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Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187

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The volcanic, magmatic and tectonic setting of the Taupo Volcanic

Zone, New Zealand, reviewed from a geothermal perspective
Colin J.N. Wilson a,∗ , Julie V. Rowland b
School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, Victoria University, PO Box 600, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
School of Environment, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, New Zealand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) in the North Island of New Zealand is one of the world’s most spectacular
Received 11 February 2015 and productive areas of Quaternary silicic volcanism and geothermal manifestations. The TVZ is only the
Received in revised form 14 May 2015 latest manifestation of NNE–SSW-orientated arcs that have migrated in step-wise fashion to the SSE over
Accepted 19 June 2015
the past ca. 16 Ma. The TVZ began erupting around 2 Ma, with early andesitic volcanism being joined and
Available online 11 July 2015
rapidly swamped by voluminous rhyolitic volcanism. The zone shows a pronounced segmentation into
northern and southern extremities with andesite composite cones, no calderas and only limited vent-
hosted geothermal systems, and a 125 km long rhyolite-dominated central segment. About four times
Taupo Volcanic Zone
as much magma is trapped at depth below the central TVZ than is erupted, feeding heat, volatiles and
Volcanism chemicals into 23 geothermal systems with a total of ca. 4.2 GW thermal energy release. The modern
Geothermal system (post-61 ka) TVZ is an actively rifting arc, widening at 7 mm/year at the south end to 15 mm/year at the
Magmatism Bay of Plenty coastline, with an associated zone of young to active faulting (Taupo Fault Belt: TFB, or
Rhyolite the Taupo Rift), but the axes of the modern TFB and TVZ are offset by 15–20 km through much of the
central TVZ. Although there is a dominant NNE–SSW tectonic grain within the central TVZ, there are
also influences of deeper basement structures that sometimes extend outside the limits of the zone,
such as NW–SE, arc-perpendicular accommodation zones linking local domains of extension as well as
N–S orientated structures related to the Hauraki Rift that may control fluid flow into the roots of the
geothermal systems. Models for the geothermal systems favour either a source in a relatively shallow
localised magmatic intrusion (e.g., Kawerau, Ngatamariki) or treat the systems as reflecting large-scale
fluid dynamical instabilities from an evenly heated ‘hot plate’ at ∼7 km depth. Where controls from dating
of host lithologies are available, systems at Kawerau and Ngatamariki are seen to represent renewed
activity superimposed on a fossil system fed by past intrusions, and it is unclear what is meant by the
lifetime of any single geothermal system. TVZ geothermal systems appear in turn to react too sluggishly to
respond to disruptive episodes of volcanism, and recover within geologically short periods of time, as seen
at Waimangu and Taupo. In the central TVZ, there are complex inter-relationships between volcanism,
magmatism, and tectonism. Magmatism and volcanism are obviously linked, but it is uncertain why
intense magmatism at Taupo and Okataina should yield voluminous rhyolite volcanism, whereas more
intense magmatism in the Taupo-Reporoa Basin has not yielded significant silicic volcanism but instead
feeds multiple large geothermal systems. The central TVZ is unique for an arc segment in the intensity
of its magmatic-volcanic-geothermal flux (matching the Yellowstone system), and the cause(s) of this
uniqueness are not yet established. Any explanation needs to address the segmented nature of the zone,
and why the thermal flux should be so geographically and temporally constrained.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) represents the southernmost

∼300 km-long portion of the ∼2800-km-long Tonga-Kermadec arc
∗ Corresponding author. system where it intersects and terminates in the North Island,
E-mail addresses: (C.J.N. Wilson), within the continental crust of Zealandia (Cole and Lewis, 1981; (J.V. Rowland). Luyendyk, 1995; Mortimer, 2004; Smith and Price, 2006: Fig. 1).
0375-6505/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187 169

to geophysical exploration and monitoring techniques, especially

electrical resistivity (e.g. Bibby et al., 1998, 2008), magnetotel-
lurics (Bertrand et al., 2012) and microseismicity (Sherburn et al.,
2015). Other facets of the geothermal systems include their roles as
model settings for epithermal (Rowland and Simmons, 2012) and
porphyry copper systems of active mineralisation, such as White
Island for high-sulfidation epithermal (Hedenquist et al., 1993),
Ruapehu for sub-lacustrine vent-hosted systems (Christenson and
Wood, 1993), and Broadlands-Ohaaki (Brown, 1986; Simmons
and Browne, 2000) and Rotokawa (Krupp and Seward, 1987) for
epithermal gold. Geothermal systems in New Zealand, as globally,
are currently also the subject of much research on extremophile
microorganisms (e.g. McKenzie et al., 2001; Handley et al., 2005,
2008; Stott et al., 2008; Sharp et al., 2014).
In this paper we present a generalised overview of the tectonic,
magmatic and volcanic setting to the geothermal systems in the
central TVZ in order to provide a background to the other topic-
and field-specific papers in this volume. Although we deal with
many concepts that are still controversial or poorly understood,
we have tried to cite a wide cross-section of the relevant papers
Fig. 1. Current tectonic setting of northern New Zealand, annotated with loci of vol- for access into the literature. There are several key questions that
canism for three different time periods ± 0.5 Ma (Circles: black = 0 Ma, grey = 8 Ma, provide the impetus for this review and are addressed in this paper.
white = 16 Ma) from Seebeck et al. (2014a), geodetic vectors of extension (double These include (but are not limited to) the following.
arrows: Parson and Wright, 1996; Wallace et al., 2004) and relative plate motion
(single arrows: DeMets et al., 1994) in mm/year. Terrane suture in basement rocks
as inferred from magnetic anomaly = dotted line. Rotation of eastern North Island
shown for the period 3 Ma to present (Wallace et al., 2004). HR = Hauraki Rift;
• The big picture behind the modern picture – why is there a cen-
HT = Havre trough; NIFS = North Island Fault System; VMFZ = Vening Meinesz Frac- tral TVZ with its accompanying extraordinary geothermal and
ture Zone (see text for context). magmatic fluxes?
• Why is there the spatial separation of geothermal systems and
Although a small part of the Tonga-Kermadec arc – itself only a volcanism within the central TVZ and how does it reflect igneous
fraction of the major subduction zones and arc systems encircling and tectonic processes?
the Pacific Ocean – the TVZ is recognised globally for its intense vol- • How stable are the geothermal systems in their positions? Once
canic and geothermal manifestations. Within a ∼120 km × 60 km established, are the systems rooted in the same place?
central segment of the TVZ, rhyolitic volcanism is exceptionally • How steady-state are the geothermal systems? Do they wax and
frequent and voluminous, and crustal magmatism and the mod- wane, and if so, what are the causes for these fluctuations?
ern geothermal systems are overwhelmingly concentrated (Wilson
et al., 1995). In particular, this central segment is host to an excep-
tionally vigorous active hydrothermal province which, coupled We bring attention back to these four questions in the last sec-
with its volcanic output, puts it in the same class as the Yellow- tion of this paper.
stone system (Christiansen, 2001; Hurwitz and Lowenstern, 2014).
The central TVZ has a present-day average heat flow of 700 mW/m2
and a total flux of 4.2 GW (Bibby et al., 1995; Hochstein, 1995), 2. Large-scale background to the TVZ
together with a volcanic output of large caldera-forming erup-
tions alone exceeding 6000 km3 of rhyolitic magma during the 2.1. Tectonic setting in the North Island plate boundary
Quaternary (Wilson et al., 2009). The geothermal flux of fluids and
consequently heat is mostly concentrated at 23 highly active sys- The genesis and evolution of the modern TVZ represents only the
tems in this central area of the TVZ (Fig. 2), and these are the focus latest stage of a long and complex history of interactions between
of other papers in this volume. Other important geothermal sys- the Pacific and Australian plates over the past 25–30 Myr (e.g.,
tems occur in association with the andesite–dacite composite cone Schellart et al., 2006; Mortimer et al., 2010; Schellart and Spakman,
volcanoes in the TVZ, and there is surficial evidence for recently 2012; Reyners, 2013; Timm et al., 2014). The present-day configu-
deceased (late Pleistocene to Holocene) systems in the form of fossil ration of the subduction system with westwards-directed oblique
sinter deposits. subduction of the Pacific plate beneath the Australian plate under
Geothermal systems and fields of the central TVZ have played the North Island of New Zealand, transitioning south-westwards
an important role in the worldwide development of many con- into the strike-slip zone of the Alpine Fault, dates from ∼16 Ma
cepts around geothermal exploration and utilisation. In this paper onwards. The relevance of this history from a geothermal perspec-
we follow the convention of using the term ‘system’ to refer to tive is because of its implications for the origins of major features of
the natural entity, and ‘field’ to refer to the geothermal resource the mid- to upper crustal structure and present-day tectonics in the
and the infrastructure associated with its utilisation. The Wairakei TVZ. Such features have fundamental importance in understanding
Geothermal Field was one of the earliest areas globally to be the deep structural controls in the modern TVZ, potentially con-
utilised for geothermal energy on a commercial scale for electricity trolling rifting processes and the location and nature of large-scale
generation (e.g., Hunt et al., 2009). Studies of TVZ geothermal sys- faults that may act as either barriers to, or pathways for, deep fluid
tems have contributed greatly to understanding of many related flow (Rowland and Sibson, 2004; Rowland and Simmons, 2012).
important topics, for example, mineralogical alteration patterns The principal tectonic elements that have played a role in the Late
(Browne, 1978; Hedenquist and Browne, 1989; Hedenquist, 1990) Oligocene-to-present evolution of the plate boundary and which
and numerical modelling of sub-surface fluid flow (e.g. Kissling and likely have impacts on the structure of the TVZ are depicted in Fig. 1
Weir, 2005; Dempsey et al., 2012; Kaya et al., 2014), as well as and include:
170 C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187

Fig. 2. Geology of the TVZ showing major units (after Grindley, 1960; Healy et al., 1964; Leonard et al., 2010). White regions represent rock types other than those indicated
(i.e., volcaniclastic rocks, lake sediments, reworked materials). Caldera boundaries are after Nairn et al. (1994), Gravley et al. (2007): KA – Kapenga, MO – Mangakino, OH
– Ohakuri, OK – Okataina, RE – Reporoa, RO – Rotorua, TA – Taupo, WH – Whakamaru. Boundaries of the TVZ are modified after Wilson et al. (1995) and Villamor and
Berryman (2001, 2006b). The young TVZ boundary is a composite of that defined on volcanic grounds (Wilson et al., 1995) and that defined on structural grounds (Villamor
and Berryman, 2001, 2006b). NIFS = North Island Fault System. Low-resistivity zones were used to delimit the geothermal fields (after Bibby et al., 1995). Major towns labelled.

