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( to fulfill English assigments )

Compiled by :

Mela Indah Nadila ( 19/FAM 121 )

Fevi Anggraeni ( 19/FAM/128 )

Apri Setiana ( 19/Fam/144 )





a. Background

In Indonesia there are still many diseases which are health problems, one of
which is stomach worms that are transmitted through the soil. These intestinal worms
can cause a decrease in health conditions, nutrition, intelligence and productivity of
sufferers so that economically many cause losses, because it causes loss of
carbohydrates and protein and blood loss, thereby reducing the quality of human
resources. The prevalence of intestinal worms in Indonesia is generally still very high,
especially in the poor population who have a high risk of contracting the disease.
Worms are widespread, both in rural and urban areas. The infection rate is high, but
the intensity of infection (number of worms in the stomach) is different. Worms
survey results in elementary schools in several provinces in 1986-1991 showed a
prevalence of around 60% - 80%, while for all ages ranged from 40% - 60%.

In the framework of leading to Healthy Indonesia 2010, Health Development is an

inseparable part of national development, the development has the aim of creating
healthy, productive and highly competitive human beings. Therefore it is necessary to
hold a border of intestinal worms. Eradication of intestinal worms produces major
improvements both for individual health and public health. Every developing country
must pay high attention to the worm disease eradication program. bearing in mind that
intestinal worms are an environment-based disease, attention to environmental
sanitation needs to be increased. Nematode come from greek, Nema means thread,
Nematodes is a worm that has a long shape, cylindrical shape, and has no segmented
body bilaterally symmetric, the length of this worm starts from 2 mm to 1 m.
Nematodes found in humans is found in intestinal organs, tissues and systems blood
circulation, the presence of these worms raises clinical manifestations varies
depending on the species and organ that is inhabited. Humans are the definitive host
of some intestinal nematodes (stomach worms), which can cause problems for public
health. Among the stomach worms there are a number of species that are transmitted
through the soil (soil transmitted helminths). Among the most important worms are
roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides), whipworms (Trichuris trichiura) and oxyuris
vermicularis worms. These types of worms are found in tropical regions such as

Nematodes are one of the most common types of parasitic worms found in the
human body. Nematodes that live in the human intestine are called intestinal
nematodes. Intestinal nematodes are often referred to as gilig worms, among the other
phyla, this phylum has the most members both types and individuals

b. Objective
1. To know the definition of istestinal nematode
2. To know the kinds of intestinal nematode

c. Problem statement
1. What the definition of intestinal nematode ?
2. What the kinds of intestinal nematode ?


1. Kinds of intestinal nematode

Humans are the definitive host of some intestinal nematodes (stomach worms),
which can cause problems for public health. Among the stomach worms there are a
number of species that are transmitted through the soil (soil transmitted helminths).
Among the most important worms are roundworms (Ascaris lumbricoides),
hookworms (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus) and whipworms
(Trichuris trichiura) and the last is oxyuris vermicularis. But in here we will learn
about ascaris lumbricoides, tricuris trichiura, and oxyuris vermicularis.

a. Ascaris lumbricoides
- Life cycle of ascaris lumbricoides

In a suitable environment, the fertilized egg grows into an infective form

in approximately 3 weeks. This infective form when swallowed by humans,
will hatch into larvae in the small intestine, the larvae penetrate the intestinal
wall into blood vessels or lymph channels and flow into the heart and follow
the blood flow to the lungs through the walls of blood vessels, then through
the alveolar wall into the alveolar cavity , then ascends to the trachea via
bronchiolus and broncus. From the trachea the larvae go to the pharynx, giving
rise to cough stimulation, then swallowed into the esophagus and then into the
small intestine, growing into adult worms. The process takes approximately 2
months from ingestion until it becomes an adult worm.

- Clinical symptoms of ascaris lumbricoides

Ascariasis generally does not cause any symptoms. However, some people
who are infected with roundworms experience a number of symptoms, which
are divided into two stages, namely:

(1) Early-stage symptoms

The initial stage is the phase when worm larvae move from the intestine to
the lungs. This phase occurs 4-16 days after the worm's eggs enter the body.
Symptoms that appear at this stage include:

High fever

Dry cough

Hard to breathe

(2) Symptoms of advanced stages

This stage occurs when the worm larvae run into the throat and are
swallowed back into the intestines, and multiply. This phase lasts 6-8 weeks
after the egg enters the body. In general, the symptoms of this stage include
abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood in the stool, and nausea and vomiting.

The above symptoms will get worse if the number of worms in the
intestine increases. In addition to feeling a number of these symptoms,
sufferers will also experience severe abdominal pain, weight loss without
cause, and feel like there is a lump in the throat. In addition, worms can leave
the body through vomiting, during bowel movements, or through the nostrils.

