Omega 2017.1 Quick Start Guide - System Preparation: Document Version Control

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Omega 2017.

1 Quick Start Guide - System


Document Version Control

Classification Schlumberger Private - Customer Use
Release 2017.1
Date 07 Aug 2017
Source QsgSystemPrepShell
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved.
This document is copyright protected. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording,
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electronically. All other restrictions set forth above regarding the document's use or distribution shall apply.

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Table of Contents

1 System planning....................................................................................................................................................2
1.1 System planning......................................................................................................................................2
1.2 Estimated data size..................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Software modules and hosts needed.......................................................................................................5
1.4 Sample hosts and roles............................................................................................................................7
1.5 Certified Omega hardware specs..........................................................................................................14
1.6 Kick start templates...............................................................................................................................15

2 Create system accounts.......................................................................................................................................16

2.1 Create system accounts.........................................................................................................................16
2.2 Netgroups on the NIS master................................................................................................................17

3 Prepare system hosts...........................................................................................................................................18

3.1 Partitions, directories and spaces..........................................................................................................18
3.2 Directories permissions and ownerships...............................................................................................20
3.3 Export file systems from file servers to both Linux nodes and Windows WDTs................................21
3.4 Set up mapping or auto-mount of directories........................................................................................23
3.5 Installing Additional RPMs..................................................................................................................24
3.5.1 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 6.X:.....................................................................................24
3.5.2 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 7.X:.....................................................................................25
3.6 Check File Descriptors..........................................................................................................................28
3.7 Check system accounts and UIDs.........................................................................................................29
3.8 Check SSH settings on all hosts............................................................................................................29
Omega Terminology.............................................................................................................................30
Omega services.....................................................................................................................................31

• This quick-start covers system preparations of all Omega components mentioned below and should be
used as the first step of Omega installation.

• After system sides are ready, please follow the Quick Start Guide (QsgOmegaLinuxInstallationEXT.pdf)
to install Omega on Linux side and Quick Start Guide (QsgOmegaWindowsInstallationEXT.pdf) to
install Omega on Windows side.

• Next install OCM using the Quick Start Guide Installation Guide (QsgOCMEXT.pdf)

• Site that plans to use tapes in Omega jobs need to install MMS. Site that has tape library and plans to use
tapes as extended seismic data storage in Omega need to install WHSM. Please follow the MMS and
WHSM installation procedure in the Admin guide.

• This quick-start is an illustration only. It does not cover all options and may not apply to all different
sites. Please adjust to your own needs and refer to the Admin Guide for options.

• The server configuration in this sample is for a mid-size site (compute nodes 50 to 500). Small site (total
compute nodes less than 50) can combine several roles of different hosts in this quick-start into one or
two hosts. And large site (compute nodes more than 500) may split some roles or services in this guide to
extra hosts. Please refer to the Admin Guide to learn all options.

• Omega system is a complex system that involves multiple hosts that communicate closely with each
other. Please try to follow Schlumberger recommendations as much as possible, to ease future support
and maintenance complexity. Please consult Schlumberger on the optimal host configuration and
hardware requirements as earlier as possible.

• Some brief explanation of Omega acronyms and omega services are attached at the end of this document.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 1

1 System planning
1.1 System planning
• Network: All hosts can ping each other with long name. Windows machines need to see Omega Global
Repository server, Windows Update server, license server, backend Linux node, Corba and WSN server,
and all the file servers (or proxy servers for Netapp or Panasas servers). If a site use private network for
the compute nodes, these compute nodes need to be able to communicate with the Corba server, OCI
masters, OCM server and the file servers.

Please pay special attention if we have both private and public network. Please consult Schlumberger on network
setup before installing Omega.

Please also pay special attention when the key Omega servers (Corba, Oracle, Omega Global Repository server)
have dual network ports and IPs. The Corba service, Oracle and Omega Global Repository service need to bind to
the public IP on the server.

Please note that remote hosting of Oracle server or file systems may affect Omega performance. Please
consult Schlumberger before installing Omega in such environment.

• DNS: assume we have DNS ready. It s ok to use /etc/hosts on a small cluster in place of DNS (make sure
we have hosts entry in this order hosts: files nis dns in /etc/nsswitch.conf). Linux Omega server name
need to be resolved on Windows side also. It s ok for a small site to use
c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts to resolve Linux server names.

• NIS: we use NIS for user authentication and project file access. User home directories will be
NFS-mounted from a file server. If a site use other authentication system, please adjust accordingly.

• DNS Domain Name: We will use in this example. Please note Omega RDM can only
handle one Linux domain at this time.

• Hostname: hostname returns short name. hostname -f returns long name such as Please use long names in all Omega configurations, except RDM. Please limit

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 2

1.1 System planning

alias names of the Oracle server and the Omega CORBA/OPM server. Try to use just one to avoid Omega
communication issues.

