Ma Ba Pa Va: Typography and Orthography

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· Typography and orthography

explanations and descriptions assumes a left-to-right, top-to-bottom reading

· Consonants
left: romanization middle: hangulization right: cyrillization
· basic shapes
nasal stop stop, voiced stop, voiceless fricative / approximant unused bar proper names
labial ma ba pa va Fa
IPA /m/ /b/ /β/ /p/ /pʰ/ /ʋ/ /w/ /v/ /f/ /ɸ/


transliteration m ㅁ м b ㅂ б p ㅍ п v ㅃ в f ㅍㅍ ф
bottom left
description ma mirrored stacked ba ba with left column ba with right column
quarter circle

coronal no do to so lo 1 Zo
IPA /n/ /d/ /ð/ /ɖ/ /t/ /tʰ/ /ʈ/ /ɖ/ /s/ /θ/ /ʃ/ /ɕ/ /l/ /ɾ/ /ɺ/ /ɻ/ /z/ /ʒ/


transliteration n ㄴ н d ㄷ д t ㅌ т s ㅅ с, ш l ㄹ л z ㅈ з. ђ, ч
top left
description no mirrored stacked do do with left column do with right column to with left column
quarter circle

laryngeo-dorsal eñ ge ce he 2 Re
IPA /ŋ//ŋg/ /ɴ//ɴg/ /g/ /ɢ/ /k/ /kʰ/ /q/ /c/ /h/ /x/ /χ/ /ʁ/ /ʀ/ /ʁ/


transliteration ñ, w ㅇ,ㆁ њ g ㄱ г c, k ㅋ к h, x ㅎ х, р r ㅉ ж
description full circle eñ atop half column stacked eñ eñ with left column eñ with right column

- lo may to the benefit of the speaker be treated as any voiced lateral
approximant or rhotic with a trill or flap quality, bar ʁ and its relatives
Notes 2–
he may to the benefit of the speaker be treated as any velar, uvular or
glottal (non-sibilant) fricative, generally voiceless

· Vowels
samampø samedamø samodolø samsamø

· Monophthongs samø ampø samø medamø samø dolø samø samtø

deep sound flat sound tall sound quiet sound

IPA /o/ /u/ /ʊ/ /ɔ/ /a/ /ɑ/ /ɔ/ /ɪ/ /e/ /ɛ/ /ə/
romanization o a e ', ø, ö
cyrillization о а э ь
hangulization ㅗ ㅏ ㅔ ㅡ

Side 1
description single dot long stroke two vertical dots short stroke

left: romanization middle: hangulization right: cyrillization · Graph regarding vowel diacritic position
· Diphthongs
o a e
o ô, u ㅜ oъ, у au ㅒ ao yo ㅛ ю, ё
IPA, initial /ʊo/ /u/
IPA, medial /ɑʊ/ /aʊ/ /jo/
IPA, final
for typing ó, ò á, à é, è
description two O's horizontally A over O E left of O

a ua ㅘ oa â, å ㅙ aъ ya ㅑ иa, я
IPA, initial
IPA, medial /ʊa/ /æ/ /aʔ/ /ja/ /jɑ/
IPA, final
for typing ô â ê
description O over A double A E over A

e oy ㅚ oи ay ㅐ aи ê, i ㅣ е, и
IPA, initial /ɔɪ/ /ʊɪ/ /jɛ/ /i/
IPA, medial /aɪ/ /ɑɪ/
/ɔɪ/ /oɪ/ /i/ /ɛɪ/ /jɛ/
IPA, final
for typing ö ä ë
description O left of E A over E
(short for four dots)

· Phonology
· Phonology of consonants followed by diphthongs
/b/ /d/ /ð/ /ɖ/ /g/ /ɢ/ /ʋ/ /w/ /v/ /l/ /ɾ/ /ɺ/ /ɻ/
o+o /bu/ /bʋo/ /du/ /dʋo/ /gu/ /gʋo/ /ʋu/ /vʋo/ /lu/ /lʋo/ /ɬʊ/
o+a /bʋa/ /ʋa/ /dʋa/ /dʋa/ /gʋa/ /ʋa/ /lʋa/ /ɬʋa/
o+e /bɔj/ /dɔj/ /gɔj/ /ʋɔj/ /lɔj/
a+o /baʊ/ /baw/ /daʊ/ /daw/ /gaʊ/ /gaw/ /ʋaʊ/ /ʋaw/ /laʊ/ /law/
a+e /baj/ /daj/ /gaj/ /ʋaj/ /laj/
a+a /bæ/ /dæ/ /gæ/ /ʋæ/ /læ/
e+o /bjɔ/ /djɔ/ /dʒɔ/ /gjɔ/ /ɟɔ/ /fjɔ/ /ljɔ/ /ɬɔ/
e+a /bja/ /dja/ /dʒa/ /gja/ /ɟa/ /fja/ /lja/ /ɬa/
e+e /bi/ /bɛj/ /bjɛ/ /di/ /dɛj/ /dʒɛ/ /gi/ /gɛj/ /ɟɛ/ /ʋi/ /ʋɛj/ /fjɛ/ /li/ /lɛj/ /ɬɛ/
/p/ /t/ /ʈ/ /ɖ/ /k/ /q/ /c/ /s/ /θ/ /ʃ/ /ɕ/ /h/ /x/ /χ/ /ʁ/
o+o /pu/ /pwo/ /tu/ /two/ /ku/ /kwo/ /su/ /swo/ /xu/ /xwo/ /ʍo/
o+a /pwa/ /twa/ /tʋa/ /kwa/ /swa/ /xwa//ʍa//xʋa/
o+e /pɔj/ /tɔj/ /kɔj/ /sɔj/ /xɔj/
a+o /paʊ/ /paw/ /taʊ/ /taw/ /kaʊ/ /kaw/ /saʊ/ /saw/ /xaʊ/ /xaw/
a+e /paj/ /taj/ /kaj/ /saj/ /xaj/
a+a /pæ/ /tæ/ /kæ/ /sæ/ /xæ/
e+o /pjo/ /tjɔ//tʒɔ//tʃɔ//ty/ /kjɔ/ /ky/ /sjɔ/ /ʃɔ/ /sy/ /xjɔ/ /ɣɔ/
e+a /pja/ /tja/ /tʒa/ /tʃa/ /kja/ /kø/ /sja/ /ʃa/ /sø/ /xja/ /ɣa/ /xø/
e+e /pi/ /pɛj/ /pjɛ/ /ti/ /tɛj/ /tʃɛ/ /ki/ /kɛj/ /kjɛ/ /si/ /ʃi/ /sɛj/ /ʃɛ/ /xi/ /xɛj/ /ɣɛ/
/m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /ɴ/
o+o /mu/ /mʋo/ /nu/ /nʋo/ /ŋu/ /ɴʋo/
o+a /mʋa/ /nʋa/ /ŋʋa/
o+e /mɔj/ /nɔj/ /ŋɔj/
a+o /maʊ/ /maw/ /naʊ/ /naw/ /ŋaʊ/ /ŋaw/
a+e /maj/ /naj/ /ŋaj/
a+a /mæ/ /næ/ /ŋæ/
e+o /mjo/ /ɲo/ /ŋjo/ /ŋõ/
e+a /mja/ /ɲa/ /ŋja/ /ŋã/
e+e /mi/ /mɛj/ /mjɛ/ /ni/ /nɛj/ /ɲɛ/ /ŋi//ŋɛj//ŋjɛ//ŋɛ/ɛ

