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\ 9 ¥ (3702) 2016-2017 B.TECH. (AUTUMN SEMESTER-V) EXAMINATION (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING) NUMERICAL METHODS & OPTIMIZATION CH 311 Maximum Marks: 60 Credits: 04 Duration: Two Hours Answer all the questions. Assume suitable data if missing. Notations used have their usual meaning. 1 Calculate the roots of the equation given below using Newton Raphson method. (15) l (x+1? Derive the formula used. OR 1' Find the roots of the following function by Bisection and Fixed point method. [15] FQ) = x tan(x) -1= 0 2 — Calculate the upper and lower triangular matrices of the coefficient matrix of the [15] following systems of equations by Dolittle LU decomposition method. xr #2x2-3x3 =4 3 xy - 2x2. + x3 =7 2x) +3 x2 + 5x3 OR 2 The table below gives the temperature T (°C) and length L (mm) of a heated rod. [15] If the temperature is represented by the expression: T=aot aL tal? calculate the T at L=618. Con tel 3a) 3(b) 4a) 4b) Using Runge Kutta 2" order method calculate calculate y at x=1 from the following differential equation ay dx xy__ given y(0)=1 Use forward, backward anct centered difference approximations to estimate the first derivative of F(x) = -0.1x4 - 0.15x3 ~ 0.5x? -0.25x +1.2 ‘At x= 0.5 using step size h = 0.5, Repeat the calculation taking h = 0.25. With the help of the golden section search find the maximum of (x)= 2x-1.75x? +1. 1x° -0.25x" Upper and lower value of x can be taken as 4 and -2. Find the minimum vatue of f(x, y)= (27 Hy-3)° Using steepest descent method, Starting value of x and y may be taken as 1. (3702) {08} [07] [07] [08] (376) 2016-17 B.TECH. (AUTUMN SEMESTER) EXAMINATION CHEMICAL/ BBSROGHEMPCEE ENGG. HEAT TRANSFER OPERATIONS PK- 312 N/ CH-312 Maximum Marks: 60 Credits: 04 Duration: Two Hours Answer all the questions. Assume suitable data if missing. Notations used have their usual meaning. QNo. Question 1(a) Obtain an expression for steady state one-dimensional heat transfer rate and temperature distribution in a plane wall of thickness L, whose thermal conductivity varies linearly in specified temperature range as K(T)= Ko(1+PT) , where-Ko and B are constant, The wall surface at x=0 is maintained at T;, while the surface at x= L is maintained at To. 1(b) A heat exchanger wall consists of a steel plate 2mm thick. One surface of the plate exposed to a fluid at 82°C, with heat transfer coefficient of 2100W/m?K. and the other surface exposed to a fluid at 32°C has a heat transfer coefficient of 4500W/m’K. i, Draw the electrical analogue of the ‘thermal circuit” Calculate the surface temperature of the plate iii. Calculate the heat flux through the plate iv. Determine what % improvement would be obtained in the heat flux if the 2mm thick plate was made of aluminium. Assume the thermal conductivities for the steel and aluminium are 55 and 202 W/m.K respectively. OR 1(b’) A hot steam pipe (k = 50 W/m-°C) having an inner diameter of 8 cm is at 250 °C. The thickness of the wall is 5.5 mm. The pipe is covered with a 90 mm layer of insulation (k = 0.2 Wim-°C) followed by a 40 mm layer of insulation (k =,0.3 W/m-°C) . The outside temperature of the insulation is 20 °C. Calculate thé heat loss per unit of the pipe length. 2(a) Do you expect the convective heat transfer coefficient in the thermally developing region to be higher or lower than the convective heat transfer coefficient in the fully developed temperature profile region? Support your answer with qualitative logic. 2(b) Water flowing at 2 kg/s through a 40-mm diameter tube is to be heated from 25 *C to 75°C by maintaining the tube surface temperature at 100 °C. [properties of water : viscosity 4 = 547*10 0 .7 micron) iv. The wavelength corresponding to maximum spectral emissive power v. The total hemispherical emissive power Blackbody radiation functions f, aT, games K 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 fy 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000016 0.000321 0.002134 0.007790 0.019718 0.039341 0.066728 0.100888 0.140256 0.183120 0.227897 0.273232 0.318102 0.361735 0.403607 0.443382 0.480877 0.516014 0.548796 0.579280 0.607559 10,000 10,500 11,000 11,500 12,000 13,000 14,000 15,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 fy 0.784140 0.769234 0.783199 0.796129 0.808109 0.819217 0.829527 0.839102 0.848005 0.856288 0.874608 0.890029 0.903085 0.914199 0.923710 0.931890 0.939959 0.945098 0.955139 0.962898 0.969981 0.973814 0.980860 0.985602 contd. 