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Omega 2016.1 to 2017.

1 Transition Guide

Document Version Control

Classification Schlumberger Private - Customer Use
Release 2017.1
Date 07 Aug 2017
Source OmegaTransitionDocSHELL
Copyright © 2017 Schlumberger. All rights reserved.
This document is copyright protected. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording,
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and should not be disclosed or distributed to third parties without the permission of Schlumberger. To the extent
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electronically. All other restrictions set forth above regarding the document's use or distribution shall apply.

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An asterisk (*) is used throughout this document to designate a mark of Schlumberger.

Table of Contents
Introduction to Omega 2017.1ext Transition Guide.............................................................................................1

1 New features in Omega infrastructure relevant to Omega administration.....................................................2

1.1 Omega and Petrel 2017.1........................................................................................................................2
1.2 OCM........................................................................................................................................................2
1.3 Omega Flatirons......................................................................................................................................2
1.4 Summary of significant administration changes for 2017.1ext..............................................................3
1.4.1 Licensing.......................................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Single Omega and Petrel License Server......................................................................................3
1.4.3 Data management..........................................................................................................................4 DIO file change....................................................................................................................4 Dataset Management improvements....................................................................................4
1.4.4 Administrative scripts....................................................................................................................4
1.4.5 Other OPM and Job related changes.............................................................................................5
1.4.6 OPM Schema in 2017.1ext............................................................................................................5
1.4.7 Permissions on log directories on CentOS/RHEL 7.x...................................................................5
1.5 Known issues..........................................................................................................................................6
1.5.1 IRREGULAR_INTERP_RDN......................................................................................................6
1.5.2 LC_FILTER- LC...........................................................................................................................6
1.5.3 FULLWAVE_INVERT_TD.........................................................................................................7
1.5.4 TIM2Omega fails to launch from Linux Centos 6.4.....................................................................7

2 System preparation...............................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Supported database.................................................................................................................................8
2.2 Certified operating systems.....................................................................................................................8
2.2.1 O/S Roadmap of Omega 2015.1 to 2017.1:..................................................................................8
2.2.2 Certified operating systems for 2017.1.........................................................................................9
2.2.3 Known issues with CentOS/RHEL 7.x.........................................................................................9 Oracle crashing on RHEL 7.2............................................................................................10 Omega Services showing out of memory errors on CentOS/RHEL 7.x............................10
2.3 License servers for Omega 2017.1........................................................................................................10
2.4 Required RPMs and rpmcheck utility...................................................................................................11
2.4.1 Use rpmcheck utility to check each host.....................................................................................11
2.4.2 Required RPMs for Global Repository servers...........................................................................12
2.4.3 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 6.X:.....................................................................................13
2.4.4 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 7.X:.....................................................................................14
2.5 Infiniband and GPU..............................................................................................................................16

3 Stop Windows update server..............................................................................................................................18

Table of Contents
4 Back up Configuration.xml and disable auto updates on all Omega hosts...................................................19

5 Unpack installation kit........................................................................................................................................20

6 Run the command line installer InstallOmega.................................................................................................21

7 Changes to MMS and WHsm executables........................................................................................................22

7.1 MMS executable...................................................................................................................................22
7.2 WHsm executables................................................................................................................................22

8 Review Configuration.xml..................................................................................................................................23

9 Run Setup to install Omega commands and services......................................................................................24

10 Review changes in the Omega configuration database..................................................................................25

10.1 License server entries..........................................................................................................................25
10.2 Omega.Environment.MKL_DOMAIN_NUM_THREADS...............................................................26
10.3 Omega.Help.Resources and Omega.ProjectManager entries.............................................................26
10.4 Omega.WebServer.WebApps.............................................................................................................27
10.5 Corba.JacORB entries.........................................................................................................................27
10.6 ZTOMO environment entries..............................................................................................................27
10.6.1 Retired ZTOMO Omega.Environment Entries.........................................................................27
10.6.2 Running ZTOMO with Infiniband Mellanox............................................................................28
10.6.3 Running ZTOMO with fabric other than Infiniband Mellanox.................................................28

11 Start system services.........................................................................................................................................31

12 Update the compute nodes and other hosts....................................................................................................34

13 Start Windows update server...........................................................................................................................35

14 Install new Omega on Windows machines......................................................................................................36

14.1 Install prerequisite software from DVD OmegaWindowsDesktop on each PC.................................36
14.2 Install Omega Desktop Update from DVD OmegaWindowsDesktop on each PC............................36
14.3 Install Omega desktop from DVD OmegaWindowsDesktop on each PC..........................................36
14.4 Select Omega site and force Omega update on each PC....................................................................36
14.5 Open Omega desktop and test on each PC.........................................................................................38

15 Install patches if there are any.........................................................................................................................39

Table of Contents
16 Run installation acceptance tests.....................................................................................................................40

Introduction to Omega 2017.1ext Transition Guide
This document will help an Omega* data processing center upgrade to the Omega 2017.1ext version. It:

• Identifies new features

• Describes how to prepare for the Omega 2017.1ext installation
• Introduces the configuration properties added to the Omega 2017.1ext system
• Describes what is new in the installation procedure for Omega 2017.1ext software
• Describes the configuration changes required to use the Omega 2017.1ext system
• Describes how to move a project from a previous Omega release to Omega 2017.1ext
• Describes the processes and services that require checking, changing, or restarting Omega

The PDF of this document is included on the DVD when the DVD is created. However, updates are continuously
made to the documentation as issues are discovered, so the PDF on the DVD is not necessarily the most recent
version available. Please check the Web site for the most recent version of this document.
Click Support, log in if necessary, click Omega, and then click Documentation to find the latest documentation.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 1

1 New features in Omega infrastructure relevant to
Omega administration
1.1 Omega and Petrel 2017.1
• Omega 2017.1ext is qualified for Petrel 2017.1.
• Petrel projects and data files need to be converted as defined in the Petrel 2017.1 guides.
• Please check system preparation section below on supported Oracle version and certified operating
systems for Omega 2017.1.
• Omega Database schemas are not changed in 2017.1. Projects can be accessed from both 2016.1 and
2017.1 baselines simultaneously if necessary.