Side 2
V = verb
S = subject/agent prp = preposition
N = noun
· legend O = direct object
prn = pronoun
prt = particle
I = indirect object må = tense marker prt
adj = adjective

· vowel drift å = harmonic vowel See the glossary or writing tabs for romanization and pronunciation guides
1 person 1st person 3rd person 3rd person 3rd person
· pronouns exclusive2 inclusive2 and general
2nd person
general proximal distal
(n)ê, o co, ca sê va vo
I, me you she/he/they/it this one that one

plural vê o vê nê, vê vê co, vê ca vê sê vê va vê vo

+vê1 we, us we, us you all they, them these those
denámen in (parentheses) : optional for proficient speakers
· verb conjugation particles denámen in [brackets] : optionally shortened for profecient readers structure

tense marker Pronouns also function as

verb indicator active imperative passive imperative
prt: må pseudo-defiinite articles
active 1
plural marker prt, indicates plural
([cê]) to want, wants tama tana
in the following pronoun or noun
past ([cê]) V [må] wanted subjunctive prt nomen agentis
future ([cê]) [må] V will want [ta] prn cê/cô V ve/vel
counterfactuality inclusive/exclusive: inclusive
verb indicator uncertainty, desire
sê cê vana ve
encompasses the listener in ”we”
to be wanted,
cô is wanted gerund one who wants

past cô V [må] was wanted (sê/va/vo) to sê cô vana ve

future cô [må] V will be wanted 3rd person general prn one who is wanted

denámen in (parentheses) : optional for proficient speakers

· nominal declension denámen in [brackets] : optionally shortened for profecient readers structure

marker plural marker: vê1 examples vê (vo) sagêl – the dogs

subject (prn) the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog vo dela – the fox
possessive (prn) [sa] the tail of the dog was wagging vo sa sagêl... – the dog's
direct object (prn) [dô] the fox bit the tail of the dog … (sê) dô øcap cê sabal – … break(s) the cup
indirect object (prn) prp the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog … lo vo sagêl – over the dog

· adjectivals structure

superlative comparative positive diminutive negative

bân vôn van lø, le, lê dim + sup
bân tnau vôn tnau (van) tnau le tnau lø bân tnau
most quick more quick quick less quick least quick
lañca bân lañca vôn lañca (van) lañca le lañca lø bân
river (big stream) large creek creek small stream smallest stream

· syntax under construction

S (dO) V (iO)

stress can never fall on schwa

if stress would fall on schwa, stress falls to the previous syllable if one exists, continually
verbs (including gerund) and adverbs are stressed on the second to last elligible syllable
nouns, adjectives etc. are stressed on the last elligible syllable
adjectives do not have pronoun-article particles (unless they function as nouns in the sentence)

Side 3

vowels: a, e, o, ' (schwa), * (optional schwa), å (harmonic vowel)

romanization diphthongs: â (aa), ya (ea), ua (oa), ay (ae), ê (ee), oy (oe), au (ao), yo (eo), ô (oo) – vowel seperator: |
consonants: b, d, c (k, q), v (f, v), g, h (h, ʁ, x), l (l, ɺ, ɾ), m, n, ñ (ŋ), p, s (s, ʃ), t
V: verb [in] intransitive [no mark] transitive Indo Sino-Tibetan Niger- Afroasiatic Austronesian, Amerind, Aleut
N: noun A: adjective European & Mongolic Congo & Bantu Dravidian & Mayan
& Uralic Tai-Kadai & Na-Dené
adv: adverb G: gerund basic verbs philosophy advanced verbs
tools emotion philosophy, art
prp: preposition prn: pronoun prt: particle religion
mechanics technology thought geography
mathematics colors botany chemistry people food

Denámn sa Máña English construction titles fauna


V: VERB; associated VERB (to darken; to put in shade)

N: that which is VERB-ed (the darkened; shadow)
GENERAL A: participle, associated adjective or descriptor
55 37 16 59 32 70
NOTES (dark, black, shaded)
G: performer or performance of VERB
(dark pigment, night, sundown)

'cap N: cup, mug, drinking vessel such as a glass cup, kop

prt: indicates ordinality or fractionality in cardinal numbers; -st, -nd, -rd, -th
'cês see also (cês*tes)
V: bend, curve, cause to be crooked
N: elbow; bend, curve
'ces*cuan A: bent, crooked, curved, curvy; not straight

G: (as A) bendy, flexible, elastic, stretchy; not rigid or brittle

V: sow, plant; grow or culture smth

N: plant, vegetation
'hôte A: plantlike, vegetative, inactive

G: (as N) smn or smth that sows or plants; a machine for such a purpose

V: light, light up, illuminate

N: sun, star; day
'laña A: bright, lit, well lit, glowing (i, ama)-langa
G: (as V) twinkle, sparkle, shine in reflection
(as N) smth which twinkles or sparkles; jewelry, metal

'sua the cardinal numeral three (3) erekʿ, třȧɛ, trois, θri, se/sey

cesuañc'h'm banana (”crooked fruit”)

' see (ce) atqe, qe ye

V: 1) burn, scorch; set on fire

2) cremate
ab*val N: 1) fire; the element of fire; an instance of arson abar, wa'al
2) an instance of fire (such as a campfire or bonfire); flame
G: (as N) cremation; (superlative) arson

V:? fossilize
N: stone, rock, boulder, solid mineral aggregate of any size
aben A: rocky, stony, hard in texture
abun, bini

G: (as N) geologist
V: clothe, dress
adel N: clothes, attire, get-up (ʔa)dil-, ʔadil-
G: (as N) tailor, fashion designer, seamstress

