Water Extinguishers Work by Removing Heat From The Fire. Dry Chemical Extinguishers Work by Smothering The Fire Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers Smothers The Oxygen

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1) Define combustion

The process of burning something

2) What are the conditions needed for combustion?
Oxygen, heat and fuel
3) The substance used in a fire extinguisher differs based on the types of the
materials on fire. Discuss
Fire extinguisher (Water): wood, cloth, paper, plastic
Fire extinguisher (Water mist): electrical fire
Fire extinguisher (Multi-purpose powder): grease, oil, paint, petrol
Fire extinguisher (Special dry powder): lithium, magnesium
Fire extinguisher (AFFF): paint, petrol
Fire extinguisher (Carbon dioxide): large computer servers
Fire extinguisher (Wet chemical): cooking oil, fats
Fire blanket: fire resistant materials
Hose reel: wood, cloth, paper, plastic, coal
Fire bucket: first attack if fire extinguisher is not available
4) Fire can be extinguished by removing one of the conditions needed for
combustion using different techniques. Explain and give example.
a) Water extinguishers work by removing heat from the fire.
b) Dry chemical extinguishers work by smothering the fire
c) Carbon dioxide extinguishers smothers the oxygen

5) How does the fire blanket works?

It works by cutting off the oxygen supply to the fire.
6) Give four ways to prevent fire.
a) Be careful with candles
b) Check the dryer
c) Test your smoke alarms
d) Maintain cords

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