• Recommended host naming standard: (xx = xxSITE, yy= server role, 001 serial
number of host) Server role code- oc: OCM server; os: Oracle/OPM server; fs: file server; ts: tape server;
wh: WHSM server; mm: OCI master; lg: login nodes; na: Netapp server;

• Username: please note currently we require the same user id on both Linux side and Windows side. In
another word, the Windows user that launches Omega from the Windows desktop need to have the same
id in Linux side and be a member of the Omega project group. Linux user id should be lower case.

• Linux OS: RHEL 6.4/7.2 for Oracle servers, CentOS 6.4/7.2 for all other Linux hosts. Please refer to
2017.1ext Transition guide or Admin Guide for certified OS for all supported OS.

• Oracle version: Omega 2017.1 runs on Oracle 11 and Oracle 12. Oracle Standard Edition license is
included in Omega package. Clients who choose to install Enterprise Edition need to pay extra license

• Oracle server: We recommend having an Oracle server exclusively used by Omega, instead of sharing an
Oracle server with other applications of the site. Many key Omega services need to run on the Oracle
server for optimal performance.

• Site name: xxSITE (city name or campus name, max 20 letters, no space in name, unique for each site)

• Site code: xx (first two letters of site name and also first two letters of the host names)

• Project names: no space in project names; 20 characters max and case sensitive. Try to use different
project codes in different sites, the collaboration between sites via OmegaGlobal depends on unique
project code between sites.

• Data directory structure:

♦ Project files will be stored in /ud/project1, /ud/project2, and etc. Directory /ud is not meant for
bulk seismic data. Please consult Schlumberger on how much space to use for /ud.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 3

1.1 System planning

♦ Seismic data will be stored in /wgdisk/fileSystem/project, i.e. /wgdisk/xx0100/project1,

/wgdisk/xx0100/project2, and etc. Please estimate your data size and plan your file system
♦ Printout files are best to be kept under /ud/projectXX/. These printouts can be viewed from OCM
web page. Printout files saved to other directories such as /wgdisk/fileSystem/projectXX won t
be viewable from OCM web page. This is set by the OCM and Omega web server applications.
♦ Petrel data will be stored in /inter01/project1, /inter01/project2 and etc. This /inter01 can be
hosted by a Linux file server and exported to Windows. This will help different Windows user to
collaborate on the same Petrel project.
♦ Please note each Omega compute node or OCI master will need significant local scratch space on
a separate partition. Please follow the Omega Systems Hardware and Operating System
Standards to configure the scratch file system.

Please fill out the table below.

Table: Client site settings

Client Site
Items SLB recommendation
Site name City or campus name, say, houston
Site code First two letters of site name, say, ho
Dns domain name on Linux side
Domain name on Windows side
Public and private network?
Matching Windows and Linux
Linux hostname convention xxyynnn (xx- site code, yy-host role, nnn-number)
Project name convention
Project/User data directory
Seismic data directory structure /wgdisk/filesystem1/project1
Petrel data directory structure /inter01/project1

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 4

1.2 Estimated data size

RHEL 6.4/7.2 for Oracle servers, CentOS 6.4/7.2 for all other
Host OS
Linux hosts
Oracle version to install 12.1 se
Share Oracle server with other
Has license for Open Text Needed for Omega on Windows; not included in
Exceed 14 x64 and Open Text OmegaWindowsDesktop DVD; each Windows workstation need
Secure Shell 14x64? one copy of Exceed and Secure Shell

1.2 Estimated data size

Please fill out the table below to estimate data space needed.

Plan Total Omega Total Omega Total project Project setup file Seismic data Petrel data
year sites users numbers sizes (in TB) sizes (in TB) sizes (in TB)
In 5

1.3 Software modules and hosts needed

Below are typical servers that are needed by different Omega software components. Please fill out yes or no
in last column.

Omega Needed by
Servers Roles
Components this site?
Omega on Linux
Oracle server Oracle database needed by Omega

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 5

1.3 Software modules and hosts needed

(note 1) Omega services
infrastructure server(s)
Omega license server (note 2) Omega licenses
Omega compute nodes compute nodes to run Omega jobs
File servers for /ud File server for Omega project setup files
File servers for seismic data File servers for seismic data
Servers that synchronize Linux side
Omega on Omega global repository server and
Omega configurations over to Windows
Windows side Windows update server
Windows workstation to run Omega
Windows Omega Desktops
(usually along with Petrel)
License server for Petrel
(Petrel and Omega use different flexlm
Petrel license server
and can not share the same server)
Linux login nodes to run interactive jobs
Linux backend login nodes or legacy Omega applications from the
Windows desktops
Server that dispatches Omega jobs to
OCM OCM server
compute nodes
OCI masters that work as the head nodes
OCI masters
for parallel Omega jobs
Server that manage tape categories
MMS MMS server and communicate with tape servers and
Omega servers
Servers that control tape drives
Tape servers or tape library and communicate with
MMS servers
Tape drives or tape library Mount, read or write tapes
WHSM server that manage WHSM jobs
WHSM WHSM server and communications with Omega servers
and MMS server

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 6

1.4 Sample hosts and roles

Oracle server for WHSM (usually

WHSM instance for WHSM
on the same Oracle server above)

Note 1. We will also need DNS, NIS servers, but we do not include those here, as Omega can share these servers
with other applications.