(1) Vening Meinesz Fracture Zone, a complex and long-lived However, the geochemistry of lavas from the southern Ker-
WNW-striking transform composed of en echelon arrays of madec arc and Hikurangi plateau combined with satellite
splays and offsets that accommodated back arc opening north gravity and bathymetry, led Timm et al. (2014) to propose that
of New Zealand (Herzer and Mascle, 1996). A broad swathe of the plateau was much larger than Reyners et al. (2011) envi-
deformation parallel and oblique to this feature likely extends sioned; in their view, the leading western edge of the Hikurangi
well into continental northern New Zealand, in part reactiva- plateau currently must be well below the entire TVZ and south-
ting Mesozoic and Cretaceous structural fabrics (Herzer et al., ern Kermadec arc.
2009). (3) Hauraki Rift, an active NNW-trending rift that extends more
(2) Hikurangi Plateau, a portion of the ca. 122 Ma Ontong Java than 250 km from the northern Hauraki Gulf to an intersection
Plateau (Chandler et al., 2012). This over-thickened piece of with the TVZ, where details of the junction are obscured by
oceanic crust is subducting at the Hikurangi subduction mar- young, post-350 ka ignimbrites (Hochstein and Ballance, 1993;
gin. Its western edge currently is inferred to lie at depths of Leonard et al., 2010). The general trend of the Hauraki Rift is
37–140 km based on the distribution of seismic velocities in at a high angle (60◦ ) to the TVZ, and parallels the orientation
the top of the subducted Pacific plate, changes in the thickness of terrane sutures in the Mesozoic metasedimentary basement
of the dipping seismic zone, and steepening of the subducted rocks of the North Island (Fig. 1). In detail, there are border
plate down-dip of the buoyant plateau (Reyners et al., 2011). faults that divide the rift into several west-facing half grabens
C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187 171

which zig-zag in orientation and comprise N- and NW-trending deposits, which mark the position of paleo-geothermal systems and
segments (e.g., Kirkby, 2008). The age of the rift is not well thus regions of high natural heat output, also become younger to
constrained. Hochstein and Ballance (1993) speculate that sed- the southeast (Fig. 3C: Christie et al., 2007; Mauk et al., 2011). A
iment was probably accumulating in associated rift basins by major change in the interpretation of CVZ activity and its relation-
5–7 Ma. ship to the TVZ from that discussed by Wilson et al. (1995) is that
(4) North Island Fault System (NIFS), an arcuate system of right- we here interpret the N–S orientation of the Coromandel peninsula
lateral faults that are localised in part along inherited fabrics to be a feature imposed on the area by the faulting associated with
within the Mesozoic metasedimentary basement rocks of the development of the Hauraki Rift and not a reflection of a fundamen-
North Island and which accommodate margin parallel motion tal N–S alignment of volcanic structures. Instead, we concur with
associated with oblique convergence at the plate boundary. Seebeck et al. (2014a) that volcanism reflects the migration to the
Activation of the NIFS may have commenced as recently as the south east of a NNE–SSW-trending arc structure, possibly mirroring
last 1–2 million years (Reyners, 2013), with high rates of strike- the opening of the Havre Trough and SSE-wards migration of the
slip (>10 mm/year) mostly limited to the southern half of the active oceanic arc to the north into its present position along the
zone (Nicol et al., 2007). Dip slip on the NIFS increases towards Kermadec Ridge (Reyners, 2013). Thus, the CVZ and TVZ, which are
the TVZ as displacement is transferred into the zone of rifting contiguous through space and time, represent older and younger
(Mouslopoulou et al., 2007). versions, respectively, of the same evolving arc-related magmatic
province (Wilson et al., 2008a).
From ∼16 Ma onwards a single convergent plate boundary was
established, defined by a west-dipping subduction zone, and the
3. The TVZ in four dimensions
associated NNE-trending Colville Arc was continuous from New
Zealand through to Tonga (Herzer, 1995; Mortimer et al., 2007).
Over the last 20 years, geological and geophysical investigations
Slab roll-back and concomitant back-arc opening of the offshore
have significantly advanced our understanding of the lithospheric-
Havre Trough commenced at ∼6 Ma and led to the establish-
scale structure of the TVZ (that is, from the surface down to
ment of the currently active Kermadec Arc (Wright et al., 1996).
200–300 km depth, including the crust and upper parts of the man-
Mechanisms by which the oceanic portion of the overriding plate
tle, together with the down-going slab of the Pacific plate: e.g.,
accommodated slab-roll back are documented (e.g., Delteil et al.,
Reyners et al., 2006), and in part have revealed structure at crustal
2002; Campbell et al., 2007; Wysoczanski et al., 2010), but the
scale. Here we consider the structure of the TVZ over a range of
history of how the continental portion has behaved is less clear.
scales, the relevance of which is in what they tell us about mass
transfer processes (of magmatic and/or aqueous fluids) and the
2.2. Countdown to TVZ: the migrating arc
pathways for transfer:

Models for the behaviour of the migrating arc since ∼16 Ma, and
its associated magmatic, volcanic and geothermal activity within (1) The surface layout and structure of features that define the
the subaerial portion of the North Island of New Zealand have geographic extent of geological components to the TVZ and its
tended to divide into two contrasting views. One model (e.g., Stern, geothermal systems;
1987, 2009; Stern et al., 2006; Stern and Benson, 2011) focuses (2) The lithospheric-scale of the subduction system to show the
on rotation of the arc in response to the well-established clock- extent of fluids rising in the mantle, provide a framework for
wise rotation of the eastern part of the North Island as a result of addressing why the central TVZ is so unusual, and place the
oblique convergence of the Pacific and Australian plates (Wallace modern arc in a big-picture framework; and
et al., 2004; Lamb and Smith, 2013). The other, which we prefer, (3) The crustal-scale structure below the TVZ, to summarise the
considers the arc to have migrated to the southeast in parallel fash- features that control the levels at which magmas stall and/or
ion, based in large part on the coevality of volcanism in NNE–SSW accumulate, the mega-scale structures that determine the
belts spanning the North Island (Herzer, 1995; Wilson et al., 2008a; depth to different isotherms (especially that at ∼350 ◦ C at the
Seebeck et al., 2014a,b). base of the seismogenic zone), and the fracture patterns that
Andesitic volcanism associated with the Colville Arc extends control fluid flow to levels that are accessible by drilling or
across the Coromandel Peninsula of northern New Zealand in a intersect the surface as faults.
series of SW-trending belts, as defined by groupings of age data
(Figs. 1 and 3). These belts young to the southeast and collectively 3.1. Boundaries and subdivisions of the TVZ and its geothermal
comprise the Coromandel Volcanic Zone (CVZ; Booden et al., 2012). systems
There is then a paucity of Miocene to early Pliocene volcanism
along strike in the subaerial western North Island, but numer- Early workers (e.g., Healy, 1962) demarcated the TVZ as an over-
ous large Miocene to Pliocene cone volcanoes (inferred to be or all envelope encompassing a variety of features (volcanic cones,
demonstrably broadly intermediate in composition) occur along a geothermal areas). Some authors (e.g., Cole et al., 1995; Giggenbach,
Colville-aligned trend and are now buried in the offshore area north 1995; Stern and Benson, 2011) draw a distinction between an
of Taranaki (Herzer, 1995; Giba et al., 2013). Younger (later Pliocene andesite arc and a rhyolite-dominated back-arc, but this distinc-
to early Pleistocene) volcanoes of basaltic to dacitic composition tion is not reflected in the temporal or spatial distribution of vents
occur across the intervening region, but often show strong NW–SE for these compositions (Wilson et al., 1995), and we consider the
structural controls on their distribution, and their relationship to TVZ to be a rifting arc structure. The volcanological definition for
the NNE–SSW arc structures remains uncertain, as it does also for the TVZ (e.g., Wilson et al., 1995) is an envelope drawn around
the broadly contemporaneous andesite–dacite volcanism at Little all vent sites known or inferred to have been active over a given
Barrier Island (Fig. 3A: e.g. Briggs, 1986; Briggs et al., 1989; Briggs time period (Fig. 4A, see below). A structural definition has been
and McDonough, 1990; Lindsay et al., 1999). Rhyolitic volcanism to draw the outer limits of faulting associated with the rifting
commenced in Coromandel at ∼12 Ma and similarly appears to zone that lies along the TVZ, and is generally referred to as the
have migrated to the southeast with time, but no rhyolitic prod- Taupo Fault Belt (Grindley, 1960) and more latterly, the Taupo Rift
ucts have been identified in the offshore-Taranaki volcanoes or the (e.g., Fig. 4B; Villamor and Berryman, 2001, 2006a,b). In the mid-
intervening parts of the North Island (Fig. 3B). Epithermal mineral dle and northern parts of the TVZ, the two boundaries are virtually
172 C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187

