Two Songs Essay

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Isabella Emanuel

English Composition II

Professor Johnson

9 February 2020

The song “Fight Song '' was released in 2014 and portrays a strong message to fans of

pop music. A cover of “Fight Song '' came out in 2015 by Amanda Rose. In “Fight Song '' by

Rachel Platten she says, “And I don’t really care if nobody else believes, ‘Cause I still got a lot

of fight left in me”. This quote from the song directly relates to the importance of the main claim.

This song exemplifies that people have the strength to push through the hardships that life throws

at you. The original music video shows Rachel Platten facing the everyday struggles of life,

while the version my Amanda Rose is much more peaceful. The original music video of “Fight

Song” has a negative connotation at the beginning, although it changes throughout the video to a

more positive outlook. The cover has a playful and calming tone throughout. “Fight Song” by

Rachel Platten and the cover by Amanda Rose both exemplify the same theme of overcoming

hardships and the everyday struggles of life. The original goes more into depth with Rachel

Platten’s personal struggles, while the cover done by Amanda Rose does not express the true

meaning of the song.

Shortly after Rachel Platten released this song, it was a worldwide hit and that was not

something she planned for. Platten originally made this song due to her low level of confidence

to make it in the music industry. She did not intend for the world to hear this song, as she made

the song personally to boost her confidence in herself. The song not only raised Platten’s

confidence, but inspired others to believe in themselves also. Amanda Rose wrote the cover of
“Fight Song” simply because she was a fan of Rachel Platten and loved the song. Amanda also

wanted to get more publicity, so she picked a famous song that would grasp many viewers'


In both of the videos, it is clear that the main claim is to be confident and always believe

in yourself. Even though the artists are different, the song and message they are trying to get

across is the exact same. Although, the way the artists portray the song is extremely different. In

the original music video, it shows Rachel Platten crying and struggling to make music in her bed.

The music video then continues and Rachel Platten’s attitude changes and she begins to have

confidence in herself. The original music video is very personal to Rachel’s life and the

hardships that she faced to get her fame. Amanda Rose has a very different approach to the song.

Rose is shown walking around the beach in an elegant white dress, while peacefully singing

Platten’s song. Amanda Rose made sure to include that her video goes out to all the people

fighting cancer. The original song does a better job representing the song, because it allows the

viewer to connect to the song in an emotional way.

The major rhetorical appeal shown in the music videos is pathos. Pathos is the persuasive

technique that is used to evoke emotions. Rachel Platten’s song exemplifies her personal

struggles and sadness through the tough times, and this is a perfect example of pathos. The fans

of “Fight Song” will feel Rachel’s pain or sorrow after listening to the song. Since Rachel’s song

takes such an emotional approach, the audience would be anyone with difficult life experiences.

The song allows the listeners to connect, because there are many people in the world who have

faced hardships and are trying to build their confidence levels. It is always a good feeling to be

able to relate to someone and know that you are not the only one struggling. The song reaches

out to many viewers and gives the hope to get through the hard times. The audience for Amanda
Rose’s cover would be the fans that Rachel Platten inspired. The main fans that are influenced by

Platten’s music may search for covers to further relate to her songs. Rose also wanted to

showcase her talents to her family and friends to allow them easy excess to see her music.

Overall, the theme of Rachel Platten’s was to inspire viewers in a positive way and show

that it is possible to overcome the everyday struggles of life. Many popular singers do not try to

showcase their struggles, because they want their life to seem near perfect. Platten did not plan

for this video to influence viewers in such a positive way. The main claim of the song is to

encourage the listeners to believe in themselves during the hard parts of life. The message of the

song had a great impact on people all over the world. Amanda Rose continued spreading this

empowering message when she made a cover, although the video does not have the emotional

connection that Platten’s did. Hopefully Platten continues to make music that influences viewers

in a positive way.

Work Cited

Platten, Rachel. “Fight Song.” Rachel Platten, 2014,

Rose, Amanda. “Fight Song”. Amanda Rose, 2015,

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