Clinical Performance Final Evaluation

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GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Clinical Evaluation Tool Semese Yur Sine 2020 Evahation Day and Date: ann 21/0/4090 ‘Student First Name Last Name: ‘Makenna Tracy Clinical Faculty First Name Last Name: Inst mbes Implement and evaluate holistic plan of care, incorporating individual preferences and physica, spiritual, and ‘emotional needs fr complex clients. 2, Synthesize knowledge of anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, microbiology, and assessment findings in the provision of care for complex clients +3, Provide education regarding interventions, health promotion, and disease prevention for complex cients. 4 Apply evidence-based standards and protocols and data from client care technology to prioritize sae delivery of client care. 5, Communicate therapeutically with clients, families, and members ofthe health ere team in sensitive, stessful, or ethically challenging situations to improve complex client outcomes. 6, Advocate for clients in complex envitonments and demonstrat tical, egal, nd profesional behavior while providing clint-entered are +7, Demonstrate the principles of delegation to interisipinary team members based on knowledge of thet role and scope of practice, {© 2018, Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved aS Client-Centered Care ‘Develop an individualized plan of eare with a focus on assessment and planning, utilizing the ‘nursing process while respecting the diversity of cients Zi ‘Demonstrate caring behaviors, including assessing Tor the presence and exit of pain and sullering.* 3]3 ‘Condacta comprehensive, hola asesmen While Siting Sens Value, TESTES, and needs 243 ‘Demonstrate developing ails i selected payehomator act ies. 33 Demonstrate efective therapeutic communication sill wth diverse cles and fils 213 Perform elective teaching with clients, Fails, and caregivers tat adresses lien needs and the promotion of wellness. 2|2 Safety, Informatics, and Quality Improvement 3] 3 3] 3 Document clear and concise responses o cae, a appropriate Tor linia setting (6, EHR, yi paper documentation, eae plan). ‘rotcet confidentiality ofall Client data and promo the eical we of eleronic health information.* 3/3 Taentily methods to deliver care ina timely and cas-lTecve manner. 2[3 “Teamwork and Collaboration Develop elfetve vel ad wren communion ss wid en, eam mens a | farnly eid) | Tay Ia a To Sonne POTS pono alla | TEER aT al repel a mera OPT HOTT {subi callaboratve lense wih eam menos 3] 3 TEE i BST Tor Fey WC POPC ao al Professional Role 3|3 ‘Maintain postive atte and interact with intesprofessional tea members, faculty, and | fellow students in a postive, professional manne, incloding accepting constructive feedback 3}3 and developing a plan of action for improvement. “Arve puncually, demonstate expected Behaviors, complete tasks na nely manne, and ae ‘maintain professional behavior and appearance.” “Aesept individual sponsiiiy and aecouniabilig Tor nursing iiervenons ome, and pals ‘tbe ations; engage in self-evaluation; and assume responsibility for learing.* SS by final vain Conn of hi cha based Quality and Sty Easton fr Nurses (QSEN) comptes end tne, son andes S48 ‘ua an Softy cation fr Nant 2047), QSEN competencies. Reeve om han or compttisn-lcmaa 3 a Final Evaluation Comments Faculty Comments (include siengths and areas for improvement Makenna Tt have given you a2 [Se (With Assistance oF Supervised) onthe section of “Perform effective teaching with liens, families, and caregivers that addresses client needs and the promotion of wellness.” As your knowledge as a student and then ‘88 an RN increases, you willbe able to independently perform effective teaching with lens, families, and caregivers tht adresses

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