Fig. 3. Miocene-to-present record of heat and mass transfer in northern New Zealand, as manifest by: (A) non-silicic arc volcanic centres and volcanoes, (B) silicic volcanic
centres, and (C) epithermal mineral deposits and prospects and geothermal systems (Wilson et al., 1995, 2009; Lindsay et al., 1999; Price et al., 1999; Christie et al., 2007;
Cameron et al., 2010; Booden et al., 2012 and references therein; Giba et al., 2013). Note that much of the CVZ comprises arc volcanic products but the age and extent of
discrete volcanic centres and vents are poorly known. Here we limit the data to those volcanic loci that are well constrained in age and subaerial position. On (A) are depicted:
the Hauraki Rift (HR, border fault shown by black line with ball on downthrown side, barbed dashed line shows approximate position of hanging wall flexure) and the Taranaki
Fault (thick barbed line), annotated with the northward limit of activity for different time periods (Stagpoole and Nicol, 2008). The boundary of the <2 Ma TVZ is shown on
all maps (grey dashed line). The western boundary to the Central Volcanic Region (CVR) is shown on (B) (white dashed line: Stern et al., 2010). CVZ = Coromandel Volcanic
Zone; LB = Little Barrier volcano; NIFS = North Island Fault System; TRL = Taranaki-Ruapehu Line (see text for context). Residual gravity map after Stagpoole and Bibby (1999).
C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187 173

Fig. 4. Definition envelopes for the TVZ and Taupo Fault Belt (TFB). (A) Definition of the TVZ (from Wilson et al., 1995), formed by envelopes that enclose all volcanic vent
structures known or inferred to have been active in the 2 Myr lifetime of the zone (old TVZ) and the last 350 kyr (Young TVZ). Major lakes outlined by thin black lines. (B)
Definition map of the envelopes enclosing the Modern (<26 ka), Young (340–26 ka) and Old (>340 ka) Taupo Fault Belt structural domains (from Villamor and Berryman,
2006b). Note that the age control used to define the Modern TFB differs from that used to define the Modern TVZ from the volcanic perspective (<61 ka: Wilson et al., 1995,

coincident, whereas to the south the structural envelope is substan- no rhyolite), and limited expression of hydrothermal activity. The
tially wider than the zone of volcanism, and has a rhombohedral magma eruption rate per kilometre of arc length in the southern
termination. There is also a term, the Central Volcanic Region (CVR), TVZ is about one third, and the hydrothermal output about one
defined originally as the geographic area, which included TVZ and fifth of that operating in the central TVZ.
flanking plateaux of welded ignimbrite, within which TVZ-derived In discussing the temporal evolution of the TVZ, there are three
volcanic rocks formed mappable units (e.g., Thompson, 1964). This divisions (Fig. 4A: Wilson et al., 1995):
use of CVR has disappeared in favour of a geophysical definition Old TVZ: Volcanic systems active from ca. 2 Ma up to 350 ka, for
(e.g., Stern, 1985, 2009; Stern et al., 2006) as a wedge-shaped area, which most of the rocks and their source volcanoes have been
defined by areally restricted gravity data and limited age data, destroyed by erosion or burial, respectively. Products of this activ-
which shares a common eastern boundary with TVZ but which ity crop out mostly west of the TVZ, but are recorded in geothermal
extends further to the northwest (Fig. 3B). drillholes at 1–3 km depth (Gravley et al., 2006; Wilson et al.,
In terms of the present-day distributions of volcanic systems, 2008b, 2010; Rosenberg et al., 2009; Eastwood et al., 2013; Milicich
the TVZ has long been divided into three distinct segments (Fig. 2: et al., 2013a; Chambefort et al., 2014), and are abundantly present
Healy, 1962; Cole, 1979; Wilson et al., 1995): in coeval sedimentary basins (Shane and Froggatt, 1991; Alloway
et al., 2004; Pillans et al., 2005) and in deep-sea cores (Carter et al.,
Northern TVZ, from the Kawerau area north out beyond White 2003, 2004; Alloway et al., 2005; Allan et al., 2008). A comprehen-
Island to the edge of the continental shelf (and beyond to the sive stratigraphy and chronology within this period has yet to be
Kermadec Arc: Gamble et al., 1993). Arc volcanism is primarily established.
expressed by andesite–dacite composite cones. There is an intense Young TVZ: Volcanic systems active from 350 ka to about 61 ka
geothermal system at White Island, but in general there is at when the major structural features of the TVZ that control the
present only low-level geothermal manifestations. The inferred positions and nature of the TVZ geothermal systems were estab-
magma eruption rate is not known, but is likely to be less per unit lished. The lower boundary for this time division is that defined
length of arc even than in the southern TVZ on the basis of the by the widespread and voluminous fall deposits and ignimbrite
limited number and volume of documented volcanoes. collectively termed the Whakamaru Group (Leonard et al., 2010).
Central TVZ, from Kawerau, south to Tokaanu at the southern end The eruption record for this period is partially complete, partic-
of Lake Taupo. This area, the focus of this paper, is dominated ularly for the larger-scale events (Manning, 1995, 1996; Wilson
by silicic volcanism and magmatism with associated geothermal et al., 2009) but many aspects of the local structural histories are
activity and rift-related faulting. unknown.
Southern TVZ, from the Pihanga-Kakaramea chain of composite Modern TVZ: Volcanic systems active since 61 ka. This period is
cones to the isolated vents southwest of Ruapehu. This segment defined as that since the Rotoiti eruption, dated at 61 ka by Wilson
is typical of most continental arcs, with large composite cones et al. (2007), but with an alternative age of 45 ka (Danisík et al.,
dominated by andesite–dacite compositions (with little basalt and 2012). The eruption record for the central TVZ from this time
174 C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187

