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OPINION Pediatric sepsis
Brittany Mathias, Juan C. Mira, and Shawn D. Larson

Purpose of review
Sepsis is the leading cause of pediatric death worldwide. In the United States alone, there are 72 000
children hospitalized for sepsis annually with a reported mortality rate of 25% and an economic cost
estimated to be $4.8 billion. However, it is only recently that the definition and management of pediatric
sepsis has been recognized as being distinct from adult sepsis.
Recent findings
The definition of pediatric sepsis is currently in a state of evolution, and there is a large disconnect between
the clinical and research definitions of sepsis which impacts the application of research findings into
clinical practice. Despite this, it is the speed of diagnosis and the timely implementation of current treatment
guidelines that has been shown to improve outcomes. However, adherence to treatment guidelines is
currently low and it is only through the implementation of protocols that improved care and outcomes have
been demonstrated.
The current management of pediatric sepsis is largely based on adaptations from adult sepsis treatment;
however, distinct physiology demands more prospective pediatric trials to tailor management to the
pediatric population. Adherence to current and emerging practice guidelines will require that protocolized
care pathways become a commonplace.
corticosteroid therapy, fluid resuscitation, inotrope therapy, protocolized care

INTRODUCTION whereas children from ages 1 to 9 have underlying

Sepsis is the leading cause of death worldwide in the neuromuscular disease and adolescents have preex-
pediatric population resulting in an estimated 7.5 isting cancer [6]. Similar to sepsis in adults, however,
million deaths annually [1,2]. It encompasses the a standard definition for sepsis is crucial to the
top four causes of childhood mortality as reported incorporation of emerging research findings into
by the WHO: severe pneumonia, severe diarrhea, clinical practice. If patients identified as septic by
severe malaria, and severe measles [3 ]. In the
clinicians are different from research study partici-
United States alone, there are 72 000 children pants identified as septic, results from those trials
hospitalized for sepsis with a reported mortality may not be applicable to clinical practice. Despite
rate of 25% and an economic cost estimated to be this, the Sepsis PRevalence, OUtcomes, and Thera-
$4.8 billion [1,4,5 ]. Despite this tremendous pies (SPROUT) trial recently found that there is only
impact, there has been limited focus on pediatric a 42% concordance between physician diagnosis
sepsis to date and most of our current treatment is and current diagnostic criteria used for inclusion

extrapolated from adult studies. in research studies [3 ]. Once sepsis can be consist-
Physiologic factors unique to the pediatric ently diagnosed, clinical management tailored to
patient rendered initial attempts to apply adult
sepsis criteria futile. Adults and children differ in
Department of Surgery, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gain-
physiology, predisposing diseases, and sites of infec-
esville, Florida, USA
tion which necessitates differing diagnostic criteria
Correspondence to Shawn D. Larson, MD, Department of Surgery,
and management strategies. Among children who Division of Pediatric Surgery, University of Florida College of Medicine,
develop sepsis worldwide, 49% have a comorbid MSB N6-10, PO Box 100119, Gainesville, Florida 32610-0119, USA.
condition that leaves them vulnerable to infection Tel: +1 352 273-8761; fax: +1 352 273 8772;
[6]. The most common comorbidities in children e-mail:
who develop sepsis are age specific; infants have Curr Opin Pediatr 2016, 28:000–000
chronic lung disease or congenital heart disease, DOI:10.1097/MOP.0000000000000337

1040-8703 Copyright ß 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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CE: Namrta; MOP/280306; Total nos of Pages: 8;
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KEY POINTS Infection1

 Protocol driven care results in more timely care and A suspected or proven infection caused by
any pathogen or a clinical syndrome
improves outcomes. associated with a high probability of
 Timely recognition and institution of therapy (<1 h) is
the single most crucial step in sepsis management.
 Future management of pediatric sepsis will be tailored
to the individual’s unique genomic signature. Sepsis
SIRS2 in the presence of infection

