Guía de Actividades y Rúbrica de Evaluación - Fase 4 - Elaborar El Plan Prospectivo y Estratégico para La Empresa Seleccionada PDF

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National University Open and Distance

Academic and Research Vice-Rectory

Guide format of activities and assessment rubric

1. General description of the course

School or Academic School of Administrative, Accounting, Economic and

Unit Business Sciences
Level of education Professional
Training Field Disciplinary training
Course name Strategic Prospective
Course code 102053
Type of course Methodological Make-up test Si ☐ No ☒
Number of credits 2

2. Description of the activity

Number of
Type of activity: Individual ☐ Collaborative ☒ 2
First ☐ Unit: One ☐ Final ☒
and two
Evaluative weight of the Activity delivery environment: Monitoring
activity: 125 and evaluation
Start date of the activity: Closing Date of the activity:
November 29, 2019 December 12, 2019
Competence to develop:

• Recognize the fundamentals, origins and areas of influence of the

prospective as a multidiscipline. Basic elements in the identification of the
most influential variables and actors and the main challenges the
organization will face in the future.

• Design scenarios by using different prospective tools, in order to identify

the best strategies of the action plan that will allow the organization to
support itself over time.
Topics to develop:
Methods and tools to build a shared vision of the future: Design of scenarios.

Steps, the learning strategy stage to be developed:

Step 1: Select role

Step 2: Carry out the prospective and strategic Plan

Step 3: Contribute to the consolidation of the final work

Activities to develop

Step 1: Select a Role: Students will select one of the roles to develop their
duties as if the small group were a company and they had to deliver a product or

Note: Who acted as secretary in phase 3 should send to this forum the
final document of the previous phase so that peers have access to the
table of classification and selection of strategies and can make the
relevant and coherent contributions for the realization of the final video
which will serve as the final evaluation.

Step 2: Prospective and strategic plan: It is built from the strategies (What to
do?) And the objective (What do we want to achieve?) Raised in the table of
classification and selection of strategies of phase three.

This action plan must contain the strategy - What to do?, the objective, What do
we want to achieve?

When raising that strategy, who? (Actors) will allow the achievement of the
objective and therefore of the strategy, activities and / or necessary actions - how
to do it or how can the objective and the strategy proposed be achieved? and
finally propose the follow-up plan (If it is going to be quarterly, semiannual and /
or annual) for each of the activities and / or actions planned, this must be done
from the year 20XX and until the year they selected to perform the bet scenario.

Example plan, prospective and strategic plan:


Nombre del Escenario Apuesta: Elaborado por:

Plan de seguimiento para cada

Estrategia Objetivo Actores Acciones Acción (Meses o Años)
¿Qué hacer? ¿Qué queremos lograr? ¿Qué o quienes intervienen? ¿Cómo lo lograremos? %
Realizar cursos de Lograr que el 80% de los
inducción donde se estudiantes matriculados
indiqué el uso de la aprendan el uso de las
plataforma y de las tecnologías de la
TIC´s usadas en la información y la
Univesidad comunicación

Step 3: Each student contributes for the consolidation of the final work, which
must have all the corrections suggested by the tutor according to the respective
feedbacks made in each of the previous phases.

Collaborative Learning Environment: Consult the guide for the

Environments activity and all the interaction with the other participants of the
for collaborative working group, as well as consolidate the final
development document to be sent through the Evaluation and Follow-up
Select a role and fulfill functions

Realization of the prospective and strategic plan based on the

Products to
classification and selection of strategies.
be delivered
by the
student Collaborative:

Contributions for the construction of a video that contains the

consolidation of all phases (two, three and four) with the
following structure:
 Group presentation
 Introduction
 General and specific objectives of the course
 Development of the activity:

- Company name

- Three challenges that the organization will face in the


-Justification of the relevance or need to formulate a

prospective and strategic plan for the postulated
company so that it can be sustained over time

- Brief description of the Micmac method

- Brief explanation of:

Consolidated table with the variables

Matrix of direct influences - MID

Plan of dependencies influences

Graph of Indirect influences

Graph of Potential direct

Plan of displacements

Consolidated table of actors

-Brief description of the method of construction of


Hypothesis table
- Classification table of the key variables

- Brief description of the axis of Peter Schwartz

- Peter Schwartz's axle

- Description of each scenario (Bet, 2 alternative and 1


- Classification table and strategy selection.

