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Adrenergic Agonists Adrenergic Antagonist >>>

Direct-Acting Agonist Indirect Acting Agonist Mixed Action Agonist

Catecholamines Bind directly with Adrenergic receptors Non-Catecholamines Bind directly with Adrenergic receptors and
Facilitate release (displacement) of NE or displace NE from storage sites
inhibit reuptake of NE

Endogenous Synthetic
B2-Agonists (-ol) Dextoamphetamine / Methamphetamine
Ephedrine / Ephedra

Epinephrine Isoproternol MOA: Relaxes Bronchial smooth muscle

resulting in Bronchodilation MOA: Causes release oc Catecholamines (NE,
5HT, D) from pre-synaptic storage sites, MOA: direct acting a and B-agonist, also
inhibits their reuptake displaces NE from storage site
MOA: Released by Adrenal Medulla, agonist MOA: Non-selective agaonist at B1 and B2 Clincal: Asthma, COPD
at both a and B receptors (a1=a2; B1-B2) receptors (B1=B2) Clinical: ADHD, Narcolepsy, Obesity, Clinical: Ephedrine (1) Bronchospasms, (2)
Depression Nasal congestion, (3) HTON - temporarily
relieves SOB, tightness of chest and
Clinical: Bronchospasms, Anaphylactic Stimulates HR and contractility to maintain Monitor: Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR)
wheezing due to bronchial asthma
Shock, Cardiac Arrest, Anesthetic adjunct ( cardiac output (B1 stimulation increases SBP; and Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT) Adverse: CNS (insomnia, irritability, tremor,
prolongs duration of action) B2 stimulation decreases DBP), while also confusion, panic state, suicidal tendiencies,
causing Bronchodilation amphetamine psychosis / Dependence / HTN, Clinical: Ephedra: (1) Weight loss, (2) Energy
palpations / GI (NVD, anorexia) / Decreaseed booster, (3) Enhance Athletic performance
Increases cardiac output (increase SBP with Adverse: Cardiac (increase BP, Tachycardia),
growth rate (peds)
minimal decrease in DBP), Bronchodilation. Clinical: Bradyarrhythmias; Temporary use in CNS Stimulation (nervousness, restlessness),
At lower Dose: B2 vasodilation 3rd Degree AV block until Pacemaker Hypokalemia, Hyperglycemia Adverse: CNS (anxiety, insomnia), CV (HTN,
predominates, higher Dose: a1 insertion Contraindication: Pts with HTN, CV disease, Tachycardia), may interfere with detection
vasoconstriction predominates Hyperthyroidism, Glaucoma of amphetamines (false-positive)
Monitor: ECG Interactions: B-blockers (primarily non-
Adverse: CNS, anxiety, fear, tremor / selective Interactions: MAO-Inhibitors Interactions: a-blockers
Cardiac (HTN, Tachyarrhythmias), / Cerebral
Adverse: CNS (anxiety, fear, tremor),
Hemorrhage / Mydriasis / Hyperglycemia /
Cardiac (Tachyarrhythmias), Hyperglycemia Tyramine Pseudophedrine
Extravasation-tissue necrosis
Short-Acting B2-Agonist Long-Acting B2-Agonist

Interactions: COMT inhibitors may prolong

action, B-blockers result in physiologic
antagonism Drug Interactions! = not marketed MOA: Direct acting a and B-agonist (a>B)
Albuterol Arformoterol while also displacing NE from storage site

MOA: Prodrug metabolized to Epinephrine in Dobutamine MOA: enters nerve terminals and displaces
NE, which then acts on a-receptors Clinical: Relief of Nasal congestion
the eye that decreases IOP by contract radial
muscle that opens trabecular network to DOC for acute (or rescue) Respiratory relief ( Approved for COPD only
increase aqueous humor outflow COPD, Asthma) Found in fermented foods Adverse: Cardiac (HTN, Tachycardia),
MOA: Selective B1 agonist, Increase strength Illegally used as precursor to
of contraction (rate neutral) increase cardiac Formoterol methamphetamine, May interfere with urine
Clinical: Open-angle Glaucoma Levalbuterol Pts taking a mono amine oxidase inhibitors (
output (SBP increase) detection of amphetamine (false-positive)
MAOI) who eat Tyramine containing foods
Adverse: Mydriasis / Burning & Stinging can develop HTN crisis
Clinical: Increase Cardiac Output in Acute Interactions: a-blockers
Possesses a rapid onset (5 mins: 80% peak
Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF)
R-isomer of Albuterol, purported to cause effect in 15 min) not approved for acute Cocaine (Class II)
fewer side effects relief of asthmatic symptoms
Monitor: ECG
Metaproterenol Salmeterol
MOA: Agonist at both a and B receptors (a Adverse: CNS (Headache), Cardiac (A-fib) MOA: Inhibits reuptake of NE/EPI back into
effects >> B1>>B2) / Increased synaptic vesicles, blocks initiation or
vasconstriction and increases inotropic conduction of the nerve impulse following
Interactions: COMT inhibitors may prolong local application
effect (rate-neutral due to reflex action, B-blockers result in physiologic Onset: 30 min for Asthma, 2 hrs for COPD
Bradycardia) to increase BP antagonism
Rarely used as Bronchodilator; Primarily used Indacterol Clinical: Topical anesthesia to accessible
Clinical: short-term Tx of shock ( to suppress Premature Birth mucouse membranes of oral, laryngeal, and
Hypotension) nasal cavities

