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Lesson Plan 
Minimal Spanning Tree 

1. Subject(s): Computer Science 
2. Topic or Unit of Study: Digital Information 
3. Grade/Level: High School- AP Computer Science Principles 
4. Objective:  

Students will learn how to determine the shortest path to reach all of the points/nodes at 
least once and understand the importance of the shortest path in computer science. They 
will also learn how to find ways of efficiently linking objects in a network by collaborating 
on a minimal spanning tree investigation. 

5. Time Allotment: 50 minutes 

Learning Context 
Students have learned about the internet and data prior to this. They have also just learned about 
networks and a little about how they work. In the next lesson, students will learn more about 
shortest paths and the different algorithms that allow computers to find the shortest path. 

a. Engage 

The students will complete a quick write about where they might find networks in real life. 
After their quick write, the students will share their thoughts to a partner and then there 
will be a class discussion about it. 

b. Lesson Body 


- The students will be given the problem that they are planning a school-wide 
parade and they need to determine the shortest path that goes through all of the 
buildings once.  
- The students will work in pairs or a group of three to draw on a copy of the school 
map that they believe will be the shortest path 
- The students will take the paths they drew and record the time it takes to get from 
one building to another using their phones or a stopwatch 
- The students will enter their data into a class spreadsheet 
- The students will look at the class data and determine what is the actual shortest 
path. They will swap and compare their paths with other groups. 
c. Closing 
- The students will complete a reflection on a padlet that discusses how they 
determined the shortest path and if there are more than one shortest path.  
- The students will be given an extension problem involving a “road system” that a 
town is trying to design. 
- The students will also be given an optional extension where they can design their 
own maps and challenge their classmates to determine the shortest path.  

Materials & Resources 

a. Instructional Materials: 

Powerpoint: ​Minimal Spanning Tree  

Spreadsheet to calculate average time taken from one place to another 

Ex: ​Travel Time Discovered  

b. Resources: 

Activity 9​ from CS unplugged  

Students will answer these questions in a reflection padlet and in their journals. 


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