Artifact 1

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Portfolio Artifact #1

Matt Clough

College of Southern Nevada


Portfolio Artifact #1

Nevada is covered by the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Other

states, such as Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, California, Idaho, and Oregon are also part of the Ninth

Circuit ( According to, The United States Courts for the Ninth

Circuit works along with District and Bankruptcy courts in 15 federal judicial districts that

provide court services.

You can find Education under article 11 in The Constitution of the State of Nevada. The

article contains 10 sections. Section 1 states that legislature shall promote intelligence, literacy,

science, mining, mechanical knowledge, agriculture and more improvements. Legislature is to

provide a superintendent as well.

Section 2 states that the Legislature shall provide a uniform system, where a school shall

be established and maintained in each school district. Also, if a school district allows instruction

from a sectarian, then they may be deprived of school funding. Finally, the legislature may pass

laws that require children to attend school.

Section 3 states that any land granted by congress or escheated estates and fines collected

under penal laws are only to be used for educational purposes. The legislature distributes the

money derived from these sources among several counties and may also be used to support the

state university.

Section 4 states that the legislature shall provide a State University that contains

departments for Agriculture, Mechanic Arts, and Mining. These departments are to be controlled

by a Board of Regents whose duties are described by law.


Section 5 states that the legislature has the power to establish normal schools and

different grades of schools. This could be from the primary department to the University. Also,

all professors or teachers of whatever grade are required to take the oath described in Article 15

in The Constitution of the State of Nevada. Failure to do so are not entitled to receive any part of

public funding for school purposes.

Section 6 states many things. The legislature provide support and maintenance by

appropriation from the general fund. Before any other appropriation is enacted to fund a portion

of the state budget, the legislature must enact at least one appropriation to fund public schools

from kindergarten to 12th grade. Any appropriation of money in violation of these subsections

are void.

Section 7 states that the Governor, Secretary of State and Superintendent of Public

Instruction are required to select a Board of Regents to manage the affairs of the State university.

The legislature provides for the election of the new Board of Regents and defines their duties.

Section 8 states that The Board of Regents are required to organize and maintain the

Mining department to make it as effective and useful that it could be. Agriculture, Mechanics

Arts, and Military tactics invested by the Board in a separate fund. The legislature shall provide

that if any of the funds are lost, misappropriated, or neglected the State of Nevada shall replace

the amount lost so it will not be undiminished.

Section 9 states that no Sectarian will be allowed or tolerated in any school or University

under this constitution.

Section 10 states that no funds of any kind can be used for Sectarian purposes.



(2019, September 8). United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Retrieved from

(n.d.). What is the Ninth Circuit? Retrieved from

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