Institution and Instructor Policies MAT 092

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MAT 092 Spring 2012 J Fernandez, instructor

Institution/Instructor Policies
Please read the following policies completely.
Online Attendance:
You must participate in the online course during the first week of the semester (by January 24th) or you will be dropped from the course. Participation means completing the first assignment (reading the course documents and sending your instructor an email indicating you have read and understand the information) and being registered in MyMathLab portion of the course. Plan to work on assignments at least five times per week (15-20 hours per week) and check your yc email frequently. If you expect to be off-line for more than seven days in a row, please email me and let me know.

Withdrawing from the Course:

Student Initiated Withdrawal: To officially withdraw from a course, you must withdraw using the My Registration feature within the My Services portion of your portal. You must complete this process before Tuesday, March 13th. Instructor Withdrawal: Anytime between March 14th April 30th, you may email your instructor and request a withdrawal. I will not withdraw a student without a written request. Grades: Grades earned in the course (A, B, C, D, F) will be assigned for those students still registered in the course at the end. If you have not withdrawn from the course you will be assigned a grade in the course. You may submit a written request by email for a grade of Unsatisfactory (D or F) or Satisfactory (A, B, C) if received before the last week of class.

Disability Support Services:

If anyone in this class has a documented disability, including a learning disability, and would like to discuss possible accommodation, please contact Disability Resources @ 776-2085.

MyMathLab Homework:
Homework assignments may be completed as many times as needed before the due date. All course materials and resources can be used when completing homework. I hope that you will earn 100% on each homework assignment. Homework assignments are graded by MyMathLab and your results can be accessed immediately. Feedback is given for each problem as it is completed. If you think the program marked your answer wrong, but it was correct, please contact me with the details so that I can research the homework and change the score if warranted.

MAT 092 Spring 2012 J Fernandez, instructor

MyMathLab Tests:
Online exams may be submitted only once from the time it is started until the due date. It is

your responsibility to ensure that you plan your schedule properly so that you have ample time to complete your exams by their due dates as late exams will not be accepted. Please make sure that you understand this statement!
(A recommendation is that you print and keep the general calendar handy to ensure you know course due dates!) Online resources are not available for exams. There is a time limit for exams (the time remaining is posted on the page as you are taking the quiz). You may, however, work on the exam over a period of a few days. To do this, close the quiz window or click another button in the course, but DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR EXAM UNTIL YOU ARE COMPLETELY FINISHED. After you have submitted your exam, it will not be available to review until after the due date.

Make-Up Work and Extra Credit:

MyMathLab homework and online exams will not be accepted after the due date. A grade of 0 will be entered as the score for any missed work.
There is NO extra credit available in this course!

Email Policy:
Please include a clear subject line when sending email and sign all emails with your name. Please use the MyMathLab Communication feature or YC email when sending general question emails. MyMathLab homework has an option Ask My Instructor, which will send me a link to the homework problem you are working on. Please include a specific question when getting help with homework problems so that I can better answer your question. Please send only emails that deal directly with the course. I will answer emails within 24-48 hours. If I am out of town or unable to get to a computer for more than 2 days, I will let you know ahead of time.

Learning Centers: Free tutoring services are available in the Learning Centers at each campus. Students can sign up for small group tutoring, study groups, or individual tutoring (only available for students in the Student Support Services Program). Drop-in tutoring is available during specified hours. Instructor: Please use Ask My Instructor for help with online homework in MyMathLab. Please feel free to email, call me or stop by my office with questions at any time.

Academic Integrity:
Honesty in academic work is a central element of the learning environment. The presentation of another individuals work as ones own or the act of seeking unfair academic advantage through

MAT 092 Spring 2012 J Fernandez, instructor

cheating, plagiarism or other dishonest means are violations of the Colleges Student Code of Conduct. Refer to the Yavapai College General Catalog for definitions. If a student is caught cheating on an assignment or project in this course, a failing grade will be earned. All incidents of cheating will be referred to the office of student affairs.

Cell Phone Pager Policy:

All cell phones and pagers must be placed in a non-audible mode while in classrooms, computer labs, the library, the learning center, and testing areas. Cell phones and pagers must be used outside these facilities.

Student Code of Conduct:

Respect for the rights of others and for the College and its property are fundamental expectations for every student. The Student Code of Conduct outlines behavioral expectations, and explains the process for responding to allegations of student misconduct. For more information, read the college handbook, which has a link provided in the Course Documents section of this course.

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