Clozes: Fill in The Blanks With The Suitable Word

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Fill in the blanks with the suitable word:

1. We saw they had difficulty in………….both ends meet.

2. Alice is French. When she first came to England she found it difficult
to…………herself understood. She was not…………. to speaking English.
But soon she got ………………to it.
3. They did all that………….in their power in order to support the
manager’s plan.
4. He was sorry for…………… caused so much trouble to his family in his
5. I’ll draw a map for you in…………… you can’t find the city hall.
6. You may take these books as ………… as you don’t lend them to
somebody else.
7. I must be off. It’s nearly six o’clock and I’m ……………. to meet Jordan
at quarter past six.

Extreme skiing
Most people would rather take up a sport that involves…………or no
risk and would certainly not choose a sport………….extreme skiing, which
is ……….of the most dangerous in the world. Extreme skiing is
………….for those who ……….for adventure. Invented by the French,
………….is a sport which attracts brave skiers ………….would rather ski
down a 60-degree slope and tackle hair-raising jumps ……
………..experience the relaxing pleasures of conventional skiing. The
ultimate goal of most extreme skiers is to win the World Extreme Ski
Championship, ………skiers have to tackle the most challenging terrain and
can only survey the course…………….the bottom of the mountain. One
successful competitor said that he was glad that he had had a good look at
the course beforehand, as a fall could………..been fatal. Another, who was
not …………… lucky, explained that she could have waited…………….
the conditions were better, but then the danger would have been eliminated.
……………..people who enjoy putting their lives at risk are drawn to
extreme skiing, their families would rather they hadn’t chosen ……….. a
dangerous sport. There must be ……….more worrying than seeing someone
you love fling themselves off a cliff face.

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