experience and explore blesses you with
more opportunities than other people. You believe in living life lightly, and you’re
willing to take things as they come.

When it comes to love, your head comes first and your heart second. You like to
spend time getting to know someone new and learning about who they are
instead of jumping head first into a passionate love affair without a second
thought. Before you make a commitment -- or, with Venus in Gemini, IF you ever
make a commitment -- you’ll weigh your options heavily to make sure a
relationship is worth your time and energy.

You’re drawn to lovers who are optimistic, humorous, and who love life. The
more unexpected a person or a relationship is, the more interested you are.
Boredom is your own version of hell, and if a relationship reaches a dreary point,
you’ll cut your losses and search for something that will bring more excitement to
your life.
People born with Venus in Gemini often feel two sides to themselves -- a light
side that the world sees, and a dark side that no one sees. But it’s not about
struggling between the two, feeling like you have to be one or the other, all the
time. Instead, realize you’ve been gifted with a multi-faceted personality. You are
not this or that, you are this AND that. The light and the dark combine within you
to create one whole, unique, and inspired being.

Mars in Cancer

This position inclines toward passive-aggressiveness. These people seem to

resist change and to shy away from direct confrontations. They need to feel
secure before they act. As a result, they can appear rather slow at times. Their
motto is “The best offense is defense”. They may appear weak to some, but
they can be very strong. Their strength lies in their tenaciousness.

Their sex drive can be very tied up with emotional need. At their best, they
exude a protective, almost therapeutic aura about them. The protective nature
of Cancer is best expressed when Mars in Cancer natives are turning the energy
outward — when they are being the protectors of others. Turning it inwards is
when there are problems. They should watch for over-sensitivity and self-
protection if it limits their lives.

These people are threatened by indifference. They can be argumentative and

manipulative. Their energy levels are variable, and they can appear to move
rather slowly. They have defensive reactions and bursts of emotional displays
when they feel cornered. They may have troubles venting their frustrations,
which can come out erratically. Stomach upsets are real and often brought on
by worry. The tendency to dwell runs high. With more continuity, routine, and
discipline, they are happier and stronger.
With Mars in Cancer, natives are moved into action through their emotions and
moods and can seem quite moody to others as a result. When happy, they act
with great confidence, and when tense, they can be entirely withdrawn. They
rarely confront or initiate a fight, although they are certainly capable of
instigating conflict.

Those with Mars in Cancer exude a calm strength that’s very attractive and
soothing. They are instinctively self-protective and cautious. This is a good
position for chefs, domestic engineers, caregivers, carpenters, and builders.

With reassurance and confidence, these natives are protective, helpful, and
dependable in the long haul. They prefer to handle situations peacefully and
humanely. They care deeply for who and what they love, and they’re not afraid
to fight back against injustice, authority, or tradition. They can be bold and
fearless when needed! Mars in Cancer is sensuous and warm. Having them on
your side is a gift.

Ju pi ter in C apri c o rn

Attracts the most good fortune when they organize and direct, conduct
themselves with integrity, are ethical and mature. Values the long term,
achievement, responsibility, and manifestation. Succeeds through
resourcefulness and avoiding activities that waste time, energy, or resources.
Good at streamlining. Position or status is important to them.

Is Aries your birth sign and was Saturn in the sky when you
were born? If so, then this means that you can be intensely
provocative one moment and fearful of showing yourself the
next. This gives you great presence, but also means that you
have insecurities to overcome.
Big Shoes to Fill—Your Own

Saturn asks you to stand confident in your own skin, even

though you may be fearful and are afraid of taking big risks.
This takes time (sometimes a lifetime) and lessons of self-
acceptance. You realize that you need to build your

With effort, you face the fears of self-exposure and share who
you are with others. Although, your biggest hurdle is your fear
of failure and rejection.

As an Aries, you have that initial spark that brings new

promise, new ideas. With Saturn in Aries, you know how
powerful that force is, and strive to direct it with discipline.
You can be quite a dynamic person, as you build your persona
to hold such intensity.

You're a Trailblazer

You prefer to have the freedom to blaze a trail without

interference. You can be a charismatic speaker and
leader. Your path is learning to master the creative moment
and show self-control when harnessing that rocketing force.
You take charge of your destiny, and this helps you win your
own respect.

Aries Saturn can have good concentration and reasoning skills.

This can be used to your advantage when you are actively
trying to get ahead in life. You may try to force your ideas of
right and wrong on others, as you have an innate need to be in
control of every situation. You can rely on your powers of
persuasion to get your point across in a succinct and effective
manner to get what you want.

Don't Get Defensive, Move On

Your weak point is defensiveness. You can sabotage
yourself by butting heads with bosses or “The Man." 
In an office setting or in a personal situation, you may come off
as being confrontational because you might feel that you have
to prove yourself. Because of this insecurity, you may appear
as a "show off" in a very direct manner. This may make others
feel uncomfortable at your overt displays of bravado.

You can sometimes have an anger management problem, but

in most cases, your cooler head prevails and you can stand
back and assess a situation.

Aries Saturn needs to learn what is worth the effort and what
is not. Deciding which opportunities are worth the time is a
skill that will lead you to success or ruin. You may experience
a nice balance between impulsiveness and caution. 

