Test On Concrete Aggregates

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CVE 3013: Materials Lab Fall 2019



To determine the material properties of coarse and fine aggregate to be used for the production of
a concrete trial mix (Lab 5.0-Material Properties of Concrete). The bulk specific gravity,
absorption, and moisture content of stored material are determined according to the appropriate
ASTM Specifications. These material properties will be used to determine the appropriate
proportions of a concrete mix design in the next lab.


Absorption Cone (mold) and corresponding tamping rod

Absorbent Towels/blankets
Aspirator (de-aeration device)
Coarse and Fine Aggregate
Distilled Water
500 ml flask
Metal frame and basket for submerging aggregate sample
Water Tank (5-gallon bucket)

Part I: Moisture Content of Stored Aggregate

1. Determine the weight of pan (W1).

2. Place a sample of aggregate, representative of stored condition, in the pan. Determine the
weight of the pan and moist aggregate (W2).
3. Place the pan and moist aggregate in a oven for 24 hours. Determine the dry weight of
the aggregate sample plus the pan (W3).
4. Calculate the moisture content.
W 3−W 3
Moisture content of Aggregate (%) = x 100
W 3−W 1

5. Perform the above steps for both coarse and fine aggregate.
PART II: Bulk Specific Gravity and Water Absorption of Coarse Aggregate

1. Obtain coarse aggregate and soak in water for 24 hours to ensure saturation. Decant
excess water being careful not to lose any aggregate. Spread the sample on a flat surface
exposed to a gently moving current of warm air and stir frequently.
CVE 3013: Materials Lab Fall 2019

2. Towel or fan dry to the saturated surface-dry condition (SSD). Take care to avoid over
3. Obtain a known weight of SSD aggregate (A), approximately 2kg of aggregate.
4. Obtain weight of metal frame with basket submerged in water without aggregate(D).
5. Obtain weight of SSD aggregate and metal frame apparatus submerged in water (E).
6. Remove and empty the entire sample of coarse aggregate from the metal frame into a pan
and place into an oven for 24 hours. Be sure to record the weight of the pan. Determine
the weight of the oven dry aggregate (B).
7. Determine the weight of SSD aggregate submerged in water (C). where = E – D
8. Determine the bulk specific gravity = B/(A-C)
9. Determine the absorption at SSD condition = (A-B)/B
PART III: Bulk Specific Gravity and Water Absorption of Fine Aggregate

1. Obtain fine aggregate and soak in water for 24 hours to ensure saturation. Decant excess
water being careful not to lose any aggregate. Spread the sample on a flat surface
exposed to a gently moving current of warm air and stir frequently.
2. Towel or fan dry to the saturated surface-dry condition (SSD). Take care to avoid over
drying. The SSD condition is determined by a cone test as follows. Fill cone with fine
aggregate. Lightly rod 25 times with appropriate tamping rod. Each drop height of the
rod should be approximately (.2 in).
Gently lift the cone from the sample. The point at which enough moisture has evaporated
from the drying process that allows the fine aggregate sample to fail when the cone is
removed is the SSD condition. If surface moisture is still present, the aggregate will retain
the molds shape. Be sure not to over dry the sample. Repeat the cone test, if necessary, until
the first cone failure is achieved.

3. Once the SSD condition of the fine aggregate has been identified, obtain two samples.
The first sample will be used to determine the absorption capacity of fine aggregate at
SSD condition (approximately 250g). The second sample will be used to determine the
bulk specific gravity (approximately 100g).
4. Absorption: Take approximately a 250-gram sample of the SSD fine aggregate (W4)
and empty entire sample of fine aggregate into a pan and place into an oven for 24 hours.
Be sure to record the weight of the pan. Determine the weight of the oven dry aggregate
5. Determine the absorption at SSD condition = (W4-W5)/W5
6. Bulk Specific Gravity: Obtain a 500 ml flask and fill with distilled water to the 500ml
mark and record its weight (W6 = wt. of flask filled to 500 ml mark).
7. Empty the distilled water from the flask in step (7).
8. Place a 100-gram sample of SSD fine aggregate into the flask. Fill the bulb of the flask
approximately half to two thirds full of distilled water.
CVE 3013: Materials Lab Fall 2019

9. Use a aspirator (de-aeration device) to remove all air from the sample for a minimum of
15 minutes until no visible air bubbles are present. Be sure to agitate the sample during
the de-aeration process.
10. After the de-aeration process continue to fill the flask to the 500 ml mark with distilled
water and record its weight (W7 = wt. of deaired material + distilled water to 500 ml
mark + flask)
11. Empty the entire contents of the flask, distilled water and aggregate, into a pan. Use a
squeeze bottle to wash out any remaining particles adhered to the flask into the pan.
12. Place the pan and its contents into an oven for 24 hours. Be sure to record the weight of
the pan. Determine the weight of the oven dry aggregate (W8).