1.2 OCM
• Omega 2017.1ext is compatible with OCM 2.5, which supports Omega serial, MPI, and OCI jobs.
• Omega 2017.1ext can not work with OCM 2.3 or earlier versions. If you are using one of the old
versions, upgrade OCM before installing Omega 2017.1. OCM 2.5 is compatible with all supported
previous versions of Omega. OCM 2.4 may continue to be used during initial transition.

JSS is being phased out, and will be removed by Omega 2018.1. You are encouraged to move to OCM 2.5 as
soon as possible.

Note: OCM 2.5 is included on DVD OmegaAndOCM. Please follow instructions in

02-OCM/01-Documentation/OCM_2.5_release_notes.pdf to upgrade OCM.

1.3 Omega Flatirons

• Omega Flatirons is a new add-on application for Omega 2017.1. It requires OMEGA_FLATIRONS
license and can be launched from Omega desktop menus which are enabled when the license is installed.
• XtremeGeo LLC and Schlumberger collaborated to develop the customized version of Flatirons for
Omega users. It can read and write Omega DIO files besides SEG-Y format. Three popular Omega

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 2

1.3 Omega Flatirons

pickers are also supported by Omega Flatirons.

• Clients who purchased the license should follow Omega Flatirons Installation Guide to install and
configure it.

1.4 Summary of significant administration changes for

1.4.1 Licensing
• Omega 2017.1 SFM license checking load is reduced significantly, though there is no licensing change
for serial and MPI SFMs.
• OCI SFMs, such as MIGR_KIRCH_TIME and MIGR_KIRCH_DEPTH, however, do not use TIM and
DEP licenses anymore. In these examples, they use MIGR_KIRCH_TIME and MIGR_KIRCH_DEPTH
for master nodes, and MIGR_KIRCH_TIME_CPUS and MIGR_KIRCH_DEPTH_CPUS (or _GPUS) for
compute nodes. However, they are still part of TIME or DEPTH package.
• Some old licenses, such as 3ski, FOU, FQC, INT_FOU, and INT_FQC, are included in the license file
to maintain support for older baselines you may still use.
• For a center with two Omega license servers, OCM's license server must point to the Omega license
server for batch jobs and Linux applications.

1.4.2 Single Omega and Petrel License Server

Omega 2017.1 Windows desktop applications and Petrel 2017.1 require the updated 2017 SLBSLS daemon,
however the updated version does not support the number of concurrent license requests needed by batch jobs of a
large Omega installation, particularly when Omega 2016.1 and earlier versions are still used. To manage licensing
load in large centers, it is recommended that the same SIS Common Licensing service as Omega 2014.1 is used
for batch jobs and Linux desktop applications. This means that Omega 2017.1 needs two SIS Common Licensing
servers in large centers, one for Omega Windows applications and Petrel, and another for Omega batch jobs and
Linux applications.

See "Licensing Omega 2017.1" section in Omega Administration Guide 2017.1 for more details.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 3

1.4.3 Data management

1.4.3 Data management DIO file change

• In Omega 2017.1 support for bricked DIO is exposed. Datasets created in 2017.1 can be read in 2016.1
and vice versa.
• Added support for retry on DIO file read error, to handle cases where a file system is temporarily offline. Dataset Management improvements

• DSNChecking improvements
♦ Now generates an error for (WHSM) archived inputs UNLESS Config
DBOmega.DsnCheck.AllowArchivedInput property set to true (or TRUE), in which case
observance will merely generate a warning.
♦ Outstanding dataset transfers can also be an error or a warning.
♦ Added column for file name string length and alerted user through pink background if the name
exceeds lengths supported by well used applications.
♦ Improved performance where there are many disabled steps.
• OCM allows user to control the number of running jobs in a template job group with a large number of
output files to relieve the stress on file servers and OPM.
• Add configurable batch job submission punits gpd query setting that controls the performance vs query
size for GPD parameter resolution during job submission.
• Corrected handling of Petrel binary surface (.ptd) files.
• Corrected handling of File System Reservations for temporary datasets, which resulted in job failures
when Multiple file system output were used.

1.4.4 Administrative scripts

• Add corbans removeAll, unbindAll options, for easier management of the CORBA Names Service list.
• Updated startDbScan, markforengine to reduce opmserver load, to prevent OutOfMemory errors.
• Improved the opm_problem_check script
♦ Changed string used for running server process pattern match from dbS to dbServer
♦ Added rebind of opm service before shutdown if baseline is 2016
♦ Moved the "opmadmin rebind" to 10 seconds after the restart of the OPM service.

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1.4.4 Administrative scripts

• Add restartEventService option to corba script. This may be used to restart the notifd process used for the
CORBA (COS) Notification service.

1.4.5 Other OPM and Job related changes

• Modified access to OPM during job submission to improve performance
• Remove OPM Monitor from omega desktop

1.4.6 OPM Schema in 2017.1ext

The schema version of OPM in 2017.1ext is 2.12. This is the same as the Omega 2011 through to Omega 2016, so
if you are migrating from Omega 2011, Omega 2012, Omega 2013, Omega 2014 , Omega 2015, Omega 2016 to
Omega 2017.1, no action is required.


• There are no updates to the stage catalogue in Omega 2017.1ext .

• If you are converting projects created using baselines before Omega 2011.1ext , follow the
instructions in the section OPM Project Schema Conversion of 2017.1 Omega admin guide.