Severe sepsis
the pediatric patient will need to be refined by large Sepsis plus one of the following:
prospective multiinstitutional trials. Additionally, (1) Cardiovascular dysfunction3
with the advent of electronic medical records (2) Acute respiratory distress syndrome3
(EMR), ‘-omic’ technologies, and the ability to proc- (3) Two or more organ dysfunction3
ess big data, we will have a growing capacity to
diagnose sepsis and identify subpopulations of
patients that are most likely to benefit from certain
Severe shock
therapies inherent to ‘personalized medicine’. Sepsis and cardiovascular organ dysfunction3
For the same reason that pediatric sepsis requires
distinction from adult sepsis, neonatal sepsis Evidence of infection includes positive findings on
clinical exam, imaging, or laboratory tests (e.g., white
requires special distinction from pediatric sepsis. blood cells in a normally sterile body fluid, perforated
Because of the complexity of differences between viscus, chest radiograph consistent with pneumonia,
petechial or purpuric rash, or purpura fulminans)
these two groups, this article will exclude neonatal 2
Please see Table 1 for definition and age-specific vital
sepsis [7,8 ]. signs
Please see Table 2 for definition of organ dysfunction
Adapted from reference [9]
The dilemma with addressing sepsis in any age
FIGURE 1. Definitions of systemic inflammatory response
group is the heterogeneity inherent in this disease
syndrome, infection, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock.
state and patient population. The definition of adult
SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
sepsis has undergone continuing revision to keep
pace with the high volume of published research; acute respiratory distress syndrome, or two or more
however, it is only recently that attention has been organ dysfunctions (Table 2) [10 ]. Determination of
given to the pediatric patient and the many caveats altered physiology is specific to age-dependent
that separate the pediatric patient from the adult. vital signs.
Prior to 2005, there was not a standard definition for Although the PSCC provided a more uniform set
pediatric sepsis, which resulted in a lack of uniform- of diagnostic criteria, the SPROUT trial found that
ity among sepsis studies. In 2005, the Pediatric only 42% of sepsis patients were identified as such
Sepsis Consensus Congress (PSCC) met to standard- by both the clinician and the consensus criteria
ize the definition of sepsis (Fig. 1); however, as seen [3 ]. It is therefore important to realize that retro-
with adults, the definition requires continuous spective reviews based on International Classifi-
reconsideration and modification as this area of cation of Diseases (ICD)-9 codes or administrative
research grows. Defining sepsis in the pediatric data bases do not describe the same patient popu-
patient is made more difficult because of age-specific lation as trials utilizing consensus criteria. Addition-
vital signs, and their tremendous physiologic ally, emerging research may not be applicable to
reserve, which often masks the seriousness of their patients diagnosed as septic by practicing clinicians
condition [9]. The PSCC divided age into six distinct not using consensus criteria. This alone demands
categories to take into account age specific vital the revision of diagnostic criteria to create greater
signs as well as age-specific risk factors for invasive uniformity within pediatric clinical practice and to
infections which, in turn, affect antibiotic coverage facilitate the application of peer-reviewed findings
guidelines [9]. Pediatric severe sepsis is defined as into clinical practice. One potential way to bridge
two or more systemic inflammatory response syn- this disconnect, and standardize diagnosis, is by
drome criteria (Table 1), confirmed or suspected utilizing checklists in EMRs. Checklists and proto-
invasive infection, and cardiovascular dysfunction, cols implemented via EMR have been shown to

2 Volume 28  Number 00  Month 2016

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CE: Namrta; MOP/280306; Total nos of Pages: 8;
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Pediatric sepsis Mathias et al.

Tachycardia, defined as a mean heart rate 2 standard deviations (SD) above normal for age in the absence of external stimulus, chronic drugs, or painful stimuli; or otherwise unexplained persistent elevation over a 0.5
to 4-h time period or for children less than 1 year old: bradycardia, defined as a mean heart rate less than 10th percentile for age in the absence of external vagal stimulus, blocker drugs, or congenital heart disease; or
improve time to initiation of therapy [11,12 ,13];

SBP (mmHg)
however, they have not yet been studied as a tool to



provide uniformity of diagnosis.
At present, there is no single biomarker that has
proven specific or sensitive enough to diagnose
sepsis or prognosticate outcome in selected cohorts.
Similar to studies of sepsis in adults, there is active
Respiratory rate

research examining both clinical and research


measurements applicable to a pediatric population.