Note 2. A dedicated license server in small to mid-size site environment would be under-utilized. Any lightly
utilized server which has an available USB port can be used as license server. Usually we use OCM server as
license server. We can also use a Windows server as Omega license server if all Linux hosts can talk to the
Windows host.

Please fill out how many hosts your site will have for the Omega environment.

Table: Site host information

Omega Omega Windows

Plan Compute Login File OCI Tape
components to infrastructure desktops for
year nodes nodes servers masters drives
install servers Omega
In 5

1.4 Sample hosts and roles

Below are typical hosts and roles for a mid-size site. Please use this table as a reference and tailor to your needs.
Please replace the hostnames and IPs with your own hostnames and IPs.

Table: Typical host and role information


Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 7

1.4 Sample hosts and roles

Hostname Omega Related Services Exported NFS mounted

(IP address) on this host directories Directories
Oracle server as
(instance /NFSMNTS/home
oracle, omegacorba, omegawsn,
xxopm001, xxna001:/vol/ud as
xxin5001, /ud
xxos001 xxocm001, /oracle xxfs001:/xx0100 as
(IP: x.x.x.x) xxwhs001) (*note 4) /wgdisk/xx0100
and Omega xxfs002:/xx0200 as
OPM/corba /wgdisk/xx0200
Server xxoc001:/wg as /wg
(*note 1,2,3) xxoc001:/wgjss as
/wgjss (*note 5)
Omega services:
Omega omegalauncher,
installation omegahttpd
OCM server, OCM services:
License server, Ocmrootcontroller
xxna001:/vol/ud as
Repository Services for Omega on Windows:
xxoc001 /wg, /wgjss xxfs001:/xx0100 as
Server, omegaupdaterepository,
(IP: x.x.x.x) (* note 8) /wgdisk/xx0100
Windows omegawindowsupdate
xxfs002:/xx0200 as
Update Server,
Omega2 Web MMS services:
xxfs001:/inter01 as
server, TPcatsrv, TPlib, TPopcon,
Rsync server, TPsyslog
MMS server
(*note 6,7) License service:
codemeter, flexlm
xxwh001 WHsm server Omegalauncher xxna001:/vol/home
(IP: x.x.x.x) as

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1.4 Sample hosts and roles

WHsm related services: /NFSMNTS/home

WHsmMfaDbServer, xxna001:/vol/ud as
WHsmarchstatus, /ud
WHsmmasd, xxoc001:/wg as /wg
WHsmrtrv xxoc001:/wgjss as
xxfs001:/xx0100 as
xxfs002:/xx0200 as
xxfs001:/inter01 as
xxna001:/vol/ud as
Omegalauncher xxoc001:/wg as /wg
xxts001 xxoc001:/wgjss as
Tape server
(IP: x.x.x.x) Tape related services: /wgjss
TPtapesrv, TPtapespl, TPcntl xxfs001:/xx0100 as
xxfs002:/xx0200 as
xxfs001:/inter01 as
Netapp server
xxna001 for /ud and /vol/ud,
(IP: x.x.x.x) NIS home /vol/home
(* note 9)
xxfs001 Sample cheap omegalauncher /inter01 xxna001:/vol/home

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1.4 Sample hosts and roles

(IP: x.x.x.x) and cheerful /xx0100 as

file server for /NFSMNTS/home
Petrel data xxna001:/vol/ud as
/inter01 /ud
and seismic xxoc001:/wg as /wg
data /xx0100 xxoc001:/wgjss as
RDM proxy xxfs002:/xx0200 as
server /wgdisk/xx0200
(* note 10)
Sample xxna001:/vol/ud as
(IP: x.x.x.x)
StorNext File /ud
and omegalauncher /xx0200
servers xxoc001:/wg as /wg
for /xx0200 xxoc001:/wgjss as
(IP: x.x.x.x)
xxfs001:/xx0100 as
xxna001:/vol/ud as
xxoc001:/wg as /wg
xxmm001 ocmcontroller, xxoc001:/wgjss as
OCI master
(IP: x.x.x.x) omegalauncher /wgjss
xxfs001:/xx0100 as
xxfs002:/xx0200 as
xxfs001:/inter01 as