V: 1) lower, cause to be low, reach or throw down, let descend, pull down, drop
2) [in] drop (oneself), fall to the ground or off some edge or ledge
adnâ N: bottom, valley, depression (in a surface) 'adnaa
A: low, down
adv/prp: under, underneath, beneath, below

agovâñ see (govâñ)

V: drink, consume
N: water; (superlative) stille body of water, lake
agua (plural, superlative) ocean, sea agua, aqua, ak'w(h)a
A: wet
see also (lañca)

V: seperate, differentiate, ? divorce

N: difference
ahal A: different, other, dissimilar, seperate

G:? (as N) segregationist; racist

V: eb and/or flow; shift, change

N: tide (of a body of water)
alapale A: 1) changed; different (than before or earlier) árapály
2) shifted; bumped or moved
G: (as N) (comparative) season (of the year)

alo greeting; ”hello!” ”hi!” ”hey!” especially on the phone hello, hallo, aló

ana N: toddler, infant, infant being ana

anacan N: sibling; brother or sister; (figuratively) good friend aṇṇaṉ, akkaṉ

anôc N: onion á-nuk

N: penis, phallus
as*c's A: penile, phallic, priapic

V: knife, cut
N: knife, blade; edge of a blade
asal' A: (of an edge or blade) sharp

G: (as N) one who cuts; butcher

V: be hungry, hunger, (superlative) starve
atocal N: hunger, (superlative) starvation atuhkalyaˀk
A: hungry, (superlative) starving

Side 4
vo +: there, va +: here, at this or that location
ayn* côco + : where, interrogative adverb

see also: (côco, côc*vayn*, vayn*, voyn*)

b' negation no be beebee

V: be intrigued by, be interested in, pay attention to

N: 1) stranger
2) interest, hobby; area of interest
b'dônyo A: 1) strange; unfamiliar, unknown
dùn-jù (+negation)

2) strange; odd, weird, peculiar; intriguing, interesting

G (as V): intrigue smn, interest smn

b*leñas see (byañas) biàn, brens, bèn brjanh

V: [in] bleed; (comparative or superlative) lose blood

N: blood
bâc'v* A: bloody, blood soaked, blooded Bagakaw
G: (as A) bleeding
(as N) bleeding (as as an internal bleeding)

V: multiply; (mathematics) multiply, time

bada N: multitudes, entirety, masses *bAd∇
A: many, multiple, multitudes (of), a lot (of), lots (of)
V: make smthn with clay, be a potter
N: clay, polymer
balam A: malleable, shapeable, pliable; soft, tender; mild, agreeable, soothing
ʔa-far-, puur-, hafur, ʔapar-

G: potter, ceramics worker

V: be blind to smth, fail to see or notice smth

[in] be blind
balec* N: blind person, smn who is blind baLʕ∇
A: blind, with poor eye sight
G: (as A) blinding, causing blindness, overwhelming to look at
prt: superlative form marker; indicates superlative in an adjective
bân see also (vôn, van, lê)
V: father, to be a father to smn
bapa N: father
pa, papa apu, papu, babu

bapab' N: grandfather; (figuratively) close elderly friend *

V: sell, exchange goods, promote

N: item to be sold; good, ware; service
bâsah* G: (as N) 1) sale bâzâr
(as N) 2) discount
(as N) 3) seller, market, bazar

the cardinal numeral zero (0)

N: none, nil, nothing
bet* A: none, nought
see also (b', beto)

interjection: no, not true, not at all, not (negation)

beto N: falsehood, lie, (diminutive) fiction títô +(negation)
A: false, wrong, incorrect

V: uncover, expose, reveal

N: pornography; pornographic material
betô A: uncovered; revealed, exposed, unclothed, naked, nude
G: (as N) pornographer, pornographic actor or actress
see also (b', êtô)

bobo see (mama) bubu

V: 1) blow, propel by blowing one's breath

2) air out, use air conditioner or climate control
bolag's N: air, climate, atmosphere, oxygen, wind, draft pora, gergo, wentos
A: windy; airy
G: (as N)? flute, trumpet, brass instrument, wind instrument?

bolalo N: peach tekakanhwahará:ron (???), ”polalo”

N: vagina
bolot' A: vaginal, yonic

V: make or cause to be white or pale; bleach

N: smth of this color (see A below)
bovañ* A: white, pale, without color, colorless

G: (as N) bleach

V: make rule, legalize, legislate, allow

N: law, rule, legality
byañas A: legal, allowed, prescribed, mandatory
biàn, brens, bèn brjanh

G: (as N) lawyer, legislator, law maker

c' see (ce) atqe, qe ye

V: soak; steep
c*lenês N: spring (of water); water well; faucet

ca see (co)

cac*sôl' see (cac*syol')

N: crop
cac*syol' also (cac*sôl)
-tshalo óhuteˀ, kákhwaˀ

V: make chocolate, make hot chocolate or cocoa

N: 1) plant of the species Theobroma Cacao, common cacao or cocoa tree
cacav* 2) the pod or bean of this plant; the product of this bean; cocoa solids, cocoa butter cacahuatl, kakawa
3) cocoa, hot chocolate (beverage); chocolate (confectionary)
G: (as N) chocolatiér; chocolate maker; (informal) candy maker or seller

Side 5
the cardinal numeral four (4)
cad* see also (ehad*)
katër, quatre, katr, kat

V: make or brew coffee (beverage), grow coffee beans

N: 1) plant of the genus Coffea, common coffee
cafê 2) the berry of this plant; coffee bean; coffee (beverage) coffee, Kafe, kaffe
G: (as N) barista; coffee maker; a machine for this purpose
see also (talan'n sa cafê)

cagolañ N: son, son of smn kaxulung, cagoulong

V: [in] grow, flower, bloom, bud

N: fruit, specifically edible fruit, vegetable
cahom' A: fruity, fresh, juicy, budding
ômô káhik

G: (as N) fruit, specifically or ambiguously inedible, seed bearing structure of flowering plant

cahom' EMPTY grape fruit (”bitter fruit”)

camêlañ N: daughter, daughter of smn mia, cagoulong

V: make or bake bread; bake generally

canat'l N: bread, (diminutive) dough, (negative) crumb or crumbs kaná:taro
A: bread like, (diminutive) doughy

candemtalan N: redcurrant (”tart red berry”)

V: make or create paper; earn money

N: 1) paper, parchment; sheet of such
2) money bill, coin
3) money, currency, wealth; (plural) riches
catôñ* A: 1) paperlike, brittle, fimsy, lightweight carton, chartes katum
2) numismatic
G: (as N) rich or wealthy person
(comparative) millionaire, (superlative) billionaire
(as A) wealthy, rich, upperclass