Column 2 (1 of the below criteria)

Mean respiratory rate 2 SD above normal for age or mechanical ventilation for an acute process not related to underlying neuromuscular disease or the receipt of general anesthesia.
One current tool, which may be available in the near
future is the implementation of biomarkers or ‘-
omic’ (including genomics, transcriptomics, proteo-
mics, and metabolomics) information that may pro-
vide diagnostic and prognostic capability early in

the course of sepsis [14]. This information may also

Heart rate (beats/min)

help stratify the heterogeneous patient population

into subgroups for more tailored therapeutic
Pediatric SIRS criteria (1 of the criteria from column 1 and column 2)

approaches [15 ]. Already, there is evidence that
genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabo-

lomics information can be used to identify patients


that will have more severe clinical courses or benefit

from specific therapies [15 ,16,17]. However, such
technology still requires validation and the develop-
Leukocyte count elevated or depressed for age (not secondary to chemotherapy-induced leukopenia) or 10% immature neutrophils.

ment of protocols that are rapid, widely available,

Leukocyte count (leukocytes  10 /mm )

and cost-effective. Although there are still some

obstacles to overcome concerning the diagnosis of

sepsis, timely recognition and institution of treat-


ment is imperative.



Column 1 (1 of the below criteria)

Despite the dearth of prospective pediatric sepsis

Adapted from [9]. SBP, systolic blood pressure; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome.

studies and the continued difficulty with diagnostic

criteria, timely recognition and institution of

therapy (within 1 h) has been established as the


single most crucial step in sepsis management.

Although timely diagnosis is crucial, it can be chal-
Table 1. Age-specific vital signs and laboratory variables

lenging. Unlike adults, the physiologic reserve of

otherwise unexplained persistent depression over a 0.5-h time period.

pediatric patients can result in a protracted state of


compensated sepsis that, while detrimental, may

Core temperature (8C)

not be as clinically apparent [18]. A study from

the United Kingdom found that more than 50%
of sepsis fatalities occur within 24 h and half of these
patients die before transfer to Pediatric ICU (PICU)
care [19 ]. Although differences in healthcare sys-

tems may limit the applicability of these findings to


the United States, it clearly highlights the need for a

multidisciplinary awareness as over 80% of pediatric
patients present to EDs in the United States that do
not have specialized pediatric care [20].
1 week to 1 month

To combat delays in diagnosis and subsequent

1 month to 1 year
0 days to 1 week

13 to <18 years

treatment, several EDs have implemented compu-

6–12 years
Age group

terized protocols. EMRs now have the capacity to

2–5 years

provide timely warnings based on abnormal vital

signs that alert the clinician to have a heightened
suspicion of sepsis. Implementation of protocol


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Table 2. Organ dysfunction criteria

Cardiovascular dysfunction (1 of the following despite administration of isotonic intravenous fluid bolus 40 ml/kg in 1 h)
Decrease in BP (hypotension) <5th percentile for age or SBP <2 SD below normal for agea
Need for vasoactive drug to maintain BP in normal range (dopamine >5 mg/kg/min or dobutamine, epinephrine, or norepinephrine at
any dose)
Two of the following
Unexplained metabolic acidosis: base deficit >5.0 mEq/l
Increased arterial lactate >2 times upper limit of normal
Oliguria: urine output <0.5 ml/kg/h
Prolonged capillary refill: >5 s
Core to peripheral temperature gap >38C
Respiratoryb (1 of the following)
PaO2/FIO2 <300 in absence of cyanotic heart disease or preexisting lung disease
PaCO2 >65 torr or 20 mmHg over baseline PaCO2
Proven needc or >50% FIO2 to maintain saturation 92%
Need for nonelective invasive or noninvasive mechanical ventilationd
Neurologic (1 of the following)
Glasgow Coma Score 11
Acute change in mental status with a decrease in Glasgow Coma Score 3 points from abnormal baseline
Hematologic (1 of the following)
Platelet count <80 000/mm3 or a decline of 50% in platelet count from highest value recorded over the past 3 days (for chronic
hematology/oncology patients)
INR >2
Serum creatinine 2 times upper limit of normal for age or two-fold increase in baseline creatinine
Hepatic (1 of the following)
Total bilirubin  4 mg/dl (not applicable for newborn)
ALT two times upper limit of normal for age