period is inferred to be complete (Vucetich and Howorth, 1976; and partial melt (Eberhart-Phillips et al., 2008). Further, a recent
Wilson, 1993; Nairn, 2002; Jurado-Chichay and Walker, 2000) analysis of seismicity in the subducted slab of the Hikurangi
and its deposits are marker planes for present-day tectonics in subduction margin demonstrates a link between slab seismicity
the central North Island. The eruptive histories of the andesitic and zones of anomalous attenuation in the mantle wedge above.
volcanoes in the northern and southern segments are known in Eberhart-Phillips et al. (2013) describe patches of abundant seis-
variable amounts of detail only for the later part of this period micity separated by low seismicity zones at depths where the slab
(e.g., Donoghue et al., 1995; Cronin and Neall, 1997; Cole et al., interacts with the mantle wedge. The largest and most active patch
2000; Moebis et al., 2011; Pardo et al., 2012). occurs at a depth of 150–220 km below the pronounced low Qp zone
associated with Taupo volcano. These authors thus suggest a causal
3.2. The modern lithosphere link between melt production and regions of earthquake-induced
fracture permeability consequent on dehydration embrittlement
Active and passive source seismic experiments (Harrison and that promote upward migration of dehydration fluid from the
White, 2004, 2006; Stratford and Stern, 2004, 2006; Stern and deeper portions of the slab.
Benson, 2011), tomographic inversions and earthquake relocation Reyners et al. (2011) used a 3-D seismic velocity model coupled
(e.g., Reyners et al., 2006, 2011; Eberhart-Phillips and Reyners, with the distribution of relocated earthquakes to capture the mor-
2012; Eberhart-Phillips et al., 2013), and receiver function analyses phology of the subducting slab in exceptional detail, including the
(Bannister et al., 2004; Salmon et al., 2011) constrain the first order position and shape of the leading edge of the Hikurangi plateau. Pro-
structure of the Hikurangi subduction margin and provide insight nounced variations in depth to the leading edge of the plateau occur
to the localisation and mechanism of fluid migration within the along the strike of the subduction zone, from <50 km at the latitude
mantle wedge. Here we outline current understanding of crustal of northern TVZ, to >100 km beneath central TVZ. Such variation is
rheology and thickness, properties of the mantle wedge, and the a consequence of the plateau’s irregular shape. Relevant here, if the
peculiarities of the subducting slab. Reyners et al. (2011) interpretation is valid, the slab beneath the
Crustal thicknesses throughout the North Island are somewhat TVZ varies from typical oceanic lithosphere in the north (down-dip
debated, reflecting different methodologies and interpretive pre- of the Hikurangi plateau), to over-thickened oceanic plateau south
ferences. However, there is general agreement that immediately of the Okataina volcanic centre. Further, contrasts in buoyancy
east of the TVZ the crustal thickness averages ∼35 km (Bannister between the plateau and the oceanic crust that adjoins it may pro-
et al., 2004; Reyners et al., 2006; Stern et al., 2006), much as mote distortion, or development of ‘step-faults’ where variations
expected for normal continental crust. Thicker sectors occur south in depth to the leading edge of the plateau are most pronounced,
of a prominent E–W-trending lineament in seismic and gravity data with possible consequences of localised asthenospheric upwelling
at the southern tip of the TVZ: the Taranaki-Ruapehu line (Fig. 3A: and decompression melting (Reyners, 2013). A contrasting inter-
Salmon et al., 2011; Stern et al., 2013), and north of Taupo volcano pretation of the shape and extent of the Hikurangi Plateau below
along the western shoulder to the Hauraki Rift. Thinning of the crust and north of the North Island is given in Timm et al. (2014).
occurs within the TVZ (25–30 km thick: Bannister et al., 2004; Stern In summary, the lithosphere beneath central TVZ can be divided
et al., 2006, 2011), and west of the Hauraki Rift (∼25-km-thick: into 4 contrasting rheological and/or lithological packages (Fig. 5):
Bannister et al., 2004; Stern et al., 2006), though the exact value (1) and (2) a 16-km-thick quartzo-feldspathic layer that can be
attributed to the crust depends on which P-wave velocity is con- divided on the basis of the distribution of shallow seismicity (Bibby
sidered representative of the mantle (see also Reyners et al., 2006). et al., 1995; Bryan et al., 1999), receiver function analyses (Bannister
At crustal-scale, the seismic velocity structure of the TVZ is et al., 2004) and thermal arguments (Bibby et al., 1995) into a <6-
best known in its central portion and to depths of 16 km (Fig. 5: km-thick brittle seismogenic zone, overlying a hot ductile zone;
Harrison and White, 2004, 2006; Stratford and Stern, 2004, 2006; (3) a 15-km-thick mafic layer extending from 16 to 30 km depth,
Stern et al., 2006, 2010; Stern and Benson, 2011). Primary and sec- which may represent a modified mantle or heavily intruded lower
ondary volcanic products with P-wave velocities of 2.0–3.5 km/s crust; and (4) the mantle wedge, extending from depths of 20
reach a maximum thickness of 3 km beneath central TVZ. Material or 30 km, depending on the preferred interpretation (Stern et al.,
with P-wave velocities of 5.0–6.5 km/s underlies these sediments 2006; Harrison and White, 2006; Reyners et al., 2006; Stern and
to a depth of 16 km and is interpreted as quartzo-feldspathic crust. Benson, 2011), to the top of the slab at depths of ca. 75 km (Reyners
Similar velocities occur in crust to depths of 30 km and 25 km et al., 2006).
to the east and west of the TVZ, respectively. In the 16–30-km
depth interval, P-wave velocities increase to 6.9–7.4 km/s and are 3.3. Crustal structure
attributed to either heavily intruded or underplated lower crust
with high Poisson’s ratio (0.32), indicating the presence of at least The current structure of the TVZ results from the brittle response
1% melt (Harrison and White, 2004, 2006; Stern and Benson, 2011), to NW–SE-directed rifting of the order of 1 cm/year (Wallace et al.,
or anomalous mantle at a depth of 20 km and associated under- 2004), and non-linear interplay between magmatic and tectonic
plating (Stern et al., 2006). A bright reflector at 30–35 km depth cycles, with the most complex array of feedback mechanisms and
beneath Taupo volcano is interpreted as either the base of the crust, resulting structure localised within central TVZ (Rowland et al.,
i.e., the Moho, (Harrison and White, 2006) or as a transient layer of 2010 and references therein). Within the brittle crust, fault-bound
melt embedded in the mantle or the top of a rising asthenospheric basins formed in Mesozoic metasedimentary basement define sep-
mantle diapir (Stratford and Stern, 2006; Stern and Benson, 2011). arate rift segments (length: 20–30 km) that are generally oriented
The deeper lithosphere is imaged using 3-D tomographic inver- perpendicular to the extension direction (Rowland and Sibson,
sions of seismic velocity and attenuation, and associated relocation 2001; Seebeck et al., 2014b), and which are linked along strike
of earthquakes. An especially anomalous zone of very high seis- via volcanic/magmatic centres (Taupo: Rowland and Sibson, 2001;
mic attenuation occurs from ca. 50–85 km depth in the mantle Okataina: Seebeck et al., 2010) and/or transfer zones that appear
wedge below central TVZ (Qp < 250), with the most anomalous zone to root onto inherited basement fabrics (Cochrane and Wan, 1983;
(Qp < 150) immediately west of Taupo volcano (Eberhart-Phillips Rowland and Sibson, 2001, 2004; Seebeck et al., 2010; Rowland and
et al., 2008). The anomalous regions also are characterised by low Simmons, 2012) (Fig. 6A).
Vp and high Vp/Vs (Reyners et al., 2006). Together, these obser- In northern and southern TVZ, arc volcanism and tectonism
vations may be explained by the presence of high temperature are aligned (Fig. 6B), and heat flow is an order of magnitude less
C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187 175


Fig. 5. Lithospheric-scale velocity models (P-waves, values in km/s) and geological interpretations of central North Island interpreted by different workers. Length dimensions
are in kilometres. GKE = Mesozoic greywacke.

than in central TVZ (Hochstein, 1995). In these sectors, extension is earthquakes occur, is deeper by a kilometre or so in northern TVZ
accommodated by development of half-grabens facing west and (Bryan et al., 1999) and extends to depths of >20 km near Ruapehu
associated subsidiary faulting (Taylor et al., 2004; Villamor and in southern TVZ (Reyners et al., 2007).
Berryman, 2006a; Lamarche et al., 2006; Rowland et al., 2010). Central TVZ differs from the relatively simple geometry and
Interaction with the right-lateral North Island Fault System imparts rheological structure described above for its northern and south-
complexity within the Whakatane graben of northern TVZ (Fig. 6B; ern continuations. In map view (Fig. 7) this sector comprises
Mouslopoulou et al., 2007; Begg and Mouslopoulou, 2010). Here, two parallel subsiding (∼4 mm/year: Manville, 2001; Villamor
normal faults form en echelon arrays that are oblique to the and Berryman, 2001) basins of contrasting character: the densely
border faults that bound the graben and perpendicular to the faulted and seismically active Taupo Rift with its classic geomor-
extension direction, which is rotated clockwise with respect to phic expression to the west (Bryan et al., 1999; Rowland and Sibson,
the rest of the TVZ (Rowland and Sibson, 2001; Seebeck et al., 2001), and the Taupo-Reporoa basin (TRB: Figs. 4 and 6) with little
2014b). Based on interpretations of offshore seismic reflection data, topographic relief and exceptional (>2000 MWth ) heat throughput
Mesozoic metasedimentary basement rocks over much of north- to the east (Bibby et al., 1995; Downs et al., 2014a). In contrast
ern TVZ have subsided to depths of >1800 m (Davey et al., 1995; to northern and southern TVZ, the surficially obvious zone of tec-
Lamarche et al., 2006). However, interpretations of onshore seis- tonism and faulting, the Taupo Rift, does not coincide with the
mic and gravity profiles suggest that there is considerable relief current region of greatest heat flow (Fig. 6B), although the pres-
on the basement-cover contact, with localised zones of substantial ence of young (Late Pleistocene to Holocene) sinters attests to
(<3000 m) subsidence adjacent to the North Island Fault System, recent hydrothermal activity (e.g. Henneberger and Browne, 1988;
and basement highs – in a relative sense (depth to basement Drake et al., 2014). The paired basins are separated in the north-
<1000 m) – near the Okataina volcanic centre (Mouslopoulou et al., east by a high-standing fault-controlled range, the Paeroa Block
2008). In southern TVZ, the boundaries to the Taupo Rift are rhom- (Fig. 6), that appears to have been stable at least since eruption of
bic in shape and appear strongly influenced by inherited fabrics the youngest Whakamaru Group ignimbrites at ca. 340 ka (Wilson
parallel to those visible in exposed basement rocks to the east of et al., 2010; Downs et al., 2014a,b). Earlier studies of the kinematics
the volcanic zone. Based on limited seismic refraction data (Sissons of the central TVZ (Acocella et al., 2003; Spinks et al., 2005) gave
and Dibble, 1981), Villamor and Berryman (2006a) infer that the a significant role to strike-slip activity, but this is now largely dis-
Mesozoic metasedimentary basement has subsided by <1000 m in counted, at least in the form that was originally proposed (Rowland
this sector of the TVZ. In comparison to central TVZ, the base of et al., 2010; Seebeck et al., 2014b). Recent compilations of extension
the seismogenic crust, defined as the depth above which 80% of directions across the paired basins based on focal mechanism and
176 C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187