1.4.7 Permissions on log directories on CentOS/RHEL 7.x

On CentOS/RHEL 7.x logrotate refuses to rotate log files in directories with completely open permissions (777 or
rwxrwxrwx). All log directories that require log rotation should be created without world-write permission (775
or rwxrwxr-x) and should be owned by the processes that write to them. The table below lists the directories with
their recommended owner:

Directory Owner
/wglogs root:root
/wglogs/omega root:root
/wglogs/omega/opm opm:opm
/wglogs/omega/jobq opm:opm

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 5

1.4.7 Permissions on log directories on CentOS/RHEL 7.x

/wglogs/omega/inva opm:opm
/wglogs/omega/mass opm:opm
/wglogs/omega/osm opm:opm
/wglogs/omega/rdm opm:opm

If there are any scripts that need to write to these directories, they should be updated to take into account the
recommended permissions on the directories. For CentOS/RHEL 7.x servers that already have all the /wglogs
directory created, it's recommended to use the new omegalogdirscheck script to check and fix any discrepancies.
Below is one example. Please run the omegalogdirscheck on all Omega servers.

[root@xxjs001 ~]# omega2017.1extp omegalogdirscheck status

/wglogs/omega/windowsupdateserver has invalid permissions
/wglogs/omega/windowsupdateserver has incorrect ownership

[root@xxjs001 ~]# omega2017.1extp omegalogdirscheck update

Updating /wglogs/omega/windowsupdateserver permissions
Changing /wglogs/omega/windowsupdateserver ownership
[root@xxjs001 ~]# omega2017.1extp omegalogdirscheck status
[root@xxjs001 ~]# ll -d /wglogs/omega/windowsupdateserver
drwxrwxr-x 3 omadmin omstaff 4096 Jun 6 09:37 /wglogs/omega/windowsupdateserver

1.5 Known issues

The SFM has conversion issue, when you converted the SFM from previous version to current version present in
the baseline, the job takes up static node allocation instead of dynamic node allocation in the setup.

The SFM filters job produces header difference for STACKWORD and DATA TRACE TYPE with Elliptical
Filter option.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 6


The SFM has issues for big dataset ( eg Perdido, EDGE etc..).

1.5.4 TIM2Omega fails to launch from Linux Centos 6.4

The TIM2Omega application fails to launch from Linux Centos 6.4 OS.

Error shown in the application error dialog :

"The root cause is: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer"

This is a new issue and is still be investigated.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 7

2 System preparation
2.1 Supported database
Omega 2017.1 is certified and supported with Oracle 12.1. The minimum certified OS for Oracle 12.1 is RHEL
6.4. Therefore you will need to upgrade or replace any current Oracle servers to at least RHEL 6.4 and Oracle
12.1. Though Omega 2017.1 works with Oracle 11.2, it is recommended to upgrade to Oracle 12.1 as soon as

Oracle Roadmap 2015.1 2016.1 2017.1

Oracle 11.2 (RHEL 6) Y Y N*
Oracle 12.1 (RHEL 6/7) Y* Y Y
N* Oracle 11.2 works with Omega 2017.1, but it should be upgraded to 12.1 as soon as possible.
Y* Omega 2015.1 will run on Oracle 12 for backwards compatibility. Oracle 12 database installation, instance
and schema creation is only provided in 2017.1 onwards.

Please consult Schlumberger WesternGeco on Oracle database migration.

2.2 Certified operating systems

2.2.1 O/S Roadmap of Omega 2015.1 to 2017.1:

Operating System Roadmap Role 2015.1 2016.1 2017.1

CentOS 6.4 CentOS 6.4
Compute nodes CentOS 6.4
CentOS 7.2 CentOS 7.2
CentOS 6.4 CentOS 6.4
Infrastructure Services All roles except Oracle CentOS 6.4
CentOS 7.2 CentOS 7.2
RHEL 6.4 RHEL 6.4
Infrastructure Services Oracle RHEL 6.4
RHEL 7.2 RHEL 7.2
CentOS 6.4 CentOS 6.4
EWS Linux CentOS 6.4
CentOS 7.2 CentOS 7.2

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2.2.1 O/S Roadmap of Omega 2015.1 to 2017.1:

RHEL 6.4 RHEL 6.4

EWS Standalone RHEL 6.4
RHEL 7.2 RHEL 7.2
Windows 7, Windows 7,
EWS Windows Workstation Windows 7 (8)
Windows 10 Windows 10
CentOS 6.4, CentOS 6.4, CentOS 6.4, 7.2
Storage StorNext Servers and OCI Masters
RHEL 6.4 RHEL 6.4 RHEL 6.4, 7.2
SDK CentOS 6.4 CentOS 6.4 CentOS 6.4

Note: RHEL/CentOS 6.5+ is required for systems with Haswell processors and RHEL/CentOS 7.2 has been
qualified. Currently we plan to qualify Broadwell processors with RHEL/CentOS 7.2. RHEL/CentOS 7.2 may be
qualified for some older processors. 2015.1 has been tested on RHEL/CentOS 7.2 and will be supported where
2017.1 is supported.

Note: SDK is developed with RHEL/CentOS 6.4 as the base OS to support older processors. A virtual machine
with RHEL/CentOS 6.4 should work.

Note: RHEL 6.2 is not formally supported. If this is used, note that the glibc version that is shipped with the base
EL 6.2 release (2.12-1.47.el6) fails when zooming in SeisView. This is fixed in version 2.12-1.47.el6_2.9 which
came out in Red Hat update RHSA-2012:0393-1 in March 2012.

2.2.2 Certified operating systems for 2017.1

The certified operating systems are CentOS 6.4 or RHEL 6.4 and CentOS 7.2 or RHEL 7.2 dependent on role. For
Haswell based hardware the certified operating system is CentOS 6.5 or RHEL 6.5 dependent on role .

For Omega Windows Desktop, Windows 7 and Windows 10 is certified; whereas Windows 8 is not formally

2.2.3 Known issues with CentOS/RHEL 7.x

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 9 Oracle crashing on RHEL 7.2 Oracle crashing on RHEL 7.2

On RHEL 7.2 system, when Oracle user logs out, all of the IPC resources (such as semaphores and shared
memory) are removed. The issue can be fixed by adding


in /etc/systemd/logind.conf

The issue has been fixed by Red Hat by making this the default. The fix is available in systemd RPM version
219-19.el7_2.4. This is newer than the version on the Red Hat 7.2 DVDs Omega Services showing out of memory errors on CentOS/RHEL 7.x

RHEL/CentOS 7.x sets a limit of max number of user processes in /etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf. This limit
be default is set to 4096 which is not enough for running Omega services without interruptions.