Also, you might have to work extra hard at trying to avoid any

feelings of insecurity or doubt that may creep up once an
opportunity has passed.

Positive Keywords for Uranus in Aquarius: Intellectual, Scientific, Progressive,

Negative Keywords for Uranus in Aquarius: Detached, Impersonal, Scatter-
Brained, Forgetful, Aloof

In astrology, planet Uranus symbolizes rebellious thinking, new technological
innovations, creative ideas, spiritual enlightenment, and originality. Uranus in Aquarius
has all of this in spades.

They excel with new ideas and machines. They always find clever uses for them that no
one else has thought of before. Their unique vision of the world and life, in general, is
the driving force behind everything they do. (Know more about the Aquarius
man and Aquarius woman personality.)
Positive Traits of the Uranus in
While some are confused by their methods, Uranus in Aquarius knows exactly where
they are going and what they are doing. The gears of their mind are constantly spinning
and grinding out new problems and solutions.

But these may be too many for society to keep up with sometimes. That’s often why they
gravitate towards fields of study like math or science. These always offer new questions to
answer. (find out how planets in signs can influence your personality).

Once the Aquarius Uranus sign has their next project to tackle, they obsess over the
research process and pore over all of the information necessary to form a complete
picture. The theories they study often have to do with the greater mysteries of life. They
like helping to further the evolution of humanity.
They like to take up social causes and get others interested too. They aim to find ways of
solving a complex issue such as poverty or injustice. And their unique vision of the way
reality works helps them to look at things differently than others. They always find a way
around tough situations.

Negative Traits of the Uranus in

Sometimes Uranus in Aquarius come off as scatter-brained. And it’s true. They can be
forgetful of minor details. They don’t have the time to absorb every little thing when
there are so many more important things to be done.

n every personal interpretation, the first house defines an individual, their

physical body, strengths and weaknesses, as well as their primal character. It
is also named The House of Self, speaking of our main task in life, our outlook
into the world, ego, and everything we are here to start. It is our primal energy,
connects us to the sign of Aries and our first chakra, and speaks of the
potential we possess to endure through any personal battles, or ways in which
we can avoid them. Its Latin motto is Vita, making it “the house of Life itself”.
Areas of Life
If we already defined it as the house of Life, than we have to ask ourselves
which areas of our lives does it affect? The truth is this house affects them all.
Its primary function is to speak of us in the physical world, with its ruler being
our main representative in the zodiac. In the practical sense, this means that
the planet ruling the sign in which your Ascendant lies, represents you, with all
your energy, potential, and relationships seen through the position and
aspects it makes.

In general, it will speak of our appearance and instinctive nature, our physical
strength, health, shape, body, and energy, giving each and every one of us a
special stamp that should always be taken into consideration while we
observe the traits of our Sun sign. We will often stumble upon individuals who
diminish Astrology on the basis of inability to divide all humans into only 12
categories. If we only add the Ascendant to this equation, the number rises to
144 combinations and categories of division. And this is just the beginning, for
the position of its ruler in a sign, in aspects and with its disposition, lifts the
personalization and the purpose of Astrology to an entirely different level.
Our Gift and Our Curse
The first house is the basic connection we have to our body and the
incarnation we are in at the moment. This is exactly why it is the most
important window into our world of karmic debt and represents the level of
ease or hardship we have to go through in order to evolve in this lifetime. If
one has a challenge seen through planets set in the first house or its ruler, it
becomes obvious that they have a task to resolve and a debt to repay while in
this body. Each positive aspect, or a planet in its strong dignity, will speak of
gifts we have gathered in previous lifetimes or through our family tree,
whatever your chosen perspective.

The important thing to understand here is that there are no bad aspects or
positions. Even though certain things can steal a lot of our energy, make us
exhausted, depressed or weak, every challenge carries an enormous amount
of energy released inside us once it is resolved. Fear of negative aspects
simply means we have a lot left to learn, and we are not yet aware of the fact
that we have already been living our challenges throughout our entire life.
The First House in Libra
If your first house cusp is set in the sign of Libra, it is like your whole
horoscope is turned upside down. While one should be able to drain the
energy out of Self, people born with this Ascendant have to find it in people
they are surrounded with, always in search for balance, and finding ways to
mend relationships to the point in which the don’t trigger exhaustion. This will
create a person that needs to be well-dressed and well-behaved at all times,
often failing to turn to physical activities and personal boundaries in relation to
others. The greatest challenge a Libra first house has to overcome is the
acceptance of anger and constructive conflict. They are represented
by Venus.

On a personal level, this is the house that represents the value we give to
ourselves and everything we do. In it, we are able to materialize our energy
into something we can touch, use, or hold in our hands, as if it was a natural
consequence of the energy we carry in our body represented through our first
house. The second house of our chart is the field of habit, the food we eat,
with the purpose to feed our hunger created by the animal we carry in the first
house. It is a source of income that strengthens our body, leading to thoughts
with quality. It correlates with the sign of Taurus, speaks of one’s wealth, and
is also called the house of value. Its Latin motto is lucrum, meaning “wealth.”
Areas of Life
Matters of the second house are matters of personal belongings, possessions
we want to have in this lifetime, and the food we love to eat. It represents the
point that defines the first, materialistic goal of our existence. Seen through
philosophical connections, it represents the influence our choice of eating
habits has on our financial situation. Cleansing our body through fasting or a
healthy diet will set us free from negative substances that accumulate in it.
Consequentially, this will cleanse our mind, leading to clearer financial choices
instead of stealing the energy from our first house. This is our personal recipe
for empowering our strong financial background.

