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List Of Formulas For Form Three Physics

1. W=Fs
Work is a product of applied force and displacement of the applied force.
Unit for work is Joule (J) OR Newton meter (Nm)
Work is done when force moves an object at a distance and its direction is the
same as the direction of the force.
work done
2. Power= timetaken

Power is the rate of work done.

Unit for power is watt (W) or Joules per second (Js-1)
3. Ep= mgh
Ep= gravitational potential energy
m = mass (kg)
g = gravitational acceleration (ms-2)
h = height (m)

Gravitational potential energy is the

energy kept by an object caused by its
height from the surface of Earth.
Gravitational potential energy depends on the mass and height of the object.

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