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Running Head: PROJECT 1


Kelsey Ryan

KINS 4306

April 19th, 2020


Going into my internship I was not sure what to do for my project. Ideally, I wanted it so

be based in mental or sexual health, but I was open to other options. My second week at the

Women’s Center, Dr. Graham sat down for a meeting with all the interns to discuss our plans

and things she would like to be done around the office. One task immediately peaked my interest

and I knew I wanted it to be my project right away. She needed all the shirts from the Clothesline

Project cataloged. This was first proposed as an idea for multiple people because the task is so

big, but I met with her later and asked if I could work on it alone and make it my project. She

agreed and we began to brainstorm ideas.

Throughout the years, the Clothesline Project has amassed over 900 shirts. The shirts

have been split up and stored in a few different locations. There was a brief attempt a few years

ago to catalog them, but it was stopped not long after it started. My idea was to go through and

catalog all the shirts with details such as the shirt number, size, color, and where it was stored

documented. Along with this I was planning to take pictures of all the shirts and create a website

so there was an easy way to view past shirts for alumni or anyone else interested.

A large part of the Clothesline Project is bringing the survivors’ stories forward and

making sure they are acknowledged. With that in mind, it seems counterintuitive to fold up the

shirts and throw them in a closet to never be seen again after the display is taken down. Dr.

Graham wanted a way to track them so they did not get lost and ignored. When I brought up the

idea of trying to display them, Dr. Graham supported it wholeheartedly. This is a great way for

the project to grow and for the growth to be seen by past participants. This project will not only

help with organization efforts at the center and data collection, but it will create a way to

continually raise awareness about the Clothes on Project even when it is not displayed on


Again my project I looked at the old catalog I decided how I wanted to make mine better

based on the old system. I ended up deciding to make an Excel document where I made different

cells to track the size, color, if a picture has been taken of it yet, if the picture has been uploaded,

and where the shirt was stored. All of this was organized by shirt number, which had been

previously written in the shirts during gets display period on campus. I also outlined what I want

the website to look like and what the content should be. I wrote introductions of the Clothesline

Project, Women’s Center, and a brief timeline of the Clothesline Project at GC&SU. After

creating these outlines, I began to pull shirts from where they were stored in the office. I would

go through the bins and separate the shirts by groups of hundreds, such as a pile of shirts labeled

800, a pile of shirts labeled 600, etc. This made them easier to catalog because it narrowed down

the section that I was working with on the database. I continued to work through this process

until the campus closings disrupted it. This caused a lot of problems for my plans for the future

of my project. I took the shirts we had left the office home that I had not cataloged yet and

finished working through those.

Unfortunately, due to the way the semester ended the shirts that I had at my house from

the office were the only ones that I would be able to catalog. The rest were in storage facilities

and I could not access those due to the campus closure. I did my best to adapt to this and worked

with the shirts I had. I set up an area in my home and took pictures of all the shirts and cataloged

them the way I had intended to. I was not sure if I should continue with the website or not

because Dr. Graham and I had discussed at the beginning of the semester that we would rather

wait and launch a website that’s fully completed rather than one that is half completed. Due to

this I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Graham recently, and we decided to complete as much

of the website as possible.


I am upset with how my project ended and that I couldn’t complete it to its fullest

potential. With that said, I am happy with the work that I did. I believe that if I had not had my

semester cut short I could have completed this project in the way that I intended. I know that this

project was important for the Women Center, whether it was fully completed or not. Dr. Graham

has expressed this many times to me. All I want is for someone to pick the project up in the fall

and finish it because I think it is really important to recognize the survivors that made the shirts

that we have sadly locked away.

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