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Clinical Focus ■ Innovation

Internet Application to Tele-Audiology—

“Nothin’ but Net”

Gregg D. Givens
Saravanan Elangovan
East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

The Telehealth program at East Carolina conduction. The results demonstrated the
University has developed a system for real-time feasibility of this new “telehearing” audiometric
assessment of auditory thresholds using system. With the rapid development of Internet-
computer driven control of a remote audiometer based applications, telehealth has the potential
via the Internet. The present study used 45 to provide important healthcare coverage for
adult participants in a double-blind study of 2 rural areas where specialized audiological
different systems: a conventional audiometer services are lacking.
and an audiometer operated remotely via the
Internet. The audiometric thresholds assessed Key Words: telehealth, telemedicine, Internet,
by these 2 systems varied by no more than 1.3 audiology
dB for air conduction and 1.2 dB for bone

elehealth is the use of information and communica- Telehealth practitioners now have the potential to make a
tion technology to transfer information and/or data global impact on health care delivery in their respective
in the support of health care. Telehealth is an professions. “Telediagnosis” (McCarty & Clancy, 2002)
umbrella term that encompasses any medically related has been demonstrated to be a viable and reliable alterna-
activity involving an element of distance. The area is in tive, despite the difficulties caused by the lack of kinetic
relatively early stages of development but is beyond the and facial cues. A study at the Medical Center of Central
conceptual and start-up phase (American Speech- Massachusetts compared face-to-face and teleconferenced
Language-Hearing Association [ASHA], 2001). Telehealth psychiatric diagnosis for ratings on multiple psychiatric
has existed in some form or another for more than 40 years scales among patients who were involuntarily admitted.
(Ashley, 2002). However, much of its progress was When the individual ratings of the “in room” psychiatrist
hindered in early years by costs and limitations in technol- were compared with those of the telepsychiatrist, the
ogy. Rapidly decreasing costs of technology (Whitten & results for 12 individual evaluations revealed a mean
Collins, 1997), technological advances such as the World weighted Kappa coefficient of 0.85, F(95, 95) = 20.85,
Wide Web (Bergeron, 1998), and increased federal, state, p < .001. Therefore, the telediagnosis had an excellent
and military support (Edwards & Mota, 1997) led to a correlation with the face-to-face psychiatric diagnosis
rebirth in the late 1990s. The first reference in medical (Bear, Jacobson, Aaronson, & Hanson, 1997). A similar
literature for telemedicine described the 1948 transmission investigation was conducted in the field of communication
of radiological images by telephone (Field, 1996). sciences and disorders. Duffy, Werven, and Aronson
It has only been in the last few years that investigations (1997) evaluated speech-language pathology consultations
in telehealth have moved from working with prototypes conducted by the Mayo clinic in conjunction with the
that test clinical possibilities to evaluating new systems as National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA)
to their utility and validity in the clinical setting. The Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS).
impact of telehealth in health care could be tremendous Live videoconferencing consultation of 8 patients and a
(McCarty & Clancy, 2002), including the possibility of retrospective evaluation of 24 video-recorded samples of
providing quality health care through telecommunications speech disorders were assessed both by an “in room”
technology to underserved populations in prisons, inner clinician and by a clinician at a remote site. The results
cities, and rural locations, and to elderly people in long- indicated that the satellite videoconference consultations
term care facilities (Bashshur, 1997) in the United States and diagnosis were comparable to face-to-face consulta-
and abroad (Bashshur, 2002; Larkin, 1997; Plock, 1998). tions and diagnosis. Further, the study reported that the
American Journal of Audiology • Vol. 12 • 59–65 • December 2003 • © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Givens & Elangovan: Internet Application to Tele-Audiology 59
patients were satisfied with the satellite consultations and apart. Toward this goal, telehealth takes different forms.
felt that the consultation adequately reflected their commu- One of the forms that allows for synchronous “real time”
nication abilities. diagnosis involves remote control computing that enables
ASHA recognized the huge potential of telehealth clinicians to test individuals at distant locations. Remote
practices and directed a team to investigate its current control software applications permit the clinician to control
status and probe for future directions in the field of computers and their peripherals, as pure-tone audiometry
communication sciences and disorders (ASHA, 2001). This and otoacoustic emissions located at the consumer sites.
team adopted the term telepractices to encompass both the Such a venture has already been attempted and results have
delivery of clinical services and the provision of health been reported to be promising (Krumm, Ribera, &