The second house is a reminder of the energy we focused in the right

direction. Every accomplishment we are not satisfied with because it didn’t
provide us with what we needed in the material reality, simply means our
energy is not well-focused or used on matters in sync with our body and our
material existence. As soon as we start making money, we can be sure we
are in some kind of correlation with our true selves. However, if we are still not
satisfied, we probably haven’t followed our true calling that will someday make
us whole. Whatever our situation, the second house speaks of our level of
personal fulfillment through material matters, the way we accept them, and the
way they satisfy our inner hunger.
The Second House in Scorpio
If the second house has a cusp in the sign of Scorpio, this speaks of finances
left to us by our ancestors. Depending on our genetic predispositions, this can
be a blessing or a curse, since it greatly depends on those that were here
before we came to this world. It might seem like we have little influence on our
own wellbeing when this setting takes over. In order to find joy in the material
world, this is a position that challenges a person to find it in change and
accept that the energy has to flow and circle at all times. In the practical
sense, this means that one has to give in order to receive and there will never
come a reward without it being earned through all sorts of deeds, life choices
and ancestry. This is also a position that can speak of a debt that has to be
repaid, and isn’t always easy to comprehend or enjoy.

Astrology’s dark angel, the Black Moon Lilith brings out the sex
goddess in you! She’s your sexual instinct, your inner temptress,
that irresistible something you cannot put your finger on. Pushed
too far she is your self-destruct button! Marilyn Monroe had Lilith
very closely conjunct her show-business Leo Ascendant and she
beautifully illustrates all of the above.

There is a strong element of karma where you find Lilith in

your birth-chart, drawing to you people and experiences that have
great magnetic force in your life. Lilith breaks taboos. She reveals
your sexual fantasies and your dark shadow, your inner ‘bi-atch’.
Ditto for your special someone so look to their Lilith for what
turns them on and how they would react if you pushed their

Lilith is also where others find you dangerous, demonic,

terrifying… She is pure instinct, alluring, unfettered, a force that
can mesmerise, create, destroy…

Who was Lilith

Mythologically, Lilith is the devil’s companion, an evil seductress

and destroyer of men, an enemy of children.
Lilith is envisioned as a seductive woman, who transforms into a
blue, butterfly-like demon.

But legend actually has it that Lilith was Adam’s first wife,

before Eve. She was way too independent and sexually liberated
so she was cast out of Eden and demonised by Jewish lore for her
wild ways. In that sense, Lilith represents the untamed female
(hence taboo) sexuality and power, unfettered by marriage,
motherhood or childbirth. Lilith is also the natural ruler of magick
and witchcraft.

Lilith in Astrology

Astronomically, Black Moon Lilith is a mathematical point in

space. Think of it as an invisible centre of gravity pulling at the
moon as it goes around the earth, and which the moon aligns with
once a month when it is furthest away (at its ‘apogee’). The
astrological glyph used for Lilith is an inverted black crescent
underpinned by a cross.

Lilith in Leo

Your Black Moon Lilith is in Leo if you were born between these
With Lilith riding the king of the jungle, you’re a flashy chick, a
queen bee, royal, majestic, glamorous. You dream of being
worshipped and adored — preferably by a large court. Mere
mortals are drawn to you like moths to a flame, knowing full well
they’re gonna burn.

Your shadow is your incredible vanity, narcissism and

megalomania. Should someone press your button, you’ll roar, act
dictatorial and throw a big fat tantrum till you get your way.
This birth chart report shows the positions of the planets for Ana.

The Sun

The Sun represents vitality, a sense of individuality, and outward-shining

creative energy.

The Sun is in Leo

There's an unmistakably regal air to Solar Leos. These are dignified--even

noble--folk. Leos have a reputation for being conceited, but think again. Leos do
feel important, but this generally takes the form of wanting to change the world
in some way--to make the world a better place. They are generally motivated
by affection for people, and often have big dreams and plans to make people

Generally, Leos are hard-working. After all, they are attracted to the good
things in life, and they know they have to work to get them. It is sometimes
difficult to imagine Leos as go-getters if you happen to catch them in one of
their languid moods. These people can sleep in, laze around, and luxuriate for
long periods of time. However, when they do get to work, they do it with
intensity and determination. In this way, they are not unlike their symbol, the
lion. The worst thing you can do to a Leo is accuse them of bad intentions.
Displaying behavior that makes them think you don't appreciate them runs a
close second. These happy, jovial people become mighty hurt when others don't
see them for their noble intentions.
Loyal, and sometimes rather traditional, Leos are, after all, a fixed sign. They'll
hold on to situations and people for a very long time before they give up. There
is an unmistakable idealism to Leo's view of the world and the people in it.
Often, Leos have a very noble inner code that they answer to. Although on the
surface, Leos appear rather confident, they can actually be some of the most
humble souls around. They are the first to blame themselves when something
goes wrong. Once again, it's the Leonine self-importance at work, and this
characteristic works in unexpected ways. Instead of being the conceited, self-
absorbed show-offs of reputation, they are usually very self-aware, self-
conscious, and, yes, even humble.

