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  Summerhill School

Love and Wisdom

Student: _________________________________________________  Class: _6TH ________ 
Subject: _HISTORY______        _________________________________ Date: _______ 
Teachers: _Mr LUIS DAVID SANCHEZ.     

1. according with the video complete each statement and answer the questions below.

 During the founding of Rome the first type of government was ____________, and its first
monarch was ______________.
 Most of nations over _______________________sea were conquered by the ___________
 Romans were known as very good ______________. They ____________ many public
works like _____________, _______________, and ______________
 Roman children have to go to _________________.
 Some enemies of Rome were barbarians came from ___________________.

A. How long was the Rome´s foundation?


B. What was a republic?


C. What nations were conquered by Rome?


D. What were the social classes in the time of Rome?


2. Match some nations conquered by romans into the sketch map

 Egypt ____

 Syria ____
 Hispania ___
 Gauls___
 Germania __

3. Complete the following concept map according each subtitle


about political

Characteristics Characteristics
about public about cultural
works legacies


4. Together with the teacher read carefully the slides on the Roman Empire and summarize the
information about the emperor Julius Caesar and his most important achievements.

5. finally using the last video, identify some causes and effects about the Fall of Roman Empire

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