related information. Telepractices was broadly defined “as Froelich, 2002).
the application of technology to deliver health services at a The telehealth program at East Carolina University took
distance by linking clinician and patient or clinician and this evolving telehealth technology and developed a system
clinician to provide any or all of the following: (1) training, for the application of real-time diagnostic audiometry via
counseling, education; (2) assessment—establishing the Internet. The system is organized as a real-time
patient status; (3) intervention—treatment/management, assessment of auditory thresholds using computer driven
and to provide remote support and training of practitio- control of a remote audiometer via the Internet. The
ners” (ASHA, 2001, p. 3). The Telepractices Team’s report following is a description of a recently completed study
emphasized the need for ASHA and its members “to using the “tele-audiometry” system.
improve their use of Web-based and advanced technology
to enhance the provision of personnel preparation, provi- Method
sion of clinical services including telepractices, and
program administration” (ASHA, 2001, p. 1). Tele-Audiometry System Description
Several applications of telehealth in the field of commu- ECU Telemedicine Center engineers devised a means of
nication sciences and disorders have been described in communicating with a commercially available audiometer
ASHA publications, in the Journal of Telemedicine and via an Internet protocol (IP) network, allowing an audiolo-
Telecare (Hill & Theodoros, 2002), and in the recent report gist to remotely conduct a hearing test using a desktop or
of the ASHA Telepractices Team. An early study by palmtop computer and an Internet connection. The tele-
Vaughn (1976) described the effectiveness of a telehealth audiometry system (see Figure 1) comprised three primary
program that sought to improve the availability and accessi- subsystems: (a) a controller that interfaced at a low level
bility of speech and language services in a cost-effective with the audiometer, (b) a micro Web server that managed
manner. This program developed “Tel-communicology,” a the IP connection and acted as a “traffic cop” between the
method of service delivery using the telephone in conjunc- microcontroller and the remote user/consultant (i.e., the
tion with education materials previously mailed to the audiologist), and (c) a remote computer, either a desktop
patient. This service delivery model, which included a full PC or palmtop personal digital assistant (PDA) that used a
range of services, such as patient–clinician sessions; specially developed Microsoft Windows or Palm OS client
consultations between patient, clinician and consultant; and program.
educational lectures for staff, was implemented as a The audiometer, Maico Diagnostics’ MA40 (Eden
supplement to traditional services, principally for follow- Prarie, MN), was inherently capable of communicating its
up. The results of this investigation indicated a significant current status through a built in serial port. However, it
reduction in costs and travel time, and an increase in the could not be controlled through this serial port. Therefore,
number of patient–clinician contacts (Vaughn, 1976). More a controller was developed using Microchip Technology’s
recently, Telehealth was reported to have been initiated in PIC16C74B 8-bit microcontroller and a MAX232A
applications such as voice therapy (Mashima, Birkmire- RS232/TTL conversion chip to control the audiometer’s 10
Peters, Holtel, & Syms, 1999), assessment of dysphagia digital switches and dual encoders. The controller used 10
(Lalor, Brown, & Cranfield, 2000), articulation therapy digital pins for the audiometer’s 10 controls, 8 digital pins
(Scheiderman-Miller & Clark, 2000), stuttering therapy to manage the rotary encoders, and a serial port (transmit/
(Kully, 2000), and diagnostic audiometry (Krumm, Ribera, receive pins). The following were controlled: (a) ear
& Froelich, 2002), and in the rehabilitation of acquired routing, (b) air/bone conduction, (c) transducer (insert or
brain injury (Ricker et al., 2002). head phone), (d) stimulus interrupter, (e) stimulus lock, (f)
Audiologists have been using some kind of telehealth frequency modulation, (g) pulsed stimulus, and (h)
practices on a regular basis in a limited manner for diagnos- masking. The two encoders controlled the attenuation of
tics, hearing aid fittings, and counseling (Krumm, Ribera, & the primary stimulus and masker. The controller’s func-
Froelich, 2002). Any kind of remote communication with tions were transparent to the user, meaning that the
patients constitutes some element of telehealth. One of the audiometer could be controlled from the audiometer’s user
main challenges faced by the health care systems is to interface, from the controller, or from both simultaneously.
provide for consumers living in isolated or rural communi- A micro Web server (Rabbit Semiconductor’s RCM-
ties. These populations will probably benefit the most from 2200) was used to enable remote communications with the
telepractices. In these circumstances, telehealth acts as a controller and the audiometer. The RCM-2200 acted like a
technology medium that brings the consumer “face-to-face” bridge between Internet commands and the controller. The
with the clinician even when they are hundreds of miles Web server’s functionality enabled it to send and receive