V: (mathematics) add
N: (mathematics) addition
ce conjunctive particle: and, also, as well as atqe, qe ye
adv: too, as well
ê ce: lit. ”I as well, I also,” meaning ”I agree”
prt: verb indicator, indicates active voice
cê see also (cô)
V: bite; chew, masticate
N: smth bitten, chewed, masticated or eaten; vomit
ceb*la A: bitten, chewed, masticated, eaten ķäbʔâ
G: (as N) a biting or chewing, (informal) dinner
(as V) (informal) eat, especially of an animal: (diminutive) little dinner; eucharist, holy communion

V: be impolite, be rude or crude

N: 1) buttocks (anatomical); anus, (diminutive) rectum, rectal sphincter
cedê 2) delinquent, smn who is rude

A: impolite, rude, crude, uncouth; (informal) casual, with friends

V: name, mention, specify

N: name, title, designation
cedô A: specific, designated, dedicated Ka. ettu
G: (passive, as N) a named party, smn/smth previously mentioned in conversation, aforementioned, ditto
adv: specifically, namely, that is to say, especially
adv: in, inside, through, towards
cêp* prp: in, into, through, to, towards

V: 1) count, keep track of, account (for)

2) calculate, do or perform mathematics
N: 1) number, numeral, digit
2) the field of mathematics
A: 1) accounted for, calculated; understood
2) (informal) understood, caught on;
cês*tês ”I get it/understand, catch your drift”

G: (as N) accountant, mathematician; calculator, computer

also (cês*têl)
see also (on*, ole, 'sua, ehad*, pem*, sês
sebad*, ocom*, nen*, des*, bet*)

V: read, learn, understand

N: smth that is read; book, (plural or superlative) literature
cêtab* A: readable, legible, intelligible

G: (as N) reader; one who reads a book; (superlative) one who reads regularly; bookworm
prn: 2nd person; you
co also (ca)
prt: verb indicator, indicates passive voice
cô see also (cê)
V: be somewhere, have a (transient) location in space
N: object, item, thing
côba A: essential, necessary, inherent

G: (as N) existece, essence

adv: where, interrogative adverb
côc*vayn* (côco + ayn*)
inquisitive/interrogative particle, indicates a question
what, why, how
côco see also: (ayn*, côc*vayn*)
also (h'h)

côdê A: right (as opposed to left) kuti-

Side 6
V: marry
N: spouse, wife, husband, marriage
coh'nan A: married

G: (as N) marriage officiant, solemniser, (informal) romantic matchmaker

col'nan see (coh'nan) kurənan

V: encircle, surround
N: circle, ring, diameter
colec* A: round; (superlative) vast körǝk
adj/adv: around, about, with regards to
G: (as N) wall, perimiter, that which surrounds; dimension or universe

V: [in] be hot, smolder, have embers

N: ember, hot coals
cômel A: hot, smoldering

G: (as V) heat up, warm up, boil; cook

V: put in front of, show, demonstrate

N: front, facade, face
coped* A: anterior, front, frontal, earlier, previously, near, close by Kopf; caput; Haupt, hoved, head qupe
adv: earlier (before now), previously, sooner
prp: before, fore
N: donkey (animal)
cosal' diminutive of (cosas*ta)

cosas*t' N: horse (animal) kohsa·tʌʌs

V: die
N: death
côtêl* A: dead

G: (as A or N) dying

V: finish, complete, perfect

N: completion, perfection, entirety
côto A: finished, complete, perfect, perfected; good (qualitative) cut
G: (as N) completionism; completionist
(as N) perfectionism; perfectionist

V: stop, end, halt, [in] finish

N: the past, that which has ended
covat A: ended, over with, halted
ḳʷVtiʕ-, kVt, kat

G: (as N) ending, end

cuas'l N: bell pepper, chili pepper tiononhkwá:tsheros

V: identify (one self) as (smth)

N: gender, sex, gender identity
cuavah's A: gendered; correctly gendered; transgender
ʔhs quariwarmi

G: (as V) identify (smn else) as (smth)

prn: interrogative pronoun; who, which person; (plural) which persons, what people;
cuo asks for or postits the identity of smn
/kʷo/ /qʼo/ /k(w)/

V: pull, drag, scrape, scrape along the ground

N: scrape or rash of the skin, scab
d*lago G: (as N) 1) rope, chain; pulley traghō
(as N) 2) scraping tool;
bench scraper, carpentry scraper, squeegee, dustpan

daman see (baba) da. dada dama-, tama-, ~m,n,ŋ

V: paint or render realistically, take a photograph

N: picture, image, photo, painting
damôt* A: painterly, picturesque; (figuratively) true-to-life
dǝmūt, dǝmā

G: (as N) painter, photographer

V: cause to grow, make big, cause to be big, enlarge, engorge; leaven

N: smth grown or cultured; bacterial or fungal culture, yeast; leavener
dêdê A: grown; large, big, broad, wide, of some size

G: (as N) erection (of a penis), priapism; erect penis

dela N: fox

V: resemble, be or look like, be similar or akin to

N: reflection, mirror
dêmbaha A: like, same, similar, alike, akin
(ʔa-)dVm-, dambar, dimm

G: (as N) like, likeness, resemblance; look-alike, doppelganger

V: 1) make or cause to be red or orange

2) cause to blush; embarras or compliment
demel N: object or item of this color mǝǝr, dmar
A: red, orange
G: (as A) embarrasing

V: speak a language
N: language, that which is spoken
denam*n A: linguistic jiǎng
(as N) linguistics
G: (as N) linguist

denañ see (dyanañ) jiǎng

des* the cardinal numeral ten (10) déḱmmt

dô prt: object marker; indicates the object of a verb

V: build, construct, erect

N: house, edifice, building (structure), structure
domo A: structured, rigid, solid

G: (as N) builder, construction worker, architect

Side 7
V: code, program
N: computer program, software, application, code
dosoma A: of or related to programming or software
má dustur

G: (as N) programmer

V: study, research, contemplate, meditate (about), muse

N: library, museum, laboratory, research center; place of study or contemplation;
dôval' institution for this purpose; school, college, university; (superlative) education
tuḥfa, darasa

G: (as N) researcher, scientist, doctor; literatus, philosopher, savant

dove south duf

V: say (smth), talk (about), speak (about), chat (about)

N: speech, chat, chatter, conversation, that which is said
dyanañ A: said, spoken; mentioned earlier, previously brought up

