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LE Papers Final.

qxp 4/16/2007 11:36 AM Page 565

/ Lubrication Basics

Twelve Sharp-Shooting Tips for Rapidly

Interpreting an Oil Analysis Report
By: Ashley Mayer, Noria Corporation

Introduction synthetics sometimes lose viscosity when they degrade, and some
Interpreting an oil analysis report can be a daunting process when modes of thermal failure can also cause a decrease in viscosity, but
one is faced with tens, perhaps hundreds, of numbers on the page. these are not very common.
Yet by breaking this task up into manageable sections, the task can
quite effectively be simplified. This paper breaks the diagnosis
process up into twelve steps, covering the condition of the lubricant,
contamination of the fluid, and wear of the machine. By following the
steps outlined, the diagnostic process can become one of more
science and less art.

In presenting an examination of each of the parameters we’ll be

examining, included are some examples of different scenarios that
might occur in the real world. We’ll also be looking at examples of
where more than one parameter is examined at once, which is really
how the diagnostic process is performed.

Machine and Sample Information

Point 1: Analyze Sample and Machine Information
Before even sitting down to analyze the numbers, one needs to
Figure 1. Viscosity versus time.
consider machine and sample information, such as:

Unfortunately, there are factors other than pure fluid degradation,

• Sample point: Was the sample a good one? Did it come from a
namely contamination factors, that come into play, thus making
dedicated sample point, or was it perhaps a drain or drop-tube
viscosity analysis sometimes less than straightforward.
sample? If the sampling process is suspect, this is probably a
good time to terminate the analysis and follow up with a sound,
In order to decide what viscosity readings are acceptable, one
visual inspection of the machine and extracting a new, good
needs to decide on the limits. Typical limits for industrial oils might
be ten percent and twenty percent upwards for alarm and critical
• Visual machine observations: Were any obvious problems limits respectively.
noted, such as overheating, excessive vibration or noise, bottom
sediment, or a depleted desiccant in the breather when the Reasons for viscosity failure could include:
sample was taken? If not, and the lab analysis indicates a • Oxidative failure
problem, now would be a good time to make a follow-up visual
• Thermal failure (viscosity could go downward as well for this,
but this is not very common)
• New data: Has new data, such as vibration or thermography
• Overheating
been performed since the sample was taken?
Point 3: Acid Number
Acid number is a measurement of the concentration of various
Particularly in the case of problem samples, one should go through
acids in the oil. These acids are usually by-products of oxidation, so
these steps after getting the lab analysis. The reasons for this are that
acid number may be interpreted as an indication of the amount of
often the required information was not correctly captured, or captured
oxidation, thus degradation, of the oil that has taken place. There are
at all at the time of taking the sample. Also, it is quite possible that
many different acid number-versus-time profiles, but what they all
more information might have come to light since the data was
have in common is an increasing trend in the uncontrolled oxidation
originally captured, such as vibration or infra-red thermography.
phase (the latter phase) of an oil’s life. A profile typical of an R&O
lubricant is illustrated in Figure 2.
Fluid Condition
Point 2: Viscosity as a Fluid Property The increasing trend only comes in the latter part of the fluid’s life,
From a purely fluid condition-related viewpoint, viscosity is very as up until then the anti-oxidant additive is still strong and resists
easy to analyze. In almost all cases it will trend upwards. Ester oxidation, hence the formation of acids.

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Oil analysis is all about comparing different parameters. Here are

two combinations of viscosity, acid number, and additives that relate
to fluid degradation only. Figure 4 illustrates a profile which is typical
of natural degradation of the fluid, what one might expect from an oil
which is not subject to anything other than normal use.

Figure 2. Acid Number versus time profile for an R&O lubricant.

Point 4: Additive levels

The third step in analyzing the oil’s condition is to consider the
additives. There are various different ways to measure additive
depletion, and these include elemental analysis, the rotation Figure 4. Normal degradation of a fluid.
pressure vessel oxidation test (RPVOT), and Fourier transform infra-
red (FT-IR) analysis. It should be noted that measuring additive Obviously, the various parameters have not been plotted to scale
depletion directly is probably one of the more difficult things to do according to their units, but are presented in such a way as to
with oil analysis; however useful trends can often still be compare their trends. It should be noted that acid number increase
established. An example of the elemental analysis of additives is usually leads to viscosity increase; as such acid number is a better
given in Figure 3. early indicator of the end of life of the fluid. The profile above is
merely a combination of what was seen in the previous three figures.
The downward trend starts immediately, as additives begin to get
consumed from the moment the fluid goes into use. Figure 5 illustrates another fairly commonly seen profile, what an
analysis might show when a fluid, particularly a Group I mineral, is
With elemental analysis typical elements that might be analyzed experiencing moderate overheating.
include phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. The one
or ones chosen will be a function of the additive package. With FT-
IR one might look at anti-oxidant or anti-wear. It should be noted
that FT-IR analysis of additives is often not easy, and requires a good
reference sample of the new oil.

Figure 5. Degradation of a fluid due to overheating.

Here viscosity and additives demonstrate moderately increasing

trends. The reasons for this are that the light ends in the base stock
are evaporating, a process called volatilization or evaporation. The
remaining heavier fractions of the fluid contribute to the increased
Figure 3. Additive depletion versus time. viscosity. As the light-ends evaporate off, the fluid needs to be topped
off to maintain the correct level. During this process more additives

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/ Lubrication Basics

are added to the system, hence the increase in the additive levels.

