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Joule’s Experiments and the First Law

In classic experiments conducted in the early part of the nineteenth century, Joule
studied processes by which a closed system can be taken from one equilibrium state
to another. In particular, he considered processes that involve work interactions but
no heat interactions between the system and its surroundings. Any such process is an
adiabatic process.

Based on his experiments Joule deduced that the value of the net work is the same for
all adiabatic processes between two equilibrium states. In other words, the value of
the net work done by or on a closed system undergoing an adiabatic process between
two given states depends solely on the end states and not on the details of the
adiabatic process.

If the net work is the same for all adiabatic processes of a closed system between a
given pair of end states, it follows from the definition of property that the net work for
such a process is the change in some property of the system. This property is called

Following Joule’s reasoning, the change in energy between the two states is defined by

E2 -E1 =-W ad

where the symbol E denotes the energy of a system and Wad represents the net work
for any adiabatic process between the two states. The minus sign before the work
term is in accord with the previously stated sign convention for work. Finally, note
that since any arbitrary value E1 can be assigned to the energy of a system at a given
state 1, no particular significance can be attached to the value of the energy at state 1
or at any other state. Only changes in the energy of a system have significance.

The foregoing discussion is based on experimental evidence beginning with the

experiments of Joule. Because of inevitable experimental uncertainties, it is not
possible to prove by measurements that the net work is exactly the same for all
adiabatic processes between the same end states. However, the preponderance of
experimental findings supports this conclusion, so it is adopted as a fundamental
principle that the work actually is the same. This principle is an alternative
formulation of the first law and has been used by subsequent scientists and engineers
as a springboard for developing the conservation of energy concept and the energy
balance as we know them today.

Source: (Moran & Shapiro, 2014)


Moran, M. J., Shapiro, H. N., Boettner, D. D. & Bailey M B. (2014). Fundamentals of Engineering
Thermodynamics (Edició n: 8). John Wiley & Sons.

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