G: (as N) speaker, orator, preacher; religious or spiritual leader

prn: 1st person; I, me
ê also (nê, o)
V: make or cause to be tart or sour; pickle
ecan N: smth tart or sour; pickle ekan
A: tart, sour; pickled

ecañc'h'm lemon fruit (”sour fruit”)

ecantalan N: cranberry (”tart/sour berry”)

V: know, be aware of, be acquainted with

N: knowledge, understanding, intellect
ecehua A: known, renowned, familiar, famous kexue eweqe
G: (as A) smart, clever, intelligent, intellectual, knowledgeable
(as N) intellectual, intelligentsia
prp: 1) with, along with, alongside (of), in the company of, in addition to; expressing reciprocality
ed' 2) of, having, containing

V: shop, buy, purchase

N: shop, store, market
ehac' A: bought, purchased
k(r)āH ( ~ g-), 賈 krāʔs, *kāʔ, ǝkhah

G: (as N) customer, shopper, buyer; client

the cardinal numeral four (4)
ehad* see also (cad*)
katër, čahār

V: taste smth, (of a piece of food) try

elalo N: tongue
λαλία Wilalo

V: make bright green or lime green, make yellow

N: object or item of this color
êlañ A: light or bright green, lime green, chartreuse, yellow

G: (as N) smth which makes smth this color; pigment or paint of this color
N: man, male
êlencôl A: male, masculine

êtaym* A: left (as opposed to right) itai(m)-

V: put behind, cover, hide

N: rear, backside, far side
êtô A: posterior, rear, far, hind, later iṭuv-
adv: after, later
prp: after, behind, on the far side of

V: do, be busy with (smth), be occupied with (smth)

[in] be busy, be occupied; be professional
N: 1) business, profession, occupation
g'cala 2) job, labor, work; the product of such work
k(h)aɫ, kal gaʕ

A: busy, occupied, professional

G: (as N) worker, laborer

g'hala see (g'cala)

g*valaban N: city

g*valam N: town ḳʷar-, a-ɣaram

g*valem' N: village

V: fight, battle, conflict (with)

N: fight, battle, conflict, war
gadâl' A: conflicting, battling
- gadala

G: (as N) fighter, warrior, soldier

N: 1) stick, twig, branch
gasya 2) walking stick, cane, crutch

N: match stick (gasya + ab*val)

gasyabual also (gasyaval)

gasyaval see (gasyabual)

geheb* see (gehev*)

V: make or cause to be this colour (see A below)

N: object or item of this color (see A below)
gehev* A: light blue, pale blue, blue-green

also (geheb)

gesel the cardinal numeral thousand (1000) ǵʰéslom

V: roll, tumble
N: ? smth which is rolled or tumbled
gono A: tumble-like, clumsy; nervous, embarrased

G: (as N) centrifuge; tumbler-dryer

gotê N: fish ghoti

Side 8
V: make or cause to be or become liquid; melt
govâñ N: liquid
A: liquid

h'h see (côco)

hadêcañc'h'm lime fruit (”sour and fresh fruit”)

V: 1) renew, repair, restore; fix

2) freshen up; clean
hadês N: birth, rebirth, renewal, restoration, reparation hadt, häddis, haǯis
A: new, fresh, clean, natal
G: (as N) smn who restores, repairs, fixes etc.

hasal north hasar

V: make or cause to be straight

N: line; stroke (of a pen)
hênda A: straight, direct, parallel hinda
G: (as N) smth that straightens out;
straightener, clothes iron, rolling pin, industrial crusher

V: keep, hold, have

N: container, vessel, stand, holder
hepe G: (as N) custody, guard
khēp, 篋 khēp

(as V) care, nurture

l' see (lê)

prt: negative form marker; indicates negative in an adjective (opposite function of superlative)
l'bân see also (lê, bân)
V: relax, laze around
N: relaxation, laziness, lethargy
la|an A: relaxed, lazy, lethargic
G: (as A) relaxing, comforting

V: digest
N: 1) stomach, belly
lages 2) stomach, abdomen, digestive tract

A: abdominal, digestive
V: stream, flow
lañca N: stream, river, brook, creek
lag-, lak-, la(n)Kwa

V: 1) do, perform, act

2) entertain
lasel N: theatre, play, act, entertainment, showmanship lǝǝH, las
A: entertaining, interesting, amusing
G: (as N) performer, actor, thespian, entertainer, showman

le see (lê)
prt: diminutive form marker; indicates diminutive in an adjective
lê also (le, l')
see also (bân, van, vôn)

V: 1) think, think about, ponder, consider

2) plan, design, scheme
N: brain, (diminutive) brain stem, (superlative) central nervous system
ledeb'n A: 1) thought-out, planned, careful, considered

2) careful, considered, pensive, thoughtful

G: (as N) thinker, philosopher

V: [in] journey, travel

N: 1) way, path, road
lolêm 2) journey, vacation
lu/ak-, ʔurim-

G: (as N) traveller, tourist

N: aunt, uncle; sibling of a parent, or this one's spouse
m'tanac'n see also (anacan, metana)
V: be young
N: child, young being
maba A: young, childish, childlike

G: (as V) infantilize, patronize

V: be teenaged
N: teenager, teenaged being
mabeg* A: teenaged

G: (as N) puberty

V: [in] (of a group of people) gather, group up

socialize (with smn)
N: group, gathering, community, congregation, flock, herd, social circle, in-group
mahê A: 1) social, extroverted
mai, aʀi

2) public, mutual, common

G: (as N) socialite, extrovert

V: mother, to be a mother to smn

mama N: mother
ma, mama na, ma, meme

mamam' N: grandmother; (figuratively) close elderly friend *

man*d' A: (qualitative) good -mnandi

V: can; modal auxiliary verb, be able to

N: ability, skill, art, technique, know-how
maña A: able, possible, doable, surmountable
mogho neng

G: (as N) smn with great skill, craftsman, artist, technician, engineer

V: originate, stem (from), derive (from), be related (to)
mano N: offspring, child of smn (especially of adult children) mɔnuh
G: (as N) origin; middle, jumping-off point; intersection

Side 9
V: 1) make (a) sound, sound like; (informal) chitchat, discuss
2) yell or shout at smn or about smth, bring attention to smth
3) [in] make noise, shout, yell, be noisy
melon N: sound, noise, racket, roar

