Praxis Exam Analysis

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Ashley Huston

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

Before transferring to a four-year degree program in Education at UNR, UNLV, or NSC,

I first must pass the Praxis Core Exams. In Nevada, a passing score for the Reading Exam is 156,

for the Writing Exam is 162, and for the Math Exam is 150.

Exam Preparation

Before taking the math practice exam, I reviewed what concepts each test covered and

then did the ETS practice questions for those I was unsure about. Math was always my weakest

subject, so I thought the extra review would help. For the reading and writing practice tests, I did

not do much more than look over what concepts the questions covered.

Exam Results

In Math, I scored in the 91% range, which means I’m very likely to pass the Math Exam

for the official Praxis. In Reading, I scored in the 75% range, which means I am on the border of

passing the official Praxis Reading Exam. In Writing, I scored in the 78% range, which means I

am borderline passing for the official Praxis Writing Exam.

Future Exam Preparation

To pass the math section of the official Praxis Exam, I don’t believe I will need to do too

much more studying on the content covered. For the Reading and Writing Exams, I am going to

have to review some concepts to raise my score. I typically do well with online, self-paced study
material, so I’ll likely use Ed Ready and Khan Academy to prepare. My fiancé passed these

exams around four years ago, so I will also ask him to help me in studying the material.

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