Adapted from [9]. ALT, alanine transaminase; BP, blood pressure; INR, International normalized ratio; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
Please see Table 1.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome must include a PaO2/FIO2 ratio of 200 mmHg, bilateral infiltrates, acute onset, and no evidence of left heart failure. Acute
lung injury is defined identically except the PaO2/FIO2 ratio must be 300 mmHg.
Proven need assumes oxygen requirement was tested by decreasing flow with subsequent increase in flow if required.
In postoperative patients, this requirement can be met if the patient has developed an acute inflammatory or infectious process in the lungs that prevents them
from being extubated.
& &
driven therapy can decrease the time to fluid resus- outcomes (Fig. 2) [10 ,12 ,21–23]. However,
citation and antimicrobial therapy [18]. Although multiple studies have documented low compliance
there are limitations to these types of systems, such [24 ] and in a simulated ED setting only 45% of
as missed diagnosis or alarm burnout, they are prov- teams correctly adhered to all six sepsis metrics
ing to be invaluable tools in diagnosing and manag- [12 ]. One method that has consistently increased
ing pediatric sepsis. adherence to published guidelines is the imple-
mentation of protocols [18]. The development of
protocols can streamline care by developing
MANAGEMENT electronic order sets and clinical pathways to expe-
The early management of pediatric sepsis was largely dite fluid and antibiotic administration, as well as
extrapolated from adult sepsis studies and it is only promoting nursing education which may lead to
recently that prospective pediatric sepsis studies reduced mortality [9,25]. Protocol driven resuscita-
have been undertaken. Therefore, the management tion bundles have been shown to decrease the time
guidelines for pediatric sepsis are still preliminary to initiation of therapy (early fluids, antibiotic
and require review by large multiinstitutional pro- therapy, and vasoactive support) which is associated
spective studies. Despite their limitations, adher- with improved outcomes [8 ,26,27]. A retrospective
ence to current pediatric sepsis guidelines, as cohort study incorporated a best practice alert in the
detailed in the pediatric section of the Surviving ED to facilitate early recognition and found signifi-
Sepsis Campaign, are associated with improved cant improvements in time-to-intervention [24 ].

4 Volume 28  Number 00  Month 2016

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CE: Namrta; MOP/280306; Total nos of Pages: 8;
MOP 280306

Pediatric sepsis Mathias et al.

0 min Recognize decreased mental status and perfusion,

D e p a r t m e n t
begin high flow O2, establish IV/IO access.

5 min Initial resuscitation: Push boluses of 20 ce/kg isotonic

saline or colloid up to and over 60 cc/kg until perfusion improves or If 2nd PIV start
unless rales or hepatomegaly develop. inotrope.
correct hypoglycemia and hypocalcemia. Begin antibiotics.

Shock not reversed?

15 min
Fluid refractory shock: begin inotrope IV/IO. Dose range:
use atropine/ketamine IV/IO/IM dopamine up to
to obtain central access and airway if needed. 10 mcg/kg/min,
E m e r g e n c y

Reverse cold sock by titrating central dopamine epinephrine

or, if resistant, titrate central epinephrine 0.05 to 0.3
Reverse warm shock by titrating central norepinephrine. mcg/kg/min.

Shock not reversed?

