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Buckland’s Complete Book Of Witchcraft - This book is a most have in every

Wiccan’s (If you are) collection because of how informative it is. I highly
recommend this book to really every witch who hasn’t read it yet.
The Modern Guide to Witchcraft: Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens,
and Spells - This book is a nice add to a baby witches collection, for how simple
of a read it is. Not to mention how aesthetically pleasing it is.
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner - This book is also a very nice read,
it has a perfect amount of information where you wont get information overload
too quickly. Its unbiased and offers a great first start to starting the craft.
Wicca: by Harmony Nice - If you are a complete newbie to Wicca or the craft,
then this is the book for you. This book is easy to swallow, and offers easy to
understand information for newbies without being too difficult to process. 
Of Witchcraft and whimsy - I think this is the book for newbies who want to
seek the more modern practices of witchcraft. This is a book that focuses more
on the craft than Wicca itself. It is also complete with plenty of unique and fun
spells perfect for beginner level.
Pastel Spells - A perfect book for newbies looking to try out spells of all types at
a beginner level.
The Green Witch - Perfect for a beginning green witch, this book is complete
with all the basics of Green magick complete with the correspondences of herbs
and food, recipes, and basic practices and morals of a green witch.
Spellcrafting: Strengthen the Power of Your Craft by Creating and Casting
Your Own Unique Spells - Perfect for a new witch looking to formulate their own
unique spells.
The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-Making Guide - Perfect for new
witches looking to expand their knowledge on herbalism.
The Modern Witchcraft Guide to Magickal Herbs: Your Complete Guide to the
Hidden Powers of Herbs - Beautifully illustrated guide to herbs and their
magickal properties.
The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary:Rituals & Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick
and Sacred Medicine Making - Perfect for the beginning witch interested in
herbalism, ands its all around a pretty little book.

I love you all! My DMs, mail, and comments are always open! 

xoxo, Angel

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