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 10

1.4 Sample hosts and roles

xxna001:/vol/ud as
xxoc001:/wg as /wg
xxmm002 ocmcontroller, xxoc001:/wgjss as
OCI master
(IP: x.x.x.x) omegalauncher /wgjss
xxfs001:/xx0100 as
xxfs002:/xx0200 as
xxfs001:/inter01 as
Omega xxna001:/vol/ud as
backend node /ud
for Windows; xxoc001:/wg as /wg
also login xxoc001:/wgjss as
xxlg001 nodes on ocmcontroller, /wgjss
(IP: x.x.x.x) Linux side for omegalauncher xxfs001:/xx0100 as
user /wgdisk/xx0100
to launch and xxfs002:/xx0200 as
run Omega /wgdisk/xx0200
jobs xxfs001:/inter01 as
(* note 11: local
xxlg002 Omega ocmcontroller, xxna001:/vol/home
(IP: x.x.x.x) backend node omegalauncher as
for Windows; /NFSMNTS/home
also login xxna001:/vol/ud as

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 11

1.4 Sample hosts and roles

nodes on /ud
Linux side for xxoc001:/wg as /wg
user xxoc001:/wgjss as
to launch and /wgjss
run Omega xxfs001:/xx0100 as
jobs /wgdisk/xx0100
xxfs002:/xx0200 as
xxfs001:/inter01 as
(* note 11: local
xxna001:/vol/ud as
xxoc001:/wg as /wg
OCM Omega
xxa0001 ocmcontroller, xxoc001:/wgjss as
and compute
(IP: x.x.x.x) omegalauncher /wgjss
xxfs001:/xx0100 as
xxfs002:/xx0200 as
xxfs001:/inter01 as
xxa0050 OCM Omega ocmcontroller, xxna001:/vol/home
(IP: x.x.x.x) and compute omegalauncher as
node /NFSMNTS/home
xxna001:/vol/ud as
xxoc001:/wg as /wg

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 12

1.4 Sample hosts and roles

xxoc001:/wgjss as
xxfs001:/xx0100 as
xxfs002:/xx0200 as
xxfs001:/inter01 as
Omega /inter01 shortcuts
Windows Omega Update Servic
(IP: x.x.x.x) created under c:\
through RDM
Omega /inter01 shortcuts
Windows Omega Update Servic
(IP: x.x.x.x) created under c:\
through RDM

Note 1. Oracle won t start if we change hostname or domain name after installation. It s recommended to plan
well and not change hostname, domain name or IP addresses for key Omega servers after Oracle and Omega are

Note 2. It s recommended to have Oracle database and OPM service running on the same host, to avoid remote
database connection issues. If we cannot run any Omega services on the Oracle server, we can use one OPM
server to run all these Omega services.

Note 3. OCM database workload is light. So we can have OCM and OPM share the same Oracle database, for
small to mid-size sites.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 13

1.5 Certified Omega hardware specs

Note 4. Only the OCM server needs to see /oracle from the Oracle server. If /oracle cannot be exported due to
security concern, we can rsync /oracle over to the OCM server /oracle. OCM needs some Oracle libraries and
sqlplus during initial OCM installation.

Note 5. OPM server needs to see /ud, /wgdisk and /wgjss. If it doesn t, then some Omega functionalities
including trigger jobs won t work.

Note 6. The flexlm license checking service load is very light. We can also use a file server or OCI master, or
Windows machine as license server, as long as the host is stable and available on both Linux and Windows side.

Note 7. A small to mid-size site can use OCM server as MMS server. A site that expects to run heavy Omega tape
jobs can have a separate MMS server (name it as xxtp001).

Note 8. Partition /wg can be either local on the OCM server, or NFS mount from a file server. Partition /wgjss is
best to be local on the OCM server and export to all other hosts.

Note 9. Numbers and types of storage servers are determined by the needs of job quantities and data volumes. We
list three types of common used file servers here to show how to configure them in RDM.

Note 10. The proxy roles (server or delegate) in RDM for a server may lead to high load averages when a file
system is down. So it s not recommended to use the OCM server as proxy servers for file systems in RDM.

Note 11. Login node can have local /wg or NFS-mounted /wg. For small site, we won t see much performance
difference. For large site, or site that has slow network connection to /wg share, we will see performance
improvements with local /wg.

1.5 Certified Omega hardware specs

Certified Omega hardware specs can be requested from Schlumberger. It's very important to consult
Schlumberger on recommended hardware specs at earlier planning stage to get best performance and smooth
installation of Omega system.

Current clients can also download from site

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 14

1.6 Kick start templates

• Login to;
• Look for 'Start here to find all support information related to your products' section and click 'Omega';
• Under 'Overview' tab and 'Omega 201x.1' section, look for 'Omega Systems Hardware & Operating
Systems Standards xxx' and 'Omega Hardware & Systems Environment - update xx'.

