Lesson 5

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Lesson 5

Key: ​SW ​= Students will TW ​= Teachers will SWBAT ​= Students will be able to ... HOTS ​= Higher Order Thinking Skills
SIOP ​ L​ESSON ​T​ITLE​: ​Current era music
C​ONTENT ​S​TANDARD​(​S​): T​EACHERS​: ​Elizabeth Nava
- SS.CV.4.3: ​Describe how people have tried to improve their G​RADE​: ​3rd Grade
communities over time.
- SS.H.2.3:​ Describe how significant people, events, and
developments have shaped their own community and region
- ​https://www.billboard.com/
- Community - Music chart
- Unity - Powerpoint
- Diverse - powerpoint guide
HOTS: - Lyrics of the songs for the EL so then they can see
- How has music improved throughout the years? the message.
- Discussion sheet
- Songsheet
- The music they are currently listening to.
- Culture music from the other day.
- Students will fill out their KWL
- SWBAT to describe
chart on what they know about
what people did to
the current era music. R​EVIEW ​/ A​SSESSMENT​:
improve their
- Students will fill out the W
communities. - Thumbs up/ Thumbs down -- Can you think of a song that made
section on what they want to
- SWBAT describe the a big impact in the community?
learn about current era music.
significance people
- Students will go through the
made to shape their
mini-lecture about music impact
community or region.
right now.
- Students will fill out the
powerpoint guide as we are
going through the slides.
- SW be able to listen
to the music that has M​EANINGFUL ​A​CTIVITIES​:
made an impact on - Students will be going through
the community or the list of songs and their
country. meaning/importance in the
- SW will have to community.
- Tablemates will work on making R​EVIEW ​/ A​SSESSMENT​:
create a song with
a song with one of the messages.
their tablemates with - Discussion on music impacted history.
- Each table demonstrates the song
a choice of the they created as a group.
message. - As a class, there would be a
- SW talk about what class discussion of how music is
they learned used throughout the years and
throughout the week why it is so important to all of us.
and how music has
KWL Chart -- Music Impact
What do you know, want to learn and learned about the impact
of music in history?
Music: Music: Music:

Stone Ages: Stone Ages: Stone Ages:

Medieval Times/ Middle Ages: Medieval Times/ Middle Ages: Medieval Times/ Middle Ages

United States and Music: United States and Music: United States and Music:

Current Era: Current Era: Current Era:

Powerpoint -- Pictures as powerpoint with an explanation. The importance of the music now.
There has been a mixture of cultures Let’s look at the Billboard charts:
in music now. - Have a mixture of songs from
Current Era Music This is a great way to show all over the world.
diversity. -
Diversity-- ​different

These are some popular songs that Possible Messages:

have an inspiring message. - Don’t give up
- Can’t Stop the Feeling! - Love yourself
- Try Feeling! - Be yourself
- Stronger - Everything will be ok
- Answer: Love Yourself
- Happy
Name: _____________________

Powerpoint guide

Answer the questions as the powerpoint goes on.

1. Diversity --

2. What is so cool about Billboard charts?

3. What is a popular song that has an inspiring message?

4. What are some messages?

5. What is your favorite song?

Name: _____________________
Discussion Sheet
Look back to your KWL sheet, pick one thing you know and one thing learned from each section. Put them in the
boxes below and explain why.

Know Learn
Stone Age: Stone Age:

Medieval Time/ Middle Ages: Medieval Times/ Middle Ages:

United States and Music: United States and Music:

Current Era: Current Era:

Create a Song
As a group, you will be creating your own song. You must have the title, message, genre, and lyrics.

Title: _________________________

Message: ________________________________________________________________________


Genre: ___________________________________________________________________________


Lyrics: __________________________________________________________________________




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