To fix the issue, either delete /etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf or comment out the two nproc lines. Then stop
and re-start all processes belonging to the OPM user.

2.3 License servers for Omega 2017.1

Sites that use Petrel 2017 or Omega Windows Desktop 2017 need to upgrade their license server, as the 2017
applications can only check out licenses from a license server that has the SIS 2017 license server kit. The 2017
license server kit rpms can only be installed to 6.x or 7.x hosts.

The 2017 SIS Common Licensing service rpms are:


As the 2017 licensing kit cannot handle high loads of license requests, large sites need to have 2 license servers,
one for Linux side (using SIS 2014 licensing kits) and one for Windows (using 2017 license server kits). In our

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 10

2.3 License servers for Omega 2017.1

tests, there will be occasional license checkout failures when number of concurrent clients reach around 1000.
These statistics can be seen in /var/log/flexlm/flexlm on the license server.

Sites that use two license servers need to update Omega environment SLBSLS_LICENSE_FILE in the
configuration database. This can be done after Omega 2017.1 is installed. Please see detail instructions in later

A small site can use just one license server for both Windows and Linux sides.

Sites that do not have Petrel 2017 and Omega Windows Desktop 2017 can still use the 2014 license server kits.
But it's recommended to upgrade the FlexNet and CodeMeter rpms.

2014 SIS Common Licensing Service to be installed on CentOS 6 or 7 :


If the license server still has CentOS 5, which is not recommended, 2014 SIS Common Licensing Service has to


These license kit rpms are on the OmegaAndOCM DVD.

2.4 Required RPMs and rpmcheck utility

2.4.1 Use rpmcheck utility to check each host
The minimum list of RPMs required for the OS installation for selected system roles are defined by the
Schlumberger Operating Systems Standards. These standards can be supplied upon request in the form of a

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 11

2.4.1 Use rpmcheck utility to check each host

kickstart template for the base OS installation plus lists of any additional RPMs required to run Omega that are
not part of the standard OS.

To check if the Linux host is missing any important RPMs, use the rpmcheck utility that is included on
OmegaAndOCM DVD.

To use the rpmcheck tool to check whether important RPMs are missing in an Omega system:

# copy the rpmcheck tgz file (from OmegaAndOCM DVD

# in 01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/rpmcheck-external-2017.1.tgz)
# to /wg/omega/installations
cd /wg/omega/installations
rm -rf rpmcheck
tar -xzvf rpmcheck-external-2017.1.tgz

# for bash
export RPMCHECKDIR=/wg/omega/installations/rpmcheck
# for csh
setenv RPMCHECKDIR /wg/omega/installations/rpmcheck
$RPMCHECKDIR/bin/check-host -r Standalone

The different roles that you can use (as parameters for the -r option) are:

• Compute: Basic compute node (note that simple disk and tape servers can use this role)
• Server: Server
• Desktop: Workstation running the Omega desktop
• Standalone: System supporting all roles

2.4.2 Required RPMs for Global Repository servers

The following Global Repository server RPMs must be installed on the global repository servers:

• java-mail-1.4.4-2.x86_64.rpm
• globalrepository-2.0-2.x86_64.rpm
• globalrepository_services-2.0-2.x86_64.rpm
• apache-cxf-2.2.7-2.x86_64.rpm

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2.4.2 Required RPMs for Global Repository servers

• apache-log4j-1.2.16-2.x86_64.rpm


• The 2017 Global Repository server RPMs are the same as 2015 and 2016. So no need to upgrade if you
have 2015 or 2016 RPMs installed.
• After an RPM update, the original Global Repository configuration file is saved to
/wg/omega/GlobalRepository/common/config/ or You need to rename it back. The following commands can be used:

cd /wg/omega/GlobalRepository/common/config

2.4.3 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 6.X:

The following rpms are needed by all hosts, but not provided on DVD as mentioned above. Please download
them by yourself.


The following rpms are needed by all hosts, and on OmegaAndOCM DVD under


This rpm is under 01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/NoDesktop, and needed by all hosts.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 13

2.4.3 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 6.X:


The following rpms are needed by login nodes (Linux desktops that requires GUI), but not provided on DVD as
mentioned above. Please download them by yourself.


The following rpm is needed by login nodes (Linux desktops) and provided on DVD under


The following rpms are needed by server hosts, but not provided on DVD as mentioned above. Please download
them by yourself.


2.4.4 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 7.X:

The following rpm is needed by all hosts, but not provided on DVD as mentioned above. Please download it by


The following RPMs are needed by all hosts and are on OmegaAndOCM DVD:

• Under 01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/NoDesktop/el7:


Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 14

2.4.4 Required RPMs for CentOS/RHEL 7.X:


• Rpms under 01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/NoDesktop:


• Rpms under 01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/RPMs/NoDesktop/el7:

omega2-install-validate.noarch 2016.1.42-4.el7.noarch.rpm

The following rpms are needed by desktop hosts, but not provided on DVD as mentioned above. Please
download them by yourself.


These rpms are needed by the server hosts, but not provided on DVD as mentioned above. Please download them
by yourself.


The following two rpms are only needed by the server hosts when you use the GUI installer. Please download
them if you use the GUI installer.