Fig. 6. (A) Kinematics of the TVZ and surrounds annotated on a DEM. Rift axes, defined by the change in facing direction of faults mapped within the modern Taupo Rift (after
Rowland and Sibson, 2001; Lamarche et al., 2006; Seebeck et al., 2014b) shown in red with representative extension direction arrowed (after Seebeck et al., 2014b). Major
faults shown in black with ball on downthrown side (dashed if mantled by volcanic products). Extension directions from focal mechanisms, where the measured location is
at the centre of the bar, are shown in yellow (from Seebeck et al., 2014b). Geodetic extension direction and rate in mm/year is shown by the ball and white arrow (Wallace
et al., 2004). North Island Fault System shown in blue and annotated with sense of shear. Faults of the Hauraki Rift are shown in white, with the along-strike continuation of
the rift as defined by a prominent step in the topography shown by white dashed line, ball on downthrown side. HR = Hauraki Rift; TRB = Taupo-Reporoa basin; tf = inferred
transfer zones (Rowland and Sibson, 2004). (B) Loci of current geothermal activity defined by the 30 ohm metre resistivity contour at <500 m depth (pink blobs) and <61 ka
volcanic vents (red box = basaltic, dike if linked by a bar; orange = andesitic; green = dacitic; white = rhyolitic), annotated on map showing the Taupo Rift (red are faults facing
SE, green are faults facing NW) (after Bibby et al., 1995; Rowland and Sibson, 2001; Wilson et al., 2009; Rowland et al., 2010). Faults bounding 1st order half grabens are
labelled: EFZ = Edgecumbe fault zone, PFZ = Paeroa fault zone, KFZ = Kaingaroa fault zone, RF = Rangipo fault (after Rowland et al., 2010). (For interpretation of the references
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

fault slip data (Seebeck et al., 2014b), together with earlier geodet- At the gross scale, a cover sequence comprising volcanic and
ically determined extension directions (Beavan et al., 2007), show volcaniclastic rocks and their reworked equivalents overlies the
a small clockwise swing in extension direction across the Paeroa Mesozoic metasedimentary basement to depths of >3000 m in
block, best expressed in the northern half of the TRB (Fig. 6A). Thus, places (Downs et al., 2014a). However, recognition of the extent of
the kinematics of the two basins may vary from predominantly basement and the basement-cover contact is challenging because
extensional in the Taupo Rift, to moderately transtensional in the geophysical methods are subject to inherent ambiguity, the mate-
TRB. Under- and over-printing this first order tectonic structure are rial properties of the basement and the earliest basin fill are similar,
at least 8 caldera centres, the modern representatives of which are and there is little independent control, particularly within the
Okataina (Cole et al., 2014) and Taupo (Wilson, 1993; Wilson et al., Taupo Rift. Nonetheless, for the TRB, stratigraphic relationships
2009), which delimit the northern and southern extents of central within the cover sequence (Downs et al., 2014a), back-tilting (<6◦ :
TVZ, respectively. Grindley, 1959) of ca. 340 ka deposits within the Paeroa Fault block,
Due to the attenuating nature of weak surficial layers within and interpretations of geophysical data (Modriniak and Studt,
central TVZ, active source seismic profiling has proven unsatisfac- 1959) are indicative of a gentle deepening to the southeast against
tory for imaging the upper crust. Reconstructions of subsurface the Kaingaroa Fault zone (Henrys and Hochstein, 1990; Bibby et al.,
geology are based on correlations between geothermal drill hole 1998; Wood et al., 2001), as expected for a fault bound half-graben
stratigraphy and surface exposures (e.g., Downs et al., 2014a; (Fig. 8A and B). A prominent step in the depth to basement is
Chambefort et al., 2014), and geophysical studies (Bibby et al., 1995 visible in the NE–SW profile along the axis of the basin (Fig. 8C)
and references therein; Risk et al., 1999; Sherburn et al., 2003; and coincides with the northeastern margin of the 350 ka Whaka-
Heise et al., 2007, 2010; Seebeck et al., 2010; Bertrand et al., 2012). maru caldera and the along-strike continuation of the northeastern
Schematic profiles representing the major subsurface features of shoulder of the Hauraki Rift. Shorter-wavelength disturbances in
central TVZ are depicted in Fig. 8 and are best constrained for the stratigraphy reflect the presence of smaller-offset faults and other
Taupo-Reporoa Basin. caldera collapse structures (e.g., Downs et al., 2014a).
C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187 177

Fig. 7. Features of central TVZ compared with residual gravity. (A) Modern <61 ka volcanic vents superimposed on the geology map (see Figs. 2 and 3 for key to symbology).
Caldera boundaries here shown by black dashed lines. Ongaroto gorge shown by white triangle. Stars indicate localities with ages substantially older than is typical at surface
in central TVZ (after Downs et al., 2014a; B.F. Houghton et al., unpublished data). The positions of three profiles are shown by grey lines, A–A , B–B and C–C (see Fig. 8). (B)
Residual gravity map (Stagpoole and Bibby, 1999) annotated with positions of profiles in Fig. 8 and geothermal systems (red outlines). (For interpretation of the references
to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

The base of the seismogenic zone marks the transition to models constructed using the results of numerous magnetotel-
the ductile quartzo-feldspathic mid-crust and occurs generally at luric soundings, although not without some ambiguity (Heise et al.,
<6 km within central TVZ (Bryan et al., 1999), with likely but poorly 2007, 2010; Bertrand et al., 2012; Walter, 2015). Using a 2-D elec-
constrained, departures to shallower depth in the vicinity of the trical resistivity model, Heise et al. (2007) describe a zone of high
geothermal systems and young calderas (Sherburn et al., 2003). conductance attributed to a melt fraction of >4% at depths of >15 km
Rheological heterogeneity within the ductile quartzo-feldspathic beneath the TRB, with a distributed zone of conductivity (inter-
crust is suggested by the presence of low shear-wave velocities at preted as <4% melt) at depths of 10–15 km across the full width of
∼6–16 km depth near the Rotorua and Reporoa calderas, and zones the paired Taupo Rift and TRB. However, a 3-D model based in part
of anomalously high P-wave velocities coincident with zones of on the same soundings but augmented by new data modelled a NE-
high density at depths of 5–10 km within the Taupo-Reporoa basin. SW-oriented plume-like conductor at depths >10–30 km beneath
These signatures are interpreted to represent the presence of high- the Taupo Rift and a highly resistive zone at depths >13 km beneath
level bodies of partial melt (Bannister et al., 2004), and extensive, the TRB (Heise et al., 2010). These authors noted that the inferred
non-molten intrusive rocks (Sherburn et al., 2003), respectively. TRB resistor is at odds with the thermal output through the basin
Additional insights are provided by 2 and 3-D electrical resistivity and suggest that a zone of anisotropic resistivity, such as may be
178 C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187

Fig. 8. Three schematic cross-sections in the central TVZ: (A) Across the central TVZ (after Rowland et al., 2010) showing a composite interpretation incorporating P-wave
velocity and density data (Sherburn et al., 2003), resistivity data to infer basement contact in eastern TVZ (Bibby et al., 1998), structural data (Rowland and Sibson, 2001),
and major features of the lithospheric-scale conductivity model to depths of 20 km defined using MT data (Heise et al., 2007). Colour-coding indicates resistive (blue) and
conductive (green) zones, and the required melt percentage to satisfy the resistivity structure. The boundary between the seismic and aseismic zone is defined as the depth
level above which 80% of earthquakes occur (Bryan et al., 1999). A vertically exaggerated topographic profile is shown above the composite profile and is annotated with the
major structural features. (B) Profile along the northeastern margin of the Whakamaru caldera, which is coincident with the inferred continuation of the eastern shoulder to
the Hauraki Rift (after Downs et al., 2014a). Red bars show the approximate extent of the named geothermal fields along the line of the profile. The stratigraphy in (b) and
(c) is colour-coded as follows: Mesozoic metasedimentary basement (’greywacke’) – grey, Reporoa group – light blue, Whakamaru group – green, Huka group – darker blue,
surficial deposits – light grey. Other colours indicate andesite (brown) and rhyolite lavas (white) and named formations within the Huka group (Kaingaroa – pink, Ohakuri
– orange, Rautawiri Breccia – primrose). (C) Along-strike profile through the Taupo-Reporoa basin (from Downs et al., 2014a). (For interpretation of the references to colour
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187 179

