English Lexicon: 006-010 Multiple Choice Questions

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English Lexicon

006-010 Multiple Choice Questions

Test 2

English Lexicon
I 006a
Multiple Choice Questions (Not SPM Level) .

Section A (8 marks in SPM)

Generally, multiple choice questions are relatively easy. It mainly tests about your understanding towards a
particular text or vocabulary.
Loo: We Believe in Service

I run this 69-year old store during my sandwich year and I use 30 kilograms of flour every day to
make my favourite bread- a stuffed cheese open-faced pie. This is a kitchen that has between 1 and
2 workers based on the time of the day. We have two more coming in today- Thingy and
Whatshisname. One score years ago, one of founders- Mr Mah felt that his customers are more likely
to buy his savoury products, compared to the plain sliced toast. Hence, he invented a new dish out of
a coup- Petite de Fours (PdF).
1) Choose the correct information from the extract. 2) What is the objective of the extract?
Food he How long ago was PdF A) Dedicated services, results amending
loves invented? B) The shop has many customers
A Pizza 12 years ago C) Service is their religion
B Pizza 20 years ago D) 3 workers work night works
C Ricotta Pie 20 years ago
D Sandwich 12 years ago

3) Which of the statements is true?

Fornicate A) Forni blushed
Forni fornicate Floni furtively for fortified B) Florence is full of vitamins
Florence. C) Floni is not married to Forni
Formerly, Flemish Forni foxtrotted Floni D) The French land is where they stay
forthcoming floral France.
While in Florence, Floni asked Forni about his 4) All of these statements are true,
plans to be conjugal as Floni’s mother humbly excluding:
requested. A) The House of Flemings administers the
Forni refused. romantic relationship.
The Flemish court courted Forni and Floni, so B) Florence is being destroyed
that Flemings could avail Florence. The agony C) Forni is being used
of Forni! D) Forni’s marriage is arranged

Luxottica 5) What is the meaning of bijou?

Luxottica, erstwhile operating in bijou quarters, has A) Wood scented
expanded their business until it enveloped the entire B) Small and dark
industry of glasses. Now, a pair of glasses could cost C) Elegant
upwards of $200 in Canada. Their eyewear industry D) Shared
model wants to provide enough variety for their
customers, while making sure they earn the big 6) The underlined text shows that
buck. As the sole market player, they are surely A) They play at the supermarket
ignoble too. Small regional eyewear shops in BC that B) The also sell shoe soles
C) They dominate the industry
sells $35 pairs are now sued by them for selling
D) They asked football players to advertise
theirs too cheap.
at the supermarket
English Lexicon

I 006b
Year 2009 yearned the sky-scraping for Najib. After 7) Najib’s company produces
all, the conglomerate of Najib, Taek Low, and A) Juice
Rosmah achieved global demand as global juice B) Fruits
prices skyrocketed and people are opting for more C) Vehicles
fuel-efficient conveyance. Their fruit of labour D) Cake
comes at a cost though. Fabricators like Tesla
opted out as consumption of other parts of fuel
vehicles tend to provide a larger cake.

Banneker lived and worked on the family farm. 8) If the writer were to delete the underlined
After his father died in 1759, Banneker took over part, the paragraph would primarily lose:
the responsibility of the farm and the care of his A) support for the essay’s point about
mother and younger sisters. In addition, he Banneker’s love of learning.
pursued scientific studies and taught himself to B) a direct link to the previous paragraph.
play the flute and violin. C) a humorous description of Banneker’s
D) an extensive digression about music

And then the day came, 9) The most suitable title for this poem is:
when the risk A) That Day
to remain tight B) Risk
in a bud C) Pain
was more painful D) Flowers
than the risk
it took
to blossom.

Disease Treatment Scientists Year 10) The best caption for the table is:
Smallpox Vaccination Edward 1796 A) The Battle against Diseases
Rabies Vaccination Louis 1885 B) Great Inventions of Our Time
Cholera Pasteurisation Louis 1885 C) Famous Scientists of the 20th Century
D) How Cholera and Typhoid were

11) Terms that can be related to the logo

A) Stay at home
B) Visit Ayer Itam Market
C) Do not go too near to outsiders
D) Free Holiday

How are your results? Brill or discomfiting?