4 4(b) ea rae Se ee Determine the view factor associated with an enclosure formed by two spheres as shown in figure given below . le 0.633747 0.658970 0.680360 0.701046 0.720158 0.737818 25,000 30,000 40,000 50,000, 75,000 100,000 0.992215 0.995340 0.997967 0.998953 0.999713 0.999905 04 2016-17 B.TECH. (AUTUMN SEMESTER) EXAMINATION CHEMICAL /PESRGSHERAGEL, ENGINEERING MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS. CH 313/PK 313N (3704) Maximum Marks: 60 Credits: 04 Duration: Two Hours Answer all the questions. ‘Start each question and its part thereof from fresh page. Notations used have their usual meaning unless otherwise specified. Use of psychrometric chart and graph paper is allowed. l(a) 10) 1@) 1b) A liquid is evaporated from a thin film surrounding the surface of a sphere into an infinite medium of a stagnant gas. Outer radius of the liquid film is r,. The vapor Pressure of liquid at the outer surface of the film is p,,. Derive an expression for the rate of evaporation of liquid at the film surface. [CO-2} At one point in an absorption column the bulk compositions were found to be *4=0.0 andy, = 0.08. The corresponding interfacial compositions estimated to be X4,=0.025 and y,, =0.04. If the overall mass transfer coefficient for the liquid phase is 50 kmol/m?-h-(mole fraction), determine the percentage resistance to mass transfer for gas phase. Assume that the equilibrium relationship for the gas and liquid phases can be described by Henry’s law. [CO-4] OR Gas A is diffusing from a gas stream at point | to a catalyst surface at point 2 and reacts instantaneously and irreversibly as follows: 24>8B Gas B diffuses back to gas stream. Derive an expression for the molar flux of A at constant pressure P and steady state in terms of partial pressure. {co-2] Consider the mass transfer accompanied by the following instantaneous reaction in a homogeneous phase A+bB~> products Using the concentration profile of A and B » Show that the mass transfer rate, when [07] [08] [06] [09] Conkd 2 2(a) 2(b) 20’) 3(a) 3(a’) -—2- (3704) accompanied by such reaction, is enhanced by a factor given by D, C, =14Lo0.. Pe $ “bc, where: Cy, is initial concentration of B in solution Cy, is concentration of A at interface, and D,,D, are molecular diffusivities of A and B respectively in the reaction product [co-3] The number of transfer units for absorption of three gases 4, B, and C in water are — [05] 10, 4, and 15 respectively. The inlet and exit concentrations (mole fraction) of the gas-phase and of the liquid-phase have the same values in all the cases, Arrange the average driving force for mass transfer for the three systems in ascending order. [co-5] Solute 4 is to be stripped from a liquid stream by contacting with a pure gas, The [10] liquid enters the tower at an 4-free rate of 2.5 kmol/s and contains 30 mol% A. The gas enters the column counter currently at a rate equals to 1.5 times the minimum. Determine the number of theoretical stages required to reduce the concentration ofA in the exiting liquid to 1.0 mol%, The distribution of 4 in the gas and liquid is expressed by y, =0.4x,. [CO-6] OR A soluble gas is absorbed in water using a packed tower. The equilibrium [09] _ Telationship may be taken as_y=0.06x. Terminal conditions are as follows: a Top Bottom x 0 0.08 ¥ 0,001 0.009 __ If overall height of gas and liquid transfer unit are 0.36m and 0.24m respectively, what is the height of the packed section? * [CO-6} Define the terms relative saturation and Percentage saturation of a vapor-gas [05] mixture. Obtain the relationship between them, {CO-5] OR Define adiabatic saturation temperature and wet bulb temperature of a vapor-gas [05] Contd. 