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Applying reading strategies:

1.The main idea of the reading 1; is in the answer to the question: what personal
qualities are desirable in a teacher? In which it is answered that the teacher’s
personality should be pleasantly live and attractive; also whit a capacity to tune in
to the minds and feelings of other people, especially to the minds and feelings of
the children, a teacher must remain mentally alert, he or she must be able to have
infinite patience; finally, a teacher should have the kind of mind which always want
to go learning.

2. the main idea of the reading 2; is about the definition and characteristics of the
anthropology that is the study of humankind (homo sapiens), also is the study of
how our specie evolved, and how our species developed a mode of communication
known as language and a mode of social life known as culture. It is the study of
how culture, people, and nature interact wherever human beings are found.

The anthropology define what is really human and differentiate the natural and
cultural conditions responsible for competition, conflict, and war; also the general
anthropology searches the causes of social and cultural differences and similarities
to understand the extent to which we increase humanity’s freedom and well-being
by conscious in the processes of cultural evolution.

3. the main idea of the reading 3 is about the abilities and characteristics that an
excellent International Negotiator should have, such have ability of persuasion and

These characteristics include patience, punctuality, respect, creativity, an honest

and polite attitude, and must have their ideas very clear, also the international
negotiator must be professional and should know English language and redefine
strategies, to know customers and to offer the best.
4. Rosa and Carlos study a technology in International Business.

5. Rosa and Carlos study at servicio nacional de aprendizaje “SENA”.

6. They have to read a lot and do activities, called evidences that they have to
upload into a blackboard platform.

7.They should study English because an International negotiator has to

communicate in the international language.

8. International Business consist of transactions that are devises and carried out
across national borders to satisfy the objectives of individuals, companies, and

9. The kind of companies are going global is manufacturing firms, service

companies (banks, Insurance, consulting firms) art, film, and music companies.

10. International Business causes the flow of ideas, services, and capital across
the world, offers consumers new choices, permits the acquisition of a wider variety
of products, facilitates the mobility of labor, capital, and technology.

Apprentice 1: Mariana Alejandra Sarmiento Garzón.

Apprentice 2: Wilson Mauricio Morales Hernandez

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