Fear not! In the next few exercises, you will receive ample exercises till the point that you will walk out of
this section… in confidence!
English Lexicon

I 007a


On Monday last, December 18, 2017 while Shihab and Liton were playing together they noticed some broken rail trucks.
They became curious but worried thinking about what would happen if there came any train.
They were talking about probable accident. In the meantime, they could hear the whistle of a train. They were in a fix
what to do. As it was winter, one of the boys was wearing red neck-clothes. They had an idea to make the neck-clothes a
red flag.
The train was approaching. They quickly held the two ends of the neck-clothes and began to wave it. They became tensed
and nervous but remained brave. The driver of the train noticed it and confusingly stopped the train instantly. The driver
came down and realized the matter. He became astonished to think about the situation.
The driver reported the matter to the railway authority. The rail officials came to the spot. They could not but praise the
brave and witty kids. The good and brave deed of Shihab and Liton has spread all around the country.

12) The underlined text means: 13) The objective of the text is :
A) They were figuring out what to do A) To let people buy more red neck-clothes
B) They were in a dangerous situation B) To remind people the importance of life
C) A and B C) To remind the government to fix the
D) None of the above tracks
D) To let people know about their heroic

So, taking a deep breath, we set off again,

running wildly back and forth across the road.
After what seemed forever, the shooting ceased.
“God Almighty be praised, the food is still warm,”
was all I could say after we arrived at our
grandfather’s apartment, completely unaware of
the danger from which we had just escaped. Five
cents awaited each of us!
As an adult, I sometimes look back on that
eventful day. I now know what my young mind
could not understand then: it is impossible to go
through life without hardship and struggles being
thrown at you. They come when you least think
14) Haikal wants to stay in Pelangi Hotel for they would, like when you are happily walking
a night. He should get: down a street and bullets start flying at you. You
A) Free plane tickets can try to avoid them all you want, but if you are
B) Free shuttle service alive, they will keep coming, from all directions.
C) Daily breakfast Sure, you might get wounded, but you just have to
D) Not stated bandage your wounds, pick yourself up and start
walking again.
15) The objective of the extract above is: 16) From the extract, we could summarize that:
A) to allow people to know more about the A) They were paid five cents to go through
promotion all of those hardships
B) to make the promotion known to public B)Their grandfather is in danger
C) to provide information about the package C) Hardships were meant to go through
D) to hire people to work at Pelangi Hotel D) Life is full of ups and downs
English Lexicon

I 007b
17) When you are in a hurry, preparing to leave for work, a nice university
student knocks at your door and asks you to participate in his social
research for his graduation thesis. You check the time and notice that you
are about to miss the train to be at work on time. You don’t want to offend
him but reject his request by saying:
A) Oh, please come in. I am always glad to be a part of such studies
B) I can answer your questions if it’s only a few minutes
C) Oh, I’ve already missed the train anyway. How can I help you?
D) I’m afraid. I cannot help you. I’m late for work. Come some other time.

18) Which sentence is irrelevant?

(A) Divers in France have found the oldest known bust of Roman dictator Caesar at the
of the River Rhone.
(B) The bust was thrown in the river after she was assassinated.
(C) The marble bust was found near Arles, which was founded by Caesar.
(D) France's culture ministry said the bust was from 46BC, the date of the southern town's

19) Which sentence is irrelevant?

(A) The girl slipped when trying to catch a ball while playing with the man and her mother.
(B) The girl got herself out, but the man got into difficulties.
(C) Fire brigade was called out and two hours later officers recovered the man's body from
the water.
(D) The report will be submitted to the police and the coroner.

