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Name Arrival New France New Comments

Comics Matching France

Adian 2/4 doing 3 Good understanding of comic interpretation,

interviews but creating dialogue that just explained the
photos, not added to it.

Allison 3/4 9/10 3 Creative, adds to story, but could be more

developed. Extremely participatory and
knowledgable about Fur Trade and Canadian
History - Making connections between prior
units and new ones

Ben 3/4 10/10 laptop Very creative story but highly focused on the
latter images, without much explanation

Braxden 1/4 10/10 incomplete Explains what is going on in the photos but
creates no dialogue to add

Burhan 2/4 10/10 incomplete Some dialogue additions that build onto the
story, but not very creative or well-developed

Caleb 2/4 10/10 2 Can interpret the comic well but does not stray
much from the images. Extremely aware of
political issues and general sensitivity. Good
cultural awareness.

Chloe 3/4 10/10 2 Nice dialogue development, slight confusion in

the interpretation but very creative

Delena 2/4 6/10 incomplete Good interpretation of comic but little dialogue
creation or creativity expressed

Drayden absent incomplete incomplete

Hailey 2/4 9/10 2 Can interpret the comic well but does not stray
much from the images.

Hudson 1/4 10/10 incomplete very focused on describing the images and does
not develop a dialogue, or develop a story.
Phenomenal negotiator during Fur Trade Game
- able to play fair and tough in a historical

Ivan 2/4 9/10 2 Can interpret the comic well but does not stray
much from the images. Trying very hard to
think outside the box with the history unit and
relate to other cultural contexts.

Jakob 3/4 8/10 3 Very creative story but highly focused on the
latter images, without much explanation.
Places himself in the situation of immigrants -
creates neat
dialogues/experiences/commentary from doing

Jared 3/4 9/10 2 Fun and engaging storyline that really builds off
the images provided - slight confusion in

Jeremiah 1/4 absent 2 Explains what is going on in the photos but

creates no dialogue to add

Jeremy 4/4 10/10 3 Fantastic and creative interpretation that adds

depth and emotion to the story . Very well
analyzed and considered.

Kassandra 2/4 6/10 absent Good understanding of comic interpretation,

but creating dialogue that just explained the
photos, not added to it.

Keenan 1/4 10/10 3 very focused on describing the images and does
not develop a dialogue, or develop a story.
Strong details in the Diary entry task - able to
communicate many details within a small piece
(disease, weather conditions, upheaval)

Ken 1/4 9/10 incomplete Explains what is going on in the photos but
creates no dialogue to add

Kyla 4/4 10/10 3 Fantastic and creative interpretation that adds

depth and emotion to the story . Very well
analyzed and considered.

La’Zaria 2/4 10/10 laptop Some dialogue additions that build onto the
story, but not very creative or well-developed

Loreal 2/4 10/10 laptop Good understanding of comic interpretation,

but creating dialogue that just explained the
photos, not added to it. Tough and tricky
negotiator during Fur Trade Game (watch out!)

Niall 3/4 10/10 2 Nice storyline coming from a strong analysis of

the images given. Very invested in gamified
learning - enjoyed the strategy and challenge
involved - more energy and action here in social
than other subjects. Also asking really good
questions and seeking clarification.

Racquel 3/4 absent laptop Nice storyline coming from a strong analysis of
the images given.

Raven 3/4 9/10 3 Fun and engaging storyline that really builds off
the images provided - slight confusion in
analysis/interpretation. Highly participatory in
gamified learning - pulled a lot of historical
details into her game.

Sarah 3/4 9/10 laptop Nice dialogue development, slight confusion in

the interpretation but very creative

Sarai 3/4 8/10 2 Fun and engaging storyline that really builds off
the images provided - slight confusion in

Sophia 2/4 10/10 3 Some dialogue additions that build onto the
story, but not very creative or well-developed

Taniah 2/4 10/10 2 Good interpretation of comic but little dialogue

creation or creativity expressed

Tasmia 3/4 doing incomplete Nice dialogue development, slight confusion in

interviews the interpretation but very creative

Vaughn 1/4 8/10 laptop very focused on describing the images and does
not develop a dialogue, or develop a story

William 3/4 10/10 4 Very creative story but highly focused on the
latter images, without much explanation. Good
at role play and applying knowledge to that
context when playing the fur trade game - able
to accurately recreate and explain situations to
make negotiations.

Yebin 4/4 10/10 incomplete Fantastic and creative interpretation that adds
depth and emotion to the story . Very well
analyzed and considered.

Zach B. 2/4 10/10 2 Good interpretation of comic but little dialogue

creation or creativity expressed. Entry has
some details, but is a little confusing - talks
about slavery and captains, but also mentioned
upheaval and weather conditions. Highly
engaged with gamified learning - enjoyed the
challenge and how applying his learning was
not stressful but fun.

Zaiser 3/4 incomplete incomplete Nice storyline coming from a strong analysis of
the images given.

Zenah 3/4 8/10 laptop Creative, adds to story, but could be more

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