generated by a dike-swarm parallel to the basin axis, could explain The abundances and wide distribution of pyroclastic material
the observations. What was not addressed was why there should from this age in sedimentary basins and in deep-sea cores imply
be deep bodies of magma beneath areas of the central TVZ where that the central TVZ was highly active throughout this period on
surface volcanism had been absent for >150 kyr (Leonard et al., a relatively regular basis (Carter et al., 2003, 2004; Alloway et al.,
2010). Conversely, Walter (2015) modelled electrical resistivity in 2004, 2005; Pillans et al., 2005; Allan et al., 2008). Large, caldera-
3-D using a closely spaced (∼2 km) suite of data enhanced by addi- forming events represented by subaerial and drilled ignimbrites
tional measurements in the northern TRB and found no evidence appear still, despite new age data from the geothermal fields, to
for a conductor below the Taupo Rift. Instead, her results pointed be clustered in time (Houghton et al., 1995). However, there are
to a body of partially (1–5%) molten rock at depths of 10–20 km no source areas established for volcanic rocks for the 2.0–0.35 Ma
beneath the TRB. period, apart from local sources in the Tauranga basin (Briggs et al.,
2005) and the major caldera at Mangakino (Wilson et al., 1984,
2008a,b). The possibility also exists of offshore sources contributing
4. The central TVZ and controls on its geothermal systems
to the rhyolitic pyroclastic record in this time period, but only one
possible caldera has been identified on published seismic profiles
4.1. Volcanism in the central TVZ
(Davey et al., 1995) and this has not been dated or sampled.
4.1.1. Old TVZ (2.0 Ma to 350 ka)
4.1.2. Young TVZ (350 ka to 61 ka)
Rocks of this age period, that is predating the regional marker
Geological and structural elements set up in association with
horizon of the Whakamaru Group ignimbrites, have been known
volcanism in this time period remain the dominant influence on
for many years (e.g. Grindley, 1965; Steiner, 1963) to represent
the present-day geothermal activity in the central TVZ. Subsequent
important reservoir rocks for central TVZ geothermal systems.
activity, although important at Okataina and Taupo volcanoes,
Pyroclastic units from this time period are collectively grouped as
has only served to slightly modify the picture set up during this
the Tahorakuri Formation (Gravley et al., 2006), and many units
time period. The activity defining young TVZ includes and post-
have recently been dated by U–Pb techniques on zircon to provide
dates a cluster of seven major caldera-forming and many more
chronostratigraphic controls (Wilson et al., 2008b, 2010; Eastwood
minor eruptions between ∼350 and ∼280 ka, totalling >3000 km3
et al., 2013; Milicich et al., 2013a; Chambefort et al., 2014). Three
of magma, and forming calderas over a collective 90 × 40 km area
aspects of these age data are proving to be of great importance in
(Fig. 7: Houghton et al., 1995; Manning, 1995, 1996; new age
understanding the geological and faulting histories of the central
data from Downs et al., 2014a,b). These ignimbrites, together
TVZ and individual geothermal systems.
with similar-aged but less extensive pyroclastic units and smaller-
volume lavas, form the dominant stratigraphy encountered by
(1) A pre-1.85 Ma age has been established for the thick (up to drilling beneath several central TVZ geothermal systems (notably
1.7 km) andesite lava sequences encountered at depth below Wairakei-Tauhara: Rosenberg et al., 2009).
the relevant dated ignimbrite horizons at Broadlands-Ohaaki, The rapid accumulation of magma, the locations of these magma
Ngatamariki and Rotokawa geothermal systems (Eastwood bodies within the shallow crust of the central TVZ prior to their
et al., 2013; Chambefort et al., 2014). At Rotokawa the andesite evacuation, and the timing of their release are most likely to
rests on metasedimentary (greywacke) basement and so here be linked to a relatively accelerated period of rifting (cf. Wilson
at least represents the earliest activity along the line of the TVZ et al., 2008a). Petrological studies on the largest of these erup-
(Price et al., 2005). The implication of the age and position of tions have indicated that the melt-dominant bodies that were
the andesite lavas is that the eastern boundary of the TVZ (the vented accumulated in the shallow crust (4–8 km depth) and were
‘active volcanic front’ of some workers) in this area has been derived by extraction of melts plus crystals from deeper-seated
established in its present form for probably ∼2 Myr, and is not (6–15 km) crystal-rich source zones (‘mush zones’) (Brown et al.,
a gradually migrating structure (cf. Stern and Benson, 2011, and 1998; Beresford et al., 2000; Deering et al., 2011; Bégué et al., 2014).
references therein), instead stepping over distances of tens of All indications are that these large magma bodies were essentially
kilometres at a time. exhausted by eruption, but that the deeper root systems may have
(2) At Kawerau, where metasedimentary basement has been had prolonged thermal lifetimes.
extensively penetrated, in contrast to Broadlands-Ohaaki, The eruptions that produced the youngest two large ign-
Ngatamariki and Rotokawa geothermal systems the earliest imbrites from this period (Mamaku and Ohakuri) demonstrate
substantial thicknesses of volcanic rocks are rhyolitic ign- most clearly the interlinking of volcanism and tectonism, acting
imbrites, of an age (1.45 Ma) not matched by ignimbrites yet on linked magmatic systems (Gravley et al., 2007; Bégué et al.,
found at the surface. Two dated thin tuffs (2.17 and 2.38 Ma) 2014). Field evidence indicates continuity, or time gaps of only
are interbedded with greywacke gravel-rich sediments that are days to weeks, in a complex, spatially and temporally overlap-
inferred to infill half-grabens formed by strike slip faulting, sug- ping eruption sequence from vents centred at least ∼35 km apart.
gesting that the tectonic regime in this area changed between Such close temporal linkages between major eruptions from sep-
2.17 and 1.45 Ma (Milicich et al., 2013b). arated sources imply that faulting readjustment was critical in
(3) Use of the dated horizons as broad indicators of subsidence triggering neighbouring events. Stratigraphic field relationships
rates (on the basis that the elevation of the land surface has and geomorphic reconstruction indicate that syn- and immedi-
not changed significantly) indicates that the Taupo Rift and ately post-eruption faulting occurred outside and between the two
the TRB are separated by a horst where subsidence rates are calderas (Gravley et al., 2007). Most of the modern day volcanotec-
lower (Wilson et al., 2010). Recorded depths to pre-350 ka rocks tonic depression between and including the Ohakuri and Rotorua
are consistent also with this horst (the Paeroa Block and its calderas was formed in association with these paired eruptions and
southern subsurface continuation) extending as far south as has since been heavily faulted.
Wairakei. There the horst is still present, with zones of greater The products of other volcanic activity from 340 to ∼61 ka are
subsidence to the east and west (Rosenberg et al., 2009) but visually prominent at the present day in the form of rhyolite domes
these features do not continue further south and are trun- that occur throughout the central TVZ (Fig. 7). Some of these domes
cated by the Oruanui caldera collapse (Davy and Caldwell, 1998; are isolated and cannot readily be grouped into a definable ‘vol-
Wilson, 2001). canic centre’, but volumetrically most of them are represented by
180 C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187

dome complexes with sub-equal volumes of associated subordi- and materials encountered in drillholes in the central TVZ. Two
nate pyroclastic rocks (Ewart, 1967, 1968; Leonard, 2003; Leonard contrasting lithologies are of most relevance.
et al., 2010; Cole et al., 2014). The isolated domes are most com- First, at some stages, much of the central North Island was
mon on the eastern, TRB side of the TVZ, while the dome complexes occupied by one or more large lakes (Smith et al., 1993) in which
are mostly on the western side, coincident with the Taupo Rift or lacustrine volcaniclastic sediments were laid down (e.g. Cattell
defining the western border of the young TVZ in a 20–25-km long et al., 2014) as well as biogenic diatomaceous deposits that are
lineament termed the Western Dome Belt (Wilson et al., 1986; locally of economic interest in their own right (Brathwaite, 2003).
Houghton et al., 1991; Leonard et al., 2010). The dome complexes With the exception of pre-350 ka lacustrine sediments encoun-
have prolonged histories, often show evidence for syn-eruptive dis- tered, for example, at Mangakino (Wood, 1987), all documented
placement of lava by faulting during rifting processes, and have examples are <350 ka in age. Lacustrine sediments are of key
wide variations in mineralogical and compositional characteristics interest in a geothermal context because of their commonly low
(Ewart, 1968; Nairn, 2002; Leonard, 2003). These features suggest densities and impermeable nature. They thus act as cap rocks,
that at no stage was there a large, unitary magma body present especially at Wairakei-Tauhara and Broadlands-Ohaaki, that serve
at shallow depths beneath the complexes, and that they resulted to trap steam above the water table that has been lowering as
from the generation of ‘boutique’ batches of magma from a crustal exploitation has removed ∼2 km3 of water in the past 50 years.
source that never achieved any great size or throughput that would These deposits are also particularly susceptible to compaction as
compare with the caldera-related silicic systems. the interstitial fluid is removed from them and so they are of
importance in understanding and mitigating against the effects of
subsidence during field exploitation (e.g. Allis et al., 2009; Bromley
4.1.3. Modern TVZ (61 ka to present)
et al., 2013; Lynne et al., 2013). The chronology of central TVZ lakes
Volcanism in this time period is taken to represent the present-
is little known, except for those ephemeral lakes formed in the
day condition of the central TVZ with respect to the styles and
aftermath of large explosive eruptions as fluvial pathways were
scales of volcanism, compositions of eruptives and the modes and
choked by ejecta or by pyroclastic dams at the outlets to newly
styles of rift-induced deformation. Although older rocks are the
formed caldera lakes (Manville and Wilson, 2004; Manville et al.,
hosts for central TVZ geothermal systems, the volcanoes active
2007, 2009). The older lakes in which were deposited hundreds of
in this period represent the major source of volcanic hazards to
metres of biogenic sediments over tens of thousands of years had
people and infrastructure. By far the majority of eruptions came
longer lives (Rosenberg et al., 2009; Downs et al., 2014a) and thus
from Taupo and Okataina volcanoes which are, respectively, the
reflect more durable impounding structures. Where the Waikato
most and second-most frequently active and productive rhyo-
River draining most of the central TVZ cuts through the line of
lite volcanoes at present on Earth. The stratigraphic histories of
the Western Dome Belt (Section 4.1.2), the valley walls (Ongaroto
young eruptions from these volcanoes are given in Vucetich and
gorge: Fig. 7A) are mostly cut into rhyolite lavas. It is inferred that
Howorth (1976), Wilson (1993), Nairn (2002) and Jurado-Chichay
the extrusion of these lavas into or across the valley at this point
and Walker (2000), and a unified chronology of the later part of this
probably acted as the principal dam for creation of lakes upstream
period is in Lowe et al. (2013). Numerous petrological studies have
for some time period between about 300–200 ka (after Houghton
been carried out on the eruptions from this period, and in similar
et al., 1991; Leonard, 2003; Downs et al., 2014a).
fashion to the pre-61 ka eruptives, there is evidence that the magma
Second, fluvial sediments and fan depositional systems into
bodies can be generated exceedingly rapidly (e.g. Allan et al., 2013),
these lakes also introduced debris from surrounding uplands.
at shallow levels in the crust (Liu et al., 2006; Johnson et al., 2011),
The most distinctive of these because of their monolithological
and that several rhyolite magma bodies may be present simulta-
and pebbly nature are greywacke gravels, sourced from exposed
neously, together with a close link between mafic injection and
metasedimentary basement rocks and generally mapped in the
eruptive processes (Nairn et al., 2004; Schmitz and Smith, 2004;
subsurface as the Waikora Formation (e.g., Wood, 1983; Milicich
Smith et al., 2004; Wilson et al., 2006; Shane et al., 2007, 2008).
et al., 2013b). They are valuable in providing evidence for drainage
Two features of this modern TVZ volcanism are of interest in
channelways from the greywacke uplands east of the TVZ into
the context of geothermal activity and exploration. First, the dis-
the central depositional areas over a long period of time between
tribution of the presently active rhyolite-dominated volcanism in
>2.4 Ma (at Kawerau: Milicich et al., 2013a) and 350 ka. They do not
the central TVZ is peripheral, almost antithetic, to areas of major
occur after the Whakamaru Group eruptions, and we infer that this
geothermal fluid flow. Parts of the central TVZ where rhyolite mag-
disappearance reflects the diversion of rivers coming out of the axial
mas are being generated, rising to shallow storage levels and being
ranges, both by accumulation of Whakamaru-group ignimbrites
erupted are not areas of exceptionally high heat flow. In contrast,
on the Kaingaroa Plateau and the development of fault-controlled
the TRB has a major heat flux (ca. 2 GW: Bibby et al., 1995), yet since
basins and valleys on the western border of the ranges that diverted
eruption of the Kaingaroa ignimbrite and formation of Reporoa
rivers into a northerly directed course.
caldera (Nairn et al., 1994), volcanic activity throughout the basin
The Waikato River (Fig. 7A) appears to have been the major
has been sporadic and of modest volume (Leonard et al., 2010;
drainage from the central TVZ for some time, flowing along a
Downs et al., 2014a). Second, the frequency with which eruptions,
narrowly defined route close to its present course through the
with the potential to cause significant impact, occur at Taupo and
Whakamaru area and north to Hinuera throughout the period fol-
Okataina, although low (ca. 1 per 1000 years on average), cannot
lowing the Whakamaru events at 350–340 ka. The Whakamaru
be neglected in the context of geothermal exploitation. Patterns
ignimbrite itself infills an old palaeovalley (of a size appropriate
of eruptions at Taupo and Okataina are not simple and predic-
to be that of the Waikato River) at Maraetai (on the west side
tion of such events and their impacts on geothermal production,
of Mangakino: Martin, 1965), and is underlain by thick lacustrine
and power generation and distribution need also to be taken into
sediments infilling an earlier Mangakino basin (Wood, 1987), so
consideration by the geothermal industry.
the proto-Waikato River appears also to have followed the same
course prior to 350 ka. In addition, as far as geological observa-
4.2. Sedimentation in the central TVZ tions allow, the ridge of high ground stretching from the Waiotapu
area towards Rotorua has for a considerable time period been a
Often neglected in the geological mixture, fluvial and lacustrine watershed between drainages flowing northeastwards to the Bay
sediments form a substantial proportion of the surficial cover rocks of Plenty coast and southwestwards to the Waikato River valley
C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187 181