May the reign of the Emperor 20) The suitable title for the anthem
continue for a thousand, nay, eight thousand generations is:
and for the eternity that it takes A) The Emperor’s Reign
for small pebbles to grow into a great rock B) The Great Rock
and become covered with moss. C) Eight Thousand Generations Later
D) Moss is Delicious

There are several ways to study. However, I do not 21) The following statements are true,
condone highlighting the text, summarizing your except:
lectures, or re-reading it. There are so many ways A) Highlighting the summarized text helps to
to study, yet you chose one of these? If you ask increase the retention rate.
me, I would definitely use online cue cards such as B) ANKI is favoured by the Cambridge
ANKI, which is administered by one of the best student.
study teams on Earth! Besides that, I would C) Rereading the text is less effective
prepare a book for my essays. I would spend only compared to doing mini tests.
1 day to do research on a particular topic, then it D) 1day research for an essay topic is
would be memorised after being written into a enough
book. A small test after every reading helps too.
22) The objective of the text is to:
One study shows that students score more on
A) attract students to study
average if they did mini test compared to re-
B) kick off the Study Revolution
reading the text. The Study Revolution, happens
C) educate the people about study methods
now and now only. (By a Cambridge student) that are efficient
D) hard sell ANKI
English Lexicon

I 008a
MCQ (SPM Trials) .

23) According to the notice, people should:

A) Keep the paint wet
B) Keep the bench wet
C) Not sit on the bench
D) Not avoid sitting on the bench

24) From the conversation above, the phrase out of hand means:
A) not in line c) out of control
B) slipped off d) not in proper condition

Jack: Hi John. I’m having a few friends over 25) From the dialogue, we know that John:
tonight for a party. There’ll be lots of food and lots A) does not go to parties
of laughs. B) wants to have a party too
Jack: I was wondering… C) is not invited to the party
John: Yes? D) invites everyone to the party
Jack: Are you jealous?

26) From the comic strip, we know


27) From the comic

strip, we know that
A) Son was rude to his
B) Father was
C) Father wished his
son to be top scorer
D) Son perform badly in
the exam
English Lexicon

I 008b

28) The text is a clear case of:

A) Misconduct
B) Misbehaviour
C) Misjudgement
D) Misinterpretation

29) We know that the

A) Cheated his customers
B) Denied his wrongdoing
C) Did not practise good
D) Did not accept the
customer’s complaint

30) The aim of the letter by

Concerned Parents is to
A) Parent’s mind set about
road safety education
B) Authorities’ good efforts to enforce traffic laws
C) Parent’s responsibility to teach their children to be law abiding
D) Authorities’ strict enforcement to educate parents on road safety.

31) Akhwan’s behaviour is

exemplary because he is:
A) Selfless and
B) Carefree and civic-minded
C) Hardworking and honest
D) Well-mannered and sincere

English Lexicon

I 009a
MCQ (SPM Trials) .

33) From the

that flights in

A. dis
B. dis
C. sus
D. inte

32) From the extract, we know that


“Congratulations again of getting caught

using your phone”
This sentence shows that Mary is:
A) Being sarcastic
B) Feeling despair
C) Displaying frustration
D) Expressing annoyance

36) We can conclude that:

A) Brandon S. will only use his phone at home
B) Anne S. seeks forgiveness for Sam
C) Sam feels proud that his post garnered attention
D) Mary Wallace is upset about Sam

English Lexicon

I 009b

37) We know that:

A) The couple missed the flight
B) Husband wants to break the silence
C) The couple were having trouble with their homes
D) The wife did not wake her husband up

38) Which of the following words is the closest in meaning to intermittently?

A occasionally
B frequently
C heavily
D rarely

39) Based on the

above, which of
the following
statements is
A The water
level in Pahang
and Perak is
reported to drop
B The water
level in
Kelantan, Pahang, Perak and Terengganu increased
C In Terengganu, approximately 70 families had to return to the evacuation
D The flood had receded in Pahang, Perak and Kelantan and all the flood victims
were sent back home.


English Lexicon
I 010a
MCQ (SPM Trials) .




