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Task 2 - Electromagnetic waves in bounded open media

Individual work

Jonathan Alexander Ortiz Rodríguez

Group 203058_2
Identification number: 1069729417


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

2020 16-01

The following is an approach to the basic principles that allow us to define the different ways
in which different surfaces reflect electromagnetic signals and their influence on propagation.

Therefore, it will be possible to appreciate the different modes of propagation of

electromagnetic waves, the ways of polarizing a wave, the phenomenon of total reflection and
refraction, and the objective of Snell's Law. Lastly, theoretical-practical exercises are carried
out to consolidate the knowledge acquired.

Questions: (write with your own words)

1. What are the modes of propagation of electromagnetic waves?

The propagation of electromagnetic waves depends on various factors: the

frequency, the energy of the signal and the properties of the different media.
Line-of-sight propagation, known as direct propagation, occurs when there is a
visual relationship between the sender and the receiver. In terms of efficiency,
it is the most reliable, since energy is not lost in reflection.
Another mode is propagation by terrestrial reflection, because the plane of the
earth acts as an equipotential bonding.
A third mode is propagation by atmospheric reflection, mostly used in radio
broadcasting and radio amateurs. Atmospheric reflection makes it easier for
waves to reach receivers over great distances, overcoming the curvature of the
earth and line of sight, so that signals from different spaces can be tuned under
certain atmospheric conditions. This is due to the different layers of the
atmosphere, due to their different density and ionization level, to the sensitivity
as the conductive surfaces of the signals in the medium and high frequencies.
Their difficulties are observed in the reception of the change signals according
to the schedule and atmospheric conditions.
On the other hand, the propagation mode is the retransmission via satellite or
microwave links, this allows to overcome the drawbacks of atmospheric
reflection. Furthermore, where the topography is rough, the waves are
propagated by multiple reflections.
2. What does it mean to polarize an electromagnetic wave?

Polarizing a wave is understood as the way in which the different components of

the electric field are manifested and the relationship that exists between them.
However, for this to be the case, it is subject to the difference in phase and
amplitude between the transverse components of the electromagnetic field that
generate the wave. In other words, polarization is a property of waves that
oscillate in different directions.

Among them is linear polarization. It occurs when both components have

different amplitudes but are in phase or in exact counterpace. An arithmetic
sum or subtraction of the signals is then generated at each point in space,
which leads to the resulting field always have the same direction but that this
does not necessarily coincide with the Yo Z axes.

Circular polarization: When both components have the same amplitude and are
90º or 270º out of phase with each other. In this case, a circularly polarized
wave is generated; the direction of rotation of the vector is defined by the
phase difference of the signals.

Elliptical polarization: It is generated when both components have different

amplitudes and the phase angle between them is neither 0º nor 180º.

3. What is the phenomenon of total reflection of an electromagnetic wave?

It occurs when a wave impinges perpendicular to the border between a lossless

dielectric and a perfect conductor, a particular condition of wave reflection
occurs, called total reflection. That is, it occurs when a wave reaches a surface
that separates two media with different properties for the propagation of that
wave. In this process, the wave collides with an obstacle and continues its
advance in the same medium, changing its direction: it is true in this
phenomenon that the angle of incidence i is equal to the angle of reflection r.

Now the total reflection angle is understood when a wave passes from a
medium with a lower index to one with a higher index of refraction, the
retracted ray approaches the normal one, i> ρ. If the step is from a medium
with a higher index to one with a lower index, the retracted ray moves away
from the normal one, ρ> i.

4. What is the phenomenon of total refraction of an electromagnetic wave?

Total refraction angle - polarization TM is given When the sum of the incidence
and refraction angles is 90º, the Fresnel coefficient of reflection in the TM mode
is canceled (the tangent tends to infinity), which means that the parallel electric
field it is not reflected, but is completely refracted. That is, refraction is the
change in direction and speed that a wave undergoes when passing from one
tan ⁡(θ1−θ 2)
medium to another with a different refractive index r 12 =η1 =0 .
tan ⁡(θ1 +θ2 )
So, unlike total reflection, total refraction does not occur from a specific angle,
but at a specific angle, if the angle of incidence varies slightly the phenomenon
no longer occurs. The angle at which this condition occurs is called the Brewster
η2 cos ⁡θ B−η1 cos ⁡θ2
angle expressed in the following equation:r 12 = =0
η2 cos θ B +η1 cos ⁡θ2

5. What is the purpose of Snell's Law in the study of the propagation of waves?
It is represented by the following formula η1 Sen (θ1)=η2 Sen(θ 2)used to know the
relationship between the path taken by a ray of light when crossing the limit or
the separation surface between two substances in contact and the refractive
index of each of them.
Now, η1 and η2 are the refractive indices of means 1 and 2, correspondingly. And
its angle of incidence is always equal to that of reflection. On the other hand, if
you want to know and obtain an equivalent through the propagation speeds
Sen θ1 Sen θ2
= .
c1 c2

When it is a non-magnetic medium, it can be expressed as a function of the

Sen θ1 Sen θ2
intrinsic impedance of the media = .
η1 η2

Application exercises:
For the development of the following exercises, note that ¿ corresponds to the group
number and CCC to the first 3 digits of the identification number.


Conclusion 1:

Conclusion 2:

The conclusions should be written with their own words and should focus on the
concepts explored, learned, discovered and practiced in the development of the
activity, it is suggested to present a conclusion by topic, the result of learning
obtained as evidence of conceptual assimilation.

To obtain a good writing it is suggested to read the written several times, correcting
and adjusting the text until obtaining a clear and coherent postulate. Avoid
superficiality and simplicity.


Bibliography 1:

Chen, W. (2005). The Electrical Engineering Handbook. Boston: Academic Press, (pp. 519-
524). Recovered from

Wiley J. & Sons Ltd. (2003). Electromagnetic Wave Propagation. Fixed Broadband Wireless. (pp. 31-
51). Recovered from

Gutiérrez, W. (2017). Snell Law [Video]. Recovered from

Woodwell, G. (2016). Reflection And Refraction. Salem Press Encyclopedia Of Science.

Recovered from

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