Short description:

She is masterful, she likes authority, she aspires toward an ideal. She likes to
give advice. She is honest, frank, loyal, open, and sincere.

Possible issues: pride, vanity, arrogance, presumption and disdain for others..

Leo with ascendant Libra

Sun in X: The Sun is in the tenth house

The urge to work toward a goal, for success and accomplishment, and/or for
power is part of your make-up. You are uncomfortable in any position in which
you must "take orders" from someone else. Recognize your ambitions and your
need for authority without going overboard. Seek out a career that allows you
to manage, rather than be managed, if possible. It is crucial that you accept the
part of you that is ambitious, but take pains not to over-identify with an image
that is not really you! Successful career is guaranteed, but may sometimes
come late.

172 Trine between the Sun and Moon

Your emotions and your will are at peace with one another, suggesting a rather
balanced personality. The "messages" you received in childhood were not
contradictory overall, and you have a stronger sense of purpose and
appreciation of harmony than most people. You are likely personally popular,
mainly because you expect harmony in your relationships. You are attractive to
most people, and your self-confidence and security make you easy to deal with
on many levels. Your relaxed, easygoing disposition puts others at ease. You
may not be prepared for conflict and you often avoid "rocking the boat". You
may acquiesce to others a little too often, if only to maintain a feeling of
balance and harmony, as conflict is something you not only dislike, you might
fear it. The tendency towards too much acceptance--of the self and of others--is
usually present. You must be encouraged to question life, or you run the risk of
taking things for granted.

Vitality is usually good and quite constant. You are not necessarily hard-driving,
unless other indications in the chart point to it, but your constitution is generally
strong. At any rate, you are not as prone to the kinds of ups and downs that
plague those with challenging aspects between the Sun and Moon. This is
because even though your life goals and your emotional needs are different,
they are in harmony.

Short description: She has lots of vitality. She likes public life, she is popular
and her company is appreciated. She is balanced, at ease with herself and
usually gets on very well with her parents or guardians.

56 Trine between the Sun and Saturn

It is easy and natural for you to accept responsibilities, to lead a rather ordered
life, and to apply caution in your financial and business dealings. You rarely
jump to conclusions or take uneducated risks. You have a certain amount of
patience and enough self-discipline to slowly but surely achieve what you set
out to do. Although somewhat undemonstrative, you are generally loyal and
responsible people to those you care about. You take your time in most
endeavors and generally use a step-by-step approach to most projects--but you
steadily reach your goals. You are naturally trustworthy, and you don't have
much patience for those who don't show respect for others, who take foolish
risks, and who lead disorganized lives.

-514 Opposition between the Sun and Uranus

Your identity rides on your sense of personal freedom. It can be quite a

challenge to get you to do what you don't want to do, simply because you see
any attempts by others to push you in a certain direction as threatening to your
sense of freedom. You are a very dynamic person who questions tradition and
authority, yet, paradoxically, you can be quite set in your ways! Although a
humanitarian in many ways, you can be a little brusque when it comes to
sentimentality or what you perceive to be excessive attachment to the past or
to tradition. You can have a lot of nervous energy and defensiveness. It can be
difficult to hold a 9 to 5 job or to develop steady routines. You work best when
you can manage your own schedule, and you work in spurts. When you are hit
with creative inspiration, you are capable of tremendous effort. However, you
can be quite temperamental, and it is very hard for you to pour your hearts and
souls into something that you don't "feel" for at the moment. You don't like
superficiality or pretense, which is an admirable trait. However, your disdain for
pretense can be problematic in a world where people are expected to perform
whether they are inspired or not! You should try your best to channel your high
levels of intuition, inventiveness, and spiritedness into creative endeavors or
important causes. You might find that you encounter much less resistance in
day-to-day life this way.

-61 Opposition between the Sun and Neptune

You have a desire to be something special or to experience something more

than the ordinary. You are a day-dreamer and idealist. It is easy for you to trust
others, even (and perhaps especially) people who might seem from the outside
looking in as unsavory types. You are looking to identify with something beyond
what is normally expected of people. You may have had a childhood that didn't
help you direct or define your life. Perhaps the early family life was lacking in
supervision or clearly defined rules. A father figure may have been absent or
distant and ineffective. You may have a glorified image of your father. Whether
the image is very positive or very negative (or if it swings between these
extremes), the image is not very clear or rational. Whatever the case may be,
you struggle with defining who you are. You might gravitate towards the "wrong
people", or get in with the "wrong crowd" in an attempt to define who you are.
You might be susceptible to being taken advantage of by others, especially by
men or authority figures. You may be easily led astray by peculiar desires or
self-destructive habits. In order to add a greater-than-ordinary dimension of
experience to your life that helps you to feel special and important, you might
be attracted to Neptune-ruled behaviors, such as secret affairs, drugs, or other
escapist behaviors. In some way, you may feel a strong urge to glamorize your
role in the world. There can be some confusion about the past (such as
remembering childhood experiences in ways that are far removed from reality),
and a tendency to daydream about being someone more "important" than you
feel you are. You may struggle with early conditioning that made you feel
tossed aside or neglected in some way, and certainly not directed or supported.
You are very sensitive, especially with regards to any real or imagined blows to
your ego. If the natal chart shows a strong sense of reality and a robust mind
(Mercury and Saturn well-placed, for example), the negative interpretations of
this aspect are less extreme. Still, you are likely to recognize at some point in
your life that you have a tendency to engage in escapist and self-destructive
fantasies and/or habits. It is useful to be able to connect these behaviors with
their probable source, which is likely to be a weakly-defined ego and identity in