A: loud, noisy, raucous

G: (as N) source of a sound; noise maker, party animal

meme see (mama) ma, mama na, ma, meme

N: grandparent; ; (figuratively) close elderly friend

memet*n' see also (grandfather, grandmother, metana)
V: parent, to be a parent of smn
metena N: parent
mituatane, ina, tinana

mogan N: shoulder Wdlemogan

prt: tense indicator

må 1) before a verb, indicates future tense
2) after a verb, indicates past tense
prn: 1) 1st person; I, me
2) in plural (vê nê) indicates inclusive 1st person plural; ”(all of) you and I”
nê 3) in plural, general 1st person plural
see also (ê, o)
V: kill, murder, assassinate
necamê N: homicide, murder, killing, assassination nekami
G: (as N) murderer, killer, assassin

nehan see (sevat) nihan-

N: woman, female
nelat' A: feminine

nen* the cardinal numeral nine (9) h₁néwnm, nine, ni, nav, naoi

V: lactate, nurse smn, give suck to smn

nonos' N: breast, mammary gland Nonozak
A:? healthy
N: 1) chest (anatomy, of a human or animal)
nosogan 2) torso; rib cage; ribs (anatomical)

V: [in] have sex/intercourse (with smn)

N: sex, intercourse
nôvañc' A: sexual, sensual, of or related to sex
neyōk avaŋe -nuwak-

G: (as N) sexual partner

nôve east nuf, nfʕ

noyn* see (noyñ*)

V: overlap
N: a mounted or placed party; overlap
noyñ* adv: in, at, on, by
muyi-, n2uŋ, knoŋ

prp: in, inside, inside of, on the inside of, at, on, by
prn: 1) 1st person; I, me
o 2) in plural (vê o) indicates exclusive 1st person plural; ”us, but not you (the listener)”
see also (ê, nê)
V: point, point out, point to or at; tell, remind (smn) of smth, indicate
ôcas'c* N: finger

ocom* the cardinal numeral eight (8) oḱtṓw, ocho, *osmь

odag*v' N: temple (anatomical, by the pterion) Wdagwa

V: detoxify
odoluac* N: kidney

V: mouthe, imitate, repeat

ôdon* N: mouth Wdon
A: (derogatory) fake, unreal, imitated
V: be in charge or at the top of smth; lead
N: head
ôdôp* A: oval
Wdep, Mdup

G: (as N) leader, chief, boss, manager

V: make eggs, cook with eggs
ohons' N: egg onhónhsa
A: which contains egg; not dairy free

ol* the cardinal numeral two (2) wu, we

on* the cardinal numeral one (1) óynos, one, en/et

V: make or cause to seem alive; animate

N: creature, animal, living being
on*hau A: animated, wild, excited, excitable hay(aw)- -unhe-
(as N) that which is animated; animation, the craft of animating
G: (as N) animator, animation artist

V: 1) shape, give form, mold, model (smth)

2) make, create, craft
onayat* N: form, shape, polygon -uni-, -nʌyatu-
A: shaped; rigid, tough, hard, durable, rigorous (of a person) in shape, athletic or muscular
G: (as N) shaper, crafter, maker, creator

oneg*v' N: pea onékwa

onena N: potato ohnenná:ta

onest' N: corn ó:nenhste

Side 10
V: milk smth
onont' N: milk onón:ta
A: milky
N: 1) cream (of milk)
onontas 2) the best part of something onón:ta
A: creamy, (of a liquid) fatty

onôt*s' N: cabbage, salad onútsiˀ

V: 1) breathe
2) bellow
N: 1) lung
ôpan'c* 2) bellow, pair of bellows

A: breathy, aspirated, short of breath

G: (as N) smn alive, living being, ”breather,” organism

V: lift one's brow; disbelieve, doubt, wonder

os*gua N: brow; eyebrow; brow bone

osahet' N: bean osahé·taˀ

V: walk, move about, (superlative) run, jog; go, go somewhere; amble, ramble about
N: 1) foot; (superlative) leg
2) shoe
osed' A: like a foot; flat

adv: while moving or traveling; on the way, on the go, on the road
G: (as N) runner, athlete

V: see, view, notice, observe, watch; eye, keep an eye on

N: eye, (diminutive) iris or pupil of the eye
osoc*s A: visible, watchable, of smth which can be seen or viewed
oculus Wsizgowal

G: (as N) sense of vision

V: bind, tie, tie up, bond

N: 1) bond, tie
osoca 2) relation, relationship, family ʔacir-, usur, ca-car
A: bound, tied, committed, obligated
G: (as N) commitment, obligation, contract

osoha see (osoca) ʔacir-, usur, ca-car

V: make or cause to be this colour (see A below)

otêñ* N: object or item of this color (see A below) chēŋ
A: dark blue, deep blue, violet, purple

otênt*l'n N: blueberry (”blue berry, dark blue berry”)

V: butter, smear butter on smth
oystoha N: butter owistóhsera
A: buttery, rich (in taste), savory, fatty
N: cheese
oystont' A: cheesy, (of an odor) funky, savory
onón:ta, owistóhsera

V:1) cause to be high up, elevate, raise; lift, lift up

2) [in] rise, rise up, move from lying or seated position to standing position
oyval* N: height, elevation, plateau; platform uyar-(v, nt)-
A: high, tall, high up
G: (as N) elevator, lift, ladder, stair, stair case, step
N: 1) skin; hide, leather
pa|ac* 2) bark, such as of a tree
bark Pāk

V: use, utilize,
pâne N: tool, instrument, implement
Pen (~ w-), phan

papa see (baba) pa, papa apu, papu, babu

pas*ca N: the holiday of Easter; time of Easter, early spring pascha, påske

V: shrink, cause to be or become small

pauvel N: object or item that is small or short paulos
A: small, little, narrow, of small stature

V: freeze, cool
N: 1) ice, snow
pegañ 2) coolant 冰 *p(r)ǝŋ, graŋ
A: cold, cool, freezing
G: (as N) freezer, refrigerator, cooler
the cardinal numeral five (5)
pem* see also (peñ*)
pénkʷe, πέμπε

the cardinal numeral five (5)

peñ* see also (pem*)
pénkʷe, penki, pank

pô prn: relative pronoun; who, the person that (did smth), the one who, whoever pûu

V: cause to be dirty or dusty

pola N: dust, sand, dirt
ʔa-far-, puur-, hafur, ʔapar-

pônâ west fVn, pnʕ

V: 1) comb or style smn's hair

2) [in] comb or style one's own hair
pyasual* N: hair, fur Piassoal
A: hairy, hirsute
G: (as N) comb, brush

V:? [in] ossify, cause to become bone

N: bone (of a skeleton), bone (material)
s*col' A: boney, skinny; porous
ōs, ōra Wskaw

