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Book Trailer Rubric- Book Title_________________________________________________Author_______________________

Student’s Name_____________________________________________________________ Period______ Final Grade: _______

Images Images are all carefully chosen to Some images were not carefully Most images do not relate to other
help tell the story. Appeals to the chosen/appropriate. Somewhat elements of the trailer. Does not
audience and enhances the trailer. appeals to the audience & enhances appeal to the audience or enhance
the trailer. trailer.
Audio Tempo & style have relevance to Tempo & style have some relevance to Tempo & style have little to no
story or support tone of the story. story or somewhat support the tone of relevance to story or do not support
Complements text/images. story. Somewhat complements tone of story. Does not
text/images. complement text/images.

Length Trailer is an appropriate length for Trailer is slightly long or short to Trailer is too short or long. Images
the task (about 10—18 slides). adequately complete the task. Most do not remain on screen long
Images/text remain on screen long images/text remain on screen long enough to keep/pique interest.
enough to keep/pique interest. enough to keep/pique interest.

Book Provides enough information about Mostly provides enough information Tells too much or too little of the
Information/ the book to pique interest without about the book to pique interest story. May include details that are
Text giving away plot twists or ending. without giving away storyline. Text unimportant and/or misleading. Text
Text complements images/audio usually complements images/audio may overwhelm images/audio.
without overwhelming. without overwhelming.

Story Describes most of the story Describes some of the elements (plot, Does not include enough information
Elements elements (the plot, setting, and setting, and characters) in a way that is about the plot, setting, and
characters) without including too mostly helpful to the task. characters for the audience to
much information. understand the trailer.
Mechanics No mechanical errors Few (1-2) mechanical errors More than 2 mechanical errors

(not including those clearly used for (not including those clearly used for (not including those clearly used for
effect). effect). effect).

Citations Includes all citations. Includes most citations. Includes few or no citations.


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