98 Trine between the Sun and Pluto

You have much sexual vitality and passion. It is easy and natural for you to find
a passion and pursue it, and to focus on a goal. You are not much scared of
anything. You enjoy and embrace growth, especially of the psychological kind.
You love a good mystery, and you are adept at solving it.You readily assign
meaning to what others might consider "ordinary" events. You look for symbols,
and read between the lines in most any situation. The physical vitality is
generally strong, and the body is usually able to heal quickly. You are not afraid
to get your hands dirty, and you are usually quick to help others--not only with
mundane tasks, but also on a spiritual or psychological level. Your insight is
sharp and sometimes awe-inspiring. You are perceptive and not easily rattled or
surprised in life. You are not a do-gooder nor are you a law-breaker. However,
you are not afraid of the "dark side" of human nature, and you will bend the
rules from time to time if you feel the need to do so. You take particular
pleasure in growth and life's lessons. You are not fond of superficiality, and are
generally the first to spot pretense of any kind. You are passionate and can be
intense. You have a hunger to experience more than just an "ordinary" life, and
you can be quite ambitious. Some people with this aspect are perfectionists,
demanding much from themselves and reasonable amounts of effort and
honesty from others.

599 Conjunction between the Sun and Lilith

You are mostly comfortable with the darker side of your nature. A student of
human nature.

The Moon

The Moon represents the emotional responses, unconscious pre-destination, and

the self-image. The Moon represents the emotions, and the Moon sign shows
how a person expresses themselves when at home, at ease, and comfortable.

The Moon is in Sagittarius

More than anything, Lunar Sagittarians have a need for personal freedom and
space. They are extraordinarily happy and easygoing folk, as long as they don't
feel caged in or cooped up. Lunar Sagittarians have a simultaneous need for
activity. Meeting new people, going out in the world, and travel are all
important to their sense of well-being. They love open spaces, and, in their
homes, a roomy and bright environment. There's a bit of a teacher in Moon in
Sagittarius, and definitely a helpful spirit. They easily forget appointments and
the like, and some are even considered irresponsible. However, it is hard to stay
angry at a Lunar Sagittarian! They are so cheerful and upbeat, and their
optimism is catchy.

Many people with this position are outdoorsy types. At the very least, they have
a great love for friendly competition. When the going gets tough, these people
run away. They don't like to be caught up in routine for too long, and they
simply need to escape. There's a blind faith in Lunar Sagittarians that is
admirable. They simply believe that everything will work out. Not much for
making detailed plans, people with Moon in Sagittarius prefer to wing it. They're
very adaptable and generally on the go.

Short description:

May like to throw herself into the unknown and into adventure; she is agile,
tough, and enthusiastic. Attracted to long voyages, to discovering the unknown.

Potential issues: may take great risks in throwing herself into the unknown and
into adventure. Audacious, bold, and rebellious. Unable to stay in one place,
always ready to risk everything to achieve her goal.

Moon in II: The Moon is in the second house

Very ingenious and inventive where earning money is concerned. May move
around, restless.

When it comes to money, you can be generous and frivolous in your spending
habits one day, and frugal the next. You can be quite afraid of being in debt,
and need to feel that the bills are paid in order to feel secure and safe. This is
likely also true of savings, as you fear being without. Still, there are times when
you can spend impulsively, on a whim, and this is likely when you are feeling
emotionally frustrated. You might also hold onto people quite tightly. Vanity can
be an issue. You are often looking for admiration, and you can be quite
dependent on others for positive feedback until you learn to develop your own
feelings of self-worth. You're not as emotionally responsive as most people. You
tend to hold back and wait before expressing yourself, and when you do it is
with deliberation.

61 Trine between the Moon and Saturn

She controls her feelings. She has a strong sense of duty and self-esteem. Very
prudent. She can concentrate on a long-term task, manual or intellectual, with
success. She perseveres and is serious in most things she does, but is
humorous, satirical, steadfast, and upright.

53 Sextile between the Moon and Uranus

She is imaginative and benefits from the Moon's intuition complemented by

Uranus' independence and originality. Her life is out-of-the-ordinary, with lots of
changes and a great knowledge of the world not necessarily through reading
but through personal experience and brilliant intuition. She likes the
sensational, new things. She acts instinctively, but fortunately has a good sixth
sense. She likes to be surrounded by original people, artists.