The following RPMs are needed by server hosts and are on OmegaAndOCM DVD under


Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 15

2.5 Infiniband and GPU


2.5 Infiniband and GPU

To utilize GPUs in Omega 2017.1ext , the GPU nodes must have NVIDIA driver 340.58 (or later) installed. To
check the driver version, use:

% nvidia-smi
Wed Jun 22 11:54:16 2016
| NVIDIA-SMI 340.58 Driver Version: 340.58 |
| GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
| 0 Tesla K80 On | 0000:06:00.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 26C P0 108W / 149W | 7619MiB / 11519MiB | 41% Default |
| 1 Tesla K80 On | 0000:07:00.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 51C P0 145W / 149W | 7691MiB / 11519MiB | 96% Default |
| 2 Tesla K80 On | 0000:0A:00.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 38C P0 143W / 149W | 7691MiB / 11519MiB | 97% Default |
| 3 Tesla K80 On | 0000:0B:00.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 54C P0 148W / 149W | 7691MiB / 11519MiB | 99% Default |
| 4 Tesla K80 On | 0000:0E:00.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 38C P0 143W / 149W | 7693MiB / 11519MiB | 95% Default |
| 5 Tesla K80 On | 0000:0F:00.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 53C P0 143W / 149W | 7693MiB / 11519MiB | 99% Default |

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 16

2.5 Infiniband and GPU

| 6 Tesla K80 On | 0000:12:00.0 Off | 0 |

| N/A 33C P0 133W / 149W | 7691MiB / 11519MiB | 99% Default |
| 7 Tesla K80 On | 0000:13:00.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 31C P0 74W / 149W | 7620MiB / 11519MiB | 10% Default |

For systems equipped with Mellanox InfiniBand adapters, you are recommended to use the Infininband software
available from Mellanox rather than the version that comes with the OS. The latest tested and certified versions
depend on which OS you are using. For CentOS 6.4 it is MLNX_OFED_LINUX-2.0-3.0.0-rhel6.4-x86_64

• IB HCA firmware should be upgraded to the latest available in this release of the OFED Software.

The expected CUDA / NVIDIA versions are:

Omega CUDA version
2015.1 6.5 340.32
2016.1 6.5 340.58
2017.1 7.5/8.0 352.68/361.62

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 17

3 Stop Windows update server
Before installing Omega, stop the Omega Windows Update Server using the following steps:

• To find out which server is the Windows Update Server, run the following command:

omega2 printrecord Omega.WindowsUpdate.LocalServers

• On the Windows Update Server, stop the omegawindowsupdate_problem_check cron on the Windows
update server so that Windows update service will not be restarted while you install Omega.
♦ As root, edit /etc/cron.d/omegawindowsupdate_problem_check and comment out the line
♦ Save and close the file.
• Stop Omega Windows Update Server during the baseline removal or installation, so that incomplete
updates will not be synchronized to the WDT machines.

su - root
service omegawindowsupdate stop

Note: When Windows machines (WDTs) contact the Omega Windows Update Server for Omega updates, they
will contact service omegardm_${setup-installation name}p to find out the file system links. If you have Omega
Windows Update Server running and half-way through the new 2017.1ext baseline installation, the
omegardm_2017.1extp is not started yet, then the Omega Desktop Updater (ODU) will remove the c:\ud and
c:\wgdisk shortcuts. So you need to stop Omega Windows Update service.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 18

4 Back up Configuration.xml and disable auto
updates on all Omega hosts
It is a good practice to back up /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml file first. Then you can prevent all hosts from
getting the new 2017 baseline by changing the auto-setup status to off in the Configuration.xml file. You need to
change this value back to on after the new baseline is tested and ready.

# on the JSS/OCM/Omega installation server

su - omadmin
cp /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml.2016
vi /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml
# change auto-setup status= from "on" to "off'

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 19

5 Unpack installation kit
The following assumes that you copied the installation files to /wg/omega/installations.

The 2017.1 Omega installation needs about 25G free space in /wg/omega. Please make sure you have about 25G
free space in /wg/omega before you start.

The two encrypted installation files required are on separate dvds.

• omega2017.1ext-XXX.tgz.gpg from the OmegaAndOcm dvd

• omegasfms2017.1ext-XXX.tgz.gpg from the OmegaSFMs dvd.

Copy these to the /wg/omega/installations directory and untar the installation files:

su - omadmin
cd /wg/omega/installations
# assume we copy Omega installation files here
# unsetenv to prevent gpg errors on RHEL/CentOS 6.2 hosts, see note below
unsetenv DISPLAY
gpg omega2017.1ext####.tgz.gpg
# passphrase should be provided by Schlumberger
# enter <PassPhrase>
gpg omegasfms2017.1ext####.tgz.gpg
# passphrase should be provided by Schlumberger
# enter <PassPhrase>
cd /wg/omega
tar -xzvpf installations/omega2017.1ext####.tgz
tar -xzvpf installations/omegasfms2017.1ext####.tgz
cd install_64_2017.1ext####

If you run short of space in /wg/omega. You can delete the tgz and gpg files at this moment.

rm -rf /wg/omega/installations/omega2017.1ext####.tgz
rm -rf /wg/omega/installations/omega2017.1ext####.gpg

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 20

6 Run the command line installer InstallOmega
The command line installer creates backup copies of Configuration.xml and the configuration database.

• To run the installer, leaving the default version as 2016.1extp:

su - omadmin
cd install_64_2017.1ext####/Installer
./InstallOmega -a -f 2016.1extp -d 2016.1extp
# InstallOmega options:
# -a: use default omega name 2017.1ext and install to default directory
# Alternatively, you can specify an installation name with -i $myInstallationName,
and -p $myInstallationPath; -a and -p cannot be used at the same time
# -d 2016.1extp: leave 2016.1extp as default baseline
# -f 2016.1extp: import configurations from 2016.1extp
# -h: get helps, find all other options

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 21

7 Changes to MMS and WHsm executables
Centers that do not have MMS and WHSM can skip these steps.

7.1 MMS executable

Centers that have MMS set up should follow these steps.

TPtapesrv can be run as a setuid root program. This arrangement might be desirable if the MMS remote disk is
used to ensure remote disk files created by TPtapesrv are owned by the user that submitted the job and not the
user that started the TPtapesrv daemon. To do this, change the permissions and ownership of the TPtapesrv_bin
executable as follows on the OCM/Omega installation host:

su - root
cd /wg/omega/2017.1ext/linux_64/bin
chown root:tpmgr TPtapesrv_bin
chmod 4755 TPtapesrv_bin

7.2 WHsm executables

Centers that have WHSM set up should follow these steps.

Four of the WHSM executable files need to be owned by root and have the effective user identification bit
(set_user_id) set in their permissions.