60 American Journal of Audiology • Vol. 12 • 59–65 • December 2003

FIGURE 1. A block diagram of the tele-audiometry system.

information to the controller and the audiometer simulta- FIGURE 2. The Palm OS client software allows the audiologist
neously, while hosting a Web server for connection with to remotely control the audiometer via an Internet protocol
the client PC or PDA. The micro Web server commanded
the controller, while verifying that a change was made
using the output from the audiometer. This provided
redundant verification that the audiometer was using the
correct intensity and frequency settings, as well as which
ear was receiving audio tones. This was essential to verify
that the participant was actually receiving the correct tones.
The micro Web server was programmed to constantly
look for an IP socket connection from a remote host (PC or
PDA). As described previously, both Microsoft Windows
and Palm OS clients (see Figure 2) were developed to
connect to the rabbit, control the audiometer, and receive
feedback. This allowed an audiologist to control the
audiometer from any location within an IP connection.
Therefore, the system could be operated over the Internet,
within an isolated local or wide area network within a
health system, or via a dial-up connection. Also, the use of
the low cost components in the controller and micro Web
server subsystems obviated the need for a PC to be directly
connected to the audiometer. This kept the cost of upgrad-
ing an audiometer to a bare minimum. In addition, al-
though this solution was used with a specific audiometer,
the system was designed so it could be applied to any

Forty-five adult participants (M = 24 years, range =
20–53 years) were used in the air conduction condition.
Twenty-five (M = 23 years, range = 19–45 years) of the
original 45 adult participants were used in the bone
conduction condition. The number of participants varied
between the two transducer conditions because the

Givens & Elangovan: Internet Application to Tele-Audiology 61

TABLE 1. Mean, standard deviation, and range for air conduction thresholds (dB HL) measured
under both audiometric systems.

Frequency (Hz)
(dB HL) 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

M 12.4 11.7 9.2 8.8 10.6 14.6
SD 6.1 8.1 7.7 7.4 11.8 10.9
Range 5–30 0–40 0–35 0–40 0–60 0–50
M 13.2 11.6 9.3 8.6 11.1 14.9
SD 5.9 8.3 8.6 7.3 11.4 10.3
Range 5–25 5–35 0–30 0–35 0–35 5–55
Mean difference 1.3 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.8 0.8

