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GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY” Create collaborative nursing plan of cae tht piorizes safe, evidence-based, holistic elien-entere care for ‘the pediatric client ina variety of setings. >. Apply knowledge ofthe various developmental stages of pediatric clients in the cient plan of ere. Incorporate the family unit san integral pat ofthe pan of eare while providing consistent safe tical, and holistic eare tothe peditrie lent. Provide culturally easitiv, developmentally appropriate client education to families on health promotion and injury and disease prevention. ‘Apply professional standards of practice inthe delivery ofclientcentered cae. Interpret data fom client care technology to improve care and outcomes of pediatric clients and fries Communicate therapeutically with pete clients and families o build therapeutic relationships that improve client outcomes and satisfaction, {© 2018. Grand Canyon University, All Rights Reserved, oo | aie [Fa NSG-434C Clinical Competencies elelélz elie B) 20) 8 la Client-Centered Care ‘Seteennaserag Develop an ndividualied plan of er witha Toous on aiesment and planning ailing || 17) nursing process while respecting the diversi of clients Z ‘Demonstrate caring bhavirs, including assessing Torte pose and cen of pan and 2 sufering* Z| Conducta comprehensive, haiti assssmen while ccing Sia” ales, peers and needs. 2 ‘Desnonstaie developing ls in sled pacman ac Zz Demonstrate festive therapeutic communication sills wih diverse Cet ad Tlic Z Perform effesive eaching with ie, Tani, and caregiver tha alesse cen needs and a the promotion of wellness. Z| Safety, Informatis, and Quality Improvement ‘Demonstrate standardized infection contol practices (hand washing and PPE) ta suppor 7S safety and quality, nd implement strategies o reduce rk of harm to slf of others.” 3 Tay ovo cen nis si gis for medication anna, and vrcaton of oe r ‘orders forthe client roe o implementation as encountered in the clinical envionmen.® 2 Docent lear ad coin sponses 10 car, as appropriate Tor clinical sting le EHR, ‘paper documentation, care plan). z Protest cofdenality of al ent daw al promote eal use of Hesvoic hah information.* "eentiy methods to deliver care i a timely and cosvefecive manner “Teamwork and Collaboration ‘Develop effective verbal and written communication skills with clients, eam members, and T family. Tey relevant data Tor communication Ta presonTerenses and posicoTerences a Tey ntraprofessional and iteprofessional tam member roles and scopes of pase, and establish collaborative relationships with tam members. w& foals Teafy te ned for elp when appropriate To station 0 Professional Role Demonstrate sore profesional values uch a ang, liam autonomy, ee, haman dignity, and soca juice) wile complying with the ANA Code of ihe nd Standards of Practice, and policies and proedres of Grand Canyon Univesity, Cllge of Nursing ad Healt Cae Profession, and clinical agencies * Minin postive site and interact wth itepofEsomal eam menos ely and {ello tents in positive, professional mane, ning accepting onsbucv ecdack and developing plan of action for improvement." “rive punctual, demons expected behavior, complete aks naively anne and ‘atin fessional ear and appearance “Recep idl responsi and accountaiiy Tor ming ner eaons, EOE, and lel ster ations: engage in self-valaton and assume responsiblity for aming.* 3|_} ‘Citcal comptcis Nghe nylon Sides who a1 Dae Ne Meo an of compete ial ation wl fl linea Sse emtepegemcnee aco 0 nena we cones mre ito eer fal aon. Canton of ts hc aslo aly ant Safe Ect fr Nes (SEN) competence ong hl nd te (SA (any end Seley dain res nt. 2017 QSEN cnet Rete om yon enna ak 3 w w w i Midterm Evaluation Comments Faculty Comments (Include strengths and areas for improvement) Student Comments (identity tree areas for development): Final Evaluation Commesits Faculty Comments (Include stengths and areas for improvement): Student Comments (Identity three areas for development) Yurrepdic Commanicdion sills w/ divase uf tw ‘ e ing wl clends foonlhes, @ Caregivers thet > jend nocls § Dhue promobion of meallnuss fo deliv” Core in a Ninurly ¢ coal-efFecdileg ‘Signatures indicate staden and clinical faculty have reviewed and disevssed the Clnial Evaluation Tool ‘Student Signature at Midterm Date se JOO, co \ ‘Student Signature at Final: \ (Clinical Faculty Signatur at Midterm: (Clinical Faculy Signature at Final Remediation