Run the following commands on the OCM/Omega installation host:

su - root
cd /wg/omega/2017.1ext/linux_64/bin
chown root:whsmgrp WHsmrtrv_bin WHsmarch_bin WHsmscan_bin WHsmrcvr_bin
chmod 4755 WHsmrtrv_bin WHsmarch_bin WHsmscan_bin WHsmrcvr_bin

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 22

8 Review Configuration.xml
Before running Setup, review Configuration.xml to verify all Omega servers.

For upgrades, compare the new Configuration.xml with the original backup.

su - omadmin
cp -p /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml.2017
vimdiff /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml.2016
view /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml

For fresh installation, double-check the following entries in the file.

• Check default-installation name and setup-installation name at the top of the file.
The setup-installation name is the baseline that update the cron scripts, shared service scripts
like omegacorba, omegawsn, omegalauncher, omegahttpd and etc. The default-installation
name is the baseline 'omega2' refers to.
• Check the whsmeventconsumer entry. If you do not have WHSM set up yet, you can change the host
name to none. If you are upgrading your version of Omega and you have WHSM set up, compare to your
backup Configuration.xml file and make sure whsmeventconsumer stays with the same baseline and same
server host.
• Check the webserver entry. This server is defined in Omega.WebServer.WebServerHost entry. It is where
you will have the omegahttpd service running. If you are upgrading Omega, compare it to your backup
Configuration.xml file.
• Check the opm and rdm server name under the new installation entry. For sites that have separate Oracle
server and opm server, the InstallOmega script might not pick up correct server names. If you are not
sure, compare the names to the backup.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 23

9 Run Setup to install Omega commands and
Run Setup on both the installation server (JSS/OCM server) and the OPM server.

Note: it's best to put OCM Job Dispatcher on hold before you run Setup in big sites. This will prevent OCM jobs
errors when different Omega hosts are updated and restart Omega Launcher.

su - root
# to check if Omega installed successfully; we should see the new 2016 baseline from
# the command output
# find out what service scripts and cron scripts Omega add:
ls -l /etc/init.d/*omega* /etc/cron.d/*omega*

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 24

10 Review changes in the Omega configuration
The list of Configuration database settings forwarded from the previous baseline is controlled by the file. This is downloaded during the installation into the Installer/Config subdirectory, for
example in install_64_2017###/Install/Config/ Names spaces, tables and individual
properties not listed in the file will have to be reviewed and manually updated as necessary. The dump-config and
diff commands should also be used to review the changes in setting between the previous and current baselines.

Dump the text from the configuration databases into a file, and then compare them using the vimdiff command:

su - omadmin
omega2016.1extp dump-config > 2016.1extp_config.txt
omega2017.1extp dump-config > 2017.1extp_config.txt
vimdiff 2017.1extp_config.txt 2016.1extp_config.txt

Review and edit /wg/omega/2017.1ext/share/config/Configuration.omcdb on JSS/OCM Omega installation server

by running the following command:

su - omadmin
cd /wg/omega/2017.1/share/config
cp -p Configuration.omcdb Configuration.omcdb_orig
omega2017.1extp config&
# file -> open -> /wg/omega/2017.1ext/share/config/Configuration.omcdb

Please note the following entries/changes:

10.1 License server entries

As mentioned in section 1.3, Omega 2017 on Windows and Petrel 2017 will only work with license server with
2017.1 license server kit. But 2017.1 license server kit could not handle license load of mid-size to large centers.
So for these centers, we may need to have two license servers, one for Windows side and have 2017.1 license kit
installed, and one for Linux side with 2014 license kit installed. Please check and update the following entries in
the Configuration.omcdb if needed.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 25

10.1 License server entries

Priorities(in increasing order) = Default,User,Platform
Default.Windows/0 = @windowsLicenseServer
Default/0 = @linuxLicenseserver

10.2 Omega.Environment.MKL_DOMAIN_NUM_THREADS
The default value for this variable has been changed and your previous settings will not be imported.

The default setting in Omega 2017.1 for the Intel environment variable is
"MKL_DOMAIN_ALL=1,MKL_DOMAIN_FFT=1". It is changed from Omega 2016.1 due to (1) the
replacement of MKL_ALL by MKL_DOMAIN_ALL etc. by Intel, and (2) to improve the repeatability of the
results and prevent excessing thread switching. Using these settings prevents the CPUs becoming oversaturated
when multiple jobs run on a node. This effect is particularly noticeable when using SFMs that use the MKL FFT
library. Testing shows that the default setting is recommended for optimal average throughput, even if you have a
mixture of Sandybridge, Ivybridge, and older nodes. The setting can be scoped by hostname for cases where
tuning for a specific workflow is required.

10.3 Omega.Help.Resources and Omega.ProjectManager

Please note below entries have 2017.1ext hard coded. If you install a beta version, these entry need to change to
the correct beta installation name.

Default.Windows/JobHealth --> change path 2017.1ext to 2017.1ext-###
Default.Windows/RdmAdmin --> change path 2017.1ext to 2017.1ext-###
Default/JobHealth--> change path 2017.1ext to 2017.1ext-###
Default/RdmAdmin--> change path 2017.1ext to 2017.1ext-###
Default ---> change 2017.1ext in path name to 2017.1ext-###
Default ---> change 2017.1ext in path name to 2017.1ext-###

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 26

10.4 Omega.WebServer.WebApps

10.4 Omega.WebServer.WebApps
A new entry 'Installed SFM Viewer' has been added which can be used to see a list of currently installed SFMs.

Please note that this table will not be imported from previous versions and any non-default values will be

10.5 Corba.JacORB entries

Below 4 entries are retired. Please check and remove these 4 entries manually in your Configuration.omcdb file.


Please note below entry is new. Leave it with the default value. This specifies the JacORB properties file location.
This properties file contains all JacORB configurable properties, including those to manage any client, server port

Priorities(in increasing order) = Default,Project,User
Default/0 = cid:CONFIG:JacORB

10.6 ZTOMO environment entries

ZTOMO uses configuration properties defined in Omega.Environment and
Omega.Resource.Component.ZTOMO. Other SFMs that also use MPI are NOT impacted by these properties.