3(b) 4(a) 4(b) —3— mixture. State the condition under which these two temperatures are identical. [co-5} ‘Air (dry-bulb temperature = 70 °C; wet-bulb temperature = 30 °C; pressure = 1 atm) is supplied to a cooling tower at a rate ‘of 5500 m'/h'm?. The water is continuously recirculated (with necessary makeup to compensate for the vaporization loss) and its temperature is maintained at the adiabatic saturation temperature of the gas. The humidified gas leaves the tower 97% saturated, Calculate the rate of supply of makeup water and the packed height if the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient is given as Kya =2850 ke/(hrm™ AY’) [CO-6] ‘A wet solid 28% moisture is to be dried 0.5% moisture in a tray drier. A Jaboratory test shows that it requires 8 hours to reduce the moisture content of the same solid to 2%. The critical moisture content is 6% and the equilibrium moisture content 0.2%. The falling rate of drying is linear in free moisture content. Calculate the drying time of the solid if the drying conditions similar to those in the laboratory test are maintained. All moistures are expressed as per cent of bone dry mass of the solid. {CO-6} 2000 kg/h of an aqueous solution of sodium nitrate containing 57.6% NaNO; is being cooled in a continuous crystallizer from 90 to 40 °C. Cooling water flows counter-currently and its temperature rises from 16 to 21 °C. Water amounting to 2% by weight of initial solution is being evaporated during cooling. The saturated solution of NaNO; at 40 °C contains 1.045 kg NaNOs per kg water. The average specific heat of NaNO3 solution is 0.59 keal/(kg)(°C) and that of solid NaNO; is 0.287 kcal/(kg)(°C). The heat of crystallization of NaNO3 is 59.17 kcal/kg. The average latent heat of vaporization of water may be taken as 575 kcal/kg.Estimate the cooling water rate to be used. {CO-5] (3704) (10) (07] {08] Conld.-4 (3705) 2016-17 B.TECH. AUTUMN (V SEMESTER) EXAMINATION (CHEMICAL ENGINEERING) CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING CH 314 Maximum Marks: 60 Credits: 04 Duration: Two Hours Answer all questions. Use of graph sheets is permitted. Draw neat and self-explanatory labelled diagrams wherever necessary. ‘Symbols used have their usual meaning unless specified otherwise, A{a) Mechanism for enzyme catalyzed reactions. To explain the kinetics of enzyme-substrate reactions, Michaelis and Menten (1913) came up with the following mechanism, which uses an equilibrium assumption ky AtEe xX & ko with K = [X]/{Aj (E, and with [Eo] = (E] + [x] x R+E where [Eo] represents the total enzyme and [E] represents the free unattached enzyme. G. E. Briggs and J. B. S. Haldane, Biochem J., 19, 338 (1925), on the other hand, employed a steady-state assumption in place of the equilibrium assumption ky A + Exe X ke with d[X] / dt = 0, and with {Eo] = (E] + [X] x 4, R+E What final rate form -ra in terms of [A], [Eo], ki, ko, and ks does (i) the Michaelis-Menten mechanism give? (ii) the Briggs-Haldane mechanism give? [CO-1] {10} oR 1(a’) At 650°C phosphine vapor decomposes as follows: 4PHs — Ps(g) + 6H , -tphos = (10 hr) Cphos 1b) 2(a) 2(b) -~U- What size of plug flow reactor operating at 649°C and 11.4 atm is needed for 75% conversion of 10 mol/hr of phosphine in a 2/3 phosphine-1/3 inert feed? [CO-2] ‘An aqueous reactant stream (4 mol A/liter] passes through a mixed flow reactor followed by a plug flow reactor. Find the concentration at the exit of the plug flow reactor if in the mixed flow reactor Ca = 1 mol/liter. The reaction is second-order with respect to A, and the volume of the plug flow unit is three times that of the mixed flow unit. [CO-2] For the homogeneous catalytic reaction A+B7>B+B -ta= k Ca Ca and with a feed of Cro= 90 mol/m?, Czo= 10 mol/m?, we want about 44% conversion of reactant A. What flow reactor or combination of flow reactors is best in that it gives the smallest total volume of reactors needed? There is no need to try to calculate the size of reactors needed; just determine the type of reactor system that is best and the type of flow that should be used. [CO-5] Substance A in the liquid phase produces R and $ by the following reactions: AOR, m= ki Ca? A-S, 13= ka Cn The feed (Cao = 1.0, Cro = 0, Cso= 0.3) enters two mixed flow reactors in series (t: = 2.5 min, w= 10 min). Knowing the composition in the first reactor (Cai = 0.4, Cri = 0.2, Cs; = 0.7), find the composition leaving the second reactor. [CO-2] contd: (3705) {10} (08) (05) {10} — 3. 