Arrhythmia: Dopamine>>NorEpinephrine; no Approved for COPD only Adverse: CNS stimulation/depression,

mortality difference Cardio: Bradycardia (low dose),Tachycardia (
high dose), Vasoconstriction
Adverse: CNS (anxiety, fear, tremor),
Cardiac (HTN), Cerebral Hemorrhage (2nd Fatal Overdose: appx 1.2 gm; severe toxic
increase BP), Extravasation-tissue necrosis effects at even 20 mg
MOA: Synthetic a1-agonist, Increases BP,
Dilates Pupil, constricts engorged ocular,
Interactions: a-blockers (Physiological
nasal, and rectal vasculature to decrease
Antagonism) B-blockers (Exaggerated a
redness and congestion, shrinks hemorrhoids
response), Increase efficacy: MAO-inhibitor
and COMT inhibitor
Clinical: Tx of Hypotension/vascular failure
2nd to Shock, Mydriatic for EYE procedures,
Relief of eye redness, Hemorrhoids, and
Nasal congestion

MOA: Stimulates a, B, and Dopamine (D) Monitor: Increased BP

receptors depending on dose- a-receptors
increase BP at higher doses, B-receptors Adverse: Exravasation (IV)-tissue necrosis,
increase cardiac output (increase SBP with Hypertensive HA, Hypertensive patients,
minimal to DBP), D-receptors may increase Rebound congestion (nasal >3-5 days)
Renal perfusion increasing diuresis

Interactions: a-blockers, MAO-inhibitors

Clinical: Critical Care- low to moderate dose
for Cardiac and Septic Shock

Alternative to NE, Arrhythmia: Dopamine>>

NE: no mortality difference, Low dose D
should NOT be used for Renal protection
MOA: a1 and a2 agonist, EYE drops or Nasal
spray produce vasoconstriction that
Monitor: ECG, Vitals, Urine output decreases blood flow resulting in decreased
ocular redness and nasal congestion
Adverse: CNS, anxiety, fear, tremor /
Cardiac (HTN, Tachyarrhythmias), / Cerebral Clinical: Ocular and Nasal vasoconstrictor (
Hemorrhage / Mydriasis / Hyperglycemia / relief of redness and congestion)
Extravasation-tissue necrosis

Adverse: Rebound hyperemia/congestion,

Interactions: a-blockers (physiological Ocular stinging/burning
antagonism), B-blockers (exaggerated a-
response), Increase efficacy: MAO-inhibitors
and COMT inhibitors

MOA: Prodrug that forms an active

metabolite, Desglymidodrine, an a1-agonist,
Causes vasoconstriction, increase BP

Clinical: Tx of symptomatic orthostatic


Adverse: HTN, Bradycardia, Piloerection (

Goose bumps), Paresthesia (Skin sensations,
burning, prickling, itching, tingling)

Interactions: MAO-inhibitors


MOA: Stimulates a2 presynaptic receptors in

the brain stem (Central), Reduces
sympathetic outflow from CNS and
decreases Peripheral resistance, Renal
vascular resistance, HR, and BP

Clinical: HTN, ADHD (peds), Tourette (off-

label), Opioid withdrawal (off-label),
Nicotine withdrawal (off-label)

Caution: Do not discontinue long-term

Clonidine use suddenly

Adverse: CNS, Anticholinergic, Skin reactions

with transdermal, Sodium + Water retention,
may be given with diuretic

Interactions: May enhance AV-blocking

effect of B-blocker, Closely monitor HR
during treatment with B-blocker and
Clonidine. Withdraw B-blocker several days
before clonidine withdrawal, monitor BP


MOA: Ocular a2-agonist, decreases aqueous

humor production

Clinical: Tx Glaucoma

Adverse: Ocular burning/stining


MOA; B3-agonist that relaxes detrusor

muscle, increases bladder capacity

Clinical: Overactive bladder with symptoms

of urge urinary incontinence, urgency and

Adverse: Increase BP

Interactions: Anticholinergics for the

bladder (increases urinary retention)


MOA: D1-agonist binds with moderate

affinity to a2-receptors, Rapid acting
vasodilator, Decreases peripheral vascular
resistance and BP secondary to increased
renal blood flow, and natriuresis/diuresis

Clinical: Tx in Hospital, short-term (48hrs)

mgmt of Severe HTN, 6x more potent as
Dopamine in producing Renal Vasodilation

Adverse: HA, flushing, dizziness, N/V,

Tachycardia, Hypokelemia

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