13. Determine the bulk specific gravity =
( W 6+W 8 ) −W 7

(See checklist for additional grading rubric)
What was the purpose of the labs

8 different procedures for the tests performed:
1. Sieve Analysis of Course Aggregate
2. Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregate
3. Dry Rodded Weight of Coarse Aggregate
4. Moisture Content (write it just once because it’s identical for coarse and fine)
5. Bulk Specific Gravity of Coarse Aggregate
6. Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
7. Bulk Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregate
8. Absorption of Fine Aggregate
 List all equipment and materials used. Identify the fine and coarse material (look at the
datasheet for sieve analysis for descriptions).
 List the sizes of the sieves for the 2 sieve analyses.
 Photos of equipment and material tested

All formulas needed for the calculations are given in the manual. If not clear, e-mail me.
Table 1. CA Sieve Analysis Data
Table 2. FA Sieve Analysis Data (calculate Fineness modulus of sand – look in the manual)
CVE 3013: Materials Lab Fall 2019

Table 3. Moisture contents of CA and FA

Table 4. Bulk Rodded Unit Weight Data
Table 5. Bulk Specific Gravity of CA
Table 6. Absorption of CA
Table 7. Bulk Specific Gravity of FA
Table 8. Absorption of FA

Fig 1. Grain Size Distribution Curve for CA

Fig 2. Grain Size Distribution Curve for FA
 if not written grain diameter -1
 if not log -2

There are 2 sections with questions to answer – don’t omit any of them.

Part I
See Questions from Week 1 lab handout

Part II
1. Define the difference between Specific Gravity, Bulk Specific Gravity (dry), and Bulk
Specific Gravity (SSD). Do not quote the formulas, but instead explain the theoretical
2. How will the moisture content affect the amount of water to be added to a concrete mix
 moisture content is greater than the absorption capacity
 moisture content is less than the absorption capacity
3. What are the values of bulk specific gravity for both the fine and coarse aggregates? Are
they obtained values reasonable? Refer to other references for typical values.
4. Why is the bulk specific gravity used in concrete mix design computations rather than
apparent specific gravity?
5. f, in determining the bulk specific gravity, SSD, of the gravel, the particles were not dried
sufficiently to reach a saturated surface-dry state, what effect would this have upon the
calculated value of the bulk specific gravity, SSD; i.e., would the value obtained be
higher than, lower than, or the same as the true value? Explain.
6. What errors occurred in this laboratory experiment and how did they affect the results?
How can such errors be prevented?

 Sample calculations
CVE 3013: Materials Lab Fall 2019


American Concrete Institute (ACI), Manuals of Concrete Practice.

ASTM C 33 Standard Specifications for Concrete Aggregates

ASTM C 127-88 Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse

ASTM C 128-88 Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate.

Criswell M. E. and Vanderbilt, Properties & Tests of Engineering Materials Colorado, 1984.

Portland Cement Association. Design and Control of Concrete Mixes.

CVE 3013: Materials Lab Fall 2019

Data Sheet
Moisture Content of Stored Aggregate
No. of Wt. of Plan Wt. of Plan Wt. of Plan Moisture Content
Plan W1 Moist W2 Dry W3

Bulk Specific Gravity & Water Absorption of Coarse Aggregate

Wt. of SSD Aggregate, (A):

Wt. of Metal Frame with Basket Submerged in Water without
Wt. of SSD Aggregate and Metal Frame Apparatus
Wt. of Oven Dry Aggregate, (B):

Wt. of SSD Aggregate Submerged in Water, C = E-D:

Bulk Specific Gravity, =B/(A-C):
Absorption at SSD Condition, =(A-B)/B:
CVE 3013: Materials Lab Fall 2019

Bulk Specific Gravity & Water Absorption of Fine


Sample Wt. of SSD Fine Aggregate, (W4):

Wt. of Oven Dry Aggregate, (W5):
Absorption at SSD Condition, =(W4-W5)/W5:

Bulk Specific Gravity:

Wt. of Flask Filled to 500 ml Mark (W6):

Wt. of Deaired Material + Distilled Water to 500 ml Mark +
Wt. of Oven Dry Aggregate, (W8):
Bulk Specific Gravity, =W8/[(W6+W8)-W7]:

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