2b’) 3a) 3705) -3s- OR Consider the elementary liquid reaction, A R AG°29g = - 14,130 J/mol, AH®298 = - 75,300 J/mol Cpa = Cpr = 1000 cal/kg-K cal = 4.1842 J, 1 W = 0.239 cal/s Based on kinetic experiments in a batch reactor, the conversion- temperature chart with reaction rate as parameter has been prepared along with equilibrium conversion. The result for Cao = 1 mol/litre and Cre = 0 is presented in Figure 1. Using the locus of maximum rates, determine the volume of the mixed flow reactor needed for 80% conversion of a feed of Fao = 1000 mol/min, Cao = 4 mol/litre. What is the heat duty if the feed enters at 25°C and the product is to be withdrawn at the same temperature? Density of the reaction mixture may be assumed to be equal to that of water [CO-5] 119) ‘A sample of the tracer hytane at 320 K was injected as a pulse to a reactor, and the effluent concentration was measured as a function of time, resulting in the following data: [co-3} Tmin) [0 ]1]213 14 ]5]6 |7|8]|9 [10 [iz [14 Cme/L [0 |i [5 [8 j10 [8 [6 [4 [3 [2.2 {1.5 |0.60|0 | The measurements represent the exact concentrations at the times listed and not average values between the various sampling tests. i) Construct figures showing C(t) and Bit) as functions of time. (i) Mean residence time and the variance for the reactor. (iii) Assuming that the data presented above is well represented by the dispersion model, estimate the vessel dispersion number (D/uL). OR [8+7] Develop mathematical models for RTD in ideal PFR and ideal CSTRs. Show that the variance for an ideal PFR is zero while that for an ideal CSTR is v2 (t = V/v = mean residence time). [CO-3] {10} Pane 2 a6 &e Contd..4 {b) (a) 4(b) 4(b’) (3705) ~ 48 Fit the tanks-in-series model to the following mixing cup output data to a pulse input in a reactor. [CO-3] PEPER t-Buty! alcohol (TBA) is produced by the liquid phase hydration of isobutene (I) by water (W) over an Amberlyst-15 catalyst. The system is normally a multiphase mixture of hydrocarbon, water and solid catalyst. However, the use of co-solvents or excess TBA can achieve reasonable miscibility. The reaction mechanism based on Langmuir- Hinshelwood kinetics, is believed to be: 1+o0 =* lo W +o =* Wo Wo + Io TBAo + o TBAo TBA + 0 Derive a rate law assuming: (i) the adsorption of isobutene is limiting, (ii) the reaction follows Eley-Rideal kinetics Io + W = TBAo and that the surface reaction is limiting. [CO-4] A gas containing A (2 mol/m:) is fed (1 m?/hr) to a plug flow reactor with recycle loop (0.02 m3 loop volume, 3 kg of catalyst), and the output composition from the reactor system is measured (0.5 mol ‘A/m). Find the rate equation for the decomposition of A for the reaction: A — R, n= %. Be sure to give the units of -rx, Ca, and k’ in your final expression. [CO-4] OR Uniform-sized spherical particles of UO3 are reduced to UO2 in a uniform environment with the following results: t,hr 0.180 0.347 0.453 0.567 0.733 Xp (0.45 0.68 0.80 0.95 0.98 If reaction follows the Shrinking-Core Model, find the controlling mechanism and a rate equation to represent this reduction. What kind of fluid-solid reactor would you recommend for this kind of solids? [co-5] Rane 408 Contd. {5} {09} (06) [06] 13705) Equitdeam , Conversion — he iter + min i | i ot Fa a) a a a a Temperature, °C > Figure-1 (3707) 2016-17 B.TECH. (WINTER SEMESTER) EXAMINATION Chemical Engineering Equillibrium Stage Processes CH322 Maximum Marks: 60 Credits: 04 Duration: Two Hours Answer all the questions. Data not given may be suitable assumed. Notations used have their usual meaning unless specified. Q.No. Question MM. A(a)__ Show that the vapor liquid equilibria for a binary system may be expressed by the CO1,2,3 relation —-y=ax/[1 + (a1) x] (7) Where x and y are equilibrium composition of more volatile component in liquid and vapor phases respectively. 