Self Reflection Letter 1

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Radloff 1

Jake Radloff

Professor Thomas

English 1101

10 December 2019

Self Reflection Letter

As a writer and a student I learned that I really have to work on my passive voice as I am

writing. I also have issues with writer's block and I have to tell myself to take breaks as I am

writing. I'm also really bad about making silly mistakes in my writing that I have to go through

and fix later that I could just fix as I am typing. Some of my challenges for each assignment was

procrastinating until the last day to do them which is obviously not the best way to go about it.

The thing I like best about each assignment was seeing the sample essays, they really helped me

figure out what I was supposed to do in each specific essay. The most difficult essay to start was

the research essay. My writing process has changed drastically since I started this class, I feel

like I have a better understanding of how to write a better essay and I now know what not to do. I

now have a way better understanding of how to get past my writer's block, listening to music and

relaxing really help me get my writing flow back. The thing that surprised me about the course

was how seamless it was. Elearn is a really good website that made transitioning to online

classes really easy. I hope to take from this class a clean writing style and transitioning into being

a professional.Something I find out that didn't like about Sinclair elearn was the mobile app. It

was very inconvenient to log into my account to see the calendar Etc. I also had to submit an

assignment from my mobile device and that was extremely difficult on the mobile app. It also

wouldn't keep me logged in even though I told it to use my fingerprint which is also very

annoying. Most of the feedback that I received during the class was very excellent and I tried
Radloff 2

my hardest to give the best for editing possible. There were only a few times or I didn't agree

with the feedback I got on my essays, Although that's common in most pure feedback. Using the

Sinclair databases was frustrating only because they looked outdated you are hard to navigate. I

did like how they would spit out the citations for you, that was extremely helpful in making my

annotated bibliography. The instruction in this class is very good and I do not have any overall

problems. Everything in the class was extremely easy to understand and I am very happy with

the teaching style in this class. Using sample essays was extremely helpful in figuring out how to

write a specific type of essay. Overall I really enjoyed this class and I'm grateful for everything I

learned in it. I'm moving on to English 1201 and I really hope that all these skills from this class

will help me in that one. Thank you for a great course and I hope you know that I really

appreciate your time in teaching us.

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