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Chapter Membership Role Descriptions + Expectations (for general

Ready to get started? Contributors choose to join one of the following teams on their chapters:

As a Spoon writer, you are responsible for brainstorming, pitching, and publishing articles via Spoon’s
editorial platform.

 Publish at least 4 articles each month that can be on a variety of topics including recipes,
restaurant reviews, healthy-living, college, etc.
 Incorporate and respond to content feedback/edits in a timely manner
 Brainstorm ideas at each chapter meetings and complete articles by their assigned due dates
 Regularly communicate with chapter leadership and the member network
 Attend chapter meetings, contribute to brainstorms and help steer content strategy

As a Spoon marketer, you are responsible for defining your Spoon chapter’s brand and spreading
Spoon’s message and work across your campus and beyond. Marketing team members work on Public
Relations, Events and Social Media.  

 Organize campus-wide events to increase community engagement
 Organize bonding events to increase chapter unity
 Reach out to other on-campus organizations and local businesses for partnership opportunities.

Social Media
 Contribute to the chapter's Instagram and Twitter accounts, driving online traffic, promoting
events and helping to organize social media campaigns
 Manage distribution of all editorial content across social platforms

As a Spoon photographer, it is your job to work with writers and marketers to take eye-catching, relevant
photos for articles and social media. Essentially, you’re building a visual brand for your stories and

 Take photos, edit and select for at least 4 stories or projects each month
 Adhere to assigned deadlines and be communicative
 Actively brainstorm photo ideas with writers, marketers and leadership team
 Communicate and coordinate with writers to get them the pictures they need.
  **Note: You must own or be able to borrow a DSLR or SLR camera in order to be a

As a Spoon videographer, you are responsible for creating awesome lifestyle, recipe, and/or hack videos
that will be featured on Spoon University's social media pages and YouTube channel (which reaches over
1 million people each day).

 Film and edit a minimum of 2 videos every month.
 Storyboard, plan and shoot recipe and hack videos.
 Edit footage in post-production.
 Stay on top of deadlines in month long production cycles.

Additional Requirements
 Access to a camera and video editing software.
 Experience with shooting, editing and uploading video.
 Experience with different formats.
 Eagerness to learn, ambition, creativity and reliability.
 Film, multimedia, broadcast, video, etc. majors

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