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Kathleen Gilmore

EDU214 Fall 2017


Emerging Technology: Mobile Assisted Language Learning

The best emerging technology for education is literally in the palm of our hands. The idea

is that any mobile device will become a constant tutor. In this case the technology would aid

language learners. Software such as MobiLearn turns personal digital assistants into “talking

phrase books”. MobiLearn can also be used on any cellphone or tablet. Another free and

commercial mobile language learning program is the European Union-funded initiative m-

learning. This program provides English lessons for non-English speaking individuals in the time

and place best suited to their lifestyle. These along with many others similar in nature can bring

that needed content directly into their hand.

In countries like the U.S. that have immigrants bringing children into our school systems,

this technology is imperative. As a parent, I see the need for this on a social level. This will aid

children to better communicate with their classmates and function as a unit. Also, as an aspiring

teacher I want every tool available for my students no matter what their first language is. This

technology could break barriers ensuring that English language learners will become confident,

and productive parts of the classroom. Not every student has a computer but mobile devices are

everywhere including the classroom. M.A.L.L programs will provide real life impact for the

language learners of the world.

Works Cited
Chinnery, George M. "Emerging technologies. Going to the mall: mobile assisted language
learning." Language learning & technology 10.1 (2006): 9-16.

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