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

60 min Catecholamine resistant shock: begin hydrocortisone

if at risk for absolute adrenal insufficiency

Monitor CVP in PICU, attain normal MAP-CVP and ScvO2 > 70%

Cold shock with Cold shock with Warm shock with

normal blood pressure: low blood pressure: low blood pressure:
1. Titrate fluid and epinephrine. 1. Titrate fluid and epinephrine. 1. Titrate fluid and norepinephrine.
ScvO2 > 70%, Hgb > 10 g/dl ScvO2 > 70%, Hgb > 10 g/dl ScvO2 > 70%.
2. If ScvO2 still <70% 2. If still hypotensive 2. If still hypotensive
add vasodilator with volume consider norepinephrine consider vasopressin,
loading (nitrovasodilators, 3. If ScvO2 still <70% consider terlipressin or angiotensin
milrinone, imrinone, and others) dobutamine, milrinone, 3. If ScvO2 still <70%
consider levosimendan enoximone or levosimendan consider low dose epinephrine

Shock not reversed?

Persistent catecholamine resistant shock: rule out and correct pericardial effusion, pneumothorax,
and intra-abdominal pressure >12 mm/Hg.
Consider pulmonary artery, PICCO, or FATD catheter, and/or doppler ultrasound to guide
fluid, inotrope, vasopressor, vasodilator and hormonal therapies.
Goal CI > 3.3 and <6.0 l/min/m2

Shock not reversed?

Refractory shock: ECMO

Reproduced from [8]

FIGURE 2. Surviving sepsis campaign pediatric treatment protocol. CI, cardiac index; CVP, central venous pressure; ECMO,
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; FATD, femoral arterial thermodilution; Hgb, hemoglobin; IM, intramuscular; IV,
intravenous; MAP, mean arterial pressure; PICCO, pulse contour cardiac output; PICU, pediatric intensive care unit; PIV,
peripheral intravenous; ScvO2, central venous oxygen saturation.

This translated to a decreased incidence of acute drainage, debridement, and surgical intervention
kidney injury (AKI), need for renal replacement [8 ]. Empiric antibiotic therapy should be adminis-
therapy, hospital length-of-stay (LOS), PICU LOS, tered within 1 h of clinical suspicion and can be
and mortality [24 ]. administered via intravenous (IV), intramuscular
The current guidelines for treatment are sum- (IM), or per oral (PO) routes; antibiotics should
marized in the pediatric section of the Surviving not be delayed for blood cultures but every attempt
Sepsis Campaign (Fig. 1) [8 ]. Early and aggressive should be made to obtain blood cultures prior to the
source control should be a top priority; this includes first dose of antibiotics [8 ]. Delay of antibiotic

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CE: Namrta; MOP/280306; Total nos of Pages: 8;
MOP 280306