- Brief description of the Strategic Plan

- Action Plan Chart

 Conclusions
 Bibliography:
The work document should be a Word file, sent by the secretary
as Fase_4_Group 00, through the environment Monitoring and
evaluation, it should only have the cover with the name of the
participants who contributed to the performance of the final
phase and the YouTube link. It must not exceed 10 minutes.
General guidelines for collaborative work for the development of
the activity

Each student must select a different role in each developing

phase, and must fulfill duties as if they were inside a company,
where they have to deliver a product.

In the individual work, each student must contribute directly in

Activity Planning the collaborative learning environment, in the respective forum,
for the according to the phase, and indications given in the activity
development of guide, taking into account the assessment rubric.
collaborative work
Students must contribute to consolidate the work, taking into
account APA standards and structure (Cover, Back Cover, table
of contents, list of tables, list of figures, Introduction, objective
(General and specific), development of the activity, conclusions
and Bibliography)
Roles to be Manager
developed by the Fiscal Auditor
student within the Head of area
collaborative Counter
group Secretary
Manager: Responsible for the communication between the
tutor and the team with the executive report that will be carried
out with the help of the area manager (200 words average) on
fulfilling the functions of each of the selected roles and on the
contributions of both individual and group work.

Roles and Fiscal Auditor: Responsible for making the schedule of both
responsibilities for individual and group work, he/she is the person that makes
the production of evaluation and monitoring of the development of different
deliverables by activities within the agreed time and, if the case is, to make
students calls for attention to comply with work.

Head of Area: Responsible for checking if the team is fulfilling

the functions for each role, individual and group contributions,
and if the schedule proposed by the fiscal reviewer is being
Accountant: Responsible for getting the material and/or
information for the development of activities and/or processes,
and communication between the tutor and colleagues by
internal mail, chat and/or Skype in regards of any doubts and
urgent concerns from the group.

Secretary: Responsible for collecting all the contributions made

by colleagues and consolidate the work as requested in the
activity guide and deliver it by the evaluation and monitoring
environment, under the corresponding task.

The APA Standards are the style of organization and

presentation of information most used in the area of social
sciences. These are published under a Manual that allows you
to have access to the ways in which a scientific article should be
presented. Here you can find the most relevant aspects of the
Use of references
sixth edition of the APA Standards Manual, such as references,
citations, preparation and presentation of tables and figures,
headings and seriation, among others. You can check how to
implement them by entering the page.

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is defined by the dictionary of the Royal Academy as

the action of "Copying in the substantial works of others, giving
them as their own"

Plagiarism is a serious fault: it is the equivalent, in the

academic field, to theft. A student who plagiarizes does not take
his/her education seriously, and does not respect the
Plagiarism policies
intellectual work of others.

There is no small plagiarism. If a student uses any portion of

another person's work, and does not document the source,
he/she is committing an act of plagiarism.

Penalties for plagiarizing in UNAD Virtual

Students are expected to know that plagiarism is not an

acceptable academic behavior.

The first time a student commits plagiarism in one of the

activities of the courses; he/she will get a grade of zero (0.0)
points in the task, activity or exam in question, and the
coordination of the program to which he/she belongs will be
informed of such transgression.

The second time a student commits plagiarism in one of the

activities of the courses; he/she will get a final grade of zero
(0.0) on that course. In addition, the coordination of the
program and the School, to which he belongs, will be informed
of the transgression.
4. Assessment Rubric