1(b) Derive and explain the equation for calculation of number of stages in enriching CO2,3,4 section by Ponchon Savarit method. 8] OR 1 An equimolar mixture of heptane and octane is fed to a distillation column at CO1,2,5 boiling point to give a distillate containing 97mol% heptane and a bottoms [15] containing 1.1mol% heptane. The reflux ratio used is 2.5:1. Calculate the amounts of distillate, bottoms, theoretical number of trays, and the feed tray number, Equilibrium data are given below at 101.3 kPa for the mole fraction n-heptane xu and yy. Temperature°C | x, yu | Temperature ® [xe Tye c | 136.1 o | 0 | 110.6 0.485 | 0.730 129.4 0.08 | 0.230 102.8 0790] 0508 119.4 0.250 | 0.514 983 | «1.000 | 1.000 I 2a) 2(b) 3{a) 3(b) va) 3*(b) a (3707) What do you mean by light key and heavy key components? What is their CO1,2,6 significance in multicomponent distillation? (3) The following mixture must be separated by distillation so that 95% of the propane CO1,2,4 charged is recovered in the distillate and 90% of the butane charged is recovered in [12] the bottoms. Estimate the other components at total reflux and number of stages at the given condition Component K values kgmoles Ethane 49 5 Propane 19 20 Butane 0.85 30 Pentane 0.35 20 Hexane 0.17 20 Heptane 0.08 5 Discuss in brief about the following with respect to liquid extraction: C0125 (i _ System of three liquids, one pair partially soluble (5) (ii) System of three liquids, two pair partially soluble In a single stage leaching of soybean oil from flaked soybeans with hexane, 100kg_CO1,2,5 of soybeans containing 20w1% oil is leached with 100kg of fresh hexane solvent. [10] The value of N for the slurry underflow is essentially constant at 1.Skg insoluble solid/kg solution retained. Calculate the amounts and compositions of the overflow and the underflow slurry leaving the stage. OR Write in brief about the preparation of solids for leaching, CO1,2,5 . “ (5] Pure isopropyl ether at the rate of 600kg/h is being used to extract an aqueous C01,2,5 solution of 200kg/h containing 30wt% acetic acid by countercurrent multistage [10] extraction. The desired exit acid concentration in the aqueous phase is 4wt%. Calculate the compositions and amounts of the ether extract and aqueous raffinate, Equilibrium data is given on next page. contd -% (a) 4(b) - 3 -_ Water layer (wt%) isopropyl ether layer(wt%) 0 O88 12 0 06 99.4 0.69 98.1 12 0.18 05 993 Tal 971 135 037 07 98.9 2.89 95.5 16 0.79 08 98.4 6.42 917 1.9 1.93 1.0 97.1 13.3 84.4 23 4.82 19 93.3 25.5 TLA 3.4 114 3.9 84.7 36.7 58.9 44 21.6 69 715 443 5.1 10.6 31.1 10.8 58.1 464 371 | 168 36.2 15.1 48.7 Write short notes on (i) Effect of temperature and pressure on adsorption (ii) Adsorption hysteresis (3707) CO1,2,6 6) State Freundlich law for the adsorption of solutes from dilute solution. Deduce the CO1,6,7 relation for the determination of least total amount of adsorbent for two stage cross current operation. 0] Maximum Marks: 60 Credit (Paper Code: 3587) 2016-17 B.TECH, (AUTUMN SEMESTER) EXAMINATION (ELECTRICAL, CHEMICAL, PETROCHEMICAL, COMPUTER) ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT. ME 340 Duration: Two Hours Answer all the questions, Sketch neat block diagram or figure wherever necessary Assume suitable data if missing. la Explain the law of diminishing return with the help of suitable examples. [05] 2 OR Differentiate between consumer and producer goods/services, Why it is more difficult [05] to estimate the demand for producer goods? For purchasing a universal testing machine, two options are available. The cashflow [07] details of two options are presented below: Option-1; Option-2 Initial purchase price (Rs.) 17,00,000 ——_21,00,000 Annual operating cost (Rs.) 45,000 30,000 Expected salvage value (Rs.) 3,70,000 4,50,000 Usefial life 6 years 12 years Find out the most economical alternative at a interest rate of 9% Per year compounded bi-annually. Answer any TWO of the following, Cash flow details of four mutually exclusive alternatives for a Public project are [06} presented below: Alt Alt2 A3 Altd Initial investmeni(Rs.) (*10°) 161,500 203,000 146,000. 