45) The following are advantages

of Tramatholate except it
A is greasy
B can be used externally
C helps to reduce muscle ache
D does not cause any skin rash
English Lexicon

I 010b

46) The extract above is a

complaint about
A the pedestrian traffic lights at Sri
B the dangers of crossing the road
at traffic lights
C vehicles not stopping at
pedestrian crossing lights
D the use of the pedestrian crossing
by senior citizens and children

47) From the text we

know that:
A) Motorbikes will be
banned all over Vietnam
from 2030
B) More people are using
motorbikes due to traffic
C) The majority of city
councillors granted the
D) The level of air
pollution in Hanoi is
beyond control

48) Which statement is true?

A) Jack surfs the internet and does his
homework at the same time
B) Jack spends most of his time doing
homework online
C) Jack only searches for his answers
D) Jack hardly does any homework

44) Shadow in the Dark is probably

A horror movie
B mystery movie
C science-fiction
D comedy
Checkpoint 2
Crossrail 2 would serve stations throughout the South East, linking south west and north east London, as well
as destinations across Surrey and Hertfordshire.

Stations in Surrey, Hertfordshire and the Capital would have direct Crossrail 2 services but the benefits would
be felt far beyond the route. Crossrail 2 would benefit towns and cities across the South East such as
Cambridge, Portsmouth, Woking and Southampton by freeing up mainline rail routes and reducing congestion
into Waterloo and Liverpool Street. Towns and cities across the region would benefit from faster or more
frequent journeys into London on both Crossrail 2 trains and National Rail services into other mainline stations.

Crossrail 2 would help relieve congestion on busy routes into central London and support economic
development in and around the capital, specifically targeting some key opportunity areas, such as the Upper
Lea Valley, Victoria and Euston and St Pancras.

It would create better connections across the South East and the whole country, with a new Euston / St Pancras
station providing direct access to the new High Speed 2 line, Thameslink and Eurostar services.

1) Which of the following is a false statement?

A) Euston/St Pancras station would be a major transport hub
B) Crossrail 2 connects Cambridge to central London
C) Upper Lea Valley will have the chance to be developed under Crossrail 2
D) Liverpool Street would be less congested after Crossrail 2 started

2) The main idea of the text is:

A) The benefits of Crossrail 2
B) The new rail line
C) Trains in Cambridge and Surrey
D) Human congestion in London

3) The Chinese in the meme means:

A) China
B) Chinese takeaway
C) Chinese microwave
D) Chinese nuclear arsenal

Lao Covid-19 cases remain at 9

Laos reported no increase in Covid-19 cases on Tuesday, with total confirmed infections remaining at nine,
according to the national committee in charge of prevention and control measures.
Speaking at a media conference on Tuesday, Standing Member of the National Taskforce Committee for Covid-
19 Prevention and Control, Associate Prof Dr Phouthone Muongpak said the committee tested samples from 31
suspected infected people on March 30. All of the cases tested negative.

4) Which of the statements is true?

A) Lao is the name of a country
B) Prof Dr Phuthone Muongpak is the director of the National Taskforce Committee for Covid-
Prevention and Control
C) 9 cases are detected on March 30
D) Laos have only 9 cases as of Tuesday

5) The Olive Oil that is the most

aromatic should be labelled:
A) Extra-Virgin
B) Refined
C) Virgin
D) Pure
0.69 million paid for one tu
A deep-pocketed restaurateur shelled ou
more the money compared to his compe
a single tuna fish at Tsukiji Market yeste

Five score years ago a great American in whose symbolic shadow we stand today signed
the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree is a great beacon light of hope to
millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came
as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. ~I have a dream (Martin
Luther King Jr.)
7) Which of the statements is true?
A) The Emancipation Proclamation is signed 100 years ago
B) The Negro slaves have been in captive since the Emancipation Proclamation
C) The dream of Martin Luther King Jr. is to end their nights of captivity
D) The decree happened in a moment

8) Battery in the text means

A) Excessive force
B) An infliction of violence on another person
C) A source of power
D) An artillery subunit of weapons

Results: /8

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