These documents have Schlumberger certified and recommended hardware specs for different hosts.

1.6 Kick start templates

Kick start templates for common Omega hosts (RHEL/!CentOs 6.[4-5] and 7.2) can be found in
OperatingSystemsGuide2017EXT.pdf on OmegaAndOCM DVD under '01-OmegaLinux/01-Documentation'

Please try to use the template to install different type of Omega hosts.

Desktop here means the login/EWS nodes that will run the Omega gui. Server here refers to the Omega
infrastructure servers we listed in step 3.1. Compute nodes are the Omega compute nodes. File servers, OCI
masters can all be treated as 'Compute'.

In section 3.5 we also list some additional special RPMs that are not included in the kick start templates.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 15

2 Create system accounts
2.1 Create system accounts
# assume we use NIS here, and all hosts will mount xxna001:/vol/home as /NFSMNTS/home
# on NIS master as root
su - root
useradd -u 40001 -s /bin/csh -d /NFSMNTS/home/omadmin omadmin
groupadd -g 40002 jssadmin
useradd -u 40002 -s /bin/csh -d /NFSMNTS/home/jssmgr -g jssadmin jssmgr
useradd -u 40003 -s /bin/csh -d /NFSMNTS/home/tpmgr tpmgr
useradd -u 40005 -s /bin/csh -d /NFSMNTS/home/opm opm
groupadd -g 40007 whsmgrp
useradd -u 40007 -s /bin/csh -d /NFSMNTS/home/whsmusr -g whsmgrp whsmusr
useradd -u 40009 -s /bin/csh -d /NFSMNTS/home/flexlm flexlm
useradd -u 40013 -s /bin/csh -d /NFSMNTS/home/ocm ocm

# set umask 002 for jssmgr, otherwise we may have issues with printout viewer
su - jssmgr
echo 'umask 002' >> .cshrc

# set umask 002 for whsmusr

su - whsmusr
echo 'umask 002' >> .cshrc

# later double check home directories permissions, set it to 755, 751, 740 or 2755 according to the h

# push out account updates out to NIS clients

cd /var/yp; make;

# on Oracle server (xxos001) as root, create local oracle account

# please note we create local home directory for oracle account here
su - root
groupadd -g 40006 dba
useradd -u 40006 -s /bin/csh -d /local_home/oracle -g dba oracle

# on the Oracle/OPM server

# set umask 002 for oracle
su - oracle

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2.1 Create system accounts

echo 'umask 002' >> .cshrc

# On Oracle server, make sure we have setting like this in /etc/nsswitch.conf

# so that we will use local oracle account instead of NIS account
passwd: files nis
shadow: files nis
group: files nis

Note 1. Account opm must use CSH shell. It s recommended that all other Omega accounts use CSH shell as

Note 2. It s recommended to use local oracle account on the Oracle server, to avoid oracle start failure when NIS
is down.

Note 3. UID and GID 40001 to 40099 are reserved for Omega system accounts. It s best we have a convention
for regular users and Omega projects, for example use 50001 to 99999 for regular users, 150001 to 159999 for
Omega project groups.

Note 4. OCM account is only needed if we install OCM.

2.2 Netgroups on the NIS master

This is optional for smaller sites.

Such netgroups are easy to maintain when setting up file system exports on the file servers.

# on NIS master as root

su - root
vi /var/yp/netgroup
# add all the compute nodes here
computenodes (,-,) (,-,)
# add all your servers here
omegaservers (,-,) (,-,) (,-,)

# push out account updates out to NIS clients

cd /var/yp; make;

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 17

3 Prepare system hosts
Please note we listed most server types and all needed partitions/directories here. If you don t have all the Omega
components, you won t need all the servers. Please refer to above sections on what hosts you may need.

Not all partitions are needed if you won t install all Omega components. However, we encourage you to have all
the partitions/directories on your servers, so that future upgrades will be easier.

Please find Linux package groups and invidual rpms for different hosts in OperatingSystemsGuideEXT.pdf on
OmegaAndOCM DVD under '01-OmegaLinux/01-Documentation' directory.

Sample kick-start templates are available from Schlumberger.

