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Luis Morel 1089691

Communicative Activity 4: Writing

Is democracy the best form of government?

Democracy is a form of social coexistence, in which members are free and equal, and social
relations are established according to contractual mechanisms, but is this the best form of

Some of the few virtues and advantages that democracy has, is the minimization of
confrontations, since violent confrontations are excluded in it and spaces for dialogue are
promoted, in which everyone expresses and decides. Furthermore, the people have the power
to make decisions even if they do so through a representative, for the good of all, but
unfortunately, many times the representative of the people seeks only his own benefit. But the
fact that in democracy there is a succession of power is one of its greatest advantages,
because it prevents politicians from staying in office too long.

One of the main problems of democracy is corruption, because here the doors are opened to
people without principles or values, to occupy positions with enormous responsibility and
enormous budgets, which they use for their personal benefit and not for the well-being of
people. In addition, there are many voters without education, who do not inform themselves
or take an election lightly, and the majority of occasions are often manipulated to change
their preferences, and end up giving away their voice and vote.

The question of whether democracy is good or bad has always been debated. There are those
who argue that a democratic system is not always as fast and effective as a dictatorship,
where the one who decides can implement his decisions very quickly. But in a democracy
everyone has to express themselves, you have to find compromises and vote to make
decisions. This is why, for me, democratic governments are the ones that best protect the
liberty and human rights of individuals.

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