G:? (as V) fossilize

s*vo contracted form of (se vo)

Side 11
adv: made from, consisting of; expressing composition or substance
sa prt: possessive/genitive marker; indicates the genitive case in a noun
prp: from, of, out of, off of
V: break, destroy, crush
N: something broken or destroyed, ruin
sabal* A: broken, destroyed

G: (as N) destruction, crushing, (superlative) war

V: be beautiful
N: beauty
sabôl A: beautiful
šappīr, bhy

G: (as N) make-up, beauty products, fashion, jewelry

V: measure; span
N: measurement, span
sacem A: wide, broad

G: (as N) measurer; ruler, tape measurer

sagêl N: dog

sau prn: 1) 1st person, genitive/posessive: my, mine (sa + o); (plural) our, ours

sê prn: 3rd person, general; he, she, it, him, her, singular they
prp: (genitive, 1st person singular) my, mine
se o also (syo)
prp (genitive, 3rd person singular) (singular) their, theirs, his, her, hers
se va also (sua)
prp (genitive, 3rd person singular) (singular) their, theirs, his, her, hers
se vo also (s*vo)

sebad* the cardinal numeral seven (7) septḿm , *saptá, septem, seven

V: [in] be angry
N: anger
sebeb A: angry
sib-, sebib

G: (A as V) to anger, to cause anger, to cause to be angry

sec*lem N: glass, material; silicate; (superlative) crystal se-krem

V: live, be alive
N: person, human; humanity
sedêcau A: human, living, humane, soulful, spirited
Cau, sədiq

G: (as N) creature, being, spirit, soul

sêhadês*c'h'm orange fruit (”fresh and sweet fruit”)

V: make dark green or olive green, make cyan or azure

N: object or item of this color
sêhañ A: dark green, olive green, teal, cyan, azure

G: (as N) smth which makes smth this color; pigment or paint of this color
V: sweeten, make sweet, cause to be sweet
sêhet' N: sugar, sweetness otsikhé:ta
A: sweet, sugary
V: learn, be taught
N: teacher, mentor; counselor, term of respect for religious or spiritual leader
sela A: educating, useful to learn or know

G: (as N): student, pupil, protégé/protégée; researcher, scientist

selacua N: pumpkin onon'onsera'kó:wa

V: make or cause to be black or dark, put in shadow or shade

N: 1) object or item of this color
2) shadow, shade, darkness; coolness, relief from heat
sêmac* 3) night, evening, time after sundown s-maŋ~s-mak
A: black, dark, obscured, shaded
G: 1) (as N) that which makes dark or darkness; obscurant; night, evening, sundown
2) (as N) darkener; dark or black pigment, paint etc.

send' the cardinal numeral hundred (100) dḱmmtóm, cent, hundr*

V: 1) hunt, chase
2) search for, look for; look into, investigate
N: 1) target, prey, object or item of desire
señel 2) search; investigation zingela
A: hunted, chased, persecuted, wanted (in a legal sense)
G: 1) (as N) hunter, predator
2) (as N) detective, investigator

sês* the cardinal numeral six (6) swéḱs, sex, seys, six, seks

V: emote, display emotion

sesoc*v' N: 1) face Wsizokw
2) facade, mask, (diminutive) facet (such as of a gemstone)

V: feel (emotional), have (an) emotion

N: emotion, emotional feeling or sensation
sesov' A: emotional, sentimental, touched zwa, zizwa
G: (as A) touching
see also (sesua)

V: touch, feel (physically), sense

N: physical feeling or sensation; sense of touch; an act of touching
sesua A: tactile, sensual
zwa, zizwa

see also (sesov')

V: 1) oil, grease up, treat with oil, marinade

2) weatherproof, finish a surface, lacquer
sevanam N: oil, oily substance, liquid fat
sib(-in)-, sinam, siwan

A: oily, viscous, greasy, fatty

Side 12

sevat N: in-law сват

N: solid fat, lard, tallow

sevataha A: fat, overweight, obese
sib(-in)-, sinam, siwan owistóhsera

sôba see (syoba) uperi, super

sua contracted form of (se va)

V: crawl, creep, slither
syaceto N: insect, bug, spider

V: 1) mash, mix, blend

2) glue, adhere
N: 1) paste, mush, mash
syalab' 2) glue, adhesive, wallpaper paste
ʒawm, ɣaryab

A: mushy, sticky, adhesive, clingy

G: (as N) mixer, blender, food processor

syo contracted form of (se o)

V: cause to be high or tall, reach up, throw upwards

N: top, hill, (superlative) mountain
syoba A: high, tall, high up
uperi, super shang

adv/prp: above, over, on top of

V: make or bake pie
t'casuan' N: pie

V: hurry, quicken, make fast

t*nau N: speed, haste
A: quick, fast

ta prt: subjunctive marker, indicates subjunctive mood; uncertainty, desire

V: make or play music; sing
talab* N: music, musical art; piece of music, song ṭarab
A: musical, sonorous, harmonic

talad*nad'm N: strawberry (”low red berry”)

talambad N: raspberry (”berry multitude”)

talambas'h't N: guava berry (”sweetest berry”)

talan'n N: berry skanekwen'tará:nen

talan'n demel N: goji berry, wolfberry (”bright red berry”)

N: berry of the plant genus Coffea
talan'n sa cafê see (cafê)
coffee, Kafe, kaffe kāfī, qahwa

talañcah'm N: grape, cluster of grapes (”berry fruit”)

talansabôl N: elderberry (”beautiful berry”)

talansêmac N: blackberry (”dark berry”)

talansêmb't N: boysenberry (”dark berry multitude”)

talansobel N: cherry (”high red berry”)

talsêms'h't N: blackcurrant (”sweet dark berry”)

prt: active imperative marker
tama interjection: please, would you mind, would you be so kind

tambot see (tañbot)

tana prt: passive imperative marker

V: level, flatten, plane, even out, sort (out)

N: 1) table, work surface
2) surface, (geometry) plane; sheet (of smth)
3) blackboard
tañbot A: flat, level, two-dimensional
tabula -atakwʌht-

G: (as N) level (spirit level, bubble level etc.)

flattener (such as a pneumatic press or piston)
also (tambot)

N: 1) earth, soil, ground, land

taven 2) area of land, country, county, state tawim-
A: national, of or related to a country or state
V: salt, salinate, add salt to smth; spice, add spice to smth, spice up
taydês N: table salt, salt
”teyo yojis”

V: leave, depart
N: departure
tenesa A: departing

G: (as N) one who leaves

V: 1) putrify, rot, spoil, decay, cause to decay or rot

2) turn evil, cause to become evil or bad
N:1) putrefaction, rot, decay, mold (fungus), corruption
têsam 2) malevolence, evil, badness, disease, corrosion chVm, čǝcam, ʒam
A: 1) putrified, rotten, spoiled, decayed, corrupt
2) (qualitative) evil, bad, nefarious, malicious, malevolent, with bad intent
3) rusty, corroded, eroded

V: give, gift, hand over, regale, turn smth in to smn

N: gift, present, regalia
tête A: given, granted, delivered
-i[ć]v, -ćhi-

G: (as N) giver, contributer, donor, donator, deliverer

interjection: yes, true, indeed (affirmation)
têto N: reality, truth, fact títô
A: true, correct, right, real, factual

Side 13

to prt: indicates gerund; EMPTY?!

