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Week One Journal

Kelsey Ryan

KINS 4306

1-6-20: Over the weekend I had emailed my site coordinator, Dr. Graham, and asked

what time I needed to be at the center on Monday. I did not get an email back until late

Sunday night. She let me know that I would not start until Wednesday, because she was

not back from break.

1-7-20: On Tuesday I was added on to a GeorgiaView course by Dr. Graham. It had

readings and discussions available on it. I was not expecting to have discussions and

reading for my internship, but I think they will be valuable in my learning experience. I

emailed Dr. Graham again and asked what time I should get to the center on Wednesday

morning and was told nine.

1-8-20 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.: I was nervous Wednesday morning to go in to my

internship. I got there at nine and spoke with Dr. Graham. We discussed what my hours

would be and decided on 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with an hour lunch break but I decided not to

take a lunch break because I would rather work the whole time. After this we discussed

what some of my tasks would be for the week. She let me know that I would spend the

week reviewing the materials she provided for the interns and meeting people. Next, she

gave me a tour and told me that I could choose a place to work. There were no other

interns there at that time. I chose a place to sit and reviewed the materials on

GeorgiaView and did some of the activities provided for the rest of the day. Dr. Graham

let me know that I could leave early this day because it was slow in the center due to it

being everyone’s first day back. Shortly before I left, one other intern came in but she left

before I could introduce myself.

1-9-20 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.: Thursday I went to the center and told everyone good

morning. Dr. Graham wants us to work independently and not expect her to tell us what

to do, so I went to the room I worked in the day before and began to review more of the

material on GeorgiaView. I did the readings online and researched other women’s centers

around the country. Before she went to lunch, Dr. Graham asked me to get a flyer

stamped for her by the student activities center. I had never been so I had to find it. After

getting it stamped, Dr. Graham made copies and I, along with another intern, posted the

flyers around the campus. After this, we had a meeting with the three other interns to

discuss plans for the semester. The meeting was very helpful and it eased some of my


1-10-20 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.: I spent Friday working independently. I spoke with another

intern about what we were doing, but mostly I worked on my own the whole day. I am

looking forward to next week when I will meet the rest of the staff and learn more about

how the center works.

Total: 19.5 hours

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