Point 5: Particle Count
The particle count remains one of the most important, in some
cases the most important, lube oil test. Particle count gives
information about the contamination in the oil, which indirectly might
be wear-induced contamination (wear particles), or even oil
degradation particles (insolubles).

There are three ways of doing the particle count

• By microscope
• By automatic optical particle counter
• By pore-blockage particle counter
Figure 7. Particle count for unfiltered system - contamination only.
Particle counts by microscope are sometimes used in on-site
laboratories by producing a patch and estimating the particle One can similarly compare total and contamination-only particle
count from the results. There are various charts and computer counts from other systems to make deductions as to whether the
programs available to provide comparison images. It is not contamination is wear or non-wear related.
particularly accurate, but it does provide trendable data.
Point 6: Know your Elements
If one suspects an increase in contamination (as opposed to wear), Elemental analysis is a huge source for monitoring contamination.
a useful technique is to make a patch of non-ferrous debris. Do this One needs to have a good feel for contaminants in the environment.
by dissolving equal parts of oil and solvent in a flask. Then, by Table 1 shows some of the more common contaminants.
holding a strong magnet against bottom of the flask, decant the
solution and make a patch from it.

The other two methods of particle counting give more accurate

results than estimating from a patch. You can also use the method
described above to separate non-ferrous particles from the oil to
analyze separately.

By analyzing the non-ferrous contamination separately from all

contamination, one can see some interesting trends. Figure 6
illustrates a typical particle count profile for an unfiltered system
which has experienced an increase in contamination ingression, such Table 1. Some possible contaminants.
as a seal or breather failure. Figure 7 illustrates what the particle
count might look like if analyzed for contamination only. It is important to know the possible contaminants in one’s plant.
Have some possible contaminants analyzed for elemental
composition. Different parts of the plant will likely have different
possible contaminants.

Being able to recognize the lockstep trend is particularly useful in

contamination analysis. Figure 8 illustrates a typical elemental trend for dirt.

Point 7: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words – The Patch Test

The patch test is an extremely useful test for analyzing
contamination, and is probably not done nearly as much as it should
be. Too often the patch is only done when one suspects a problem.
Whilst this can give good information, it is important to have some
data of what the sample should look like; doing regular patches to
develop trends is important. Computers have made it easy to take
and store digital images, so changing trends are easy to compare and
Figure 6. Particle count for unfiltered system. interpret.

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The type of measurement technique used will depend on the

accuracy required. The amount of water present will determine the
method of removal. This important test should never be omitted from
a lube analysis.

Point 9: Viscosity
Viscosity would be much easier to analyze if we could separate
fluid degradation from contamination. The previous section on
viscosity discussed some techniques one could use to determine if
viscosity change was due to a fluid properties change. If a fluid
properties change can be ruled out, then a contamination source
must be suspected.

Figure 8. Lockstep trend.

To prepare a patch for contaminant analysis, prepare a patch as

described above for particle counts.

A little experience is necessary to be able to analyze different

contaminants, and knowledge of the environment will make
interpreting the patch easy. Figure 9 shows some possible, common

Table 2. Contaminant influence on viscosity.

A good indication of viscosity change due to contamination is a

step change in additive levels from the elemental analysis. Look for
the following viscosity changes:

• A step decrease in additive levels indicates an addition, such as

water, fuel or solvents;
• An increase or decrease, accompanied by no change in additive
concentration, or perhaps a slight increase in additive
contamination, suspect top-up with an oil of the same type but
a different viscosity grade;
Figure 9. Some common contaminants. Noria Corp.
• An increase or decrease, with some additive levels increasing
and others decreasing, suspect top-up with an oil of different
Point 8: Moisture
type and different viscosity.
Moisture is a very damaging and common contaminant. There are
many ways to test for its presence and measure the amount of the
water. Wear Detection and Analysis
Point 10: Elemental Analysis
Common detection methods used are: Like contaminant analysis, knowing the metallurgy of the machine
• The crackle test is essential to early machine wear detection.
• FT-IR analysis
Point 11: Ferrous Density
Ferrous density is an extremely useful test for systems with
Common moisture measurement techniques include: relatively small sump volumes. The best candidates for this test are
• Calcium-hydride tests engines and gearboxes. It measures the amount of ferrous debris per
• Karl Fischer analysis unit volume. There are different ways to determine the ferrous
• FT-IR density of an oil sample, and this test provides good, trendable
information and provides advance warning of catastrophic failure.

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/ Lubrication Basics

Point 12: Microscopy

There are two different forms of microscopy commonly employed:
• Patch microscopy
• Analytical ferrography

If one is looking for wear information only, then one should remove
the non-ferrous components using the mechanisms described for
particle counts above. When one has the particles on the patch, look
for the different wear modes as described in Figure 12.

Ferrography is a technique used to separate primarily ferrous

Table 3. Some common wear metal sources. material from other contaminants and the oil. It is a good method to
analyze different wear modes in systems with potentially large
Ferrous density comes into its own when compared to elemental amounts of ferrous wear.
analysis of iron. Figure 10 indicates a situation where more large
particles than small are being formed. Figure 11 illustrates a situation
where many small particles, rather than large particles are being
formed, such as might occur in a corrosion situation.

Figure 12. Wear particles.

Knowing the basic tests and how to interpret them can help you
Figure 10. Elemental iron and ferrous density
with your interpretations of your oil samples.
comparison for large particle formation.

Figure 11. Wear profile for small particle formation.

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