If Statement in Python

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IF Statement in Python

to be able to put a test or a certain condition , if statement should be added 

Ex. if the age of a person is less than 18 , he can not drive a car . if Not
( bigger than ) he can drive a car 

let  us translate above mentioned word to be a program in python

age =  eval( input ( " age = "))

if age <18 then 

Print(" you can not drive ")


If ( age < 18) :                                           if the answer is true or right  immediately the
next line is executed  
print (" you can not drive ")
if you focused in above program we will deduct the following 
1- if the answer of question ( if age < 18) is age less than 18 ? answer is YES or TRUE 
that is mean this person can not drive  a car 
2- the next line will be executed immediately  in case the answer of if statement is true
3- if the answer of question or statement if ( if age < 18) that is mean his age if bigger
than 18 ? answer will be FALSE or NO the program will go to ENDIF to finish the
Cont. If statement with testing two cases Else statement
2020-03-11 10:30:08
if ( age <18 ): 
print ("you can not drive)                                         in case of true    your age is less than
18 and go to ENDIF
else                                                                           in case of False    your age is bigger
than 18 and go to Endif
print (" you can  drive a car" )                

comparison and logical operators

2020-03-11 10:37:38
Many of the conditions you will work with depend on a compriosn of variables . 
the result is a boolean ( True or False)
==    equal 
!=  Not equal
<  less than
<= less than or equal 
> Greater than
>= Greater or equal 

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