3.1 Partitions, directories and spaces

Table: Partitions, directories, and spaces information

Host Role Oracle/OPM Server OCM/MMS Server WHSM Server Tape Server
Hostname xxos001 xxoc001 xxwh001 xxts00x
Size (GB)
File System
(* note 1)
/ 10 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/boot 1 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/home NFS mnt NFS mnt Local sdx NFS mnt
swap space 8 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/tmp 4 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/var 2 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/local1 (* note 2) Free Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/local_home 15 Local sdx
/wg 80 NFS mnt Local sdx NFS mnt NFS mnt
/wgas 10 Symlink to /wgjss/wgas

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 18

3.1 Partitions, directories and spaces

/wgjss 10 NFS mnt Local sdx NFS mnt NFS mnt

/wglogs 10 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/oracle 10 Local sdx NFS mnt or rsync
/oracle_data * Local sdx
* Local sdx
(* note 3)
/tpcat1 4 Local sdx Local sdx
/tpcat2 (* note 4) 4 Local sdx Local sdx
/ud (* note 5) * NFS mnt NFS mnt NFS mnt NFS mnt
/inter01 * NFS mnt NFS mnt
/wgdisk/xx0100 * NFS mnt NFS mnt NFS mnt NFS mnt
/wgdisk/xx0200 * NFS mnt NFS mnt NFS mnt NFS mnt

Note 1. The recommended sizes are based on SLB recommended hardware disk specs. The 'Free' in the table
means free space on the disk for the partition. The '*' means the space is determined by actual needs and available
disk spaces.

Note 2. Directory or partition /local1 is needed on the Omega infrastructure servers, but do not need much space,
as we won t run Omega jobs on these servers (except when it s an all-in-one server); The partition does need a
few hundreds GB on compute nodes and OCI masters.

Note 3. Partition /oracle_data/ holds the oracle data, 200 to 500GB should be good enough for a mid-size site.
Partition /oracle_data/archive holds the copy of /oracle_data. It s best on a separate partition and a different hard
drive. It needs about same size of /oracle_data.

Note 4. Partition /tpcat1 holds the tape volume database. Partition /tpcat2 holds the file name database. In
addition, /tpcat2 keeps a copy of volume database from /tpcat1. It s best for /tpcat1 and /tpcat2 to be on separate
drives and separate partitions.

Note 5. Partition /ud holds the project setup files and printout files. It needs to be accessed by all Omega hosts.

Table: Roles and setup of servers (continued)

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 19

3.2 Directories permissions and ownerships

Host Role File/Disk Server Migration Master Login Nodes (EWS) Compute Node
Hostname xxfs001 xxmm00x xxlg00x xxa00xx
File System Size (GB)
/ 10 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/boot 1 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/home NFS mnt NFS mnt NFS mnt NFS mnt
swap space 8 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/tmp 2 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/var 2 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/local1 (* note 6) Free Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx
/wg 100 NFS mnt NFS mnt Local sdx NFS mnt
/wgjss NFS mnt NFS mnt NFS mnt NFS mnt
/wglogs 10 Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx Local sdx

Note 6. /local1 needs at least a few hundred GBs. Please consult with the seismic processing experts and
Schlumberger on how much space you will need. Remote /local1 will significantly affect Omega job

Note 7. File system /ud and /wgdisk/xxxxx are local on their file server and are NFS-mounted on all hosts. File
system /inter01 is local on its own file server and needs to be exported to all Windows machine.

3.2 Directories permissions and ownerships

File System Permissions Ownership
/ drwxr-xr-x root:root
/boot drwxr-xr-x root:root
/usr drwxr-xr-x root:root
/tmp drwxrwxrwt root:root
/var drwxr-xr-x root:root
/home drwxr-xr-x root:root

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 20

3.3 Export file systems from file servers to both Linux nodes and Windows WDTs

/home/user drwxr-s--x user:user
/local_home drwxr-xr-x root:root
/local1 drwxr-xr-x root:root
/local1/scr drwxrwxrwx root:root
/local1/data drwxrwxrwx root:root
/local1/data/xxxx drwxrwsr-x user:project
/inter01 drwxr-xr-x root:root
/oracle drwxr-sr-x oracle:dba
/oracle_data drwxr-sr-x oracle:dba
/oracle_data/archive drwxr-sr-x oracle:dba
/tpcat1 drwxr-xr-x tpmgr:tpmgr
/tpcat2 drwxr-xr-x tpmgr:tpmgr
/ud drwxr-xr-x root:root
/ud/stdjobs drwxrwxxrwx root:root
/ud/stddocs drwxrwxrwx root:root
/wg drwxr-sr-x omadmin:omadmin
/wgjss drwxr-sr-x jssmgr:jssadmin
/wglogs drwxr-xr-x root:root
wgdisk drwxr-xr-x root:root
wgdisk/xxxx drwxr-xr-x root:root
/whsm1 drwxr-sr-x whsmusr:whsmgrp
/whsm2 drwxr-sr-x whsmusr:whsmgrp

3.3 Export file systems from file servers to both Linux nodes
and Windows WDTs

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 21

3.3 Export file systems from file servers to both Linux nodes and Windows WDTs

Please note the netgroups we use here are defined in step 2.2 above. xxfs001 (export /home for system accounts
home, /ud, /xx0100 and /inter01):

# sample output on xxfs001

[root@xxfs001/]# cat /etc/exports
/home @computenodes(rw,insecure,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check) @omegaservers(rw,insecure,no_ro

/ud @computenodes(rw,insecure,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check) @omegaservers(rw,insecure,no_root

/inter01 @computenodes(rw,insecure,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check) @omegaservers(rw,insecure,no

/xx0100 @computenodes(rw,insecure,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check) @omegaservers(rw,insecure,no_

We also need to set up Samba to export these file system to the Windows machines. Below is just a simple

Please customize the Samba option according to your Windows system configuration.

