Pastoral Epistle and Ministry Reflective Thought Question

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Reflective thought question

1. Pastor is the one chosen by god to look after the congregation or flock
-Is Gods shepherd to look after sheep. Pastor has the responsibility to manage and look after
God’s people.

Challenges of pastor.
i]Must pastors they lack general knowledge and training on how to look properly or shepherd sheep,
these why most of them abuse the little of pastor by coaching ,exaggerating things that don’t belongs to
bible scripture.
ii]Majority of pastors suffer of financial stability ,these make them weak in their administration and
self reliance in their other operation. This affect them most in their family and the church.
iii] Pastors face tough opposition from their calling because most false pastors speak louder to
follows them than true pastors and these cause false pastors to have big congregation that were mislead
from true word of God.
Reflection Thought Question
1.Would you consider yourself to be called of God ?Why?
I belief am called to serve his people because I was brought up in Christian and I was taught
the way of God but this is not the reason.
In ten years ago I was sermon to preach in the church and when I preached I had then burden of
reading and preaching the word of GOD ,I started counselling people in the church, that’s where I
realise I have the great gift of healing after praying to people and they get healed instantly.
Then I loved GOD so much by reading the bible become my habit one day on Tuesday in my house
resting, heard a loud voice like that of a microphone speaking but it come from the throne said to
THINGS THAT YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN AND HEARD it repeated three times that is the time I recognised
myself that am called by God to do his will.
2.Critically reflect on this statement that the call could be confirmed through result in the ministry.
Calls can be or confirmed through in the church when one excirse it and by anointing one in the church
through public witnessing.
--It can also confirmed by one showing ability to do Gods will effectively and willing in the presence of
other example, preaching, prophesying ,counselling.
Q3.What are the challenges with this position and how could they be surmounted.

-The challenges of this position of calling is hard one to know whether has been calls or not. Many
people think that has been calls yet have no calls and yet have calls to do God’s will.

-It can be surmounted when one are can be given an opportunity to do God’s will, is when one can
realise if he has or not. And if one given that opportunity one will have conviction to do again and again
and people around you will witness by saying for real you can do the will. This attempted can help one
to understand himself or identify his /herself if one has a calls or no

Q4. How would you help someone who certain of their calls
-I think to help someone who certain of their call is to advise him /her to listen the conviction from
-Second to give him opportunity to do God’s will and see if he/she feel like doing or not
-This opportunity can help one realise what he has as a call and also going to bible college to study the
word of god.
Q5. How would you help an individual who has discovered that they are not called 0of God?

I think to advise him to seek guidance from God through prayer so that God can reveal to him what
he/she can do.


Reflective thought question

Q1. In what ways do you think the admonitions in the pastoral letters could be applied to the church
today? Summarise the message of the pastoral letters in one page in your own words
What would you reduce these admonitions to? Be sure to, focus on the key ideal in each book.

-Admonitions in the pastoral letters could be applied to the church today because most of today’s
churches there is a lot of mess up where we need Christian women to dress decent and orderly to avoid
confusion in the church. Like two month ago pregnant pastor who stood before the congregation with
fun clothes that exposes her negatives while preaching the word of God.

-Christian women should learn to dress well and orderly in order to present God. And they should
submit to the lord and to their own husband. This will make the church to look beautiful and orderly.

Old Christian women should teach young women the way of God and how they like with their
husband because most newly marriage couple in the church they suffer because this young women they
don’t know how to manage their marriages.
Thus why they need old women Christian who has the experience of marriage to teach them.
Titus 2:3-4 and 2timothy 1:5, 3:15 timothy was taught at home by his mother and grandmother.
For some extended the Christian women have to be quest in the church to bring order in the church
because most rich Christian women use christ freedom to abuses the church by looking down upon
poor people ,thus why in the church Paul wrote to Corinthians about the women to sit down in order
to bring order in the church, be darkened and the moon will not give its light Mathew 24: 29.
(iii) Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our diseases Mathew 8:17.
(iv) He said go and tell these people be ever hearing but never understanding be ever seeing but never
parcening luke 8:10

(V) A voice of one is calling in the desert prepare the way for the Lord make straight in the wilderness a
highway for our God. John 1:23.