173,500 Annual operating & maintenance AD AED nen aaa cost (Rs.) (#10°) Annual benefits (Rs.) (*10°) 22,750 26,500 21,500 23,800 Useful life (years) 45 45 45 45 According to you which is the best altemative on the basis of an incremental benefit cost analysis, if interest rate is 8% per year. Why? Contd---2- 3a ” = (3587) ae Paper Code: #674 ‘A construction firm purchased a piece of construction equipment 4 years ago at a cost [06] of Rs.55,00,000. The current market value of the equipment is Rs.37,65,000. The estimated salvage value, annual operating cost and remaining life of the equipment are Rs.8,00,000, Rs.1,40,000 and 9 years respectively. The firm is now considering replacement of the existing equipment with a new model The initial cost of the new model is Rs.44,00,000. The estimated life and salvage value of the new model are 9 years and Rs.10,70,000 respectively. The annual operating cost is Rs.1,30,000. The construction firm's MARR is 12% per year. By using 9 year study period, determine whether the construction firm should continue with the existing equipment or replace it with the new model. Define "depreciation". Why it is calculated? [06] The initial cost and useful life of an asset are Rs.18,00,000 and 11 years respectively. The estimated salvage value of the asset at the end of useful life is zero. Determine annual depreciation and book value using declining balance method. Find out the year in which the switching from declining balance method to straight-line method takes place. How managers can be differentiated in a typical organization? Explain them through a [05] block diagram. OR Differentiate between "data" and "information". Enumerate the different characteristics (05) of useful information that a manager generally receives. Explain Delphi and Nominal Group methods of decision making. A company is [5+2] manufacturing a gate valve, which it sells @ $115 and has a fixed cost equal to $120,000 and variable cost @ $65. Obtain the number of gate valves to be produced to bieak-even the production. Differentiate between any THREE of the following: 12] i. Coercive Power and Referent Power Job-centred behaviour and Employee-centred behaviour iii, Tall organizations and Flat Organizations iv. Strategic goals and Tactical goals OR Define the meaning of "Control!" in an organization? What are the fundamental steps [12] that should be followed in implementing controlling process? Explain them by using a flow diagram. : Contd. Answer any TWO of the following: The Director of a Technical and Management Institute wants to forecast student enrollments for this academic year based on the following historical data: Academie Year (t) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Actual Demand (D,) 15,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 21,000 i, What is the forecast for this year using exponential smoothing with @ = 0.4, if the forecast for three years ago was 16,000? ii. What are your forecasts using 3-period moving average? Compare the results of the two methods for the year 2016 and give your recommendations, What is "Marker"? List the types of markets that are used by sellers and buyers in a modem exchange economy. Discuss any five types of entities that the marketing managers markets to keep their target customers updated What procedure the human resource managers adopt while planning human resource for any business organization? Explain it through a flow diagram SB) Paper Code (se) {06} [06] [06]

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