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Julie Shaw

EDU 280 Summer

Diversity Topic – Interracial Relationships


To show how society views and responds to interracial relationships and their biracial children. View a
brief history on the Loving v. Virginia case and its impact on society. Identify ways teachers can help
biracial students. Have an open discussion regarding interracial couples and their families.


Power Point

YouTube Videos


- Loving v. Virginia (June 1967) was a landmark case in the United States which found the anti-
miscegenation laws in Virginia to be unconstitutional. Laws across the country changed and
people from different races and ethnic backgrounds were free to marry each other. This was the
beginning of an era in which our society is still adjusting to currently.
o Richard Loving and Mildred Loving married outside of Virginia
o They came home and had charges brought against them. They eventually plead guilty,
and instead of serving time, were ordered to leave the state and not return for a period
of 25 years.
- Video – We Talk to Interracial Couples 50 Years After Loving v. Virginia
- According to the U.S. Census Bureau, interracial or interethnic marriages grew from 7.4% to
10.2% from 2000 to 2012-2016.
- There are seven types of interracial/interethnic married couples.
- Society’s views are improving toward interracial couples.
- Video – What Would You Do – Child Disapproves of Interracial Couple
- Interracial relationships – Biracial children
o Discuss how biracial children are viewed.
o Why do teachers and school play an important role?
o Talk about how to help them in school and beyond.
o My theory – Why it all starts at school.
- Closing video – Abby White – Interracial Relationship Counselor (funny video)

Closing discussion:

o Although our society has come a long way since 1967, we still have a long way to go. We
have many people alive who were raised during an era in which it was illegal to marry
outside of one’s race. Changing minds and attitudes only happens with education and
patience. We must always remember that this topic is of great importance to everyone
because we are all affected by any negative or positive effects on any one person.
Society is one, giant connection and everything has a domino effect.

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