for Unsatisfactory Arcas fa student ears a score ‘compl well ‘of Ion any competeney a ithe the midterm o ial evaluation, the clinical culty and student must ‘the following documentation fr remediation of unsatisfactory areas Didactic faculty are requied to signoff on this plan as | have reviewed the content with the elinial faculty nd agree with the remediation plan for the student, Didactic Faculty Signature at Fina: Date Clinical Scoring Guidelines The linia Evaluation ' ua aration Tool (CET) sed inal clini musing counes ars the BSN Pre License pra. ach clinical levels within th igns with its co-requisite didactic course and builds on prior knowledge, skills, and attitudes from other courses and ‘clinical eval te Program, as appropriate. Faculty members will perform either a final clinical evaluation, or both a midterm and final Srincaetltion depending onthe length af the cinclrouton, using the CET for ac ten. Faculty wil discus the cvaluation thse abot stuns an Sy msg and ni frm lade luo ws compel and dissed emia = into cl ‘aculty will also complete the cor jing rubric in. ‘Agape sand CET shld e poet ino ie onl crm Fly wile compe he coreg General Criteria: ‘When observing stents in he clinical seting and assigning a score, aly wil conse the following gee rite + Supervision: The degree of sperision req forte eet level of clin practice + Clinical Judgment: Te competence of using care bse 0 the application ofthe musing proces using diagnoses, nt clinical reasoning to ke informe devon tht provide Safe, uli cet ae Professionals Te nature ofthe nrastions nd communion wit ints nd he inertia ta, poesional demeanor an presence. + Application of hls and Knowledge: The sity to apply nrsing knowledge thoy, and sills inthe lnc seting. ‘+ SelfDirecion: Te ability to address one's own learning goals and neds, Scoring Guidelines: Faculty wil assign a score of 1 to 3 for each clinical competency listed onthe CET. When observing stadensin the clinical setting, faculty wll apply the following sets of enter holistically when assigning a sore fr each clinical competency. Ifa student scores 1 {many category, the clinical faculty should complete an Early Alert and meet withthe stent o discuss the student's performance and plans to improve. The clinical faculty also needs to complete the remediation portion onthe CET. The remediation portion will hen heed tobe shared withthe didactic faculty for review and signature, ‘Score = 3 (Independent) ‘To.achievea score of3, the student ‘+ Funetons independently, appropriately, and safely in the clnieal sting. 5 Pr” Demonstrates frequent, informed clinical judgment and ensures safe, quality client car Demonstrates consistent professionalism and effective communication with cients, hile maintaining professional demeanor and appearance at all times, Demonstrate consistent, accurate integration of nursing knowledge, sil and ties inthe cil sting. Engages consistently ina erected approach oleamig, independently sesks appropiate guidance andres 1, and theinteriscplinary team Score =2 (With Assistance or Supervised) To achieve a score of2, the student Functions appropriately and safely with occasional guidance andr supervision inthe clinical sting, Demonstrates average clinical judgment and ensures safe, quality client are. Demonstrates suficint professionalism and effective communication wit elients, ail ‘while maintaining professional demeanor and appearance most ofthe time; Demonstrates reasonable integration of nursing knowledge, sil, an atitades in the clinical setting eds help recognizing esources an leaming opporturites, ies, and the intrdisepinary fam Altempis a self-rcted approach to lesning, bu ne ‘Score’ 1 (Does Not Mee) ‘To achieve a score of I, the student: Does not funtion safely in the eincal setting even with persistent guidance. Rarely demonstrates appropriate clnieal judgment and struggles to rationalize measures fr sae, quality lint cae Demonstrates a consistent lack of professionalism and effective communication sills with liens, families, and the inrdfsptinary team while failing to maintain a professional demeanor and appearance. onstrates a significant lack of integration of musing knowledge, kills, nd atitudesin the clinical setting oes not attempt a self-directed approach to larng and requires persistent, detailed instructions regarding learning ‘opportunites and resources and is unable to utlize them without support. 9

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