A1 - Tyan Lassanova FTugas Bahasa Inggris

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Pembimbing : M Dadang Sobari (Mr. Thunder)

Di susun oleh :
Tyan Lassanova Fazrin Nugraha (191FK03017)

Kelas A1


1. Give your advice to the situationpictured in the illustration below!

A. Man is hit by car
“ I think the man should be immediately taken to the hospital if the wound is
serious enough.”
B. A lady vomits blood
“ If constantly vomiting blood, i suggest a lady for immediately check to the
doctor and talk about her condition.”
C. A man loks weak
“ The best way to do is the man should take rest, not be too exhausted. He
should rest until his condition is stable back.”
D. A blind man is going to cross the street
“ I’d like to suggest if we see a blind man cross the street alone, we must help
him to cross so not an accident.”

2. How to face a hopeless patient

As a nurse, we should encourage patient to talk what is complained of by the
patient to become hopeless. We have to help resolve the problems face by
such patient, such as giving advice. In addition, we must give encouragement
to the patient so that the patient feel calm and also appreciated.
3. What is your advice to your patient when she is in pregnancy?
I suggest the patient if patient in the period of pregnancy, the patient should
not perform activities which excessive, because it will be a bad impact for the
fetus. The patient should consume fruits, vegetables, milk, and also vitamins
for the good of her fetus.

4. Give your suggestion in improving the quality of indonesian nurse?

To improve the quality of indonesian nurse, we should deepen the existing
knowledge in nursing. We must look upon human as a whole. We must be
professional in meeting the needs of patients such a biological, psychological,
social, and spiritual. We should be more supportive of healing patient in a
holistic manner.

5. What should you do if you found one of your friends cannot speak english at all?
I will help my friend until can speak the english language. Like ask him to
study english language together.


1. Ny. Ratna, anda harus istirahat total selama tiga hari.
Mrs. Ratna, you should total rest for three days.
2. Sebaiknya anda mengunjungi bagian saraf di lantai tiga.
It’s better for you to visit the section of the nerve on the third floor.
3. Ingat! Jangan bekerja terlalu keras Nyonya Ana.
Remember! Don’t wok to hard Mrs. Ana.

II. Further Structural Practice

Notice this structure
Go right down the corridor until you get to a turning.
Use this structure to make complete sentences :
1. Up the stair / reception
Go up the stair until you get to reception.
2. Through bulk stores / central sterile
Go through bulk stores until you get to central sterile.
3. Round the cafetaria / medical records
Go round the cafetaria until you get to medical records.
4. Past the recovery room / the scrubbing up room
Go past the recovery room until you get to the scrubbing up room.
5. Along the passage / dispensary
Go along the passage until you get to dispensary.
6. On / matron’s office
Go on until you get to matron’s office.
7. Through the plaster room / minor ops
Go through the plaster room until you get to minor ops.
8. Past surgical stores / the dispatcher’s office
Go past surgical stores until you get to the dispatcher’s office.

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