144 Conjunction between the Moon and Pluto

She can waver between a rich and successful domestic life and social success,
perhaps having difficulty succeeding at both. Very perceptive and given to
psychoanalyzing people. A strategist. Powerful emotions and intense feelings.

54 Trine between the Moon and Lilith

This aspect favors romantic and sexual relationships, giving charm, intrigue,
and intelligence. Emotions are big, dark, and mysterious, but she embraces
these things, instinctively understanding and accepting the many sides and
complications of her feelings.


Mercury represents communication, Cartesian and logical spirit.

Mercury is in Leo
She wants to know the bottom line, and can be good at scoping out a situation
and finding answers to problems. In fact, she is a problem-solver, and will
spend a lot of time helping others solve problems if need be. Very friendly and
usually positive, she can be charming in a warm way. Enthusiastic speaker,
speaks with authority and sincerity. Great sense of organization. Playful. Likes
to take risks in jest and for amusement. Might sometimes come across too
strongly or offend sensitive folk with a somewhat authoritative tone.

Mercury in X: Mercury is in the tenth house

Her home and comfort are the most important things to her. She is intelligent
and speaks easily and cogently. May easily keep many irons in the fire and
follows through her activities. Could move house a lot for business reasons.

You are good with language, and generally use this talent in your profession.
You can have an authoritative air about you, or you are talented at
communicating and negotiating with those in authority. You might have more
than one job going at once much of the time, you could change your career
directions frequently, or you could be attracted to jobs that keep you on the
move. You require frequent changes of setting or activities in order to remain
stimulated and challenged. You are skilled at bringing fresh energy to your
conversations or to your job, perhaps because you need the stimulation.

200 Sextile between Mercury - Venus

She looks on the bright side of life. She is gay, agreeable, optimistic, sociable.
She enjoys speaking and writing, and she does both with charm and artistry.
Her intellectual pleasures are very much influenced by her feelings. She is
amorous and sensual. She likes beauty, the Arts, travelling, frequent changes of
scenery. Aims always for diplomacy. Very charming.


Venus represents an interest in emotions and values, exchange, and sharing

with others.

Venus is in Gemini
Venus in Gemini people will try to win over the object of their affection with
witty conversation, displaying just how much they "know," and demonstrating
their diverse interests. These lovers are playful -- some might even call them a
tease. They are hard to pin down, and they resist relationships that promise to
become too "comfortable." Even those with their Sun in Taurus or Cancer,
whose outward demeanor may suggest some reserve and caution, will want
their relationships to be stimulating and full of conversation with Venus in
Gemini. Venus in Gemini people don't want to be tied or bogged down in their
relationships. They appreciate lightheartedness in love. Although they are
willing to talk (perhaps endlessly) about the relationship, you may get the
feeling that they gloss over some of the deeper issues. In love, their tastes
change often, and it can be hard to know what to expect from one day to the
next (or, sometimes, from one hour to the next!).

Pleasing Venus in Gemini involves supporting their need for fun and variety,
showing interest in their brainpower and knowledge, and giving them space for
friends and activities outside of the relationship. Let them know just how much
fun you have with them. Try not to get overly miffed by Venus in Gemini's
changeable, fickle ways. Remember that time spent with your lover will be
exciting and invigorating.

Venus in IX: Venus is in the ninth house

Could find love abroad or partner with a foreigner. Refined mind, she likes the
Arts, is carried away by beautiful things. She is very happy abroad.

You are attracted to, or you tend to attract, people of different cultural
backgrounds. You are attracted to a partner with a sense of adventure. You are
not especially clingy, and you expect a certain amount of freedom in a
partnership. You want to feel like you are growing as an individual, and you
won't be happy in a relationship that is restrictive or confining. In fact, you have
a great love for the feeling of freedom or limitlessness. Your hips and thighs
may be especially attractive! You appreciate a lover who is enthusiastic and not
afraid to have a good time (with you!). You aspire to high ideals in love, but
some of you might pursue sensations in love rather than true or deep feelings
and attachment. Beware of a tendency for dissatisfaction with what you have,
as the tendency to think that the "grass is greener" elsewhere can keep you
from enjoying or developing what you have.

14 Conjunction between Venus - Mars

She is amorous, not a peaceful and calm lover but a passionate one with a
strong temperament. She is demonstrative in love, and usually fully enjoys
healthy pleasures and life to the full.


Mars represents the desire for action and physical energy.

Mars is in Cancer

This position inclines toward passive-aggressiveness. These people seem to

resist change and to shy away from direct confrontations. They need to feel
secure before they act. As a result, they can appear rather slow at times. Their
motto is "The best offence is defense". They may appear weak to some, but
they can be very strong. Their strength lies in their tenaciousness. Their sex
drive can be very tied up with emotional need. At their best, they turn others on
with a protective, almost therapeutic way about them. The protective nature of
Cancer is best expressed when Mars in Cancer natives are turning the energy
outward -- when they are being the protectors of others. Turning it inwards is
when there are problems. They must avoid over-sensitivity and self-protection
when it comes to sex. Some Mars in Cancer people are especially turned on by
the thought of creating a baby.