(Wilson et al., 2010). This ridge would thus represent the northeast- Perceptions of the magmatic components in geothermal fluids
erly limit of lacustrine sediments in central TVZ geothermal fields, and their indications of controls on the present-day geothermal
and this is borne out by the reinterpretation of fine grained sedi- systems reflect to some extent the contrast between two end-
ments at Kawerau as marine, rather than lacustrine (Milicich et al., member models. The first is that each system directly reflects a
2013b). Greater thicknesses of marine and fluvial sediments with plutonic heat source (as demonstrably the case in the past, for
abundant interbedded tephras are exposed farther north, towards example, at Ngatamariki: Arehart et al., 2002; Chambefort et al.,
and on the Bay of Plenty coastline (e.g. Healy and Ewart, 1965; 2014), and the second is that the spacing and size of the sys-
Bailey and Carr, 1994; Manning, 1996). tems can be considered to reflect fluid dynamical instabilities in
fluid circulation above a uniform hotplate at depth (McNabb, 1975,
4.3. Magmatism in the central TVZ 1992; Kissling and Weir, 2005), the latter locally modified by
structural controls (Kaya et al., 2014). Geochemical evidence for
Magmatism in the central TVZ is made visible through three a magmatic component is common at many fields (Giggenbach,
phenomena. The first of these is through volcanic activity where, 1995; Christenson et al., 2002), yet perceptions of the prolonged
for all but a handful of examples, the evolved nature of the magma lifetime of many fields (e.g. Grindley, 1965) are at odds with the
composition indicates that it stalled in and assimilated some com- expected lifetime of the hydrothermal system from a single intru-
ponent of the quartzofeldspathic crust (Graham et al., 1995; Price sion (Cathles et al., 1997; Hayba and Ingebritsen, 1997). In the
et al., 2005), and hence must have resided for some time within cases of Kawerau and Ngatamariki, there is clear evidence for two
the top ∼16 km of the crust. The second, but found only in one temporally independent but geographically coincident geothermal
example, is at Ngatamariki, where a plutonic component has been systems, the earlier examples being linked to specific definable
directly reached by drilling (Browne et al., 1992). The third, clearly episodes of magmatic intrusion and volcanic activity (Arehart et al.,
expressed only at the present day and for the geologically recent 2002; Milicich et al., 2013a,b; Chambefort et al., 2014). The extent
past, is through geothermal systems where the presence of specific to which older systems may be present in the subsurface through-
components in the fluids indicates a strong magmatic component out the TVZ is uncertain, as drilling is confined to presently active
(Giggenbach, 1992, 1995; Christenson et al., 2002; Chambefort areas, and the clay cap that is responsible for the low-resistivity
et al., 2015). anomalies seen at geothermal fields (Heise et al., 2008) may be too
Studies of volcanic compositions, and particularly indicators deeply buried and itself (re-) altered.
of crustal processing and depth controls, such as strontium iso-
topes and volatile contents in melt inclusions suggest that large 4.4. Tectonism in the central TVZ
shallow magma bodies that might be considered ideal sources for
geothermal systems are generally of evolved compositions. Basaltic Any discussion of tectonism in the modern central TVZ cannot
to andesitic magmas tend to be processed deeper in the crust, with be separated from the inference that the tectonic structures and
multiple holding bodies and limited development of large fluid cir- many of the associated features of the TVZ may be inherited and
culation systems (e.g. Ruapehu: Christenson and Wood, 1993; Price extend geographically beyond the volcanic or magmatic features
et al., 2005). The large, melt-dominant rhyolite magma bodies that of this area (Section 3.3). Here we briefly focus on aspects of the
feed caldera-sized eruptions, as well as other smaller events, accu- tectonics that are directly related to the magmatic and volcanic
mulate at shallow levels (4–8 km) on the basis of volatile contents processes, covering (a) the styles of tectonism that are localised
(Liu et al., 2006; Johnson et al., 2011; Bégué et al., 2015). The body of to the central TVZ volcanoes but which are not accompanied by
magma that actually is erupted is derived from comparably sized or any signs of volcanism, and (b) facets of tectonic activity that are
larger underlying source zones, in which melt is a subordinate frac- intimately linked to volcanic eruptions. See Rowland et al. (2010)
tion, and assimilation of older plutonic materials and country rocks and Villamor et al. (2011) for more comprehensive reviews in these
plus crystal fractionation occurs (Hildreth, 1981; the mush model of two fields, respectively.
Bachmann and Bergantz, 2004; Hildreth, 2004). Such deeper zones Recorded seismicity is overwhelmingly though not exclusively
extend probably to the base of the quartzofeldspathic-dominated focused within the Taupo Rift and is characterised by swarm-type
crust at 15–16 km depth and downwards into mafic deep crustal activity, likely driven by fluid flow, with predominantly normal
roots and into the mantle. However, the picture that is arising focal mechanisms (Bibby et al., 1995; Bryan et al., 1999). Source
from geochronological controls is that the melt-dominant bodies volumes are typically less than a few tens of cubic kilometres and
are very rapidly accumulated (of the order of 101 –103 years) and are most commonly localised at depths of 4–7 km (Sherburn, 1992).
then completely emptied during eruptions, such that for most of Rare moderate to large (M6) main shock events have occurred in the
the time, the magmatic system contains only dispersed melt (e.g., historical record, including the 1983 M5.1Waiotapu event located
at Taupo: Allan et al., 2013; Barker et al., 2014). The overall effect within the TRB (Smith et al., 1984). Three swarms of larger volume
is that the scale and lifetime of any geothermal circulation system occurred over the last 100 years in the vicinity of Taupo volcano
associated with large silicic volcanic systems will be controlled by (the 1922, 1964–1965, 1983 Taupo swarms: Grindley and Hull,
the lifetime of the deeper crustal magmatic system (of the order of 1986), and have been attributed to magmatic inflation and defla-
104 –>105 years) and are likely to respond too sluggishly to reflect tion, or degassing (Ellis et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2007). Each swarm
changes in the surficial volcanic tempo on timescales of less than produced uplift over a protracted period of time (several months)
104 years. followed by fault rupture in two cases (1922, 1983), and regional-
A plutonic component is seen in situ at Ngatamariki, where both scale subsidence. The 1922 swarm in particular was notable for its
the intrusions and their surficial lava equivalent have been recog- disruption to the shallow hydrology north of Lake Taupo.
nised (Browne et al., 1992; Chambefort et al., 2014). U–Pb dating of Paleoseismic studies capture fault displacements using surfaces
zircons resolves the ages of the oldest (0.716 ± 0.017 Ma; 95% con- <61 kyr in age and show that over this time period the Taupo
fidence) and youngest (0.655 ± 0.016 Ma) phases of the intrusion, Rift accommodates much, although not all, of the geodetic exten-
and a petrographically correlated lava dome (0.681 ± 0.022 Ma). sion across central TVZ (Nicol et al., 2006; Berryman et al., 2008;
The age data and petrographic studies confirm that material of an Rowland et al., 2010; Villamor et al., 2011). Although individual
age of >350 ka and younger is unaffected by alteration from that faults accrue slip somewhat erratically in time and space, Nicol
intrusion and that the modern system is superimposed on the older et al. (2006) argue that such variations even out across the entire
one. Taupo Rift on million year time scales. Such studies additionally
182 C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187