# below is sample output on xxfs001

[root@xxfs001/]# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
realm =
workgroup = windomain
netbios name = winxxfs001
name resolve order = hosts bcast wins
server string = Samba on %h
password server = *
security = ADS
encrypt passwords = yes
template shell = /bin/false
wins server = 137.144.###.###

comment = /ud
path = /ud
read only = no
username = %S
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 2775
available = yes

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 22

3.4 Set up mapping or auto-mount of directories

comment = /inter01
path = /inter01
read only = no
username = %S
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 2775
available = yes
comment = /wgdisk/xx0100
path = /xx0100
read only = no
username = %S
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 2775
available = yes

Similarly, set up the following servers.

xxfs002/xxfs003: export /xx0200 to all compute nodes and omega servers;

setup Samba xxfs002 and xxfs003.

xxoc001: export /wg, /wgjss to all omega hosts (no Samba needed)

xxos001: export /oracle to xxoc001 (no Samba needed)

3.4 Set up mapping or auto-mount of directories

A small site can just manually mount the file systems in /etc/fstab.

Middle or large site may need to set up auto-mount.

Please check table in 1.4 on which file system is needed on which hosts. Consult Schlumberger if you need
assistance on setting up auto mapping.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 23

3.5 Installing Additional RPMs

3.5 Installing Additional RPMs

Addtional rpms for different type of hosts are provided on OmegaAndOCM DVD under
/01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs directory. There are some RHEL rpms that Schlumberger is not
authorized to distribute. They are listed below and also in the Operating System Guide.

3.5.1 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 6.X:

The following rpms are needed by all hosts, but not provided on DVD as mentioned above. Please download
them by yourself.


The following rpms are needed by all hosts, and on OmegaAndOCM DVD under


This rpm is under 01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/NoDesktop, and needed by all hosts.


The following rpms are needed by login nodes (Linux desktops that requires GUI), but not provided on DVD as
mentioned above. Please download them by yourself.


Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 24

3.5.1 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 6.X:


The following rpm is needed by login nodes (Linux desktops) and provided on DVD under


The following rpms are needed by server hosts, but not provided on DVD as mentioned above. Please download
them by yourself.


3.5.2 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 7.X:

The following rpm is needed by all hosts, but not provided on DVD as mentioned above. Please download it by


The following RPMs are needed by all hosts and are on OmegaAndOCM DVD:

• Under 01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/NoDesktop/el7:


• Rpms under 01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/NoDesktop:


Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 25

3.5.2 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 7.X:

• Rpms under 01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/NoDesktop/el7:

omega2-install-validate.noarch 2016.1.42-4.el7.noarch.rpm

The following rpms are needed by desktop hosts, but not provided on DVD as mentioned above. Please
download them by yourself.


These rpms are needed by the server hosts, but not provided on DVD as mentioned above. Please download them
by yourself.


The following two rpms are only needed by the server hosts when you use the GUI installer. Please download
them if you use the GUI installer.


The following RPMs are needed by server hosts and are on OmegaAndOCM DVD under


Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 26

3.5.2 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 7.X:

First , download the above RPMs for your host type and OS. Install them using 'rpm -Uvh xxx.rpm'.

Second, copy the whole DVD to /wg/omega/installations.

# on xxoc001, as root
mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
mkdir -p /wg/omega/installations
cp -pr /mnt/cdrom/* /wg/omega/installations/
chown -R omadmin:omadmin /wg/omega

Third, install the Schlumberger provided rpms on each host.

We have a few scripts to install RPMs to different roles of servers. Desktop here means the login/EWS nodes that
will run the Omega gui. Server here refers to the Omega infrastructure servers we listed in step 3.1. OCI masters
can be treated as Compute .

Please note for EL7 server, use script installEL7ServerRPMs.csh. For all other EL7 hosts, use
installEL7NoDesktopRPMs.csh script.

# assume we installed RHEL 6.4 OS on each host

# as root
cd /wg/omega/installations/01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs

# use this one for Login nodes or EWS work stations

# ./
# use this one for servers, compute nodes, file servers

There is an rpmcheck tool to check if we miss any important RPMs on a host.

This tool is helpful but may not be accurate due to there are too many RHEL or CentOS versions. So it s best to
install the RPMs first and then use rpmcheck to check if we miss any other RPMs.

