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Hopes, dreams and ambitions

Andres Geovany Lara Trujillo

1) Inoue´s dream is train japanese pet-owners to take better care of their pets. It’s a
great idea, that can bear good fruits and can make reality come true because he has
the help of his wife.

2) Aminata – B (swim)
Eduardo – A (play guitar)
Elisa – C (Karate)

3) 1. One day, I’d like to learn to swim.

2. At some point, I’d absolutely love to be comfortable in the wáter.
3. I’m thinking of taking some lessons.
4. I’m counsidering doing a degree in music.
5. My dream is to be a guitar player.
6. My aim is to go there nwxt year.
7. My ambition is to live in Tokyo for a year.
8. I’ve always wanted to train at the JKA dojo.

4) My ambition is to be able to give back to my parents everything they have given

me, to buy a house, to have a family, to travel and to move the world, to set a good
example for my future children, to learn a lot and to improve everything I know
until today.

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