10.6.1 Retired ZTOMO Omega.Environment Entries

Please double check and make sure the following entries are removed.

The followings were retired in 2015.1:

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 27

10.6.1 Retired ZTOMO Omega.Environment Entries


The follows were retired in 2013.1:


10.6.2 Running ZTOMO with Infiniband Mellanox

MPI configuration defaults have been updated. Review and update the following values in Omega.Environment
namespace. On Infiniband clusters, the recommended and supported way of running ZTOMO is to use the
IBVerbs protocol. This protocol will improve robustness and prevent hangs.

The default settings to run ZTOMO with InfiniBand Mellanox are:

Omega.Environment.I_MPI_ADJUST_ALLTOALLV = 1
Omega.Environment.I_MPI_DEBUG = 100
Omega.Environment.I_MPI_EAGER_THRESHOLD = 131072
Omega.Environment.I_MPI_FABRICS = shm:ofa
Omega.Environment.I_MPI_FALLBACK_DEVICE = no
Omega.Environment.I_MPI_OFA_LIBRARY = /usr/lib64/

When setting the value of I_MPI_OFA_LIBRARY to /usr/lib64/, there should not be any trailing

10.6.3 Running ZTOMO with fabric other than Infiniband Mellanox

The default Omega installation configuration is configured not to fall back to TCP/IP and the default provider is
set to Infiniband Mellanox. Thus, Omega administrators in all sites where ZTOMO needs to run on machines
using TCP/IP or Qlogic must make the following updates for Omega:

To run ZTOMO with TCP/IP on all nodes:

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 28

10.6.3 Running ZTOMO with fabric other than Infiniband Mellanox

Omega.Environment.I_MPI_EAGER_THRESHOLD = 512
Omega.Environment.I_MPI_FABRICS = shm:tcp
Omega.Environment.I_MPI_FALLBACK_DEVICE = yes

To run ZTOMO with Infiniband Qlogic on all nodes:

Omega.Environment.I_MPI_EAGER_THRESHOLD = 131072
Omega.Environment.I_MPI_FABRICS = shm:tmi
Omega.Environment.I_MPI_FALLBACK_DEVICE = no

To run ZTOMO on specific nodes with TCP/IP, add host scopes with I_MPI_FALLBACK_DEVICE = yes for
specific hosts. For example, a cluster or a few engineering workstations where users may want to run ZTOMO
using TCP/IP, however use Infiniband on the primary cluster.

Please refer to the Configuration Explorer appendix in the Omega Administration Guide for directions to
create host scopes. You can use regular expressions to match hostnames. If you are creating regular expression to
match hostname, a common mistake is to omit "." in the pattern. For example, to match anything starting with hy
the pattern should be hy.*

In the example below, the site has been configured to run with IBVerbs by default without falling back to TCP/IP.

• I_MPI_FABRICS is scoped such that ZTOMO will use Infiniband Mellanox using IBVerbs by default,
but will use TCP/IP on clusters hyf, hyi, and hyl. I_MPI_OFA_LIBRARY is configured to define the
location of the IBVerbs library when ZTOMO uses Infiniband Mellanox using IBVerbs.
• I_MPI_FALLBACK_DEVICE is scoped such that it does not fall back to TCP on any cluster other than
hyf, hyi, and hyl.
• I_MPI_EAGER_THRESHOLD is scoped to contain the right value for TCP/IP on the clusters hyf, hyi,
and hyl.

Priorities(in increasing order) = Default,Host,User,Project
Default.noIBnode-hyf/0 = 512
Default.noIBnode-hyi/0 = 512
Default.noIBnode-hyl/0 = 512
Default/0 = 131072
Priorities(in increasing order) = Default,Host,User,Project

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 29

10.6.3 Running ZTOMO with fabric other than Infiniband Mellanox

Default.noIBnode-hyf/0 = shm:tcp
Default.noIBnode-hyi/0 = shm:tcp
Default.noIBnode-hyl/0 = shm:tcp
Default/0 = shm:ofa
Priorities(in increasing order) = Default,Host,User,Project
Default.noIBnode-hyf/0 = yes
Default.noIBnode-hyi/0 = yes
Default.noIBnode-hyl/0 = yes
Default/0 = no
Priorities(in increasing order) = Default,Host,User,Project
Default/0 = /usr/lib64/

Note: ZTOMO also uses the configuration properties in Omega.Resource.Component.ZTOMO which by default
need not be changed by the Omega administrator except when troubleshooting. Please refer to the configuration
database properties list to get more information about them.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 30

11 Start system services
Note: Usually all of the following services are hosted on the Oracle/OPM host. If some of the services are
hosted on different servers, start those services on the designated hosts.

• Start omegaopm service:

su - root
service omegaopm_2017.1extp start
service omegaopm_2017.1extp status

• Start omegardm service:

su - root
service omegardm_2017.1extp start
service omegardm_2017.1extp status

• Start omegainva service:

su - root
service omegainva_2017.1extp start
service omegainva_2017.1extp status

• Start omegamass service:

su - root
service omegamass_2017.1extp start
service omegamass_2017.1extp status

• Start the omegajobqconsumer service:

su - root
service omegajobqconsumer_2017.1extp start
service omegajobqconsumer_2017.1extp status

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 31

11 Start system services

• Start the whsmeventconsumer on the WHSMEventConsumerHost from the new baseline. The assumption
is that all projects have been upgraded to the latest schema version, and that Configuration.xml contains
the WHSMEventConsumerHost entry for the previous baseline as recommended in the *Review
Configuration.xml* section of this Transition Guide.

su - root
# stop whsmeventconsumer from the previous baseline
service omegawhsmeventconsumer_2016.1extp stop
ps -ef | egrep -i 'whsmevent|omega/event' | grep -v grep
# if the whsmeventconsumer with previous baseline still up,
# kill the pid from above steps

su - omadmin
cp /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml.bak
# update the Configuration.xml to use the new baseline for whsmeventconsumer service
vi /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml
# change "whsmeventconsumer" line to go with the new baseline in the file
# here we assume the whsmeventconsumer host shares the same /wg/omega
# with the JSS/OCM/installation server
# if not, update Configuration.xml on JSS/COM/Installation server and then
# update the whsmeventconsumer host

su - root
# start whsmeventconsumer service with new baseline
service omegawhsmeventconsumer_2017.1extp start
service omegawhsmeventconsumer_2017.1extp status

• Start the Omega web server (omegahttpd) on the web server host. This is the host that runs services for
ScanDisk, DUV and other web-based applications. This is also where OCM server download printouts for
jobs on the OCM web.

su - root
service omegahttpd stop
service omegahttpd status
service omegahttpd start
service omegahttpd status

• Restart MMS services, tape processes, and WHSM services with the new baseline .