technology for bone conduction testing was developed at a 1996). The audiometer employed was a Maico Model
later time during the study. Participants were tested in a MA 40 with TDH-49 earphones and a Radio Ear B 71
double blind study of two different systems for assessing bone oscillator.
auditory pure-tone thresholds. One system consisted of a
standard audiometer, and the second system consisted of
the same audiometer operated remotely via the Internet. Results
The participants were selected at random from college The mean, range, and standard deviation of the auditory
students and faculty in the School of Allied Health thresholds for air conduction for each system as a function
Sciences at East Carolina University. Each participant of frequency are presented in Table 1. The mean, range,
received an auditory threshold assessment with two and standard deviation of the auditory thresholds for bone
different audiometric systems. The participants had no conduction for each system as a function of frequency are
knowledge of which audiometric system was being used in presented in Table 2. The relationship between the thresh-
the assessment procedure. The conventional and tele- olds estimated by the two systems as a function of fre-
audiometer were operated by two independent audiologists quency can be seen in the scatter plot matrices in Figures 3
for every individual participant. The audiologists were and 4, for air conduction and bone conduction, respec-
blind to the results of previous testing for any particular tively. Also shown in the scatter plots are a least-squares
individual. The threshold procedure administered followed regression line along with the regression equation and
the ASHA guidelines for audiometric evaluation (ASHA, coefficient of determination (r2) for each individual test
1985). The test ear as well as the order of test procedure frequency. As can be seen in Figures 3 and 4, both the
was counterbalanced. Air conduction thresholds were regression coefficient (β in the regression equation) and the
assessed at octave intervals between 250 and 8000 Hz, and coefficient of determination (r2) are close to unity, for
bone conduction thresholds were assessed at octave both the air and bone conduction thresholds, suggesting
intervals between 250 and 4000 Hz. that the relationship between the auditory thresholds
All tests were conducted in a sound treated room estimated by the two audiometric systems is linear and very
meeting the ANSI S3.1-1991 standards. (American highly related. Pearson’s product–moment correlation
National Standards Institute [ANSI], 1991) The audiom- coefficients were high and significant (α = .01) between
eter was calibrated to ANSI S3.6-1996 standards (ANSI, thresholds estimated through the two systems for all the test

TABLE 2. Mean, standard deviation, and range for bone conduction thresholds (dB HL) measured
under both audiometric systems.

Frequency (Hz)
(dB HL) 250 500 1000 2000 4000

M 8.8 7.6 5.0 5.2 6.8
SD 7.2 9.0 10.7 4.9 12.2
Range 0–30 0–40 0–40 0–15 0–60
M 9.6 7.8 5.4 5.2 5.8
SD 7.0 9.1 9.6 6.2 12.1
Range 0–30 0–40 0–35 0–20 0–60
Mean difference 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.0 1.0

62 American Journal of Audiology • Vol. 12 • 59–65 • December 2003

FIGURE 3. Scatter plots showing the relationship between the air conduction thresholds estimated by the conventional and
telehearing system for the test frequencies (a) 250 Hz, (b) 500 Hz, (c) 1000 Hz, (d) 2000 Hz, (e) 4000 Hz, and (f) 8000 Hz. Shown also
in the individual scatter plots is the least-squares regression line along with the regression equation and coefficient of determina-
tion (r 2). The reason for the varying number of symbols (each symbol represents a pair of thresholds estimated by the audiometric
systems for an individual participant) in the scatter plots of different test frequencies is the overlap of auditory thresholds between
the participants.