# as root
cd /wg/omega/installations/01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs
tar xzvf rpmcheck-external-2017.1.tgz
cd rpmcheck
RPMCHECKDIR=/wg/omega/installations/01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/rpmcheck; export RPMCHECKDIR

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 27

3.6 Check File Descriptors

# for csh, try

# setenv RPMCHECKDIR /wg/omega/installations/01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/rpmcheck

bin/check-host -r Desktop
# please note there are 3 roles to check here:
# -r Desktop: Login nodes or EWS
# -r Server: Omega infrastructure servers
# -r Compute: compute nodes, OCI masters or file servers

# the result should show what rpms we miss

# if we see ruby rpms missing from rpmcheck
yum install ruby
# if we see tzdata missing, verify first
rpm -qa | grep tzdata
# if indeed tzdata is missing, then yum install tzdata

Please repeat these steps on all hosts.

For a mid to large-size site, it s best to have an xcat server to manage and maintain the Linux clusters.

3.6 Check File Descriptors

Please have these in /etc/security/limits.conf and copy this file to all hosts.

su - root
vi /etc/security/limits.conf
# add the following lines

* hard nofile 8192

* soft nofile 8192
omadmin hard nofile 32768
omadmin soft nofile 32768
flexlm hard nofile 32768
flexlm soft nofile 32768
oracle hard nofile 65536
oracle soft nofile 32768

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 28

3.7 Check system accounts and UIDs

3.7 Check system accounts and UIDs

We have a script to check various system settings including accounts and UIDs.

This script is included in omega2-install-validate-2017.1.42.el6-1.x86_64.rpm from OmegaAndOCM DVD under

el6 and el7 directories in /01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/NoDesktop directory. This rpm is installed in
step 3.5 above.

# as root
# to check system accounts and UIDs
UIDValidation -v
# Ignore warning about cgmop, errmgr,gigadmin,rfdmgr,ssadmin and superv.
# These are internal system accounts that are not needed by Omega 2017.1ext
# Ignore warnings about oracle as we use local oracle account on xxos001.
# to recreate some of the missing system accounts, please refer to step 2 above.

3.8 Check SSH settings on all hosts

The same omega2-install-validate RPM provides script to check SSH on each host.

# to check if port 22 and 292 enabled for SSH

# as root
Ssh22Enabled -v;
Ssh292Enabled -v
# if port 292 not enabled, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config file on each host and uncomment Port 292 in th
# then restart sshd service on each host

Note: We need to setup SSH with no password for Omega users. We will talk about setting up SSH for each
Omega user in the Omega installation quick-start. Omega2 provided a tool genuserkeys that can set up user
SSH keys and skip host key checking in ~/.ssh/config file with StrictHostKeyChecking no .


Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 29

Omega Terminology

Omega Terminology
Engineering Work Station. Linux workstation that has graphic components and can run Omega GUI
interactively. A compute node does not necessarily have graphic components installed.
Job Queue Consumer Services. It s only needed by triggering jobs.
Omega Job Scheduling System
MASS stands for Multiple Attribute Storage Server Services. It s needed by Multiple Attribute Display
(MAD) interactive applications
Interactive velocity analysis
Schlumberger Media Management System. MMS allows Omega to read from or write to tape directly.
Message Passing Interface, a standard communications protocol used for parallel applications.
Omega Cluster Infrastructure. Distributed and parallel processes of Omega jobs.
Omega Cluster Manager. New tool to assign nodes to Omega jobs.
OPM stands for Omega Project Model. All omega project files and job status are stored in Oracle OPM
RDM stands for Resource Data Model. rdmadmin is a Graphic tool to manage hosts, file system,
project quotas and balance disk I/O. RDM also provides export path for file systems to Windows side.
WesternGeco Hierarchical Storage Management. WHSM treat tapes in tape library as extended storage.
File can be archived to tapes from Omega.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 30

Omega services

Omega services
omegacorba serves like a exchange site for most Omega connections and communications. Most other
omega services depend on it.
WSN stands for Web Services Name. It s needed by most Omega services and communications.
Omegaopm_2017.1ext####p service is the service that manages omega projects, jobs and data.
Omegardm_2017.1ext####p service is the service that manages file systems, project quotas and hosts.
Omegainva_2017.1ext####p is the service for InVa data and projects.
Omegamass_2017.1ext####p is needed for Multiple Attribute Display interactive application
Omegajobqconsumer_2017.1ext####p service is needed by Omega trigger jobs when job queue piled up
This service is for Omega2 Web Server
This service is hosted on Omega Global Repository (GR) server and facilitates communication between
the GR server and the Omega Windows Update server
This service is hosted on the Omega Windows Update (WUS) server. It facilitates communications
between WUS and Omega Windows Desktops
This service serves as communication agent between different Omega hosts (OCI master and compute
This service is needed on the OCI masters and all OCM compuete nodes.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 31

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