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 32

11 Start system services

• For centers that have MMS, tape servers and WHSM, restart the MMS services, tape servers, and WHSM
services with the new baseline according to your own procedures.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 33

12 Update the compute nodes and other hosts
After all Omega services have started up, you can switch the default baseline to the new baseline and enable
auto-setup on all hosts.

Note: In a large and busy center, there is a chance OCM tries to assign jobs to certain compute nodes when they
are running Setup and the omegalauncher services are being restarted. In such cases, the jobs may be changed to
hold and nodes may be changed to failed by OCM. To prevent this, we can stop JobDispatcher before we run
Setup on the masters and compute nodes from OCM web page -> Admin -> Services -> JobDispatcher.

# on the JSS/OCM/Omega installation server

su - omadmin
cp /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml.bak
vi /wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml
# change "default-installation name" from '2016.1extp' to '2017.1extp'
# also change "auto-setup status" from 'off' to 'on'

• Send out updates if you have rsync set up to update the EWS/Login nodes with local /wg. Centers that do
not have local /wg on nodes can skip this.

# on the JSS/OCM/Omega installation server

su - omadmin
cd /wg/omega/support/rsync
watch ls status

With 'auto-setup status' to be "on", all the nodes should be updated automatically in around 20 minutes. If you
don't want to wait, then run /wg/omega/setup/Setup on these hosts manually.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 34

13 Start Windows update server
To propagate the installation to Windows workstations, start Windows Update Server using the following

# on Windows Update Server host

su - root
omegainst | grep 2017.1
# if new baseline does not show up, run Setup
service omegawindowsupdate status
service omegawindowsupdate restart
service omegawindowsupdate status

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 35

14 Install new Omega on Windows machines
14.1 Install prerequisite software from DVD
OmegaWindowsDesktop on each PC
unzip 03-Miscellaneous\Prerequisites\ThirdPartiesTools\

Double click InstallOmegaPrerequisites.bat to install Strawberry Perl , Python 2.7.12 and Ruby 1.9.2.

14.2 Install Omega Desktop Update from DVD

OmegaWindowsDesktop on each PC
Run 03-Miscellaneous\Prerequisites\OmegaDesktopUpdate\OmegaDesktopUpdate.17.1.17171.1.msi.

When prompted for global repository server name, enter the GR server name.

14.3 Install Omega desktop from DVD

OmegaWindowsDesktop on each PC
Run 02-Installation\Omega-2017.1xxx.msi and accept the default.

14.4 Select Omega site and force Omega update on each PC

From Start -> All Programs -> Schlumberger -> Omega Desktop Update -> Omega Site Selector -> select site
xxSite and click Ok .

From Start -> type in event viewer in search program and files field and hit Enter .

Then click on Windows Logs -> Application, and look for Omega Desktop Update logs. Press F5 to refresh until
the update is complete. Check if there are any errors here.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 36

14.4 Select Omega site and force Omega update on each PC

It may take a few minutes for the updates to finish.

Now check in C: and see if you see /ud and /wgdisk shortcuts (assume you use /wgdisk and /ud for seismic data
and project data directory) .

Click on /ud and /wgdisk/xxxxx and see if you can click through. If not, verify the samba setting and Linux user
id registration in Open Text Exceed.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 37

14.5 Open Omega desktop and test on each PC

14.5 Open Omega desktop and test on each PC

Bring up Omega2017.1###p on the Windows machine and submit one job.

Please make sure the Windows user name exists on the Linux side and is a member of the project group.

Open Xterm from Programs -> T-Z -> Xterm. If you could not open Xterm, check if you have login nodes
defined in RDM. And check if your Linux password is correct.

Open QCviewer and Attribute Display. If you can open Attribute Display but not QCviewer, then check firewall
setting and the group policy. Turn firewall off and see if you have the issue or not. Or unplug the network cable,
reboot the machine and see if you can open QCviewer.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 38

15 Install patches if there are any
Check on OmegaAndOCM DVD under /01-OmegaLinux/03-Miscellaneous/Patches and see if there are any

To install the patch one by one (as omadmin on the OCM/Omega installation server) :

su - omadmin
# assume the patches are copied to /wg/omega/patches
cd /wg/omega/patches
less 2017.1###Patchxx/README_Patch.txt
# install patch as instructed in the README file
# push out updates to nodes with local /wg if needed
# restart OPM/RDM services if needed
# restart Omega desktop if instructed

If there are Windows component for any patch, copy patches to Windows and install as instructed.

All Windows desktops need to force Omega updates to get the updates from Linux side. Watch Event Viewer on
the update progress.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 39

16 Run installation acceptance tests
The Omega acceptance test jobs and instructions is included in

First extract the files:

su - omadmin
cd /wg/omega/install_64_2017.1####/AcceptanceTest
tar -xf acc2017.tar
ls -al acc2017

Then start Omega 2017.1ext as an Omega user on one login node (with X display) and import test data into
project zz98. Detail instructions can be found at the end of the Quick start guide for Omega installation on linux

After the installation is verified, you can change the 'default-installation name' version to 2017.1extp in
/wg/omega/setup/Configuration.xml file.

Schlumberger Private - Customer Use 40

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