These people are threatened by indifference. They can be argumentative and

manipulative. Their energy levels are variable, and they can appear to move
rather slowly. They have defensive reactions and bursts of emotional displays
when they feel cornered. With reassurance and confidence, these natives are
protective, helpful, and dependable in the long haul. They prefer to handle
situations peacefully and humanely.

Mars in IX: Mars is in the ninth house

Deeply rooted opinions that she knows how to defend energetically. At times,
she can fight for a particular ideal but might abandon it along the way, being
less convinced than at the beginning of its virtue or because she realizes that it
is a losing battle. Conflict abroad or with foreigners. Very adventurous, brave,
and magnetic.

Jupiter represents expansion and grace.

Jupiter is in Capricorn

She attracts the most good fortune when organizing and directing, conducting
herself with integrity, acting ethical, and being mature. She values the long
term, achievement, responsibility, and manifestation. Success through
resourcefulness and avoiding activities that waste time, energy, or resources.
Good at streamlining. Position or status is important to her.

Jupiter in III: Jupiter is in the third house

She is has good judgement, a sense of values, an open and optimistic mind, a
good education and high moral standards. She likes studying. She is successful
in communications work. her professional work is a vocation and plays a great
part in her life.

-12 Square between Jupiter - Saturn

She is often indifferent to what goes on around her, can be mistrustful and
often in a state of being unsatisfied. She is easily irritated. For better health and
improved mood, she should work on adopting a positive frame of mind since the
first instinct may be to see the negative.

-17 Square between Jupiter - Ascendant

She appears to have a very honorable and generous attitude toward others, and
others assume that she has their best interests at heart. Because others see her
as tolerant, understanding, and wise, they may also turn to her for advice. May
go to excess when eating.

-23 Opposition between Jupiter - Midheaven

She aims big and may often be disappointed with small advancements or
successes, wishing that these were bigger or better. She may bring every
conversation around to herself, which is a tendency that should be kept in
check. She has highs and lows in her professional life.


Saturn represents contraction and effort.

Saturn is in Aries

Self-consciousness can be a problem. Must learn to develop self-confidence. Is

bothered by a "me-first" attitude in others, but must learn that "me-first" is
sometimes necessary, in moderation.

Saturn in VI: Saturn is in the sixth house

She is a worker, very steady in all she does. She likes precision, method. She is
serious and seeks continuity at work. She can focus on a job in the medical field
where she will likely be successful, as she possesses all the necessary qualities.

4 Sextile between Saturn - Uranus

She knows how to be on top of the situation. She perseveres, is determined but
ingenious and original. She is very practical. She proceeds slowly, but is always
bound to achieve her objectives in the end.

3 Trine between Saturn - Pluto

She perseveres, achieving her projects through hard work.

11 Trine between Saturn - Lilith

She can be hard-working and practical.

-19 Opposition between Saturn - Ascendant

Her life can be difficult and cramped. She is hard-working, but success takes
time. She may have problems with being open, without self-consciousness. She
may accept solitude rather than look for solutions. Family problems.


Uranus represents individual liberty, egoistic liberty.

Uranus in Aquarius

May get over-excited at the start of a task that interests her. At times, her
debonair personality can give others a banal impression.

Uranus in IV: Uranus is in the fourth house

She is very independent. Her independence begins vis-a-vis the family circle.
She does not like bureaucracy, administration, and may have problems as a
result. She has avant-garde ideas, she is original and may not tolerate
constraints on her freedom.

108 Conjunction between Uranus - Neptune

She can be wildly creative with an odd but happy sense of humor and
perspective. She is an idealist, easily disappointed by those using power plays
to advance.

69 Sextile between Uranus - Pluto

She fights to improve her daily life, she is persevering.

-79 Opposition between Uranus - Lilith

She may have difficulties achieving a peaceful love life. She can have lots of
adventures, love-at-first-sights which can lead her into risky territory, as these
can complicate and perhaps even poison her life.

Neptune represents transcendental liberty, non-egoistic liberty.

Neptune is in Capricorn

She is discerning, wise, and sensible.

Neptune in IV: Neptune is in the fourth house

She succeeds thanks to brilliant and unusual ideas. She can be very much
influenced by her mother or guardian.

9 Sextile between Neptune - Pluto

She is perceptive and able to see layers to a situation. She is naturally drawn to
learning what makes herself and others tick.

-7 Opposition between Neptune - Lilith

Love can dominate her life. She could lose her head over someone to whom
there's an intense attraction, which can become troublesome if she loses all idea
of reality. If she is not loved in return, so what - she will love for the two of
them. With time, if the bond loses its spark, she can have difficulty
disentangling herself and she can suffer enormously. It's best to look to a
trusted outside source for guidance in vulnerable times.


Pluto represents transformations, mutations, and elimination.

Pluto is in Sagittarius

Great aspirations: sexuality and love are idealized.

6 Trine between Pluto - Lilith

She may lead a double life. She may have a secret love affair while having a
good relationship with her partner. Most with this aspect, however, are highly
perceptive and can keep a secret. Alternative views of relationships are likely.


Black Moon Lilith represents our darker, deeper natures that may be repressed
or buried.