Reflective Thought Question

Q Think of various reasons why pastors fail to remain credible in the ministry and list down at least 5.

 Unfaithfulness to members and non-members

 Our looking their family and marriage instability
 Not paying debts
 Indulging to sexually affairs with members
 Not committed in his calling

Q2. What steps can be taken to ensure that these reasons are dealt with to ensure fruitful ministry.

The pastors should ensure that his/her family is stable and proper shepherd cared

Pastors should be faithful all the time to all people to avoid bad image.

Sometimes pastors should avoid sexual affairs with other women but should love her partners and show
example to members.

Pastors should remember his/her calling and avoid other things that might waste their time in steady
concentrating to ministry



Q1. What specific steps are you willing to take to ensure you shepherd your family?

 F First i will keep the commandment of God that say that i should care my family without
any excuse.
 Also i will ensure that i have enough time with my family and provide all necessary for the
wellbeing of my family as love ,food, shelter and clothing and also recognising my family.
 Secondly will make sure that i balance the ministry and my family, according to the word of god.
Q2.Which are the most common character defects in your ministry context? What plans do you have to
insulate yourself from them?

 Who am I in character? Most ministers their character in contrary with what they do, many are
unfaithful, immoral and self-centred.
 On my part I want my character to portray who am I as a minister, in all my areas of
surrounding to represent God in the right manner

Q3.Discuss other ways that could be used to heal and prevent wounding among pastors.

 The only way to present and wounding from a pastor first we need to develop a culture of
protection in the churches organisation structure that limit people to face the pastor instead
they face the certain panel before they reach to pastor.
 All church need to choose team leaders wisely because most of the leaders selected the
the one who are trouble makers to pastor.
 The church need to develop culture of healthy to handle issues in the church that faces

Q4.List down other areas you think makes pastoral counselling unique from other firms.?

Pastoral counsellors providers a spiritual perspective on persons and their problem unlike other from of
counselling because pastoral counselling involves prayers, scriptural and God guidance for people


Reflective Thought Question

Q1. What do you think are other responsibilities that the pastor should be engaged in?

Pastor should engage in educating youth to obsitination from sexual activities because is against God
commandment to unmarried people.

Pastor to engage on community to warn people against abusing their body by using bad drugs and
smoking ,tattoos ,injecting bills to women that make them fat ,widen their hips and change their facial

Q2.To what extent is your church involves in the functions explained above?

In my church we focus most to teach and preach the word of God as required to spread the gospel. I
also exercise full leadership and administration to ensure that everything in the church flows will
through my guidance and direction on how we organise the service in the church and outside home
Church ceremonies we do ceremonies in the church of child dedication to God , water baptism and
laying of hands to believers and also partaking of sacraments

Conflict Resolution ,peace-making as the church we involves most for bring peace in the families and
in the community in general.


Reflection Thought question e last

Q1 Of the issues discussed above, which ones bear a lot of weight in your ministry? What steps are you
willing to take to insure that you deal with inconsistencies between the current nature of you ministry
and what is recommended as best practice in the Matters discussed.

(a) The sacred wilderness of pastoral ministry.

(b) The tent making pastor.
(c) The challenge of pastoral ministry.


 -The issues I mentioned above beared more weight to my ministry because I have been
experienced my ministry because I have been experienced the sacred wilderness of pastoral
ministry for one year. I struggle to manage the ministry alone but now I have discovered the need
of helper or partner in the ministry because a time when one is tired and struggling with other issues
there, somebody for you to help, advise pray where necessary.
 In my ministry I have realise the important of tent making pastor because sometimes the church
is still young and it cannot be able to stand or support my ministry. This make everything hard to
me thus why I see the need of tend making pastors to support me until the church will be able to
stand on its on.
 Combating spiritual dryness is a key part in my ministry to put place because there was a time I was
reluctant and tired to continues to minister. Was very dry when I was attacked by the thugs and
injured, I asked myself many question without even praying now I have come to know how to go
about spiritual dryness especial in dangerous circumstances.
 Also I have learned to grow through the time of trouble in the ministry.
 Cultivating genuine humility in the ministry to serve as an example I everything I do as GOD
command as to take action and humble ourself.

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