V: go to or attend worship or mass, attend religious ceremony
tyagad* V:
N: make
place ofor worship;
brew tea temple, shrine, church, mosque, synagogue kirikǭ, kúrios s-ɡ-d, masjid
G: 1)
(asplant of the species
N) worshiper; Camellia
one who sinensis,
attends common
a religious tea churchgoer etc.
tyatay 2) flower or leaf of this plant, usually cured; tea of this plant tea, chai, Thee, te
3) tea in general; black tea, green tea, darjeeling, ooling, earl grey etc;
tyoñ prp: with,
any by means brewed
beverage of; expressing instrumentality
with cured plant parts and hot water chuŋ

V: color, paint, draw, dye

N: 1) color; dye
2) hue; nuance
tyove A: 1) colorful; distinct, unique, outstanding, special c[ɨǝ]wH, ćhǝwh, tsɔ
2) nuanced; diverse
G: 1) (as N) painter, colorist, visual artist, designer
2) (as N) specialist, expert

uagac* N: scalp, crown (anatomical); (diminutive) hairline Whagakw

V: be struck by lightning; be electrocuted

N: lightning; (diminutive) electricity, power
ual*cê A: electric, electronic, powered, requiring power or electricity

G: (as N) thunder, clashing sound or roar of lightning

V: cut up meat, prepare or cook meat; cook with meat
ualon N: meat, flesh

V: smile
uanauv' N: cheek (of the face of a human or animal) Wanaowa
A: happy, glad, satisfied

V: weave, knit, crochet, make (smth) with cloth or textile

[in] make cloth or textile
v'vône N: cloth, textile, material, matter aÿôaÿô wíwunaÿô ìbora
A: soft, silky, pleasant, snuggly, warm
See also (adel)

prn: 3rd person, proximal;

va 1) this, this one, (of a group or bundle) the nearest one, smth in possession of the speaker
2) in possessive (va sa) ”its,” referring to the subject of the sentence

vâ prt: interjection; or
prt: positive form marker; indicates positive in an adjective
van see also (bân, vôn, lê)
V: want, wish for, hope for; intend, have intent to
N: want, ?need, wish, yearning, hope; intent, intention
vana A: ? needy, ? hopeful

G: (as V) ask for, pray for

V: pose, arrange, put in a place, lay (smth)
vaña N: pose, posture, arrangement, position; location

vau|at'm* N: field ǯawwār -simu ohʌ·tá·

adv: here, at this location at close by

vayn* (va + ayn*)
prt: nomen agentis/agent noun marker;
1) indicates nomen agentis in a verb; -er, -ist; one who performs or embodies an action
ve 2) passive, indicates nomen patientis/patient noun; -ed, -ee; one who is subject to an action
also (vel)
prt: plural marker, indicates plural
vê if not followed by a pronoun or noun, assumes the function of 1st person plural pronouns

vebed N: tooth (of a human or animal); (superlative) jaw (anatomical) Wibid

vêcua N: thigh Wikwa

vecuas N: toe Witkwazit

vel see (ve)

V: hold, carry
N: hand; arm
vel*dê A: 1) strong, tough; sturdy, ardent Welji
2) hard working, industrious, diligent; active
G: (as N) bag, backpack, sack, pocket

vêso N: plum wíhsu

prn: 3rd person, distal:

vo 1) that, that one (over there), (of a group or bundle) the farthest one, smth in possession of the listener
2) in possessive (vo sa) ”its,” referring to the object (direct or indirect) of the sentence

V: listen, hear
N: 1) ear, inner ear
vôdaug' 2) (diminutive) cochlea; item of this shape; conc or seashell, house of a snail Wdawagw
A: audible; intelligible, understandable, clear or precise in content or conveyance
G: (as N) put,
V: place, hearing, auditory
lay, set down sensation
N: 1) earth, ground, planet, world, globe
vodoym 2) place, area, lot or plot of land, (metaphorically) home
(ʔa-)dVm(Vy)-, w/ʔVdVm-

A: homey,
N: cozy, ground
1) soil, earth, gezellig (Dutch)
volom 2) farm land ʔa-far-, puur-, hafur, ʔapar-
G: (as N) farmer, agriculturist
prt: comparative form marker; indicates comparative in an adjective
vôn see also (bân, van, lê)
adv: there, at that location at some distance
voyn* (vo + ayn*)

vêpo N: moon; phase of the moon; month wilipo

adv: 1) because
yañ 2) (+genitive) because of, due to
jod qid

Side 14

yañce see (yañ) jod qid

V: make or prepare food, cook, bake

yocuan N: food, sustainance, nutrition, the skill of cooking

V: innately have or be (smth)

ômoy N: soul, spirit; essence, personality, characteristic umoya, -oya
A: personal, private, characteristic
V: surprise, astonish, cause wonder or awe (in smn), amaze
N: surprise, wonder
mañad*sa A: surprising, wonderous, wonderful, astonishing, amazing, incredible, awesome

G: (as V) be surprised or astonished, be in awe, wonder, be amazed

V: laugh (at, about), find (smth) funny or humorous
h*leca N: laugh, laughter -hleka
A: of smn who is easily made to laugh
V: intentionally cause laughter, be funny or humorous on purpose
hah*la N: joke, prank, witticism, punchline -hleka
A: funny, humorous, comedic; hilarious, comical, amusing
V: choose, select, make choice or decision, pick; elect, vote (for)
N: choice, selection, decision; election
c'tala A: chosen, selected; elected, official
(ḵ-y-r), iḵtāra

G: (as N) filter, smth which filtrates or sorts; gills (of a fish)

N: especially cute dog; term of endearment
batô A: cute, nice, kind, gentle

cês*têl see (cês*tês)

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