frequencies, for both air conduction (M = .86, range = .82– interaction was observed between the factors, system and
.92) and bone conduction (M = .94, range = .90–.97). test frequency, for both air, F(5, 220) = 0.562, Green-
A two factor repeated-measures ANOVA was also used house–Geisser p = .690, and bone conduction, F(4, 96) =
to examine mean differences in auditory thresholds as a 1.418, Greenhouse–Geisser p = .240.
function of system and frequency. A nonsignificant main
effect of system was found for air, F(1, 44) = 0.387,
Greenhouse–Geisser p = .537, η2 = .009, φ = .093 (at α = Discussion
.05), and bone conduction thresholds, F(1, 24) = 0.066, The present study demonstrates the feasibility of a new
Greenhouse–Geisser p = .799, η2 = .003, φ = .057 (at α = Internet-based audiometric system. With the rapid develop-
.05). In other words, both systems provide the same ment of the Internet and of Internet-based applications,
audiometric results. Mean thresholds using the two systems telehealth can potentially provide important health care
varied by no more than 1.3 dB for air conduction and 1.2 coverage for remote and rural areas where specialized
dB for bone conduction, well within established variability audiological services are lacking. However, before tele-
of audiometric testing (Harris, 1978). audiological services become a reality, additional analysis
A significant main effect for frequency was evidenced is needed. Our current system is in the process of being
for the air conduction thresholds, F(5, 220) = 5.292, inserted into a rural medical clinic where data will be
Greenhouse–Geisser p = .003, η2 = .107, φ = .898 (at α = examined relative to validity and reliability of measure-
.05), but not seen for the bone conduction thresholds, F(4, ment, clinical efficiency, patient satisfaction, and clinical
96) = 1.258, Greenhouse–Geisser p = .292. This statistical outcomes.
difference could probably be because of the difference in If telehealth is to become a health care reality, several
sample size (smaller sample size for the bone conduction issues have to be resolved, including (a) reimbursement,
experiment). More relevant to our purpose was to examine (b) licensure, (c) expanded coverage area by Medicare and
whether there was any significant difference between the private health plans, (d) adequate infrastructure in rural
thresholds evaluated with the two different systems as a areas, and (e) the cost of the technology. The ASHA
function of the test frequency. No statistically significant Telepractices Team has suggested measures to address

Givens & Elangovan: Internet Application to Tele-Audiology 63

FIGURE 4. Scatter plots showing the relationship between the bone conduction thresholds estimated by the conventional and
telehearing system for the test frequencies (a) 250 Hz, (b) 500 Hz, (c) 1000 Hz, (d) 2000 Hz, and (e) 4000 Hz. Shown also in the
individual scatter plots is the least-squares regression line along with the regression equation and coefficient of determination (r 2).
The reason for the varying number of symbols (each symbol represents a pair of thresholds estimated by the audiometric systems
for an individual participant) in the scatter plots of different test frequencies is the overlap of auditory thresholds between the

issues such as practice and outcome; ethical, liability, and Telehealth is quickly becoming less an “alternative
legal issues; reimbursement and issues related to medical method of service delivery” and more about the wise
insurance coverage; licensure, accrediation, and certifica- application of current and emerging technology to deliver
tion of service providers; preservice academic preparation clinical services in a manner that has the potential to (a)
and continuing education of telepractice service delivery; reduce barriers to access and specialized expertise, (b) be
consumer education; and research issues (ASHA, 2001). cost-effective, and (c) enhance provider productivity and
Ultimately, consumers will decide the fate of telehealth; consumer convenience (e.g., reduce the burden associated
their demand for access to medical expertise through with travel time or costs; ASHA, 2001). The area of tele-
technology will force health insurance carriers, state audiology is certainly in its infancy but it shows tremen-
lawmakers, and congress to tear down any legal and dous scope in various facets of the field of aural habilita-
regulatory barriers (Krizner, 2002). This relatively new tion/rehabilitation. Applications such as intraoperative
endeavor does not change the scope of practice of any monitoring, fitting and programming of digital hearing
licensed healthcare professional. However, it does change aids, activation and mapping of cochlear implants, audio-
the scope of healthcare delivery. logical diagnostic testing with otoacoustic emissions and
middle ear impedance measures, auditory training, and so
on, are but a few examples of potential areas where
Conclusions teleaudiology can be implemented. If we believe there is
We have demonstrated that real-time, Internet-based potential in this area, we have a moral as well as a profes-
assessment of hearing can be accomplished. This system sional responsibility to study and develop telehealth for
allows for remote assessment of hearing, providing improved worldwide health care (Wooten, 2001).
audiological care without an audiologist on site. Future
investigations will probe into issues concerning the
application of this technology to various clinical settings, References
quantifying outcome, and cost analysis of the clinical American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. (1985).
procedures. Guidelines for identification audiometry. ASHA, 27, 49–52.

64 American Journal of Audiology • Vol. 12 • 59–65 • December 2003

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Received July 21, 2003
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Accepted September 8, 2003
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DOI: 10.1044/1059-0889(2003/011)
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