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Moorish National Republic Federal Government ws ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Mlaurikanos ~ » Moorish Bivine and ational Movement of the World AorthWwest Amexem / Sauthinest Amexem / Central Amexem / Adjoining Atlantis and Americana Dslands > ~ Temple of the Moon and Sun ~ o> The True and Be Fure Natural Peoples — Weirs of the Land \ ~ LS.L.A.M. ~ & Detault Notice to Affidavit of Written Initial Universal Commercial Code Financing Statement Monresponse Notification (Exercise of Constitution For The united States of America- Secured Rights) {04/06/2020} From: Ethel Venice Bass Pogue Bey To: MILLION AIR PRIVATE JET CARL GREER Dib/al CFO Notice to Agent is Notice to Prineipal and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent 1 Am Ethel Venice Bass Pogue Bey , In Propria Persona, Sui Juris, In Proprio Solo, In Proprio Heredes, at all time and at all points in time. I am a descendant of the Great Pharaoh's of Kemet and the Moabites and Canaanites. You do not have Jurisdiction over me, Ethel Venice Bass Pogue Bey and no UNITED STATES CORPORATION CITIZEN has jurisdiction over an Aboriginal Indigenous Moorish American National at any time. 1 Ethel Venice Bass Pogue Bey am invoking Personam Jurisdiction at this time and at all points in time, nune pro tune [MILLION AIR PRIVATE JET ] and all Assigns, Agents and Heirs have defaulted, acquiesce and failed to rebut my Allodial Claim of my Moorish Estate [EVB MOABITE TRUST.] ‘An Unrebutted Affidavit Stand as Law. I Ethel! Venice Bass Pogue Bey and my property are in the Jurisdiction of my Ancestral inherited Estate at this time and all points in time and I Ethel Venice Bass Pogue Bey am exercising all of my Sovereign Rights at this time and at all points in time. L MACN-A01S_Affidavit of Default Notice and Nonresponse Nomhwest Armexem / Norwest fica / North America “The North Gate Cental See the attached supporting documentation and tracking information that confirms [MILLION AIR PRIVATE JET ]and all Assigns, Agents and Heirs have received the Affidavit of Allodial Secured Land Property Repossession Written Statement under record number MACN-Rxx000x235 Upon my inherited status, I Ethel Venice Bass Pogue Bey , being a descendant of The Ancient Moabites in other respect known as American ~ Al Moroccan ~ Moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my Oath to the “Five Points of Light’ - Laue, Fuuth, Peace, Freedom, ancl Justice, Being competent (In My Own Propet Person) to Attest to this Affidavit upon which I place my Autograph; Whereas, I State, Proclaim, and Declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or purpose. Ethel Venice Bass Pogue Bey Omnia Tura Reservantis Phone: (214)780-6763 = Email: Northwest Amexem ~ Northwest Africa — North America ~The North Gate Central Amexem ~ South Amexem — Adjoining and Americana Islands 2 MACN-A01S_Affidavit of Default Notice and Nonresponse Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples Document: Northtet Amexam / NonhwestAftca/ Nor America “The Noth Gate (Central

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