2015 학년도 제 1 학기 (mid-term) 시험문제

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2015 학년도 제 1 학기 ( mid-term )시험문제 시험과목 MICROBIOLOGY I 담당교수 김종설

전공 생명과학부 학년 2 학번 성명 2015. 4. 23

※ 답안 작성 전에 서명해 주십시오. “나는 지성인으로서 정직한 태도로 시험에 임하겠습니다.” (서명 : )

* 문제번호의 순서대로 답안지에 답을 작성할 것! (#1-26: 3 points each; #27-28: 11 points each)
[1-12]빈칸을 영어로 채우시오 .
1. "The role of the infinitely ________________ in nature is infinitely large." - Louis Pasteur
2. Pasteur disproved the theory of ________________ generation, which led to the development of methods for controlling the growth of
3. A ___________________________________ (CSLM) is a computerized microscope that couples a laser source to a light microscope.
4. The terms chemoorganotroph, chemolithotroph, and phototroph refer to organisms that use ________________ chemicals, ________________
chemicals, or light, respectively, as their source of ________________ .
5. In Gram-negative bacteria, the region between the cytoplasmic membrane and the outer membrane is called ________________ space.
6. Unlike Bacteria and Eukarya, Archaea contain ________________-linked lipids, and some species have membranes of ________________
instead of bilayer construction.
7. ________________ function as survival structures and enable the organism to endure difficult times. ________________ can thus be
thought as the dormant stage of a bacterial life cycle.
8. ________________ cultures are microbial cultures containing a single kind of microorganisms.
9. The most important energy-rich phosphate compound in cells is ___________________________________ (ATP). ATP is the prime
________________ currency in all cells.
10. ________________ media are prepared by adding precise amounts of highly purified inorganic or organic chemicals to distilled water.
Therefore, the exact chemical composition of a ________________ medium is known.
11. Under anoxic conditions, electron acceptors other than ________________ can be used to support respiration. Examples include NO3-, Fe3+,
SO42-, CO32-, etc. These processes are called ________________ respiration.
12. In microbiology, ________________ is defined as an increase in the number of cells. Most microorganisms grow by ________________ .

[13-24] True/False (각 점 틀린 답은 감점
3 , ―3!)
13. ( ) In general, microbial cells are very small, particularly prokaryotes. Small cells contain more surface area relative to cell volume
than large cells.
14. ( ) In Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli only about 10% of the total cell wall consists of peptidoglycan.
15. ( ) Both RNA and DNA are informational macromolecules. RNA can fold into various configurations to obtain secondary structure.
16. ( ) Proteins are the most abundant class of macromolecule in the cell. Amino acids are the monomers of proteins. All amino acids
contain a carboxylic acid group (–COOH) and an amono group (–NH2).
17. ( ) Motility in most Bacteria is due to flagella. However, the flagella motility is rare among Archaea due to their cell wall structures.
18. ( ) Peptidoglycan, the “signature” molecule in the cell walls of Bacteria, is absent from the cell walls of Archaea. On the other hand, an
outer membrane is present in the cell walls of most Archaea.
19. ( ) Chemoorganotrophs can conserve energy from the oxidation of organic compounds through fermentation and respiration.
Respiration results in the complete oxidation of an organic compound with much greater energy release than occurs during fermentation.
20. ( ) Viruses are a major class of microorganisms, but they are not cells.
21. ( ) Microbial eukaryotes are a diverse group that include algae, protozoa, fungi, and slime molds. Some algae and fungi have
developed mutualistic associations called lichens.
22. ( ) When electrons are transported through an electron transport chain, protons are intruded to the inside of the cytoplasmic
membrane forming the proton motive force. The cell uses the proton motive force to make ATP through the activity of ATPase.
23. ( ) A typical growth curve for a microbial population can be obtained in a continuous culture. The growth curve describes an entire growth
cycle, including the lag phase, exponential phase, stationary phase, and death phase.
24. ( ) The most common type of continuous culture device is the chemostat. In the chemostat culture, the growth rate is controlled by
the dilution rate of the limiting nutrient.

25. Draw a universal phylogenetic tree showing the three domains of life. To which do you belong?

26. “ 미생물”을 한자로 적어보시오.

뒷면 활용 계산식 포함 지구의 억년 역사를 1년으로 압축한다면 인류는 언제 탄생하였을까(월, 일, 시, 분, 초)? 단, 인류
27. ( , ) 1) 46
는 년 전에 지구에 나타난 것으로 가정한다.
(Homo sapiens) 500,000
세대 시간
2) 분인 세균 를 고체배지에 접종하였으며, (
(generation time) 30 )시간 배양 후 지름 2mm인 반구(half sphere)
모양의 를 관찰할 수 있었다
colony 는 대략 몇 개의 세균 A 세포로 이루어졌을까? 대략 몇 시간 배양 후 관찰한 결과일까? 단,
. colony
세균 세포는 지름 ㎛의 구 모양이며 지수 성장을 하는 것으로 가정한다.
2 (sphere) ,

뒷면 활용) 본인이 조사한 과학자가 19C 프랑스 과학자 Pasteur와 직접 만나서 대화를 나누었다고 가정하고, 가상의 대화 내용을
28. (
정리해 보시오. 그들의 생애, 미생물에 대한 생각, 미생물학에 남긴 발자취 등이 대화에 포함되어야 함.
※ 주위에서 부정행위를 하는 학생이 있으면 그 학생의 이름이나 학번을 적으시오. ( )

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