Lilith in Leo

She may have felt wrong for calling special attention to herself, for seeking the
spotlight, or for seeking to be better than others in competitions. She may feel
uncomfortable with people expressing these Leonine traits. She needs to find
ways to accept the very natural and human need for applause. This can help put
an end to extreme behaviors in these areas wherein there is a period of
remorse after she seeks attention and perhaps goes to an extreme.

North Node-South Node

The South Node represents our overdeveloped character traits. We are talented
here but if we overdo this area of life or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we
may stagnate. The North Node points to the qualities that we need to work on
and develop to achieve inner balance and fulfillment.

True North Node in Libra

Her path is to learn to cooperate, delegate, and share the load more often. She
sometimes relies on herselfso much that people in her life feel alienated or not
needed. She is working on tact and patience. She may fear losing some
freedom or indepndence if she involves others more, but allowing some
feedback or help into her life can restore balance. She lets success into her life
when she lets others in. Ultimately, she learns that self-justification stunts her
growth. Qualities to develop and cultivate: Cooperation, tact, sharing,

North Node in XII: North Node in the Twelfth House

Her path is to believe, take a leap of faith, let go of the need to control, and
focus on emotional health not just physical. Qualities to develop: some healthy
quiet and idleness, willingness to enjoy silence and inactivity from time to time,
faith, belief in her intuition.

The Houses

House I is the area of self identity. The ascendant is a symbol of how one acts
in life. It is the image of the personality as seen by others, and the attitude that
one has towards life.

Leo with ascendant Libra

Ascendant is Libra

Everybody seems to like Libra Ascendant natives. They just come across as
nice, pleasant, and fair. Look a little closer at their lives, and these nice people
may have had quite a few problems in their relationships. Some of them have
had a string of relationships, and it can be hard to imagine why! These natives
attract others to them effortlessly. Besides, they simply don't know what to do
with themselves without a significant other. Libra rising generally appear to be
smoothing everything over. They have charming smiles, a gentle approach with
others, and an easygoing image. Even if they were not endowed with good
looks, they are attractive. Most pay a lot of attention to their personal
appearance -- the colors they wear, their hair, the way they walk.

Libra rising people can be enormously persuasive, although they will almost
always use a "soft sell" approach when they want to win others over, which is
all of the time! A tendency to pass the buck and keep up that "nice guy/gal"
image are their worst qualities. However, they can make excellent mediators
and will generally be the first to accommodate you. Libra rising natives are
usually attracted to competent, active partners. Their relationships are often
characterized by bickering or competitiveness until they learn to drop their
sweet image once in a while and to stop blaming their partners for everything
that goes wrong.

House II - the second house - is the area of material security and values. It
rules money and personal finances, sense of self-worth and basic values,
personal possessions.

Scorpio on House II

Financial success may come through handling other people's money and
resources or thanks to an inheritance. Financial ups and downs are very
possible, but in later life, finances can be substantial. Private about revealing
her worth.

House III - the third house - is the area of social and intellectual learning.

Sagittarius on House III

She may study for a long time, can be erudite. Very intelligent, an open and
independent spirit, will have a connection with foreign countries. Fertile

House IV - the fourth house - is the area of home, family, roots, and deep
emotions/sense of self-worth.

Capricorn on House IV

After working all her life to obtain her objectives and finally having reached that
goal, she wants to retire in peace and quiet and to enjoy a retirement full of
contemplation, with few tasks, close to nature. As she was very careful with
money all her life, she is happy to administer the properties she has acquired.

House V - the fifth house - is the area of creative self-expression, romance,

entertainment, children, and gambling.

Aquarius on House V

She doesn't like routine and the banal. She is romantic, full of fantasy and
imagination. She is also a friend one can count on.

House VI - the sixth house - is the area of learning by material transaction.

Pisces on House VI

Job in commerce. Weak point: the kidneys, feet.

House VII - the seventh house - is the area of one-to-one relationships such as
marriage and partnership, and of social and intellectual action.

Aries on House VII

Love-at-first-sight; may partner without thinking. She doesn't want to change

her habits, perhaps leading to many arguments that are quick to start but also
quick to resolve. She may not have much patience for the "clinging vine" kind of
partner, preferring much activity and someone who can take charge. An active

House VIII - the eighth house - is the area of emotional security and of security
of the soul.

Taurus on House VIII

Happy old age, natural death likely. Inheritance.

House IX - the ninth house - is the area of learning that shapes the identity.

Gemini on House IX

She enjoys studying, is open to anything new, accepting and recognizing her
errors, always developing in a positive sense. She usually likes travel,
discovery, and meeting new people and knows how to appreciate them.

House X - the tenth house - is the area of material action. The Midheaven
represents the work one will do in one's life, the place one will take in the world
of society. It becomes more important as one grows older.

Cancer on House X

She likes contact with the public, the crowd. Profession that involves meeting a
lot of people. Professional success thanks to sense of duty and application to
her work.

House XI - the eleventh house - is the area of search for social and intellectual

Leo on House XI

Friends are not always chosen by chance. Even if the feelings of friendship are
sincere, friends often bring something - professional help for example.

House XII - the twelfth house - is the area of education and of emotion. This is
where we meet our karma, deal with endings, and sometimes where we bury

Virgo on House XII

Work in a research lab.

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