demonstrate that some faults accrue displacement coeval with uprise of alkaline chloride waters (e.g. Hedenquist, 1986) have now
nearby volcanic eruptions (Berryman et al., 2008), which Villamor largely been replaced by the notion that the exceptionally low
et al. (2011) attribute to stress transfer between faults and mag- shallow-level resistivities are controlled by clay-alteration prod-
matic storage zones. However, within the active Okataina volcanic ucts (e.g. Heise et al., 2008, at Rotokawa), and that the deeper
centre, where there is a ready supply of magma, dike intrusion pre- feeder zones that contain the chloride waters are less conductive.
vails as the dominant extension mechanism (Nairn and Cole, 1981; For example, horizontal 2-D slices through the top 20 km of crust
Seebeck and Nicol, 2009). below the central TVZ show few clear zones of higher conductivity
Although rifting processes are considered by Nicol et al. (2006) between the shallow highly conductive zones matched to indi-
to be uniform in the long term and to reflect geodetic rifting rates, vidual geothermal systems and the deep conductors at 15 ± 5 km
studies of the interactions of tectonics with volcanism during and depth that are inferred to reflect partially molten rock (Heise et al.,
after eruptions suggest that this view may be too simple. Allan 2007, 2010). The distribution of surface geothermal systems does
et al. (2012) document evidence for lateral transport of magma by not therefore permit identification of all possible areas where high-
diking during the 25.4 ka Oruanui eruption and infer that stresses temperature geothermal fluids might be present in the upper crust.
associated with a major rifting episode controlled the dike propa- How stable are the geothermal systems in position? By this we
gation and the starting and stopping of the eruption. Downs et al. mean if geophysical surveys and field mapping have identified all
(2014b) propose that a large part of the displacement across the surface areas of active and extinct fluid flow in the central TVZ,
Paeroa fault zone was related to eruption of the 340 ka Paeroa how have the systems survived burial by volcanic products and/or
Subgroup of ignimbrites. The overall contributions of steady-state destruction by caldera collapse? Does the lack of relatively shal-
faulting processes (particularly in the Taupo Rift) versus cata- low geophysical anomalies (in the top 2–3 km of crust) mean that
strophic readjustments associated with volcanic activity have yet there are no undiscovered geothermal systems that became extinct
to be reconciled, and the question as to whether volcanism (and through withdrawal of their heat source, or destruction by erup-
its associated magmatism) controls faulting or vice versa is not tion of their host rocks or by burial under volcanic products? Some
resolved. lines of evidence suggest that in reality geothermal systems may be
remarkably robust against volcanic events. On a modest scale, the
destruction of the former Rotomahana geothermal system in the
5. Concepts and conundrums 1886 Tarawera eruption and its recovery in the form of Waimangu
(Simmons et al., 1993) demonstrates that catastrophic destruction
There are many aspects of the central TVZ that represent con- of the surface features can have little or no effect on the deep-fluid
tinuing challenges in understanding the history and evolution of upflow. On a large scale at Taupo, products of the Oruanui erup-
the geothermal systems in this area, and the potential effects of tion are locally rich in hydrothermally altered materials (Wilson,
any exploitation beyond that being undertaken at the present day. 2001) suggesting that a substantial hydrothermal system was dis-
Some of these aspects are highlighted here as a spur to continued rupted during that event. The modern resistivity pattern below
investigations. the lake (Caldwell and Bibby, 1992) closely matches in the shape
The big picture – why is there a central TVZ? The remaining of the <50 Ohm-m resistivity contour the outline of the structural
first-order question is why is there such a localisation of felsic mag- caldera collapse area (Davy and Caldwell, 1998), suggesting that
matism and volcanism and the associated abundance of geothermal the destroyed geothermal system has re-established itself and is
systems that collectively define the central TVZ. Why is there such resuming fluid outflow (see Ellis et al., 2007, Fig. 2). The thermal
a localised hot spot in an arc setting? Any explanations that invoke roots of geothermal systems thus appear to lie at depths that are,
intracrustal processes (e.g., Hochstein, 1995) do not work because in the long term, immune to the vagaries of large-scale volcanism.
the deformation rate in the crust increases from south to north How steady-state are the geothermal systems? Although individ-
(Wallace et al., 2004;Fig. 6), yet the felsic magmatism/volcanism ual fields are observed to be moribund or extinct, particularly in
stops around Kawerau and has apparently done so for at least the the line of resistivity anomalies along the western edge of the
past ∼1 Myr. If a mantle source for the unusual thermal flux is zone of intense modern faulting (Henneberger and Browne, 1988;
invoked, then a causative role likely lies in the nature of the sub- Campbell et al., 2004; Drake et al., 2014), there is almost noth-
ducted overthickened oceanic crust of the Hikurangi Plateau, and ing known about how much and over what timescales the thermal
a role for step faults in this crust perhaps inducing localised man- and mass fluxes of fluids can vary. The positions and intensities of
tle upwelling (Reyners, 2013). However, the model put forward by magma fluxes are documented from surface volcanism to change
Timm et al. (2014) proposes a much larger extent of the Hikurangi over periods of 103 to 105 years, yet there is much less informa-
plateau crust to the north of the TVZ. The two data sets need to be tion on the responses of any associated geothermal systems. Only
reconciled before a more robust model for the thermal focus that is two examples are now documented at Kawerau and Ngatamariki
the central TVZ can be developed through modelling of the mantle where geological evidence coupled with U–Pb dating of zircons in
response to the unusually thick subducted plate. key units shows there to have been an earlier system, independent
Spatial separations of geothermal systems and volcanism. As of the modern one, reflecting earlier phases of felsic intrusion and
discussed previously, there are many ongoing questions about surface volcanism (Milicich et al., 2013b; Chambefort et al., 2014).
the nature of magma systems in the central TVZ and their In addition, although historic rift-related faulting in the TVZ has
inter-relationships with geothermal systems. At present, silicic vol- reached to depths of 8 km or so (e.g. in 1987 at Edgecumbe in the
canism is overwhelmingly concentrated in two foci, Taupo and northern TVZ: Anderson and Webb, 1989) there is no information
Okataina, and has been for the last ∼60 kyr, yet all indications are on how rupture to that depth might influence (or in turn be influ-
that the exceptionally high heat flux through the TRB has contin- enced by) fluid flow in nearby geothermal systems. The interplay
ued throughout this time period. This raises the issue as to why between the development of system permeability through faulting
volcanism is so limited in scope in the TRB if the input of heat there versus the loss of that permeability through water-rock interaction
is driven by magma at depth. Also there are questions about what and mineral deposition is an important long-term consideration for
does the present-day distribution of geothermal systems actually utilisation at geothermal fields, but has been little explored (André
represent? Electrical resistivity surveys have been highly success- et al., 2006; Dempsey et al., 2012; Ingebritsen and Gleeson, 2015).
ful in locating geothermal fields in the central TVZ. However, earlier Knowledge as to whether deep geothermal fluid flow (∼10 to ∼3 km
inferences that the anomalously low resistivities were due to the depth) is steady state, or driven by pulses of flow as intrusions are
C.J.N. Wilson, J.V. Rowland / Geothermics 59 (2016) 168–187 183

emplaced (e.g. Chambefort et al., 2015; Weis, 2015), or as fluid Beavan, J., Ellis, S., Wallace, L., Denys, P., 2007. Kinematic constraints from GPS on
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Acknowledgements Magmatic volatile distribution as recorded by rhyolitic melt inclusions in the
Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Geol. Soc. Lond. Spec. Publ. 410,
We thank the former Foundation for Research, Science and Tech- 71–94.
Beresford, S.W., Cole, J.W., Weaver, S.D., 2000. Weak chemical and mineralogical
nology for funding support under the programme on Geothermal – zonation in the Kaingaroa Ignimbrite, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. N. Z.
Deep Resources and Environmental Effects. CJNW acknowledges J. Geol. Geophys. 43, 639–650.
continuing support under the GNS Science Core Science Area Berryman, K.R., Villamor, P., Nairn, I.A., Van Dissen, R.J., Begg, J.G., Lee, J., 2008. Late
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award of a James Cook Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Bertrand, E.A., Caldwell, T.G., Hill, G.J., Wallin, E.L., Bennie, S.L., Cozens, N., Onacha,
Zealand. We thank present and former staff at GNS Science for S.A., Ryan, G.A., Walter, C., Zaino, A., Wameyo, P., 2012. Magnetotelluric
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innumerable discussions, with particular acknowledgements to
New Zealand. Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L02304.
Stephen Bannister, Hugh Bibby, Grant Caldwell, Isabelle Chambe- Bibby, H.M., Caldwell, T.G., Davey, F.J., Webb, T.H., 1995. Geophysical evidence on
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Bibby, H.M., Caldwell, T.G., Risk, G.F., 1998. Electrical resistivity image of the upper
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