administration is an independent risk factor for [8 ]. ECMO can also be used in cases of respiratory
& & &
prolonged organ failure and mortality [8 ,10 ,28]. failure associated with sepsis [8 ]. ECMO use for
The importance of expedited antibiotic therapy is sepsis has a survival rate of 39% for children and
& &
well established in adults [29 ]; in fact, hourly delays 73% for newborns [8 ].
have been significantly associated with increased Cardiovascular treatment end points, as defined
mortality. Although positive cultures are not a diag- by the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, include normal-
nostic criteria of pediatric sepsis, and many cases of ization of vitals and mental status among other
sepsis do not have positive blood cultures, positive criteria (Table 2); importantly, laboratory values
cultures allow for narrowing of antibiotic usage. are not included as children often have less derange-
Narrowing antibiotic coverage not only benefits ment of serum markers such as lactate [8 ].
the patient, it also addresses the global crisis of The heterogeneity of both the patient popu-
antibiotic resistance [8 ]. lation and the cause of severe sepsis require an
Fluid resuscitation should be aggressive and approach to the syndrome of sepsis as well as an
administered as boluses of 20 ml/kg crystalloid given appreciation for the individualization of clinical
over 5–10 min via intravenous or intraosseous approaches. Personalized medicine, either in the
access [8 ]. Because of the remarkable physiologic form of genetic determinations or proteomic, tran-
reserve of pediatric patients, hypotension often does scriptomic, or metabolomics measures will soon be a
not occur until the patient is nearing cardiovascular part of the EMR. This ‘-omic’ revolution will be
collapse. Therefore, blood pressure is not an combined with clinical data from EMR resulting
adequate end point for resuscitation, and the resus- in large quantities of data termed ‘big data’. Efforts
citation of patients with severe sepsis should be are currently underway to make this data clinically
titrated to increasing urine output, level of con- applicable. All one needs to do is watch television
sciousness, and attaining normal capillary refill and see the advertisements from large information
without inducing hepatomegaly or rales [8 ]. Early warehouses, such as IBM, General Electric, Google,
and aggressive fluid resuscitation has been shown to and Microsoft. As this information database grows,
decrease mortality [11,15 ,26]. Conversely, delayed and the tools to extract biological information from
fluid resuscitation has been associated with longer this data improve, we will see the advent of person-
ICU stay and hospital LOS and an increased inci- alized medicine where treatment is tailor-made to
dence of AKI [24 ,30]. Although total volume of the individual’s unique physiology [14]. Although
fluid resuscitation was not considerably different, a this technology seems far-off, there are already
shorter time to implementation resulted in genomic markers that can identify which patients
decreased incidence of AKI and its associated mor- will benefit from corticosteroid therapies [15 ].
bidity and mortality [24 ]. Despite this evidence,
the benefits of current fluid resuscitation guidelines
have recently been called into question and further OUTCOMES
study has been demanded [31]. If the patient There is only limited information on chronic mor-
remains hypotensive once these clinical bench- bidity and long-term mortality in the septic
marks have been achieved, inotropic support should pediatric patient population. The applicability of
be initiated and has been shown to decrease early studies that utilized inconsistent definitions
mortality [8 ]. Inotropes can be started peripherally of sepsis is limited; however, survivors of sepsis are
until central access is obtained [8 ]. Furthermore, recognized to often have long-term neuropsycho-
25% of children with septic shock have adrenal logical and neurocognitive morbidity [35–38]. Ret-
insufficiency and will benefit from corticosteroid rospective chart review, dependent on ICD-9 codes,
treatment; purpura, prior steroid therapy, and estimated mortality to be 10–20%; however, recent
known pituitary and adrenal abnormalities should prospective studies that relied on consensus criteria
prompt a heightened level of clinical suspicion [8 ]. found a mortality rate of 25% for severe sepsis
When clinically necessary, corticosteroid therapy [30,33,34]. Improvement in the early treatment of
should not be delayed; early implementation adult sepsis has led to decreased acute mortality,
(<8 h) of corticosteroids has been associated with only to unmask a chronic phenotype of persistent
decreased mortality, while a delay in corticosteroid inflammation, immunosuppression, and catabo-
treatment (<72 h) was associated with increased lism syndrome (PICS) that is associated with indo-
adverse events without the same mortality benefit lent death [39]. Although limited by its retrospective
[32–34]. Additionally, extracorporeal membrane design and inclusion of neonates, one study dem-
oxygenation (ECMO) has been shown to increase onstrated that almost half (47%) of pediatric sepsis
survival in the setting of refractory shock despite survivors were readmitted at least once, and half of
adequate fluid resuscitation and inotrope therapy deaths occurred after discharge from primary

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CE: Namrta; MOP/280306; Total nos of Pages: 8;
MOP 280306

Pediatric sepsis Mathias et al.

admission [40]. Therefore, future pediatric sepsis REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED

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More than half of deaths from sepsis in the pediatric patient occur prior to transfer to
PICU. A system-wide analysis of triage and transfer to definitive care is needed.
Conflicts of interest 20. Committee on the Future of Emergency Care in the United States, Board on
Healthcare Services, Institute of Medicine. Emergency care for children:
There are no conflicts of interest. growing pains. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2007.

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