- Treatment of ascaris lumbricoides

In some cases, ascariasis can resolve on its own. However, it is

recommended that you see a doctor immediately if you experience symptoms
of ascariasis. The doctor will prescribe worm medicines, such as:

(1) Mebendazole. Mebendazole is prescribed in patients aged 1 year and

above, with a dose of 2 times a day for 3 days. A number of side effects
that can arise from the use of this drug include diarrhea, skin rashes, and
frequent bowel movements.
(2) Piperazine. Piperazine is prescribed in infants aged 3-11 months, with 1
single dose. Side effects of this drug include stomach pain, diarrhea,
nausea, vomiting, and colic.
(3) Albendazole. This drug is recommended for consumption 2 times a day.
Stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and skin rashes are some of
the side effects that can be experienced after taking albendazole.
- Prevent of ascaris lumbricoides

Ascariasis can be prevented by maintaining cleanliness. A number of

simple ways to prevent ascariasis are:

(1) Always wash your hands with clean water and soap before eating, before
cooking and providing food, after defecation, and after touching the ground.
(2) Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consumption.
(3) Make sure the dishes are thoroughly cooked before consumption.
(4) Try only to drink bottled water that is still sealed when traveling. If not
available, boil the water before drinking it.
b. Oxyuris vermicularis
- Life cycle of oxyuris vermicularis
Adult worm life in the cecum cavity, asending colon and appendix. At
night the female worm wanders to the anal area ( perianal ) to lay the eggs,
after 4-6 hours the eggs become infectiv. Eggs containes in the perianal by
means or hands dust are swallowed and hatched into larvae in the small
intestine, larvae enter the cecum and lower ileum and become adult ( auto
infection ). Beside being orally, oxyuris vermicularis can also re-enter the
human body through the anus, where eggs found in the perianal hatch and
larvae reenter the intesyine through the anus ( retro infection )
- Clinical symptoms oxyuris vermicularis
The main symptom of oxyuris vermicularis iritation around perianal. Thí
happened because of the influenece of female worm migration from the
intestine to the perianal skin to lay eggs. Sometimes female worm migrate to
the vagina into the fallopian tubes and often cause inflammation of the ducts
causing vaginal pruritas. as a result of this iritation, the patient scratches the
area the anus and vagina so that sóe often occur. This situation often occurs at
night. Causing sleep delays become weak.
Some symptoms are known, including reduced appetite, increased activity,
weight loss, iritability, nightmare, enuresis, bluffing at night, insomnia, anxiety
and ending with masturbation .
Infection is more often found in children and women. In women who are
heavily infected, the woman often secretes mucoid fluid and uterine vagina,
fallopian tubes, and often also found worms that conduct capsulation in these
- Treatment of oxyuris vermiculrraris
(1) The most efective treatment is with piperacin given in morning.
(2) Mebendazole and pyridium are more efective againts all stages of oxyuris
(3) Another drugs that can be given is tiabendazole

- Prevent of oxyuris vermicularis

The spread of oxyruis vermicularis is wider when compared to the
spread of other intestinal nematodes. Transmission often occurs in a family or
group that lives in the same environment, for example orphananges,
dormitories, and others.
Prevention is difficult because of the way the worm is transmiteed
easily, namely by means of contamination from the anus to the mouth, dust
caried from clothing contaminated with eggs, household appliances or others
objects. To help prevent it, it is nececessary to improve the cleanliness of each
c. Tricuris trichiura
- The life cycle of tricuris trichiura
Adult worms live in the cecum but in severe infections can be found at
the buttom of the ileum to the rectum. The egss come out with feces. Eggs
contains larvae in time 2-4 week. If the eggs are swallowed by humans, eggs
hatch into larvae in the small intestine, then larvae penetrate intestinal vili and
stay there fore 3-10 days. Next larvae grow then larvae drop the secum, the
becomes adult worm. The time needed from ingesting an eeg until it becomes
an adult worm that is ready to lay egss 90 days.
- Clinical symptoms of tricuris trichiura
Disease due to worm infection is trichuriasis. To mild infection in a
certain place attachment not mucosal damage.
In severe infection can occur :
(1) Stomachache
(2) Diarrhea
(3) Anemia
(4) Weight loss
- The treatment of tricuris trichiura
Drug to trichuriasis are :
(1) Mebendazole single dose 500mg
(2) Pirental pamoat
(3) Oksantel pamoat

- The prevent of tricuris trichiura

(1) Wash your hand with soap and running water before eating
(2) Wash the vegetables and fruits before eating
(3) Avoid direct contact with ground

a. Conclution

Humans are host of several intestinal nematodes. Most of these are public health
promblems in indonesia. Transmission of intestinal parasitic nematodes can pass
through so call soil transmitted helminth.

To prevent intestinal parasitic nematode infection, the following steps are required :

1. Treat sufferers and masses

2. Personal and environmental health education
3. Maintain food cleanliness or cook food properly
4. Wear footwear when walking on the ground ( to prevent hookworm infections and
strongiloides )
5. Making a helathy and regular toilet.

The most important intestinal nematodes for humans consist of :

a. Ascaris lumbricoides
b. Trichuris trichiura
c. Oxyuris vermicularis

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