Formato rúbrica de evaluación

Individual Collaborative
Activity Type: ☐ X
Activity Activity
Mid, unit: One
Assessment Moment Early ☐ ☒ Final X
and Two
Performance Levels of individual activity
Assessed Areas Score
High Rate Medium rate Low Rate
does not
The Student selects a The Student selects select a
Select a role and role and fulfills the a role but does not role or
fulfill the respective respective functions fulfill the functions perform
functions within the within the group in the within the group in functions
group in the performance of both the performance of within the 5
performance of both individual and both individual and group in
individual and collaborative work collaborative work the
collaborative work. performan
ce of the
(Hasta 0
(Hasta 5 puntos) (Hasta 3 puntos)
The student makes
contributions for
The student makes The
Make pertinent and the construction of
relevant and coherent student
coherent the prospective
contributions for the does not
contributions for the plan taking into
construction of the make
construction of the account the
prospective plan taking contributio
prospective plan strategies identified
into account the ns for the
taking into account in the classification 20
strategies identified in constructi
the strategies table and selection
the classification table on of the
identified in the of strategic actions
and selection of prospectiv
classification table but these are not
strategic actions e plan
and selection of relevant or
strategic actions consistent
(Hasta 10 (Hasta 0
(Hasta 20 puntos)
puntos) puntos)
Performance Levels of collaborative activity
Assessed Areas Score
High Rate Medium rate Low Rate
The student The student
Consolidates the Consolidates the
Consolidate the
project carried out project carried out on
project carried out The student
on the selected the selected company
on the selected does not
company taking into without taking into
company taking into consolidate
account the account the 15
account the the work
adjustments adjustments
requested in phase requested in phase
requested in phase
two and three. two and three.
two and three.
(Hasta 0
(Hasta 15 puntos) (Hasta 7 puntos)
Make the video and The student makes The student makes
meet all the the video and meets the video and meets
requirements: all the requirements: all the requirements:
Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
group, Introduction, group, Introduction, group, Introduction,
Objectives (general Objectives (general Objectives (general
and specific of the and specific of the and specific of the
course), course), course), Development
Development of the Development of the of the activity:
activity: activity:
(Name of the (Name of the
company, Three (Name of the company, Three
The student
challenges and / or company, Three challenges and / or
does not
challenges that the challenges that the challenges that the 65
make the
organization will face organization will face organization will face
in time, Justification, in time, Justification, in time, Justification,
Brief description of Brief description of Brief description of
the Micmac method, the Micmac method, the Micmac method,
Brief explanation of: Brief explanation de: Brief explanation of:
Consolidated table Cconsolidated table Consolidated table
with the variables, with the variables, with the variables,
Matrix of direct Matrix of direct Matrix of direct
influences, influences, Plan of influences,
Dependency influences Dependency
influences plan, dependencies, Graph influences plan,
Graph of Indirect of indirect Graph of Indirect
influences, Potential influences, Potential influences, Potential
direct graph, direct graph, Plan of direct graph,
Displacement plan, displacements, Displacement plan,
Consolidated table of Consolidated table of Consolidated table of
actors, Brief actors, Brief actors, Brief
description of the description of the description of the
method of method of method of
construction of Construction of construction of
scenarios, Table of scenarios, Table of scenarios, Table of
hypotheses, hypotheses, hypotheses,
Classification table of Classification table Classification table of
key variables, Brief of the key variables, key variables, Brief
description of the Brief description of description of the axis
axis of Peter the Axis by Peter of Peter Schwartz,
Schwartz, Axis of Schwartz, Axis by Axis of Peter
Peter Schwartz, Peter Schwartz, Schwartz, Description
Description of each Description of each of each scenario
scenario (Betting, 2 scenario (Betting, 2 (Betting, 2 alternative
alternative and alternative and 1 and 1 catastrophic),
catastrophic), catastrophic), Table Classification table
Classification table of classification and and selection of
and selection of selection of strategies.
strategies. strategies.
Brief description of Brief description of
the Strategic Plan, Brief description of the Strategic Plan,
Action Plan Table, the Strategic Plan, Action Plan Table,
Conclusions, Action Plan Table, Conclusions,
Bibliography. Conclusions, Bibliography.
(Hasta 0
(Hasta 65 puntos) (Hasta 30 puntos)
The student
The student delivers The student delivers a
Deliver document in does not
a document in Word document in Word
a Word file through submit a
format through the format through the
the monitoring and document
monitoring and monitoring and
evaluation in Word
evaluation evaluation 20
environment with format
environment with environment without
cover and a link to through the
the cover and link of cover and link of the
the video uploaded monitoring
the video uploaded video uploaded on
on Youtube and
on Youtube YouTube
t with the
cover or
link of the
on YouTube
(Hasta 0
(Hasta 20 puntos) (Hasta 10 puntos)
Final score 125

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