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NAMA : Nurliana Sazwani

NIM : P07120118097


1. The incorrect option is B

Each number is (the contents of) a binery system “which” (which uses which not are) is
formed from only two symbols

2. The incorrect ooption is A

Because a subject is scientist

3. The incorrect option is C

Because the plural form of the verb are does not match the singular form of the subjectrim

4. The incorrect option is B

Because we should omit “at”. The correct one is “the deputy officer was charged with looking
over the files…(without “it”)

5. The incorrect option is A

Part A (initial) must be added by ly (initially) in order balance with part D (eventually)

6. The incorrect option is A

“gone” (third form) changes to “went” (second form)

7. I have a dream to be a useful person for others, one of them I studied at the Health Ministry of
Health Ministry of Health, majoring in nursing. In my opinion college in nursing is not a very
easy thing because the responsibility that is held is very large that is related to life. If I think
why I majored in this ?, I will think again I will return to my first goal that is useful for others.
Nurses always provide nursing care for people who are in a healthy or physically sick or
psychological condition. Nurses have a very important role because they are 24 hours near the
patient. Therefore, being a nurse must be grateful because there are many people who want to
be nurses.

8. time is a capital for people who have the desire or aspirations for success. Every successful
person must use the time as well as possible because successful people always try new things
in the course of time. Time is the best teacher for people who always pay attention. if used
improperly it will be in vain for its users. Start thinking from now on to always see how much
time is spent on good things with less useful things because time can't go back. There are still
many people now use time ineffectively such as sleeping too long, playing cellphones,
excessive imagining, let's think if we fill our time by reading books, looking for interesting
information and trying new things, we will get more new knowledge. Therefore, if you still
have the opportunity, use your time with useful things, because regret always comes at the
end, not at the beginning.

9. The Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Economic Progress has issued a business license to
the Qua Ping Trading Corporation, Thailand’s firs joint-venture foreign trade company. The
Bangkok-based venture was set up through an agreement between the Eastern Trading
Company of Bangkok. According to one economic analyst, foreign companies will benefit
from this new venture company because of a 3% lowering of tariffs on goods exported to
Thailand, while Thailand will have opportunity to learn from foreign management styles.

10. I agree with the joint venture because foreign companies can benefit from this company as a
result of a 3% reduction in tariffs for goods exported to Thailand while Thailand has the
opportunity to learn from a foreign management style.

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