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DecisionSpace Geosciences Petroleum Systems Plug-in Installation Guide

Installing the
DecisionSpace® Geosciences
Petroleum Systems Plug-In


The DecisionSpace® Geosciences Petroleum Systems plug-in brings

the power of Permedia® petroleum systems analysis to DecisionSpace
software, with tools designed to provide insight into fluid-oriented
processes at regional, basin and reservoir scales.

Once installed in a copy of DecisionSpace Geosciences software, the

plug-in adds features in the Dynamic Frameworks to Fill® workspace,
when using wells, and when using 3D grids.

This guide provides instructions for installing the Petroleum Systems

plug-in. It contains the following information:

• System requirements

• Installation procedures

System Requirements

The Petroleum Systems plug-in requires DecisionSpace Geosciences

or DecisionSpace G1 Edition software.

The 10ep.4 release of the Petroleum Systems plug-in is compatible

with all versions of DecisionSpace Geosciences 10ep4 software.

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DecisionSpace Geosciences Petroleum Systems Plug-in Installation Guide


Installation is done from DecisionSpace Geosciences, via the Install

New Software option in the Help menu. In some instances, this option
may not be available, in which case you must first activate the Show
Update/Install option in Preferences.

The plug-in does not require an additional license.

Note: To install the plug-in for a single user, installation of the plug-in
does not require administrator privileges on the computer where the
software is being installed.

To install the plug-in for all users on the machine, you must start
DecisionSpace Geosciences software in administrator mode.

• If you are installing in DecisionSpace administrator mode under

Windows, you must have Windows system administrator

• If you are installing in DecisionSpace administrator mode under

Linux, you must have write access to the directory where
DecisionSpace Geosciences software has been installed.

Installing the Software

To install the Petroleum Systems plug-in:

1. Download the Petroleum Systems plug-in from the Landmark

Software Manager.

2. Start DecisionSpace Geosciences.

3. From the Help menu, choose Install New Software.

Note: If this option is not available, follow the instructions in

Activate Update/Install below.

4. Click Add.

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DecisionSpace Geosciences Petroleum Systems Plug-in Installation Guide

5. Click Archive and select the plug-in zip file you downloaded.

6. Click OK.

7. You may at this point be prompted for your user ID and password;
enter them to proceed.

8. Expand DecisionSpace Petroleum Systems.

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DecisionSpace Geosciences Petroleum Systems Plug-in Installation Guide

9. Select DecisionSpace Petroleum Systems.

10. Click Next.

11. Click Next.

12. Accept any licences if prompted.

13. Click Finish.

Restart DecisionSpace software to begin using the plug-in.

Note: The main package in the installation is signed; however, the

installer includes third-party packages that are unsigned, and you may
see a warning for unsigned content during installation. This is expected
behavior and you can accept the unsigned content. This issue will be
addressed in a future release.

Activate Show Update/Install

If the Install New Software option is not available in the Help menu,
you will need to activate the Show Update/Install preference.

To activate the Show Update/Install preference:

1. Start DecisionSpace Geosciences.

2. Start or open a session.

3. From the Window menu, choose Preferences.

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DecisionSpace Geosciences Petroleum Systems Plug-in Installation Guide

4. Under DecisionSpace Settings, select Extensions.

5. Check the Show Update/Install option.

6. Click OK.

The Install New Software option is now available in the Help menu.

Uninstalling the Software

To uninstall the Petroleum Systems plug-in:

1. Start DecisionSpace Geosciences.

2. From the Help menu, choose Installation Details.

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DecisionSpace Geosciences Petroleum Systems Plug-in Installation Guide

3. Select DecisionSpace Petroleum Systems.

4. Click Uninstall.

5. Click Finish.

Restart DecisionSpace software to see the changes.

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